1 Introduction

Management in every organization should be active and visible at every level, and ideally it should work through all levels of the organization. Such a procedure should ensure management's deep knowledge of all business and production activities, which subsequently enables them to manage effectively (Soltysova et al., 2020; Gola et al., 2021). One of the main tasks of management is the detection and reduction of losses arising in any process. This was also a challenge within the Industry 4.0 philosophy to apply more intensive methods and approaches to reduce any losses. These activities are very demanding and require the use of different approaches and methods. However, even the identification of losses does not necessarily mean solving the problem. It is necessary to approach the given problem more comprehensively. An effective tool for detecting, analyzing and eliminating losses appears to be the introduction of techniques and methods of the lean production philosophy, referred to as Lean. This philosophy is firmly embedded in the concept of Industry 4.0 and its principles are proving to be highly effective. Lean can be described as a set of several methods and tools for reducing or eliminating waste (Leksic et al., 2020). There are many articles in the literature describing the implementation of these tools, not only in manufacturing industries such as engineering, remanufacturing (Golinska-Dowson et al.,2021), metalworking, construction (Suresh et al.,, 2023). maintenance (Antosz et al., 2021) but also in other sectors such as health services (Foley et al., 2022) the financial sector (Hameed et al., 2020) and education (Kakouris et al., 2022).”. Each area has its specifics and individual standard tools which are adapted to their needs. The main tasks of management in the area of introducing Lean techniques are represented by three pillars (Kerri; 2002) (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Three pillars of Lean management

As the figure shows, one of the important tasks is eliminating waste. In this area, thanks to the constantly develo** information technologies and their connection with software applications, many more opportunities are offered for the identification and analysis of potential problem areas. The solution is the use of various simulation techniques and tools (Vagaská et al., 2022). Simulation is a very versatile technique that enables the implementation of various methods and tools that can be easily adapted to the specific needs of individual systems (Mikušová et al., 2021; Schmidt et al., 2020). It can be used to plan solutions in production environments, optimize business processes, as well as to plan and manage production (Varela et al., 2022). The simulations and models created in this way bring new possibilities for experimentation in the virtual environment of individual systems without directly disrupting the functioning system (Pekarcikova et al., 2021). However, the creation of a simulation model alone is not enough for a full understanding and analysis of the investigated problem. A key aspect is also the creation of a team of workers who would be able to assess the selected process from different points of view, which would lead to successful operation management (Swarz et al., 2023). In the presented contribution, we will demonstrate the possible use of various techniques, application programs and tools to create a more complex model of the selected process. The goal is to show the possibilities of using different approaches and tools to create a digital twin with a focus on the analysis of the value stream map**—that is, the search for problem areas where losses occur (Antosz et al., 2022). The model created in this way can then serve as a basis for a team of experts at a higher level, who will thus obtain a more realistic idea of the monitored process. We will use techniques from the Lean philosophy, namely Value Stream Map** (VSM), Gemba Walk (GW), and the Tecnomatix plant simulation tools will be used to create a digital twin, also using its built-in tools such as identification of bottlenecks, activity statistics of individual workplaces, as well as tools of the VSM library to create a diagram of the current state. Since the creation of the proposed application requires experience and knowledge from various fields, a team of authors was created who are able to connect these individual technologies. For the correct application of the principles of the VSM method, it is important that the real values of the necessary parameters are accurately recorded. As a rule, it is carried out in such a way that individual managers “go through” the examined operation in person. In order not to be forced top managers to personally verify the selected process, augmented reality technology will be used, where based on a “marker” it will be possible to go through the operation through a 3D Tour. The described tools will be connected by elements of mixed reality so that they form a single, integrated application (Antosz et al., 2020).

When creating the application, we will proceed according to the following points:

  • Gemba Walk—creating a 3D Tour

  • Creation of a digital twin in the Tecnomatix Plant Simulation environment

    • the setting of individual operations

    • creation of statistics—identification of bottlenecks

    • creating a Value Stream Map model

  • Creating an application design in the Unity environment

    • design of the layout and functionality of the buttons

    • creation of markers in the Vuforia environment

    • testing and debugging the application

  • Export the application to a mobile device

2 Materials and methods

We were based on the knowledge of the analyzed theory and when designing the application, we chose a comprehensive procedure for the creation of an intelligent application based on the principles of augmented reality presenting data from a simulation tool. Individual tools will be briefly described with a focus on their usability for the proposed application.

2.1 Value stream map**

The goal of VSM is to identify losses and evaluate selected processes as a whole. This method allows the expert to visualize the entire operational flow from a broad perspective in a unique way. It is thus possible to detect operational activities that are less efficient and ineffective (Rosmaini et al., 2022). This method directly implements several Lean principles such as “optimize the whole”, “eliminate waste” and contributes to the fulfillment of many others such as “continuous improvement”, “flow” and “pull-based” development. Using VSM to identify value-added and non-value-added activities (such as defects, lead time, bottlenecks, etc.) together with other Lean techniques can significantly increase the efficiency of selected processes. The principle is used for optimization by adopting several arrangements when the entire process is considered and several interested parties responsible for various activities in the process are involved (Hertle et al., 2015). These tools then recommend ways to eliminate/minimize waste (Bin et al., 2015) using visualization and analysis of the current value stream. As a result, when integrating this method with tools for implementing lean production management, we receive a critical analysis of the process, evaluation and identification of existing losses in operation, and other important outputs. The following figure (Huang et al., 2022) (Fig. 2) presents the individual basic steps in the implementation of VSM.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The scheme for using VSM

The next step after the analysis will be the recommended suggestions or strategies for improvement (Rosmaini et al., 2022). Success in applying this method is strongly dependent on real data in the investigated process (operation). The data should not be obtained through a computer, plans, supply cards, etc., but it is necessary to actually go through the entire operation and record the real situation directly on the spot. When using simulation tools, this will ensure a real situation and the results of the analyses will be reliable. All subsequent steps will then be based on this data. The advantage of this method is that it can be used for the entire organization or only for a certain segment (process), using a process map (Schoeman et al., 2021). Following the analysis will be the recommended suggestions or strategies for improvement (Rosmaini et al., 2022). Success in applying this method is strongly dependent on real data in the investigated process (operation). The data should not be obtained through a computer, plans, supply cards, etc., but it is necessary to go through the entire operation and record the real situation directly in the place.

2.2 Gemba walk

As mentioned in the previous text, it is very important to observe the process. Another technique known as Gemba Walk serves this purpose. It is a powerful lean approach technique for observing, interacting, gathering information and understanding how work or joint work is performed by humans and/or machines (Materna et al., 2019; Romero et al., 2020). It is characterized by four characteristic elements (Womack, 2019):

  • Place—observing operator, machine or team at the “real place” where the work is being done;

  • Observation—watching an operator, machine or team perform their work “in person;

  • Teaming—“interaction” with the operator, machine or team doing the work by respectfully asking questions where appropriate

  • Thinking – after “seeing and hearing” what actions are needed to support innovation and continuous improvement.

For small establishments, the best way to get the necessary data is to “personally” walk around the given establishment and write down what is real. However, such a method is not always possible, and therefore other methods using modern information technologies have started to be used (Romero et al., 2020):

  • Simplified Virtual Gemba Walks—where lean managers can use handheld cameras in a remote location to record or live stream their walk for others

  • Augmented Gemba Walks—when lean managers “walk Gemba” through the power of wearable technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) smart glasses. In this new form of GembaWalk, lean managers' senses are “augmented”, allowing them to “see and hear” in real-time with IIoT support (e.g. real-time performance data).

  • Advanced Virtual Gemba Walks—when lean managers use digital technologies to “remotely interact” with intelligent, social machines and IIoT-enabled operators via digital twins, in a virtual environment (VR).

  • Automated Guided Gemba Walks—when Gemba Walks are “automated and guided” by trend predictions based on data provided by IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), social machines and operators in digital lean factories

2.3 Augmented reality

Virtual simulation is a representation of the real environment obtained using a computer system that allows the user to interact with simulated objects (Khan et al., 2022) (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

The possibility of using VR/AR/MR in industry (Industrial, 2022)

In recent years, this technology has found application in many areas of social life, whether in medicine, education, industry or in more specific areas, such as to optimize critical internal processes, support production and training (Marino et al., 2021). In mixed reality (MR), the virtual and real worlds are combined, and both the user and the real content can interact with the virtual environment (Husár j et al. 2023). In AR, the real world is augmented with virtual content displayed by devices such as tablets, smartphones or smart glasses. The user has the opportunity to interact with the real world as well as with the virtual world and manipulate virtual content. MR can be defined as an immersive connection of the virtual and real world, in which both the user and the real content can interact with the virtual environment (Buń et al., 2022). Several platforms are already used to develop such applications. Unity is one of them. It is a fully integrated, feature-rich development environment that provides out-of-the-box functionality for creating interactive 3D content and is fully compatible with VR and AR technologies. One of the most important features of this software is that it provides live changes; any change in the code can be displayed one by one on the graphical interface. The Unity script can be developed in C# or Javascript (Behun et al., 2020). In addition, the biggest advantage of Unity is that it allows develop cross-platform applications so that one application can be implemented for multiple devices or systems (Android, iOS, Windows). This allows more people to use and interact with the application. The Vuforia is another used platform. It belongs to one of the most popular systems used in augmented reality applications. This platform is supported by all major platforms and software, it offers many services for free (image target, object scanner, QR code scanner, etc.). Vuforia thus represents a suitable tool for AR development, it supports iOS, Android and UWP. Combined with Unity, it represents one of the best solutions for cross-platform solutions. Vuforia Target Manager also performs image enhancement, which in the meantime leads to the optimization of application performance. It also recognizes and tracks user-defined images that enable interaction in an AR environment (Zappia, 2022).

2.4 Tecnomatix plant simulation

The simulation program Tecnomatix Plant Simulation is one of the most used software for modeling, simulating and optimizing the production and logistics processes of contemporary companies and enterprises. It is an effective tool for dynamic simulation and allows create digital models of production and logistics systems, as well as investigating system properties and optimizing their efficiency. The potential of Tecnomatix Plant Simulation lies in its dynamics and hierarchical structure, which allows working with an already created model, modifying it and creating simulation models of selected processes. Thanks to modular libraries, the process of creating simulation models is very efficient for various industries. In these modular libraries, objects can be modified to suit the requirements of a specific simulation goal. With its analytical tools, such as obstacle analysis, statistics and graphs, the program makes it possible to very quickly simulate and evaluate the system without interfering with the real process. This makes it possible to try more variants of solving the problem (Mikušová et al., 2021).

Another potential improvement of simulation processes is the connection of the model with virtual and augmented reality, which makes it possible to increase the accuracy of individual parameters of the desired project goals (Kaščak et al., 2022; Pekarcikova et al., 2021).

All these attributes, especially the ability to create a value stream map, give this application an advantage over other similar applications.

3 Methodology

The aim of the presented application proposal is to point out the possibilities of connecting several information technologies and software programs for the purpose of more effective monitoring and optimization of processes by management staff. In the application, illustrative outputs, created diagrams, simulation models and statistical results are used in order to present the possibilities of applying the application. The proposed application should use the buttons to perform the following activities:

  1. 1.

    3D Tour—Gemba walk simulation.

  2. 2.

    Model—display of the created workplace model (lines, entire process using Tecnomatix Plant Simulation tools).

  3. 3.

    Statistics- display of statistics from the model.

  4. 4.

    VSM—display of the current state of the workplace for the purpose of assessing the value flow of the material.

3D Tour—we apply gemba walk. We will use virtual tour technology, where a specific workplace will be displayed in the form of a video based on the relevant marker. When creating a virtual tour, individual monitored workplaces will be described according to the requirements of the VSM “object” (Fig. 4.) so that the manager has all the necessary information for the analysis.

Fig. 4
figure 4

A sample of the possible format of the description of individual workplaces for the needs of VSM when preparing a virtual tour

The result is a video of the workplace, where all its components will provide relevant information through descriptions. The video will be played based on the appropriate marker. The following picture (Fig. 5) represents the workplace and the marker, based on which the virtual tour will be started.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Real form of workplace (a), selected marker (b)

The given scene was created in the Unity environment using the Vuforia platform tools, where it is possible to create a database of markers representing different parts of operations, or the entire flow—from order to export. The selected marker will subsequently ensure the playback of the corresponding video (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Markers in the Vuforia environment

We can also realize that the created video can be further edited (adding descriptions, tags, and comments) using available application programs. In this way, we can increase its informative value and it will allow managers to better understand the activities of the workplace.

Model—using the tools of the Tecnomatix plant Simulation environment, we will create a digital twin of the workplace (lines, operations). This simulation environment allows us to set all the necessary attributes for individual inputs, workstations, conveyors and other elements of the workplace. The following figure (Fig. 7) represents the possibility of setting all necessary parameters for workstations (machines, robots, manipulators).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Setting the necessary parameters for the workstation (a) and for the conveyor (b)

Statistics—in the current state of analysis, the simulation software allows the use of various statistics. The results are displayed either graphically or through a table. Based on correctly set parameters, we can define where problems arise. The following figure (Fig. 8) shows the results of the basic statistics and also the use of the bottleneck analyzer.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Display of statistics using the Chart tool (a) and BottleAnalyzer (b)

Every single output from the simulation model can be part of the application. It only depends on the assessment of the suitability of this information in the analysis of the value stream map**.

VSM—will present a simulation model created by VSM tools in the Tecnomatix Plant Simulation environment. The submitted paper will use a value stream map** library that focuses on optimized throughput times, minimal work in progress, and the ability to deliver the product to the customer on time. The individual tools of this library are shown in the following image (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9
figure 9

Basic environment of Tecnomatix Plant Simulation with VSM library tools

Using the Timeline tool, it is possible to view the static throughput times of the value stream objects below the objects in the frame. This is made possible by a dialog box directly in the simulation environment, which offers different calculation approaches (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10
figure 10

Setting up the tool for calculating the necessary times

The following figure illustrates, in a general example, the creation of a current state map with the required parameters for individual processes (Value Stream Map** 2021).

3.1 Creation of application

In order to demonstrate the possibilities of connecting the mentioned technologies and procedures, the presented application was created for a research laboratory at the authors' workplace (Fig. 11). The laboratory serves as a background area for the application (Fig. 12). The workplace model was created in the Tecnomatic Plant Simulation environment and production operations were simulated for the needs of material flow creation and subsequent demonstration of the use of the VSM superstructure in this environment.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Current state map

Fig. 12
figure 12

Basic menu in the Unity environment

The proposed application will be intended for external devices with the Android operating system. The demos are shown using a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 tablet. The opening screen—the virtual scene was generated in the Unity 3D environment. The background for the proposed scene used an image from a workplace model. The basic screen contains four command buttons that perform the described actions. The following image shows the basic menu of the opening scene of the application in the Unity environment.

Each button opens the corresponding scene, which again allows the addition of other activities or other scenes. Individual scenes contain a “Back” button, which allows you to return to the initial screen. The functionality of the buttons is provided by a simple script created in the Visual Studio environment using Scene Management. We then assign the given script to individual buttons via the OnClick property (Fig. 13.). One script was created for the entire operation of the application, which was subsequently used for individual scenes.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Assigning the appropriate button sequence

As part of the creation and testing of the proposed application, it is possible to use the simulator mode in the Unity environment. We will select the relevant devices (or similar) from the menu, which will be used for real use of the application. We connect the given device via a USB cable and select the option to install additional devices in the corresponding menu. The following image shows the screen in this mode (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14
figure 14

Application design in the Simulator window

After debugging and verifying the operation of the application's individual parts, we will export the application in the form of.apk to the device that will be used for this activity. Since it is a standalone file, it can be installed on other Android devices as well. The following image (Fig. 15) shows the app running from a real device with all scenes.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Application view in the real device

4 Results and discussion

For industry, management is a key issue and should also be performed with respect to production factors, directly or indirectly, in order to improve their performance (Tecnomatic;2022). Advanced simulation together with other managerial approaches and systems, advanced and integrated optimization approaches, are currently of great importance for effective business management (Materna et al., 2019). The current industrial revolution, thanks to the development of intelligent interfaces and the use of augmented reality, is changing the way of cooperation between people and the production system (Saniuk et al., 2021). We see the benefits of the proposed application in the following points:

  • The designed and created application represents the integration of several simulation and software products that can be used for analysis and optimization of selected processes in production.

  • The application in its mutations can be a suitable tool for management teams whose job is to eliminate waste.

  • The created application combined some proven Lean approach methods—mainly the VSM method, together with a suitable simulation tool

Although the combination of these new technologies represents a higher level for decision-making processes, there are also certain limits to the creation and use of the application:

  • the time required to create the application,

  • the necessity of controlling and connecting several software technologies,

  • orientation of the management in the given area of management

  • higher usability is assumed in larger companies when solving problems directly on the spot is not possible.

Another specific application feature is that teamwork is assumed. This is because several software resources are connected here, and a programmatic connection with augmented reality tools is also necessary. Creation is therefore time-consuming. However, as soon as an acceptable concept is created, the time required is considerably reduced. The speed of implementation of new technologies will help companies not only to save costs but also to remain competitive. The connection of technologies with physical elements brings new possibilities in production, transport, storage, maintenance and in general they are an opportunity for society (Pekarcikova et al., 2021).

5 Conclusion

Currently, new and more effective software tools are being created, the goal of which is to make work easier and more efficient. AR technology can facilitate the implementation of new, innovative processes in industry and improve the efficiency of existing ones. It allows access to resources and knowledge bases, especially in large companies and organizations.

In the submitted paper, the possibilities of connecting several already implemented software tools into one unit were pointed out. Selected Lean methods, the creation of a computer model of the workplace using the simulation tools of the Tecnomatix Plant Simulation environment and the procedures used to connect the tools of augmented reality—the Unity software environment in conjunction with the Vuforia tools are described here. The application created in this way makes it possible to tackle increasingly demanding management tasks. It provides them with a direct view of problem-solving in the presented area by being able to convey all the necessary information using augmented reality tools. Mobile AR technologies can give managers easier access to resources and knowledge. They support remote work with experts even in geographically distant locations and enable more effective communication between team members.

The implementation of Lean approaches and methods requires interdisciplinary knowledge and a combination of technical, organizational and social competencies and qualifications. Augmented reality has tools that enable the connection of several independent software resources and are thus suitable for designing models.

In the future, the authors would like to focus on improving the quality of the application based on testing and investigating the transfer of the application to mixed reality.