1 Introduction

Mold coating refers to a material applied to the surface of a foundry mold to enhance the overall quality of the resulting casting. Additionally, the coating acts as a protective barrier between the mold and the molten metal, preventing the metal from adhering to the mold. This intervention ensures a smooth, refined finish on the cast part, thereby extending the operational lifespan of valuable molds. [1, 2] Typically, the mold coating material consists of a refractory binder, known for its remarkable ability to withstand high temperatures without breaking down or degrading. This binder is combined with other elements such as ceramic powders, graphite, and organic additives. [3] These components contribute to an insulating effect during the solidification of the cast part in the mold. The thermal resistance of the coating strongly depends on the coating status, specifically its thickness, with a fixed coating material and process. Linear correlations between the thermal resistance of mold coatings and the coating thickness have been established for ceramic and graphite coatings. [4] This thermal resistance can significantly impact the temperature field and cooling rate in both the cast part and mold surface. [2, 5] Overall, the status of the foundry mold coating plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality of cast parts and the operational longevity of expensive casting molds in the foundry industry.

However, up to this point, there have been no efficient inline monitoring methods for assessing the coating status on the mold surface, primarily due to the high working temperatures involved in foundry molds. The challenges and reasons behind this limitation are extensively discussed in our previous work. [2]

To tackle this issue, our focus is on develo** an indirect measurement concept for coating thickness, relying on the analysis of the as-cast surface quality. Furthermore, in our previous research, we found close correlations between the as-cast surface roughness parameter, arithmetical mean height Sa, and the mold coating thickness for both coating materials, HA Eco 182 and Cillonlin AL 286. These near-line correlations were validated when the coating thicknesses exceeded 50 µm and 100 µm, respectively, as illustrated in Fig. 1 [2, 5].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Correlation between surface roughness Sa of the coated mold and as-cast surface for Cillonlin AL 286 and HA Eco 182

The increasing roughness of the as-cast surface can be attributed to the rising surface roughness of the coated mold as the coating thickness increases. When the mold coating is sprayed onto the mold, ceramic powders are randomly distributed in limited areas. This random distribution of powders on the coated area leads to an elevation in surface roughness within a particular range, specifically between 100 and 400 µm of coating thickness. Although the surface roughness of the coating cannot be entirely mirrored by the corresponding as-cast surface due to the surface tension of the Al alloy melt, the similar trends observed in coating and as-cast surface roughness suggest that the coating surface plays a significant role in determining the characteristics of the as-cast surface due to their close physical contact.

Additionally, in Fig. 1, HA Eco 182 exhibits a notably more consistent increase in the surface roughness of the coated mold compared to Cillonlin AL 286. This can be attributed to the narrower particle distribution of HA Eco 182, as illustrated in Fig. 2. Despite the substantial difference in the roughness of the coated mold, the slopes of increase and the absolute values of the as-cast surface roughness remain similar for these two distinct coating materials.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Particle size distribution of Cillonlin AL 286 and HA Eco Coat 182

Building upon these linear correlations between as-cast surface roughness and coating thickness, we introduce an indirect inline monitoring concept for mold coating thickness based on the measurement of as-cast surface roughness. However, employing a laser-confocal-microscope for this measurement is often slow and sensitive to the cleanliness of the sample surface. In our case, the laser microscope VK-X100 requires approximately 5 min for an area of 3 mm × 4 mm, making it unsuitable for achieving a 100% inline monitoring rate in a casting production line.

To address this challenge, we propose the implementation of an optical sensor embedded with deep-learning algorithms to assess as-cast surface roughness with an acceptable level of accuracy. Our target speed for the prototype is less than 2 s for this area. This approach enables the indirect inline monitoring of mold thickness distribution without direct contact with the hot mold. Looking ahead, the standard for coating status can be defined using feedback data from cast part quality and the working time of casting molds.

2 State-of-the-art online methodologies for surface roughness evaluation

For the assessment of product surface roughness, numerous researchers have explored online methodologies, including computer vision and machine learning techniques, to classify or predict surface roughness. However, limited research has been conducted on evaluating as-cast surface quality using computer vision. A notable study of Tsai et al. introduced a machine vision system to classify the roughness of as-cast surfaces into nine classes based on Rz values (ranging from 6.3 to 400 µm) for both gray-level and binary images. Although achieving 100% classification accuracy, this system could not precisely predict roughness values [6].

In contrast, machined surface evaluation has a more extensive research history due to its significance in end-quality assessment. Earlier works by Luk et al. and Patel et al. used optical parameters and histogram analysis to estimate roughness for tool-steel samples [7, 8]. Younis et al. introduced an inline roughness measurement method based on the relationship between surface roughness (Ra) and gray level coefficients [9]. Yi et al. developed a grind surface roughness measurement using image sharpness evaluation under varying illumination [10].

As technology advanced, online roughness prediction shifted towards deep learning methods. Hu et al. constructed the “optical image-surface roughness” data set for the surface roughness prediction of the aircraft surface after coating removal. [11] A specific CNN, the “SSEResNet” (SEResNet: Squeeze-and-Excitation Residual Networks), for regression prediction of surface roughness (Ra) was also proposed in their work. This ResNet model reaches the test MAE (mean absolute error) value of 0.245 µm. Routray et al. introduced a deep fusion network using both visual and tactile inputs for surface roughness classification. [12] Yang et al. employed an ANN with various cutting process parameters. [13]

To date, the application feasibility and the performance of the state-of-the-art deep learning methods, such as ViT, MaxViT, EfficientNet, MobileNet, DenseNet, and ResNet, have not been adequately investigated for the prediction of as-cast surface roughness parameter Sa. Here, we chose six deep-learning models with top performance on the public ImageNet dataset for recent years.

3 Experiment

3.1 Design of dataset

3.1.1 Data collection

Figure 3 illustrates an overview of our experimental process. In this study, different coating thicknesses were generated through spraying with a conventional spray can, ranging from approximately 50 µm to around 400 µm. For each coating process, two cast parts were produced. The second cast parts were selected for the analysis of surface roughness.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Experimental construction of dataset

Before conducting the surface roughness measurement, target sampling areas were designated using a laser marking device. The geometry of these sampling areas was set as a rectangle marked with a black border, measuring 7 mm in width and 5 mm in height. Sa (the arithmetical mean height of the surface) was employed as the metric to evaluate the surface roughness of irregular surface textures. The Sa value of the marked area on the as-cast surfaces was measured using a laser scanning microscope, VK-X100, produced by Keyence Corporation.

To capture the optical images of the target area, we used an industrial camera, IV2-G500MA manufactured by Keyence Corporation. The original optical image resolution is 640 × 480. In our work, a total of 326 optical images were collected, and the areal roughness Sa of these corresponding marked areas was measured. Among these data, 204 images are used as training set, 60 images as validation set, and 62 images as test set, respectively.

3.1.2 Data preparation

Figure 4 shows the complete process of dataset preparation for the prediction model. Firstly, the target sample area in each original image is automatically detected and cropped using the “Template Matching” method through OpenCV. Subsequently, our dataset is enriched by combining offline and online data augmentation to fully utilize the collected target images.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Dataset preparation for prediction model

Secondly, in offline data augmentation, each cropped image is flipped horizontally, vertically, and horizontally and vertically via OpenCV. This operation not only preserves the image features but also mitigates the positional impact of these features. Thirdly, each image is resized to specific resolutions using bilinear interpolation mode, to ensure consistency during model training. In this case, two different resolutions, 372 × 270 and 224 × 224, are tested on all selected models. Fourthly, for online data augmentation, the ColorJitter and Gaussian Blur transforms are implemented with Torchvision [14]. The ColorJitter transform randomly changes the brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue of images in user-defined ranges. This method can enhance the model’s stability by accommodating various lighting conditions, color variations, and other factors affecting object appearance in real-world scenarios. The Gaussian Blur transform introduces blurring to an image with a Gaussian filter, enhancing the model’s robustness against the variations in image clarity.

Lastly, the pixel values of the images are normalized to a standardized range. This normalization process ensures a consistent scale of input data to stabilize the training process.

3.1.3 Selected deep-learning models

In our work, six models are selected to train on our prepared training set, i.e., Vision Transformer (ViT), Multi-Axis Vision Transformer (MaxViT), EfficientNetV2-S/M, MobileNetV3, Densely Connected Convolutional Networks (DenseNet), and Wide Residual Networks (Wide ResNet). These models were chosen based on their high accuracies on ImageNet. [15]

  • Vision Transformer (ViT), proposed by Dosovitskiy et al., successfully applies the transformer architecture to computer vision, demonstrating its effectiveness in image recognition tasks. [16] While achieving a top 1 accuracy of 77.91% on ImageNet-1 k when pre-trained, ViT surpasses state-of-the-art performance when pre-trained on large datasets such as ImageNet-21 k or JFT-300 M, with the best model (ViT-H/14) reaching a top 1 accuracy of 88.55% on ImageNet.

  • Multi-Axis Vision Transformer (MaxViT), introduced by Tu et al., presents a hybrid architecture that integrates convolutional layers with the attention mechanisms of Vision Transformers [17]. This integration enhances computational efficiency and increases accuracy compared to the “pure” Vision Transformer and Swin Transformer. MaxViT achieves a top 1 accuracy of 86.5% on ImageNet-1 k without additional pre-training data and a higher top 1 accuracy of 88.7% on ImageNet-1 k when pre-trained on ImageNet-21 k.

  • EfficientNetV2, designed by Tan and Le, is one of the most recent convolutional neural network architectures that aim to achieve high accuracy with low computational complexity. [18] It introduces Compound Scaling, Fused Inverted Residual block, Neural Architecture Search (NAS), and Progressive Learning with adaptive regularization. EfficientNetV2-S and EfficientNetV2-M achieved top 1 accuracies of 83.9% and 85.1% on ImageNet. These two variants are chosen in our work based on their test performance on our datasets.

  • MobileNetV3 introduced by Howard et al. is the most accurate and efficient model in the MobileNet series. [19] It is designed for running deep neural networks on mobile and embedded devices with limited computational resources. In our work, the variant MobileNetV3-Large is chosen, achieving state-of-the-art accuracy on ImageNet with a parameter count of 5.4 million and a top-1 accuracy of 75.2%.

  • Wide Residual Networks (Wide ResNet), proposed by Zagoruyko and Komodakis, improves the performance by increasing the depth (adding more layers) of the neural networks based on the Deep Residual Networks (ResNet). [20, 21] In our work, the variant Wide ResNet50-2 is chosen, which closely resembles ResNet50. The difference between them is that Wide ResNet50-2 has a doubled number of channels than ResNet50 in the inner 3 × 3 convolution. The number of channels in outer 1 × 1 convolutions remains the same. Wide ResNet50-2 achieves 78.1% top 1 accuracy on ImageNet.

  • Densely Connected Convolutional Networks (DenseNet), introduced by Huang and Zhuang Liu et al., innovates with its densely connected architecture. [22] In DenseNet, each layer is connected to every subsequent layer (with the same feature-map size) in a feedforward fashion. According to this paper, DenseNet requires significantly fewer parameters and computational resources to deliver comparable results, compared to the prediction accuracy of Residual Networks (ResNet). In our work, DenseNet-121 is selected.

3.2 Application of the pre-trained deep-learning models

Deep learning heavily relies on extensive training data, as it requires a substantial volume of data to capture the underlying patterns presented in the data. [23] However, the demand of a large amount of data can pose challenges in various fields due to the high cost or extended time required for data acquisition and labeling. Transfer learning in deep learning serves as a solution to this problem.

Through the pretraining on large-scale data sets, the pre-trained deep models can capture rich hierarchical and generic features. Utilizing these learned features as the starting point for training, transfer learning enables effective feature extraction for new tasks. This becomes particularly valuable when the amount of available training data is limited. This approach is instrumental in making deep learning techniques more accessible and applicable in scenarios where acquiring large amounts of labeled data is challenging or impractical.

In this study, transfer learning of advanced deep learning models is conducted utilizing the torchvision.models library. As shown in Fig. 5, the pre-trained parameters are obtained by training the model on the ImageNet1k dataset, following with the image transformation methods defined in the training recipe by Vryniotis. [24] ImageNet1k is a public dataset constructed by Deng et al., comprising 1,281,167 training images, 50,000 validation images, and 100,000 test images. [15]

Fig. 5
figure 5

Transfer learning of the pre-trained deep-learning models

The classification models pre-trained on ImageNet1k all consist of two blocks. The first block can be considered a feature extractor, generating a “feature vector” after its last operation. The second block functions as a classifier, taking the “feature vector” as input and computing the final output of the network. This transfer learning approach leverages the knowledge gained from the extensive ImageNet1k dataset to initialize the models for the specific task at hand, providing a valuable starting point for further training on the target dataset.

4 Experiment and results

4.1 Experimental environment and parameter settings

In this work, various Python libraries are utilized, including numpy, sys, sklearn, time, matplotlib, os, PIL, random, PyTorch, and Torchvision. The software environment details are outlined in Table 1. It is widely acknowledged that the hyperparameter settings and training strategies significantly impact the training of deep learning models. The hyperparameter settings in this work are determined based on conventions and several experiments, and they are listed in Table 2.

Table 1 Hyperparameter settings
Table 2 Software environment

4.2 Evaluation metrics of the prediction results

In comparing the performances of the three models, five evaluation metrics are selected. These metrics include the mean square error (MSE) loss function, root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), coefficient of determination (R2), and the ratio of samples within 20% relative error tolerance (PR20RET). These metrics are listed in Table 3.

Table 3 Evaluation metrics of model performance

The mean square error (MSE) loss function is specifically well-suited for regression tasks and is employed as the evaluation metric during the training process. The other metrics are utilized for assessing the prediction results.

4.3 Experimental data of five selected models

The experimental data in Table 4 present the values of the five aforementioned evaluation metrics for the selected models using input images with two resolutions. For the models ViT-B/16 and MaxViT-T, the input images need to be resized to the resolution of 224 × 224 to utilize the pre-trained position embeddings of the ViT models available in the Torchvision.models package. Other models exhibit different impacts of input image resolution.

Table 4 Experimental results

Notably, for EfficientNetV2-M and DenseNet-121, the smaller resolution of 224 × 224 has a positive influence on the experimental results. After comparison, the top three-performing models are Wide ResNet50-2 (trained with image resolution 372 × 270), EfficientNetV2-S (trained with image resolution 372 × 270), and EfficientNetV2-M (trained with image resolution 224 × 224), which are highlighted in color in Table 4. Among them, Wide ResNet50-2 achieves the highest R2 value of 0.918 and the lowest MAE value of 1.060 µm. Additionally, the PR20RET value of EfficientNetV2-M exceeds 98%.

4.4 Visualization of the prediction results of the top three best-performance models

The MSE Loss-epoch progressions depicted in Fig. 6 illustrate that the training losses of these three models fall below 5 µm2 by the 10th epoch, indicating a relatively fast convergence speed. Simultaneously, their corresponding validation losses tend to stabilize at around 5 µm2 with slight fluctuations until the end of the training process.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The training and validation loss of the 3 top-performance models

This pattern suggests that the models converge quickly during the initial epochs of training, reaching a satisfactory level of performance. The stabilization of validation losses indicates that the models are not obviously overfitting and are generalizing well to the validation data. The observed behavior is indicative of effective training and a balanced model performance.

Figure 7 illustrates that the absolute error distributions of the predicted Sa values are homogeneous. Particularly noteworthy is that the error value remains less than 2 µm when the Sa value is above 23 µm. This indicates that the absolute error value does not increase as the surface roughness Sa increases, ensuring a satisfactory evaluation result of the rough as-cast surface when the corresponding mold coating becomes thick.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Absolute error of predicted and measured surface roughness values of top 3 models

The observed pattern in the absolute error distribution suggests that the model maintains a consistent level of accuracy across different ranges of surface roughness Sa. This is crucial for reliable evaluation, especially in scenarios where the mold coating thickness varies, and the resulting surface roughness spans a broad range.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, the prediction of as-cast surface roughness Sa based on optical images using deep-learning methods is investigated. The dataset construction involves capturing grayscale images with a resolution of 640 × 480 pixels using an affordable industrial camera. Subsequently, a laser confocal microscope is employed to evaluate the surface roughness parameter Sa, which serves as the labeling for these optical images. Online and offline data augmentation methods are applied during data preparation to enhance the dataset. Based on the experimental results and comparative analysis, the conclusions of the end-to-end as-cast surface roughness prediction can be summarized as follows:

  • EfficientNetV2-M achieves the highest ratio of predicted samples within 20% relative error tolerance (PR20RET) of 98.39% on the test set.

  • Wide ResNet50-2 and EfficientNetV2-S achieve mean absolute error (MAE) values of 1.060 µm and 1.122 µm and R2 values of 0.918 and 0.914, respectively, on the test set.

  • For these three models, the absolute error value of the predicted Sa values maintains good tolerance across the entire range without exhibiting an increasing tendency.

Among the top three models, Wide ResNet50-2 stands out as it achieves a better prediction ratio for a larger portion of the test set due to the highest MAE value and R2 value. Moreover, these three models demonstrate the capability to provide satisfactory prediction results of surface roughness directly from optical images after training on a limited dataset.

In a broader context, the linear correlations between mold coating thickness and as-cast areal surface roughness Sa, as proven in previous work, can be leveraged. This allows for the efficient and cost-effective derivation of corresponding mold coating thickness based on the prediction results of as-cast surface roughness.