
Inland aquatic ecosystems are facing increasing pressures from various anthropogenic impacts and/or climate changes in their watersheds [1]. One of the major problems is freshwater salinization [2]. For example, Lake Bosten located in the arid central Asia, which used to be the largest inland freshwater lake in China, has evolved to be an oligosaline lake during the past 60 years with the salinity increased from 0.38 g/L to 1.5 g/L [21]. Niche-based deterministic theories suggest that environmental filtering, biotic interactions and interspecific trade-offs largely determine patterns of species diversity and composition. In contrast, stochastic theories emphasize the importance of chance colonization, demographic randomness and ecological drift [22]. Based on this perspective, various theoretical models and practical algorithms quantifying the importance of both deterministic and stochastic processes have been developed and applied [23,24,25,26,27,28,29].

The species-abundance distribution (SAD), which is defined as the distribution of abundances across species in a community, is one of the most important patterns in macroecology and biogeography [4, 30]. Since the 1930s, more than 20 models that predict the SAD have been developed [31]. Among these models, niche-based broken-stick (BS) [32] and geometric-series (GS, i.e., niche preemption) [33], neutrality-based Volkov [34], as well as purely statistical Poisson lognormal (PLN) and log-series models have been frequently used in predict macrobial SADs. While the SAD is central to macroecology and biodiversity theory, microbiologists have largely neglected the connection of the SAD to the mechanisms of microbial community assembly [4].

While the temporal and spatial variations of microbial community composition in Lake Bosten and its upstream tributaries have been examined recently [35, 36], little is known about the differences in microbial diversity and the mechanisms of underlying community assembly of river-lake continuum between Lake Bosten and its linked streams and rivers. In this study, we used the Lake Bosten watershed (Additional file 1: Fig. S1) as a model ecosystem to investigate the microbial diversity and the community assembly mechanisms in both river and lake systems simultaneously based on null model [28, 29], SAD models and co-occurrence network analysis [37, 38]. We hypothesized that (i) the river system has higher species diversity than the lake system because of spatial heterogeneity and closer link with terrestrial ecosystems; (ii) deterministic assembly is vital to form microbial communities in lake system because of the filtering effects of salinity and biotic interaction. This study is the first attempt to explore the microbial diversity patterns and the community assembly mechanisms in a river-lake continuum in the arid central Asia. Therefore, it makes fundamental contribution to the mechanism understanding for a predictive microbial ecology in river-lake continuum under the circumstances of a future increasing tendency of lake salinization in arid and semi-arid regions.


Microbial diversity, community structure and taxonomy

After demultiplexing, quality filtering, denoising, removing of chimera, chloroplast and low abundance of unique sequences (< 10 reads), we generated a total of 1,231,890 high-quality reads (average length = 263 bp), averaging 43,996 reads per sample, which were classified into 5049 amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) across the 28 samples, taken from Lake Bosten catchment. For the comparison of α- and β-diversity among different sampling types (i.e., upstream tributaries, the River Kaidu and Lake Bosten), same number of reads in each sample were chosen at random based on the smallest sample (23,965 reads). The rarefaction curves of richness approached an asymptote after 80% reads were calculated, which indicated that our sequencing depth was sufficient (Additional file 2: Fig. S2). Species richness and Chao1 in the mainstream of the River Kaidu (mean = 2476 and 3195, respectively) were significantly higher than those of in upstream tributaries (mean = 1955 and 2477, respectively; P < 0.05) and in Lake Bosten (mean = 510 and 726, respectively; P < 0.001) (Fig. 1a). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) of Shannon diversity and Simpson index in upstream and mainstream of the River Kaidu. However, both of them were significantly higher than those in Lake Bosten (P < 0.01). Spearman correlation analysis showed that the four microbial α-diversity indices were significantly positively correlated to total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved oxygen (DO), and significantly negatively correlated to total dissolved solids (TDS), water temperature (WT), pH and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (Additional file 3: Fig. S3).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Diversity and taxonomy of microorganisms in the upstream tributaries, River Kaidu and Lake Bosten. a Comparison of α-diversity indexes of microbial communities. Diversity indexes were calculated using subset of 23,965 reads per sample. Horizontal bars in the box plots indicate median proportional values. Lower and upper edges of the boxes represent the approximate 1st and 3rd quartiles, respectively. The upper and lower whiskers extend to data no more than 1.5 times the interquartile range from the upper edge and lower edge of the box, respectively. Kruskal-Wallis test was performed to examine differences among the three sampling types. Different lower-case letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) among sampling types. b Unconstrained PCoA with Bray–Curtis distance showing that the microbial community in Lake Bosten separate from those in River Kaidu and the upstream tributaries using adonis analysis. Ellipses cover 80% of the data for each sampling type. c Phylum-level distribution of microbial communities of each sampling site

Unconstrained principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of Bray–Curtis distance was performed to evaluate β-diversity among different sampling types (Fig. 1b). The results showed that the first two axis explained 47.4% of the microbial community variation. Adonis revealed that microbial communities in Lake Bosten was significantly separated from those in upstream and mainstream of the River Kaidu (P < 0.001), while no significant differences were recorded between the latter two communities (P > 0.05, Fig. 1b).

For the taxonomy, among the 5049 ASVs only 64 ASVs with 4298 reads were assigned to archaea, representing 0.35% of the total reads (Additional file 4: Table S1). All of these 64 ASVs were presented in the upstream tributaries and mainstream of the River Kaidu, while only 17 (26.6%) of them were presented in Lake Bosten with relative low abundance (accounted for 0.9% of the total archaea reads). Euryarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota were the predominant phylum among the kingdom of archaea, accounting for 40.6 and 57.8% of the total archaea’s ASVs, respectively. In the phylum of Thaumarchaeota, 97.3% of the ASVs belong to genus of Nitrososphaera.

Overall, the reads belong to the kingdom of bacteria were classified and grouped under 21 phylum-level taxonomic groups. A dramatic shift in bacterial community composition was observed from upstream tributaries to Lake Bosten (Fig. 1c; Additional file 5: Fig. S4). The most common phyla of bacteria were Proteobacteria (average 34.8%), Acidobacteria (12.4%), Verrucomicrobia (11.5%), Candidatus Saccharibacteria (8.4%), Bacteroidetes (6.7%), Actinobacteria (6.2%) and Parcubacteria (6.0%) in upstream tributaries; while the most dominated bacterial phylum in the mainstream of the River Kaidu was also Proteobacteria (25.6%), followed by Verrucomicrobia (19.1%), Acidobacteria (13.1%), Planctomycetes (10.2%), Candidatus Saccharibacteria (7.4%), Actinobacteria (5.7%) and Bacteroidetes (5.3%). In Lake Bosten, however, the predominant bacterial phyla were Verrucomicrobia (58.9%), Proteobacteria (12.1%), Candidatus Saccharibacteria (7.6%), Planctomycetes (7.6%) and Actinobacteria (5.4%). At class-level, the most common bacteria were Spartobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Verrucomicrobiae, Alphaproteobacteria, Planctomycetia, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria Gp6 and Bacilli across all sampling types; while at genus-level, the most common bacteria were Spartobacteria genera incertae sedis, Saccharibacteria genera incertae sedis, Gp6, Limnohabitans, Parcubacteria genera incertae sedis, Polaromonas, Rhodopirellula and Sphingorhabdus.

SAD pattern, microbial community and predicted function between river and lake habitats

Species rank-abundance curves for all samples were plotted using raw richness data and normalized data (Fig. 2a, b). The data set exhibited a very similar pattern between tributary and the River Kaidu samples, which were quite different from Lake Bosten samples. Because of similar community compositions (Fig. 1b) and SAD pattern (Fig. 2a, b) between samples from upstream tributaries and mainstream of the River Kaidu, we combined tributary and river samples representing river habitat. Samples A03 and C01 (in the river mouth of Lake Bosten) were excluded for subsequent analysis because of abnormal communities (Fig. 1b). In total, 26 samples were divided into two groups representing river (n = 15) and lake (n = 11) habitats, respectively. SAD plot of lake habitat exhibited a very strong dominance by low abundance species (rare species: reads < 10) compared with river habitat with the relative proportions of rare ASVs of 54 and 12%, respectively (Fig. 2c, d). Lake habitat has a much higher proportion of rare species, but also higher individuals of common species. We estimated SADs of river and lake habitats using BS, GS, Volkov and PLN models (Fig. 2e, f). Both niche-based BS and GS models as well as neutrality-based Volkov model were rejected by Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test, which suggested that none of deterministic and stochastic processes could explain the microbial assembly solely in river and lake ecosystems. However, the statistical PLN model fitted the SADs very well for both river and lake habitats.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The patterns of species-abundance distributions (SADs) in microbial communities of this study. a A rank abundance distribution plot for all samples. b Normalized rank abundance distributions (NRADs) with the lowest species (350) sample for samples from upstream tributary (red), River (green) and Lake Bosten (blue). Bold lines and their shaded regions are mean NRADs and the 95% confidence intervals, respectively. SADs of grouped data (binned) from river (c, combination of upstream tributary and River Kaidu) and lake (d, Lake Bosten) habitats with the predicted values linked as red lines. Observed and fitted SADs for the river e and lake f microbial communities. Observed values are shown as open circles and fitted models are shown as lines. BS, GS, Volkov and PLN represent broken-stick, geometric-series, Volkov’s neutral community distribution and Poisson log-normal distribution models, respectively. The model was rejected when Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test P < 0.05 and the smaller the Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) value, the more robust the fit. ***K-S test P < 0.001. In both habitats, the PLN clearly provide a superior fit

To designate the specialized microbial lineages for each type of habitat, linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) was implemented with default parameters in order to find microbial groups with statistical differences at different taxonomic levels. A total of 97 microbial taxa were found to be significantly different between river and lake habitats (Fig. 3). Generally, the mean proportions of Bacteroidetes (from phylum to genus levels) and Proteobacteria (including β- and γ-Proteobacteria) were significantly higher in river habitat, while Chloroflexi (from phylum to genus levels), Candidatus Saccharibacteria (from phylum to genus levels), Planctomycetes (from phylum to family levels), Verrucomicrobia and a kind of unassigned microbes were significantly higher in lake habitat. Notably, in the phylum of Verrucomicrobia, Verrucomicrobiae (from class to genus levels) were enriched in river habitat, while Spartobacteria (from class to genus levels) were enriched in lake habitat. In addition, the ubiquitous SAR11 clade (a9) of Alphaproteobacteria was also found to be enriched in lake habitat (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

LEfSe results showing the taxonomically differences of microbial communities between rive and lake habitats. Green circles represent those microbes significantly enriched in river habitat and red circles represent those microbes significantly enriched in lake habitat, respectively, whereas the yellow circles represent the taxa with nonsignificant differences between the two types of habitats. Statistics was performed using log linear discriminant analysis (LDA) with LDA > 3.5 and P < 0.05 after correction by the Benjamini and Hochberg false discovery rate (FDR) test. The diameters of the circles are proportional to relative abundance

Overall, microbial communities between river and lake habitats shared considerable proportions of ASVs (i.e., 1727 shared ASVs), representing 36.1 and 86.5% of the entire ASVs in river and lake habitats, respectively. While the top 10 ASVs in river habitat were presented in lake habitat with low relative abundances, the top 10 ASVs in lake habitat were seldom appeared in river habitat (Additional file 6: Table S2). For example, we found the top 10 ASVs in lake habitat accounted for 49.95% of the entire microbial community, while they represented only 0.06% of the total reads in river habitat. In Lake Bosten, 9 of the top 10 ASVs belong to the class of Spartobacteria and the other one belongs to the clade of SAR11.

Functional annotation of ASVs revealed a rich repertoire of metabolic function groups in the river and lake microbial communities. In total, 989 out of 5049 ASVs (19.6%) were assigned to at least one functional group, representing 44 out of 90 functional groups in the functional annotation of prokaryotic taxa (FAPROTAX) 1.1 database. There were 44 annotated functional groups in river habitat while only 32 of them were founded in lake habitat (Additional file 7: Fig. S5), indicating higher functional diversity in river habitat compared with lake habitat. Principal component analysis (PCA) of functional profiles showed no distinct separation between river and lake habitats, but the functional variation in river habitat was much higher than that in lake habitat (Fig. 4a). Among the putative functions, chemoheterotrophy and aerobic chemoheterotrophy were the most abundant groups in both habitats. Functions related to methanogenesis (contributed by the phylum of Euryarchaeota in Archaea), aerobic ammonia oxidation (contributed by the genus of Nitrososphaera in Thaumarchaeota) and cellulolysis (contributed by the genus of Blastocatella in Acidobacteria) were only founded in river habitat (Additional file 7: Fig. S5). Using White’s non-parametric t-test, we found that the functional groups of nitrogen related functions, methanol oxidation, methylotrophy, Chitinolysis, dark hydrogen oxidation, plant pathogen and xylanolysis were significantly enriched in the river habitat, while the mean proportion of intracellular parasites was higher in lake habitat (Fig. 4b).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Putative function profiles of microbial communities in river and lake habitats. a PCA plots comparing the whole function profiles. b Functional categories differing significantly between the river and lake habitats

Effects of geographic distance on microbial community composition in river and lake habitats

Our results revealed that the similarity in microbial community composition decreased with increasing geographic distance (Fig. 5). The Spearman’s correlation between the Bray–Curtis community similarity and geographic distance showed significantly negative correlations for the microbial community with a correlation coefficient (ρ) of − 0.78 and − 0.55 (P < 0.001) for the entire and river habitat communities, respectively. Within lake habitat, however, microbial community similarity did not exhibit significant relationship with the geographic distance (ρ = − 0.20, P = 0.15; Fig. 5). The distance decay patterns suggest that geographical distance could be of importance in structuring the microbial community assembly and determining the spatial dissimilarity between different sites along the River Kaidu to Lake Bosten, but not within Lake Bosten.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Spearman’s rank correlations between the Bray–Curtis similarity of microbial communities and geographical distance in all samples, river habitat samples and lake habitat samples. Note: n, ρ, and P refer to the number of comparisons, rank correlations and statistical significances, respectively

Influential factors on microbial community compositions

Mantel test demonstrated that the microbial community composition showed significant correlations with environmental parameters (Mantel r = 0.887, P < 0.001) and geographical distance (Mantel r = 0.768, P < 0.001). In addition, environmental matrix also showed significant correlation with geographic matrix (Mantel r = 0.749, P < 0.001), indicating a strong interaction between spatial scale and environmental variables.

The forward selection procedure in canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that the variation of microbial communities among Lake Bosten catchment are related to four environmental variables, i.e., TDS, TSS, WT and total nitrogen (TN) (Fig. 6a; Additional file 8: Table S3). TDS was found to be the most important factor in structuring the microbial community assemblages, explaining 28.4% of the total variations solely. Principal coordinates of neighbor matrices (PCNM) analysis showed that 57.7% of the variation in the microbial communities could be explained by environmental parameters, linear trend and spatial scale (Fig. 6b). Pure environmental and pure spatial factors accounted for 13.7 and 5.6% of the microbial community variation, respectively, while 32.0% could be attributed to the interaction between environmental and spatial variables, indicating the strong interactions between them.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Drivers of microbial community composition. a CCA ordination showing the bacterial community composition in relation to significant local environmental variables and regional geographical factors (P < 0.05). TDS, total dissolved solids; WT, water temperature; TN, total nitrogen; TSS, total suspended solids. Both the two CCA axes are statistically significant (P < 0.05). b Venn diagram presenting the variation partitioning results for microbial communities by environmental variables (Env.) and the spatial factors including linear trend and PCNM variables. The fraction values displayed are computed from adjusted R-squares. c Relative importance of stochastic mechanism on community assembly in river and lake habitats. The significance differences of the actual communities from those of the related null expectation are indicated as ***P < 0.001 based on PERMANOVA test

Stochastic process on microbial community assembly

To disentangle the relative importance of stochastic mechanisms from deterministic mechanisms in sha** the microbial community structure, the stochastic ratio (SR) was calculated using the null model analysis. Our result demonstrated that the stochastic processes contributed to considerable portions of the community variations (Fig. 6c). The much higher value of SR on community variation in river habitat (64.1 ± 8.6%) than that in lake habitat (31.0 ± 11.9%) suggested that stochastic process could play more important roles in sha** riverine microbiome.

Co-occurrence networks of microbial sub-communities in river and lake habitats

Co-occurrence networks of microbial communities in river and lake habitats were constructed separately to reveal the ecological interactions among different microbial species. Based on correlation analysis, 189 nodes with 460 edges and 115 nodes with 2104 edges were captured in the networks of river and lake microbial communities, respectively (Fig. 7; Table 1). The higher value of average clustering coefficient (avgCC) and modularity in river and lake networks than those in their related random networks indicate “small-world” properties and modular structure of our constructed networks. It was verified by the value of small-world coefficients (σ) of the river (3.2) and lake (1.4) networks with σ > 1 indicate “small-world” properties [39].

Fig. 7
figure 7

The correlation-based networks of abundant and frequent ASVs (relative abundance > 0.05% and occurred in > 50% samples) for the rive a and lake b habitats. The size of each node is proportional to the number of connections (i.e., degree), and the nodes are colored according to different phyla. Numbers inside parentheses following names of each phylum represent relative proportion of nodes belonging to the phylum. Red and green edges indicate positive and negative correlations

Table 1 Topological properties of the abundant (relative abundance > 0.05%) and frequent ASVs (occurred in > 50% samples) co-occurrence networks and their identically sized Erdős-Rényi random networks in different habitats (river vs. lake)

The average degree (AD) and graph density (GD) in the lake network were about 7.5 and 12.3 times, respectively, as high as those in river network (Table 1), indicating more interactions among the species in the lake network. Moreover, the co-occurrence network in river habitat was mostly positively structured (96.3%), indicating ecological mutualistic relationships or cooperation among the riverine microbiome, while much higher proportion of negative correlations among edges was found in the lake network (32.7%), highlighting the effect of competition in lake community assembly.

Most of the nodes in the two networks were associated to seven dominant phyla, i.e., Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Candidatus Saccharibacteria and Planctomycetes (Fig. 7). Among them, Proteobacteria (29.6%) was the most dominant phylum in the riverine network, whereas Verrucomicrobia (36.5%) was the most dominant phylum in the lake network. Furthermore, ASVs from the same phyla were more likely to co-occur. Based on topological roles analysis of each ASVs, we found that river network had much stronger clustered topology (modularity). And modularity analysis revealed that all of the ASVs in the lake network were peripherals, while 4 nodes (ASVs) were found to be module hubs and 5 ASVs could be classified as connectors in the river network (Additional file 9: Fig. S6). Among the four module hubs, two of them belonged to Verrucomicrobia, the third hub belonged to the genus Limnohabitans and the last one was assigned to Actinobacteria. Among the five connectors, 4 of them were classified as genus Gp6 of Acidobacteria, and the other was Luteolibacter yonseiensis, within Verrucomicrobia phylum.


Different microbial community diversities between river and lake habitats

In this study, we found the microbial α-diversity in the mainstream of the River Kaidu was much higher than that in Lake Bosten (Fig. 1). There are several possible explanations for this result. On the one hand, the high richness found in the river habitat are likely resulted from the massive immigration of terrestrial, sediment and periphyton microbiome [40,41,42]. It is well recognized that terrestrial soil normally contains highly diverse microbes that serves as regional microbial pool for its connected aquatic ecosystems [42]. This notion is supported by the fact that all diversity indices were significantly and positively correlated to TSS (Additional file 3: Fig. S3), an indicator of surrounding soil erosion. Shao et al. [43] found that the soil microbial community in this alpine grassland were dominated by Thaumarchaeota, Chloroflexi, Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes and Proteobacteria, most of which were also enriched in the river habitat in this study. In addition, we found the closest relatives in GenBank of the most abundant ASVs (i.e., ASV_13 and ASV_5) were mostly isolated from soil, periphyton, biofilm or sediment (Additional file 10: Table S4). This indicates a more dynamic coupling between local river community and the surrounding regional metacommunities than the lake habitat does.

On the other hand, the high environmental and spatial heterogeneity among different headwater tributaries and different locations of the main river could attribute different niches for diverse microbes inhabiting. This environmental heterogeneity includes gradients of water temperature (ranged from 4.5 to 17.5 °C), TP (0.064–1.180 mg/L) as well as TN (0.17–2.72 mg/L), which was hardly to be found in the lake habitat (Additional file 11: Fig. S7). Previous researched have proposed that network modules (or clusters) could be interpreted as overlap** niches in which groups of taxa are more densely interconnected than with others [38, 44, 45]. In this study, network topology analysis revealed that the modularity of the river microbial network was notably higher than lake network (Table 1), suggesting more ecological niches in river habitat for diverse microorganisms to perch.

Except for species diversity, we also observed higher functional diversity in river habitat compared with the lake habitat (Fig. 5; Additional file 7: Fig. S5). For example, significant enrichment of genes associated with nitrogen metabolism and methanogenesis were found in the river habitat due to higher abundance of Nitrososphaera and Euryarchaeota in this habitat. This was consistent with previous results suggesting that small streams and rivers play crucial roles in denitrification and nitrogen uptake, as well as export over nitrogen to downstream lakes [1, 46, 47]. However, it should be noted that the predicted functional profile was limited by the proportion of robust ASVs which can be annotated by FAPROTAX. In our study, there are about 80% ASVs could not be assigned to any functional group, suggesting that massive of unclassified taxa with unknown functions inhabit at this inland aquatic ecosystem [15, 21], potential strong dispersal limitation could be largely viewed as stochastic in river habitat in this study.

Except dispersal limitation, ecological drift may be another important process that contribute the high proportion of stochastic ratio since low density of microorganism was typically found in upstream tributaries (mean = 7.7 ± 8.8 × 105 cells/ml) as well as in mainstream of the River Kaidu (9.4 ± 6.9 × 105 cells/ml) compared with Lake Bosten (13.8 ± 3.5 × 105 cells/ml) (Additional file 11: Fig. S7). It is believed that communities are more susceptible to ecological drift when selection is weak, and the local species abundance is low [22].

In the lake ecosystem, the relative importance of stochastic process on the microbial community variation was small (Fig. 6c), indicating that deterministic process was more important. Local environmental sorting, e.g., salinity, could be one of the main deterministic processes [20]. Salinity has been identified as the most important environmental determinant in sha** microbial communities on global scale [48] and regional or local lakes [9, 49]. In this study, we found that salinity (i.e., TDS) was the most important environmental factor accounted for 28.4% of the total community variations solely (Fig. 6a; Additional file 8: Table S3). Salinity may provide a physiological barrier for some freshwater microbes and favor certain bacteria to thrive [50]. The PCoA plot (Fig. 1b) showed clear separation of microbial community similarity in Lake Bosten from riverine habitat as well as low variations within lake habitat (except the estuary), which consistent with the fact that the open lake constitutes a far more constant and buffered environment than river water, and indicate the existence of an autochthonous community uniquely adapted to the environmental conditions prevailing in this brackish environment. For instance, among the top 10 ASVs in the brackish Lake Bosten, 9 of them belong to class Spartobacteria of phylum Verrucomicrobia (Additional file 6: Table S2). This is consistent with a report that Spartobacteria comprise an important component in the brackish surface water of the Baltic Sea, constituting up to 28.9% of the total bacterial reads [51]. Although Spartobacteria could be found in freshwater environment, it seems that members of Spartobacteria are more adaptable to brackish habitat, where they are presumably involved in the utilization of phytoplankton-derived organic matter [52]. This fits the observation that significant higher concentrations of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and DOC in the brackish water of Lake Bosten compared with those in river habitat (Additional file 11: Fig. S7). In addition, the fourth most abundant ASV (Additional file 6: Table S2) in lake habitat assigned to the freshwater SAR11 (i.e., LD12) had 100% sequence identity over the 263 bp v4 region of the 16S rRNA gene with the strain LSUCC0530, which was isolated from Lake Borgne with a salinity of 2.39 g/L [53]. It could grow at salinities between 0.36 and 4.7 g/L with the optimal salinity of 1.45 g/L, which is near the mean salinity of Lake Bosten (Additional file 11: Fig. S7). LD12 bacterioplankton are characterized as small cell volumes and are adapted to oligotrophic habitats with obligate aerobic chemoorganoheterotrophic lifestyle. It seemed that Lake Bosten could provide proper environment for bacteria like LD12 to thrive, as reported in previous studies [41] have been shown that bacterial community composition was predominantly structured by hydrology in samples with WRT shorter than 10 days. Moreover, lakes that have WRT > 200 days were characterized by significant dissimilarities in bacterial community composition between the lake water and the inlet [54]. The mean WRT in Lake Bosten is about 970 d [55]. With the long WRT in Lake Bosten, the influence of river communities has impacts only in the river mouth (such as the Site C01, Fig. 1b) through mass effects with large amount of inflow events. In other area of Lake Bosten, however, homogeneous physiochemical environment including much higher salinity applies similar niche for microorganisms differed from river habitat to harbor.

Prior studies that have noted that when WRT is relatively long, many inlet microbial species disappeared or persist in very low abundance, and species sorting appears to be the predominant mechanism sha** the pelagic community within the lake [11, 56]. In line with this, we found much more interactions and competitions among organisms (i.e., species sorting) in the lake community assembly using co-occurrence network analysis (Fig. 7; Table 1). In addition, predation of microbes by protists in the pelagic of Lake Bosten supposed to be more common than that in river habitat since the diversity of microbial eukaryotes in river habitat was much lower than that in lake habitat [57]. With 26 protists taxa and 34 rotifers taxa in Lake Bosten [58], severe competition exclusion and/or predation may partially explain the low species diversity and functional diversity in this lake compared with river habitat (Fig. 1; Additional file 7: Fig. S5). On the other hand, under the condition of limited resources in the surface water of Lake Bosten, biotic interactions (e.g., competition) could maintain multiple species coexistence via differentiating the capacity of microbes to finely partition niche axes (i.e., narrowed niche breadth) with small population sizes (i.e., increased proportion of rare species) [59]. This was supported by the fact that much higher proportion (54%) of rare ASVs was found in lake habitat compared with river habitat (12%) (Fig. 2). The evidence presented here supports the hypothesis that species interactions are extremely important in sha** community assembly in brackish Lake Bosten.

The SAD within a community reflects resource use by the species individually which can be conceptualized in terms of niche or stochastic processes of population dynamics [60]. In this study, the shapes of SADs in river and lake habitats are quite different. Compared with river habitat, in lake habitat a few species were relatively more dominant (higher number of sequences) while many species become proportionally rare. The strong role of salinity (Fig. 6; Additional file 8: Table S3) and geographic factors (Fig. 5) implies that niche processes (e.g., niche division) and stochastic processes (e.g., distance decay) may leave imprints on the SADs in either lake or river habitat. However, the statistical Poisson lognormal, a lognormal model with Poisson-based sampling error, fitted the data better than both the fits from niche-based and neutrality-based models (Fig. 2e, f). This is consistent with Shoemaker et al. [4], who found that the lognormal had provided the most accurate predictions for microbial SADs. This is in contrast to researches from macroorganisms with overwhelmingly log-series distribution [Network construction and analysis

Microbial interaction is one of the main drivers that contributes to deterministic process of community assembly. In order to gain more insight into the importance of interspecies interaction on community assembly, the species co-occurrence patterns of both river and lake habitats were constructed using network theory [15, 37, 89]. To simplify the dataset (resampled ASVs table), ASVs with relative abundance > 0.05% in river/lake samples were selected. Subsequently, those ASVs only detected in more than 50% of the samples were used for network construction. The network analyses were performed based on the online Molecular Ecological Network Analysis (MENA) pipeline ( using the recommended Pearson correlation coefficient and a random matrix theory (RMT) modeling for threshold identification [37]. Modules were detected by fast greedy modularity optimization [90]. According to the within-module connectivity (zi) and among-module connectivity (Pi), the nodes (ASVs) in a network could be divided into four subcategories, i.e., peripheral nodes, connectors, module hubs and network hubs [37, 91]. Topological properties of 100 random networks with equal numbers of nodes and edges of the real networks were calculated [92]. Network visualization was conducted using the interactive platform Gephi 0.9.2.