
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. Notably, NLP models can enable machines to understand, interpret, and generate human-like text or speech. Large Language Models (LLMs) are advanced NLP models within the category of pre-trained language models (PLMs), achieved through the scaling of model size, pretraining corpus, and computational resources [1]. Briefly, LLMs are developed through deep learning methodologies, particularly employing transformer architectures. They are neural network models implementing self-attention mechanisms for enabling the model to consider the entire context rather than being restricted to fixed-size windows, and multi-head attention to capturing contextual relationships in input sequences. In this process, recurrent and convolution layers are not required [2]. Other crucial components of the transformer architecture include encoder and decoder structures to respectively process the input sequence and generate the output sequence. Nevertheless, the architecture of a transformer can vary depending on its specific task and design. Some transformers are designed only with an encoder structure, while others may include both encoder and decoder components. For example, in tasks like language translation, where input and output sequences are involved, both encoder and decoder modules are required. Conversely, for language modeling or text classification, only an encoder may be used. Other key elements of a transformer architecture encompass feedforward neural networks for capturing complex, non-linear relationships in the data, and positional encodings to provide information about the positions of tokens in the sequence [41]. These approaches may offer alternative learning pathways and can be used for designing interactive tools for medical education, enhancing the learning experience [42]. LLMs can also be harnessed for generating case scenarios or quizzes, aiding medical students in practicing and refining their diagnostic and treatment planning skills within a secure and controlled environment [43]. The integration of LLMs in gamification processes represents another captivating perspective [44]. The enhancement of tools for interacting with the patient (virtual clinical partners) could lead to improving patient engagement, providing personalized support, and enhancing chronic disease management [45].

The key perspective revolves around addressing the limitations of LLMs, which encompass challenges such as misinformation, privacy issues, biases in training data, and the risk of misuse [46, 47]. The phenomenon of hallucination can dangerously propagate medical misinformation or introduce biases that have the potential to exacerbate health disparities. In a recent study, for example, Birkun and Gautan [48] showed that the advice provided by LLM chatbots (Bing, Microsoft Corporation, USA, and Bard, Google LLC, USA) for assisting a non-breathing victim lacked crucial details of resuscitation techniques and, at times, provided misleading and potentially harmful instructions. In another study, carried out to assess the accuracy of ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Microsoft Bing in distinguishing between a medical emergency and a non-emergency, the authors concluded that the examined tools need additional improvement to accurately identify different clinical situations [49]. Continuous verification of the output’s appropriateness is crucial. Significantly, in November 2022, Meta’s Galactica model was halted shortly after its release, just a few days after, due to the generation of inaccurate data [50]. The overarching goal is to ensure NLP assurance. This comprehensive process is incorporated at every stage of the NLP development lifecycle, aiming to validate, verify, and make outcomes trustworthy and explainable to non-experts. Additionally, it underscores ethical deployment, unbiased learning, and fairness toward users [51].

In the training phase, the accuracy of the output relies heavily on the choice of the reference dataset [1, Declarations Section