1 Introduction

With the advent of new sensor technology and current opportunities to stream data by wireless communication, there is an enormous potential for geohazards monitoring. Pressure on construction work such as roads and tunnels in remote areas as well as challenges with climate change leading to more rain and ice only increases the demand for monitoring tools. However, to extract useful knowledge from this kind of data one needs algorithms that can process the massive-size data and create meaningful classifications or predictions. Only then can the monitoring networks be applicable for decision support such as geohazard warning systems.

Such automatic prediction models can be built with machine learning methods. Bernardi et al. (2021) review approaches for satellite data in hazard warning systems. The automatic classification of microseismic signals was first developed in the field of volcano seismology via the use of different supervised machine learning methods, all relying on the extraction of features from the time series, such as neural networks (e.g. Falsaperla et al. 1996; Langer et al. 2003; Scarpetta et al. 2005; Langer et al. 2006; Ibs-von Seht 2008; Curilem et al. 2009), Hidden Markov Models (e.g. Benítez et al. 2006; Ibáñez et al. 2009), Support Vector Machine (e.g. Masotti et al. 2006; Langer et al. 2009; Malfante et al. 2018) or Random Forest (e.g. Hibert et al. 2017; Maggi et al. 2017; Malfante et al. 2018). Similar methods were used to classify seismic signals originating from unstable areas (e.g. Hammer et al. 2013; Dammeier et al. 2016; Provost et al. 2017; Vouillamoz et al. 2018; Feng et al. 2020).

The focus of this paper is on seismic geophone monitoring for rock slope and earthquake classification. A case study from the unstable Åknes rock slope is considered. Currently, the streamed geophone data from Åknes is processed on a computer which sends a message to an administrator if the amplitude of the seismic signal exceeds a threshold. The skilled administrator then looks at the signal and based on experience, one can very likely classify the event into a certain kind of rock fall or earthquake. In the future, one aims to go beyond this level and instead automatically classify events, so that efforts can be focused on what has happened on the slope, and why this might be the case from a geoscience perspective.

The main contribution of this work is to use and develop new statistical machine-learning methods for the seismic event classification problem. One of the most popular convolutional neural networks (CNNs), ResNet (He et al. 2016), is used here, and ensemble prediction is implemented over the 24-variate time series data instead of the standard aggregation to form a single spectrogram for each event. Ensemble prediction substantially improves on the state-of-the-art classification for this Åknes case study. Further, recently developed self-supervised learning (SSL) methods (Lee and Aune 2021; Tonekaboni et al. 2021) are tested on the geophone dataset, and promising results indicate that this can be valuable for such applications with limited labeled training data. The current work extends recent work by Langet and Silverberg (2022), who show extensive data analysis and classifying results of Åknes geophone data.

In Sect. 2 background on the Åknes rock slope case is provided. In Sect. 3 the terminology of event classification and multivariate time series data is presented. In Sect. 4 the current state of the art of deep machine learning to such events classification is outlined. In Sect. 5 the suggested statistical machine learning approach for improved classifying of events from multivariate non-stationary time series data is developed. In Sect. 6 results of the suggested method and others are shown for the Åknes geophone data case. In Sect. 7 closing remarks and points to further work are provided.

2 Background on the Åknes Rock Slope

The Åknes rock slope is located south of Stranda in Western Norway, see Fig. 1, by the fjord going in to Hellesylt and Geiranger.

Fig. 1
figure 1

a Location of the Åknes rockslope in Norway. b Photo of the slope taken from the opposite site of the fjord (Roth and Blikra 2009). The unstable area is highlighted by the red shade. c Digital elevation model corresponding approximately to the orange-shaded area in b and location of the eight geophones (red inverse triangles). The black line delineates the backscarp (Langet and Silverberg 2022)

The steep slope goes from the fjord up to nearly 1500 m altitude. The unstable rock slope is limited by strike-slip faults to the North-East and South-West, and a fracture/backscarp as the upper limit. The upper fracture has lately been widening at about 2 cm per year, and this has caused concern about rock fall geohazards.

The risk-prone rock slope volume is up to 50 million \(\hbox {m}^3\). Even though three dimensional numerical modeling of the slope has been conducted (Gharti et al. 2012), it has shown difficult to map the subsurface properties of the slope due to large heterogeneities in the subsurface seismic velocity model. There are hence large uncertainties associated with the unstable volume, and how it will collapse into the fjord. But even with a much smaller volume, rock collapse would create a tsunami with severe impacts on the local communities (Harbitz et al. 2014), particularly considering its location in the narrow Norwegian fjords. The natural beauty of this fjord region has made it a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The area attracts nearly a million tourists per year and about 200 cruise ships pass by the Åknes rock slope every year.

Because of the widening of the upper crack at Åknes, the rock slope has been extensively monitored for several years. In these efforts one has gathered different data sources such as surface crack displacements sensors (Nordvik and Nyrnes 2009) and the displacements connections to meteorological data (Grøneng et al. 2011), InSAR data (Bardi et al. 2016) and seismic geophone data (Roth et al. 2006). Here, the focus is mainly on the geophone data.

Altogether, there are eight geophones in the slope, each of them with three-component sensors. Detailed locations of the geophones can be found in Fig. 1. The geophone data passively register seismic activity at Åknes. The data are streamed to a computer server and this hence provides a continuous-time monitoring system for detecting potential rock fall or movements on the rock slope. When there is a seismic signal above a pre-specified amplitude threshold, a window of 16 s of geophone data is stored. Based on expert opinion, every event is then labeled into one of eight classes, as described in Table 1. However, it should be noted that manual labeling is not straightforward for most of the events. Thus, manually defined classes should not be used as absolute ground truth and results should be interpreted with caution. Therefore, one should be aware that no classification model can achieve 100% classification accuracy on a test set. Discussing these processes is out of the scope of this work, but more details can be found in Langet and Silverberg (2022). There is by now a rich database of geophone observations and associated rock fall class interpretation for various seismic events at Åknes (Langet and Silverberg 2022). This provides an excellent test case to understand and try out new machine learning methods for classifying rock slope events, and by building a reliable encoder and classifier, one can achieve automatic classification of such seismic geophone data events in the future. This would provide a low-cost and highly valuable decision-support tool in the context of geohazard warning systems.

Table 1 Class types with the corresponding numbers of samples in the dataset. The dataset is available within the source code. The data has been acquired over many years

3 Seismic data and Methods for Time Series Events Classification

Examples of 16 s geophone data recordings are shown in Fig. 2. The sampling frequency is 1000 Hz, so the time series data consist of length-16, 000 vectors for each of the eight geophones with three (xyz) components (24 time series in total). These data represent non-stationary time series, where the amplitude and frequency content clearly change over the 16 s time interval. It is not obvious how to summarize such an image by simple statistics such as mean, variance, correlation, dominating frequency, or other measures.

A common technique of analyzing such data is to compute spectrograms (Cohen 1989). This essentially entails taking a rolling window short-time Fourier transformation of the data. The magnitudes for each frequency and time will then indicate the core frequency contents of the signal as a function of the 16 s time interval. Figure 2 shows example spectrograms associated with the time series.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Example time series (left) associated with their spectrograms (right) for each class (ah). Vertical component records of the same event at three chosen geophones are shown for each class. White lines on spectrograms delineate signal envelopes while plots on the right show their Power Spectral Density (PSD)

There are apparent differences in the signals. The most obvious one is probably the signal duration which can last less than 3 s (Fig. 2a, b, d, h) or, on the contrary, last longer or even span the full duration of the record (Fig. 2c, e, f, g). The shape of the signals, represented by their envelopes, is also an important characteristic and displays either a main peak of energy (e.g. Fig. 2a, h) or several peaks of energy distributed over time (e.g. Fig. 2c, e, f). Lastly, the frequency content of the signals exhibits clear differences from one type of event to another, with some classes reaching high frequencies up to 80 Hz or even more (e.g. Fig. 2a, d, e, h) while some others are confined to lower frequencies (\(<20\) Hz, e.g. Fig. 2b, c, f). Moreover, variability in the time series, and consequently in the spectrograms, can be observed depending on the sensor which recorded the event. This is particularly visible for the rockfall event (Fig. 2e) In this example, the relative amplitudes of the different bursts in the time series are variable. Such variability from a geophone to another is mostly due to the event source location and its distance to the recording stations. Seismic waves are indeed affected by the properties of the medium in which they propagate.

Since each geophone is composed of 3 components (one vertical component and two horizontal components) there is complementary information on the recorded waves. For example, P-waves are polarised in the vertical plane while S-waves are polarised in the horizontal plane. However, in practice at Åknes, the events are very often so short that it is difficult to really distinguish P- and S-waves.

With the 24 time series data for each event, a natural question is then ’how one can use all this information?’ And in doing so, one aims to provide an improved model for classifying the various seismic events. There must clearly be added value in the multivariate time series responses. A first attempt is likely to align the time series and conduct some kind of average summary statistic or spectrogram for all time series associated with an event. Another way forward is to test ensemble prediction where the classes are predicted separately over geophones and components. Then, 24 predictions can be made from the time series. The predictions can be averaged to obtain a final prediction. With this approach, not only all the information can be maximally utilized as there is no information loss caused by pre-aggregation or filtering methods, but also the better uncertainty assessment can be captured in the final prediction as a nature of the ensemble approach. Some other way for the maximal use of the information lies in effective dimension reduction in a neural network encoder. From a perspective of an encoder that projects an input onto a lower dimension space, it plays a role of a dimension reduction model. Then, the dimension reduction should be conducted such that the vector elements in the reduced dimension capture all the meaningful information while discarding unnecessary information. To achieve that, decorrelation between each vector element and maintaining a certain variance within each vector element turn out to be effective (Bardes et al. 2021; Lee and Aune 2021).

4 Related Work in Deep Learning

Two main items are addressed here: (i) CNN architecture with a focus on the promising ResNet architecture. Key elements of ResNet and related methods are described in Sect. 4.1. (ii) SSL which is an intermediate supervised and unsupervised learning, relying on a pre-trained model, which often returns good performance even with small amounts of labeled data. Several mainstream SSL methods of relevance are introduced and explained in Sect. 4.2.

4.1 ResNet

In the past decade, there have been numerous architectural advances for CNN models since the first suggested architecture LeNet (LeCun et al. 1998). As ResNet is the main architecture in this study, it is briefly explained in the following subsection.

AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al. 2017) was one of the first deep CNN architectures that largely contributed to the starting era of CNN in computer vision. AlexNet competed in the ImageNet competition (ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge) in 2012 and won the competition with a large margin from the second best. One of its main features is a larger depth of the model which was essential for its high performance. The model processes an image by downsizing the height and width of an input image while increasing the channel dimension, and this allows one to capture richer features of the image. Many CNN model architectures have been proposed since AlexNet. Some mainstream CNN models are Inception (GoogLeNet) (Szegedy et al. 2015), VGGNet (Simonyan and Zisserman 2014), and ResNet (He et al. 2016). In the latter, it is shown that ResNet outperforms both VGG and Inception.

ResNet is one of the most commonly used CNN architectures in computer vision at the moment (Chen et al. 2020; Grill et al. 2020; Zbontar et al. 2021; Bardes et al. \(W_t\), \(W_l\), and \(W_k\) is presented in Fig. 10. Further, E, P, and D denote an encoder, the projector in VIbCReg, and the discriminator in TNC, respectively. Loss functions are denoted by L. Note that an iterative normalization layer in VIbCReg is omitted for simplicity in the figure and the same coloring for models such as E, P, and D represents the shared weights between the same colored models. As for the discriminator’s input, two Y-s are concatenated and used as input. As for Y and Z in the loss functions, the following notation is used: \(Y = [y_1, \ldots , y_B]^T \in {\mathbb {R}}^{B \times F_y}\) and \(Z = [z_1, \ldots , z_B]^T \in {\mathbb {R}}^{B \times F_z}\), where \(F_y\) and \(F_z\) denote feature size of Y and Z, respectively.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Illustration of \(W_t\), \(W_l\), and \(W_k\). Each denotes a reference window, a neighboring window, and a non-neighboring window. The red curve of a normal distribution shape represents the neighborhood

The additive loss is used for the two parts

$$\begin{aligned} L_{vnibcreg} = L_{vibcreg} + L_{tnc}. \end{aligned}$$

Here, the first part on the right side of Eq. (1) consists of

$$\begin{aligned} L_{vibcreg}&= \lambda s(Z_t, Z_l) + \mu \{v(Z_t) + v(Z_l)\} + \nu \{c(Z_t) + c(Z_l)\}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} s(Z_t, Z_l)&= \frac{1}{B} \sum _{b=1}^B \Vert Z_{t_b} - Z_{l_b} \Vert _2^2, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} v(Z)&= \frac{1}{F_z} \sum _{f=1}^{F_z} \textrm{ReLU}\left( \gamma - \sqrt{\textrm{Var}\left( Z_f \right) + \epsilon } \right) , \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} c(Z)&= \frac{1}{F_z^2} \sum _{i \ne j} C(Z)^2_{i, j}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} C(Z)&= \left( \frac{Z - {\bar{Z}}}{\Vert Z - {\bar{Z}} \Vert _2} \right) ^T \left( \frac{Z - {\bar{Z}}}{\Vert Z - {\bar{Z}} \Vert _2} \right) \,\, \textrm{where} \,\, {\bar{Z}}=\frac{1}{B}\sum _{b=1}^{B}{Z_b}. \end{aligned}$$

Here, s(..) denotes the invariance term, v(..) variance term and c(..) the covariance term. Moreover, \(\textrm{Var}\) denotes a variance estimator, \(\gamma \) is a target value for the standard deviation, fixed to 1 as in the original implementation, \(\epsilon \) is a small scalar (i.e. 0.0001) to prevent numerical instability, \(\sum _{i \ne j}\) denotes summation of off-diagonal terms in a 2-dimensional matrix, and \(\lambda \), \(\mu \), and \(\nu \) are hyper-parameters to control the importance of each term. It should be noted that the notation for \(L_{vibcreg}\) largely follows that of the original paper.

The second term on the right in Eq. (1) is defined as follows

$$\begin{aligned} L_{tnc}&= \rho \left( \{ -\log {(D(Y_t, Y_l))} + \log {(1 - D(Y_t, Y_k))} \} + \{ (1 - c_p(Y_t, Y_l))^2 \right. \nonumber \\&\quad \left. + c_n(Y_t, Y_k)^2 \} \right) , \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} c_p(Y_t, Y_l)&= \frac{1}{F_y} \sum _{i=j}{ \left( \frac{Y_t - \bar{Y_t}}{\Vert Y_t - \bar{Y_t} \Vert } \right) ^T \left( \frac{Y_l - \bar{Y_l}}{\Vert Y_l - \bar{Y_l} \Vert } \right) \,\, \textrm{where} \,\, {\bar{Y}}=\frac{1}{B}\sum _{b=1}^{B}{Y_b}}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} c_n(Y_t, Y_k)&= \frac{1}{F_y} \sum _{i=j}{ \left( \frac{Y_t - \bar{Y_t}}{\Vert Y_t - \bar{Y_t} \Vert } \right) ^T \left( \frac{Y_k - \bar{Y_k}}{\Vert Y_k - \bar{Y_k} \Vert } \right) }. \end{aligned}$$

The original TNC loss function is defined as \(-\log {(D(Y_t, Y_l))} + \log {(1 - D(Y_t, Y_k))}\) given that its regularization weighting hyper-parameter is set to zero. In Eq. (7), there is an additional term, \((1 - c_p(Y_t, Y_l))^2 + c_n(Y_t, Y_k)^2\), which is proposed added. This addition improves quality of representation learning on top of the original TNC loss by correlating \(Y_t\) and \(Y_l\) and de-correlating \(Y_t\) and \(Y_k\). Here, \(\sum _{i = j}\) denotes summation of diagonal terms in a 2-dimensional matrix and \(\rho \) is a hyper-parameter for weighting \(L_{tnc}\). In the experiments, \(\lambda \), \(\mu \), \(\nu \), and \(\rho \) are empirically set to 10, 10, 10, and 13, respectively, based on suggested hyperparameters in (Lee and Aune 2021) for \(\lambda \), \(\mu \), and \(\nu \) and using a grid-search method for \(\rho \).

Lastly, a quirky component in the VNIbCReg framework is the sensor invariance which is proposed for the following reason: A single sample consists of the 24 time series in our dataset. Although the 24 time series are different to some extent due to the sensors’ location, functionality, and axial directions, they are semantically the same in the sense that they belong to the same class. The sensor invariance is what allows representations of the spectrograms of the different time series within the same sample to be pulled together in the embedding space by both VIbCReg and TNC.

After pre-training by an SSL method, only the encoder is typically kept while discarding the rest of the parts such as the projector and the discriminator. Then, the encoder can be used for various downstream tasks of classification with some fine-tuning.

6 Results

Experimental results relevant to the following items are presented in this section: (i) supervised learning with the aggregated spectrogram with respect to the model architecture (i.e. AlexNet vs. ResNet) and the class weight. The class weight is a method commonly used when a dataset is unbalanced for its classes. It gives higher weight to a class with a small number of samples while giving lower weight to a class with a large number of samples, (ii) supervised learning with respect to the ensemble prediction, (iii) Linear and fine-tuning evaluations on TNC, VIbCReg, VNIbCReg, and intermediate variants between VIbCReg and VNIbCReg. Before presenting the results, an experimental setup and the linear and fine-tuning evaluations are described.

6.1 Experimental Setup

Training and Test Datasets For naive supervised learning and linear evaluation, the dataset is split by stratified random sampling into 80% for training and 20% for testing. For the fine-tuning evaluation, the dataset is split into n% (where n is specified in the fine-tuning result table) and 20% of the dataset for training and test datasets, respectively. For the naive supervised learning, the linear evaluation, and the fine-tuning evaluation, samples with valid classes (i.e. noise, regional, rockfall, slope HF, slope LF, slope tremor, slope multi, and spike) are used as a dataset. For the SSL, a dataset consists of all the samples including the unlabeled-class samples. Given the randomness of the dataset split, all the experimental cases are run three times with different random seeds.

Preprocessing First, a time series input is converted into a spectrogram using a spectrogram function from SciPy with a 0.08 s-long sliding window with a 12.5% overlap (Virtanen et al. 2020). Then, it is scaled by \(\log \) and min-max scaling, and resized such that the height is adjusted to 128 and the width is adjusted proportionally to the increase ratio of the height.

The preprocessing used in our experiments is somewhat different from that of (Langet and Silverberg 2022) in which spectrograms are computed using a 1 sec sliding window with a 95% overlap, and then converted into an RGB image with the size of \((3 \times 224 \times 224)\). The sliding window length and overlap give monotonous spectrograms i.e. low-resolution spectrogram, and it leads to an overfitting which give lower accuracy in our experiments. Also, the spectrograms do not have to be converted into square-shaped RGB images. Spectrograms originally have dimension of \((1 \times H \times W)\) as 1 channel real-valued matrix, where H and W denote height and width, respectively. Thus, a naive form of spectrograms can be already viewed as an 1-dimensional real-valued image data. In addition, because a convolutional layer can process rectangle image shapes as well as square shapes, the rectangle shapes of the naive form of spectrograms can be processed by a CNN model without squishing the rectangular shape into a square, which can actually lead to some information loss and performance drop.

The aggregation of the spectrograms of the 24 time series is only used for cases where the ensemble prediction is not used. While Langet and Silverberg (2022) aggregate the spectrograms over those that are not so noisy based on a user-defined threshold, Ovanger (2021) uses a weighted aggregation based on the inverse of the signal-to-noise ratio such that noisy time series gets a smaller weight. As the intuitive weighted aggregation does not require any user-specific threshold it is used in this study.

Augmentation In our experiments, there are two types of augmentations: Neighboring Crop (NC) and Random Crop (RC). The NC takes a spectrogram and outputs three different cropped windows of the spectrogram, \(W_t\), \(W_l\), and \(W_k\), as shown in Fig. 9. In contrast, the RC outputs three different cropped windows of the spectrogram. But the cropped windows in the RC do not have any spatial relation between each other as the three cropped windows are selected at random. In our experiments, height of the crop is set to the same height as the input spectrogram and the width of the crop is set to 10% of width of the input spectrogram for both the NC and the RC. Although additional augmentation methods can likely gain extra performance improvement, no other method is used here to clearly compare the performance between the RC and the NC in the linear and fine-tuning evaluations.

Architecture In our experiments, AlexNet and ResNet34 are compared. AlexNet is the standard CNN model used in the relevant previous studies (Langet and Silverberg 2022) and ResNet is a very promising CNN model. ResNet34 is specifically chosen due to its representation size as 512 which is the same as in VIbCReg and has bigger model capability than ResNet18. It should be noted that the numbers of parameters for AlexNet and ResNet34 are around 57 million and 21 million, respectively. Hence, ResNet34 is almost three times lighter than AlexNet. The original implementation of AlexNet and ResNet takes RGB images (i.e. \(C \times H \times W\), where C is 3) as input. Therefore, the input channel size is 3 for the first convolutional layers in both models. In our experiments, the input spectrogram has a dimension of \((1 \times H \times W)\), therefore, the first convolutional layers in both models are modified to receive an input with one channel. Except that, both model architectures remain the same as in (Langet and Silverberg 2022). The same holds for the projector and the discriminator.

Optimizer Adam (Kingma and Ba 2014) is used with a cosine learning rate scheduler. Its initial learning rate for the encoder and the classifier is set to 0.001 for the SSL, naive supervised learning, and the linear evaluation. For the fine-tuning evaluation on the SSL methods, the initial learning rates are set to 0.0005 and 0.001 for the encoder and the classifier, respectively. The batch size is 128 for the SSL and 64 for naive supervised learning, the linear evaluation, and the fine-tuning evaluation. A number of epochs is 300 for the self-supervised learning and 100 for naive supervised learning, the linear evaluation, and the fine-tuning evaluation. The used deep learning library is PyTorch (Paszke et al. 2019).

Criteria Two criteria are used: accuracy and confusion matrix. The accuracy is defined as Eq. (10) where TP, FP, TN, and FN denote True-Positive, False-Positive, True-Negative, and False-Negative, respectively. The confusion matrix shows how many predicted labels are correctly predicted per each class in a matrix form.

$$\begin{aligned} \textrm{Accuracy} = \frac{\textrm{TP} + \textrm{TN}}{\textrm{TP} + \textrm{FP} + \textrm{TN} + \textrm{FN}} \end{aligned}$$

6.2 Linear and Fine-tuning Evaluations

The linear and fine-tuning evaluations are conventional evaluations methods for SSL (Chen et al. 2020; Grill et al. 2020; Zbontar et al. 2021; Bardes et al. 2021; Lee and Aune 2021). The linear evaluation protocol is as follows: After the model training by a SSL method, only the encoder is kept and its weights are frozen (i.e. set to be non-trainable). Next, the frozen encoder is topped with a linear layer which is fitted on a training dataset. A goal of the linear evaluation is to see how linearly separable the learned representations are for classification. If good classification performance can be achieved by the linear layer on the learned representations, the quality of the learned representations is good.

The fine-tuning evaluation protocol is as follows: After the model training by a SSL method, similarly to the linear evaluation, only the encoder is kept. But the encoder remains trainable and it is topped with a linear layer and fitted on a subset of a training dataset (e.g. 5% of a training dataset). This is to see how well the model is generalized by a SSL method such that the model would perform decently even with a small dataset. The fine-tuning evaluation is particularly good at revealing the effectiveness of a SSL method in a situation with a small amount of labeled data and a large amount of unlabeled data. In the fine-tuning evaluation with a small subset of a training dataset (i.e. 5% and 10%), the averaged Batch Normalization (BN)’s statistics obtained during training are used during fine-tuning to utilize BN statistics obtained from a relatively larger dataset. This is a common practice in fine-tuning with a small dataset, which can easily be achieved by specifying model.eval() in a training step in PyTorch.

6.3 Results

Supervised Learning with the Aggregated Spectrogram with respect to Architecture and Class Weight First, comparison between AlexNet and ResNet is made while using the aggregated spectrogram as input. Its experimental result is shown in Table 2. The class weight is often used when a dataset is unbalanced to balance the classification accuracy between different classes. The experimental results with respect to the use of the class weight are also shown in Table 2. It should be noted that the class weight is calculated among classes except for the noise class. Samples with the noise class do not have common patterns (i.e. they are just a collection of samples with uncertain classes without common/shared patterns). Hence, it is difficult to train a model to do a decent classification on the noise class anyways. Also, the lack of samples for the noise-class (i.e. 8 samples only), gives another reason for excluding the noise-class in the class weight. The optimizer settings mentioned in Sect. 6.1 are a bit different in this experiment only. The number of epochs is 50 instead of 100 and the weight decay of 0.0001 is used to prevent severe overfitting.

Table 2 shows that ResNet outperforms AlexNet in terms of accuracy, while it remains almost the same with respect to the use of the class weight. The confusion matrix in Fig. 11 shows the accuracy difference between classes, and that this is influenced by the class weight. Although it does not pose a significant change, still it shows that the correct classification is slightly more distributed over different classes when the class weight is used. The class weight is employed in all the following experiments.

Table 2 Test accuracy of supervised learning with the aggregated spectrograms with respect to the class weight and the model architecture
Fig. 11
figure 11

Confusion matrix of ResNet34 with the aggregated spectrogram with respect to the class weight. The color intensity denotes a number of classified samples (the brighter, the higher)

Supervised Learning with respect to Ensemble Prediction The experimental results with respect to the ensemble prediction and the model architecture are shown in Table 3. The noticeable test accuracy improvement compared with Table 2 is seen for both AlexNet and ResNet34. ResNet34 with the ensemble prediction performs the best in terms of accuracy. The confusion matrix of ResNet34 with respect to the ensemble prediction is presented in Fig. 12. To further investigate the ensemble prediction, examples of individual predictions within the ensemble prediction on some samples are presented in Fig. 13. With the ensemble prediction, each spectrogram of the 24 time series can maximally be utilized without information loss due to some aggregation process and better classification can be achieved with the ensemble approach over the 24 predictions.

Table 3 Test accuracy of supervised learning with respect to the use of the ensemble prediction and the model architecture
Fig. 12
figure 12

Confusion matrix of ResNet34 with respect to the ensemble prediction

Fig. 13
figure 13

Examples of the ensemble prediction with two different classes (top: Regional, bottom: Slope multi) where a correct label is predicted with the ensemble prediction while an incorrect label is predicted without the ensemble prediction. In each sub-figure, there are \(6 \times 4\) displays of the 24 time series. The left displays show each of the 24 spectrograms. The right display shows the softmax classification prediction on each of these. The single-display below the tables shows the aggregated spectrogram and softmax classifications. The true label is colored with a small red circle. Note that the final prediction is the averaged prediction of the 24 predictions for the ensemble prediction. The class indices refer to the following: 0: noise, 1: regional, 2: rockfall, 3: slope HF, 4: slope LF, 5: slope tremor, 6: slope multi, 7: spike

Linear and Fine-tuning Evaluations on SSL Methods The linear and fine-tuning evaluations are conducted on VIbCReg, VNIbCReg, and intermediate variants between VIbCReg and VNIbCReg. The evaluation on the intermediate variants is conducted to find out how much contribution each component that is added on VIbCReg to form VNIbCReg makes.

The linear evaluation results are presented in Table 4. VIbCReg does not perform so well here, meaning that the learned representations by VIbCReg are not so linearly-separable by class. By introducing main components from the original TNC (i.e. NC and \(L_{tnc}^{\dagger }\)), a significant improvement is achieved in the linear evaluation. This indicates that the ability to encode the temporal transition improves quality of learned representations, especially for non-stationary time series with apparent temporal transition.

The effectiveness of \(L_{tnc}\) is shown by further improving the performance. The fine-tuning evaluation result is presented in Table 5. The performance ranking order of the fine-tuning evaluation between VIbCReg, VNIbCReg, and the intermediate variants remains the same as in the linear evaluation. One of the noticeable points in the result is the high test accuracy in a small dataset regime (i.e. n of 5% and 10%) for models that are pretrained by an SSL method. Especially, VNIbCReg results in the highest test accuracy in the small dataset regime, indicating that the model is well generalized by VNIbCReg. As the geophone sensor data is collected unlabeled, there is naturally a large unlabeled dataset while the labeled dataset is much smaller because proper labeling can only be done manually by an expert. Given that circumstance, VNIbCReg is expected to provide robust performance improvement when a large amount of an unlabeled dataset is utilized.

Table 4 Linear evaluation result. RC and NC refer to the random crop and neighboring crop, respectively. \(L_{tnc}^{\dagger }\) denotes the original TNC loss and \(L_{tnc}\) denotes the modified TNC loss proposed in this work.
Table 5 Fine-tuning evaluation result. The notation is the same as in the linear evaluation result

7 Conclusion

In this paper new machine-learning approaches were implemented and tested for classifying seismic geophones events at an unstable rock slope in Norway. Improved algorithms for classification of microseismic events are important to develop better decision support tools for this case.

A version of ensemble learning in which the 24 time series from all geophone components were treated separately and then combined via ensemble prediction showed to get very high performance. The lesson learned from this is that early aggregation to improve the signal-to-noise ratio is not necessarily beneficial. Instead, the ensemble learning approach, which consists in computing one spectrogram for each time series recorded by each component of each geophone, appeared more useful here, giving substantial accuracy gains in the classification task in the end. Self-supervised learning methods also gave good performance for our case, particularly so when labeled training data lacks.

The classification methods outlined here, do not only apply to geophone data related to rock hazards applications. The same statistical machine learning techniques can also be applied to microseismic events in reservoirs or with other data such as distributed acoustic sensing data which can potentially complement seismic data (Binder and Tura 2020). This can be particularly important during CO2 injection projects in the future, where seismic events can indicate potential leakage but can also be a result of other kinds of activity.