
Live biotherapeutic products (LBPs) are products containing one or more live microorganism(s) as active substances that are intended to be used for the treatment, prevention, or cure of medical conditions (US Food and Drug Administration 2016, Dreher-Lesnick et al. 2017). In the United States, LBPs are categorized as biological products and, therefore, require development of meaningful tests for identity, purity, and potency of specific drug substances and drug products in their final dosage form. It is expected that the therapeutic effects of LBPs will rely on activity of living organisms delivered in the final dosage. As such, assays designed to measure the total viable organisms in the final product formulation (e.g., colony forming units (CFU) per dose) are often included as a measurement of product potency (Dreher-Lesnick et al. 2017, Pot et al. 2021). However, this relatively straight-forward measurement can be complicated by the presence of multiple bacterial strains in an LBP, especially if they share similar cultivation requirements and/or phenotypic traits.

In situations where selective culture is not practical or appropriate, obtaining CFU counts for multiple bacterial strains from a single mixture grown on the same medium requires identification of individual colonies in sufficient numbers to accurately determine viable amounts of each bacterial strain. Identifying hundreds of individual colonies using conventional methods like metabolic testing, colony PCR, or 16S rRNA gene sequencing can be complex, time consuming, and prohibitively expensive (Cook et al. 2003; Lao et al. 2022). However, within the field of laboratory diagnostic testing, several commercially available platforms now provide rapid and accurate microbial identification from direct analysis of colony material using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) technology. MALDI-TOF MS methods have been developed and implemented for identification of various bacterial, fungal, and archaeal targets isolated from numerous sources including clinical specimens, food and dairy products, and environmental samples (Singhal et al. 2015; Gong et al.


The number of colonies picked (i.e., the sampling depth) varied between 115 and 442 colonies per run, depending on the experiment (Table S3). To ensure the purity of overnight cultures and establish a reference measurement for comparison purposes (expected CFU), the OD-adjusted overnight strain cultures were enumerated simultaneously with the mixtures, and CFU values were adjusted according to the dilution factor of each strain in its respective mixture. At least two colonies from each set of reference plates were also selected for MALDI-TOF MS analysis to confirm species-level identities.

Colony identification via MALDI-TOF MS

A manufacturer-supplied protocol (extended direct transfer method) was used to prepare sampled colonies for MALDI-TOF MS analysis. Briefly, fresh colony material was transferred onto an MBT Biotarget 96 (Bruker Daltonics) target site using a sterile wooden toothpick, overlaid with 1 μL of 70% formic acid (Sigma Aldrich) in HPLC grade water (Sigma Aldrich), and allowed to air dry at room temperature. Once dry, 1 μL of α-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (HCCA) matrix solution (10 mg/ml in Bruker Standard Solvent, Sigma Aldrich) was applied and allowed to dry once more before loading sample targets into the MALDI-TOF MS instrument for analysis. The Bruker bacterial test standard (Bruker Daltonics) was included on each Biotarget 96 chip for automated instrument calibration and quality control, per manufacturer recommendations.

Sample mass spectra were acquired on a Bruker MALDI Biotyper (MBT) Smart MALDI-TOF MS instrument (Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA, USA) set to detect a molecular mass range of 2 to 20 kDa with a laser frequency of 200 Hz. Bruker flexControl (v 3.4) and MBT Compass (v 4.1) software programs were used for automated instrument control and data acquisition, respectively. Species-level sample identities were determined by the MTB software searching against the Bruker BDAL MSP library database (RUO v. 9). Samples with Biotyper ID scores ≥ 1.70 were accepted for identification, while ID scores < 1.70 were considered unreliable and those samples were excluded from analyses. This cutoff score has been used previously, in conjunction with the formic acid overlay method, for identification of anaerobic bacterial isolates (Hsu and Burnham 2014).

Data analysis

Expected and observed CFU values were calculated manually in Excel (v. 2108) spreadsheet software and log10 transformed prior to analysis. Statistical analyses and data visualization were performed in GraphPad Prism statistical software (v. 9.4.1). Differences of paired log10 CFUs were tested parametrically using a paired t-test, with normality of the differences confirmed using the Anderson–Darling normality test. Correlation and unweighted linear regression (least square) analyses were conducted to examine the linear relationship between observed and expected log10 CFU values, using an extra sum-of-squares F-test to test for significant deviation of slope from the null expectation. Further, agreement analysis was performed using Bland–Altman analysis to calculate the bias and limits of agreement between observed and expected values. A significance threshold of 0.05 was used for all significance testing, and all reported p-values are 2-tailed unless otherwise noted in the text. One replicate data pair of B. intestinalis was removed from the eight-strain mixture analysis due to a technical error leading to loss of the expected CFU value for this data pair. This point was removed from the graphs and all further statistical analysis.