
Due to many technologically important optical, electronic and mechanical properties transition metal oxides have attracted increased research attention during the last years. Their optical, electronic and mechanical properties are appropriate for a wide range of applications. Titania (TiO2) is a semiconducting oxide that in both the anatase and rutile polymorphs have been applied in electronics, optoelectronics1, sensors2, photocatalysts3,4, energy production and storage5, etc. Study of cationic dopants in TiO2 is of great interest because it allows to modify and/or enhance physical and chemical properties of TiO2, thus advance the respective device performance and extend its application range6,7,8,9,10. Transition metal impurities such as Cr, V, Mn or Fe, can be easily incorporated into TiO2 lattice, which aroused interest since these dopants commonly improve physicochemical reactions at the surface that is important for degradation of pollutants in waste water treatment or in energy related applications where the oxidation state of the dopant plays a key role6,8,11. Nevertheless, achieving a controlled oxidation state of the transition metals in TiO2 is not a simple task, due to their characteristic multivalence. Many factors should be accounted for in the analysis of do** process, such as the temperature, atmosphere and precursors used during the synthesis, the dimensions and morphology of the material, and the final concentration of dopants, among others, which usually affect the position of the dopant in the lattice and its ground state nearby other intrinsic defects11,12,13. Among the other transition metals, Cr has frequently been the matter of study because of the controversy related to its influence on the physical and chemical properties of TiO2. As an example, Fan et al.3 observed that mesoporous Cr-doped TiO2 presents lower photocatalytic activity for acetaldehyde photodecomposition under the UV light radiation and its performance varies as a function of the Cr concentration and the irradiation wavelength, generally increasing below the critical Cr do** level. Similar observations were reported by Wei et al.14, Tian et al.4 On the contrary, Wilke et al.6 and recently Mittal et al.15 did not observe any photocatalytic improvement by Cr do** despite higher visible light absorption was reported. The magnetic properties of Cr doped TiO2 has been also investigated due to potential applications for spintronics and novel information processing16. In contrast to non-magnetic TiO2 observed by Matsumoto et al.13, ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature has been observed by other authors, however the variables involved in the magnetic properties are still unclear and remains under debate9,16,17. Therefore, a deeply understanding of electronic structure of doped systems like TiO2 is still needed, and the parameters such as the dopant oxidation state and the site where the dopant is located in the host lattice, as well as the influence of the dopant on the oxygen related defects should be further investigated in order to understand the dopant-induced physical and chemical effects18.

The present study focuses on modifications of electronic structure of rutile TiO2 induced by the incorporation of Cr, paying attention on the Cr oxidation state, location in the lattice, on formation of complex with oxygen vacancies, on its influence on lattice environment, and on its shallow ionization energy in the band gap. The aim of this work is combine theoretical and experimental studies of Cr-doped TiO2 samples, in order to shed light on the effects caused by do** in a wide range of concentrations that may affect their optoelectronic properties. Density functional theory (DFT) based calculations were carried out to investigate the effect of Cr on electronic density of states (DOS) of ideal and oxygen-deficient crystalline TiO2. The electronic structure has been experimentally studied by resonant and non-resonant X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) performed at a Synchrotron beamline that have been compared to the above theoretical results. The morphological and crystalline characteristics of the present microstructures, as well as the do** homogeneity achieved, make them an useful reference material for theoretical studies of Cr-doped TiO2. Moreover, this study could serve as a reference model for other metallic oxides that also crystallize in the rutile-like structure such as VO2, CrO2, MnO2, SnO2 or RuO2.

Experimental Section

Samples studied

The Cr-doped rutile TiO2 microtubes analyzed in this work have been synthesized by a vapor-solid method at temperatures of 1300 °C during 15 h, using 5 cat.% and 10 cat.% Cr-doped nanoparticles as precursor, as reported in a previous work19. These microtubes exhibit high crystallinity and chromium homogeneity, up to 3–4 cat.% Cr. A combined Raman spectroscopy in a confocal microscope and electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) in a SEM19 confirm the growth direction and the lateral planes forming the tubes, which correspond to the [001] direction and the {110} family planes, respectively. These techniques also revealed the high crystalline quality of the microtubes, which lateral faces can be considered as single-crystals. In addition, undoped rutile TiO2 and Cr doped samples up to 5 cat.% Cr have been analyzed for comparison and commercial α-Cr2O3 polycrystalline powder (Sigma Aldrich, 99.9%), were employed as reference samples. Table 1 summarizes the samples used in this work and their Cr content.

Table 1 List of samples and corresponding Cr concentration in cationic fraction respect to Ti quantified by EDS.


XAS experiments in total electron yield (TEY) mode, as well as resonant and non-resonant XPS measurements were carried out at the BACH beamline at the Elettra Synchrotron light source facility (Trieste, Italy) using a monochromatic photon energy in the range from 400 to 600 eV, with energy resolution of 40–200 meV. The spectra were acquired in normal incidence geometry. C(1 s) peak at 284.6 eV from adventitious carbon20 has been employed for calibration of the XPS spectra. Chromium quantification was performed by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) with a Bruker AXS 4010 detector mounted in a Leica 440 SEM.

DFT Calculations

All the calculations were performed using the density functional theory (DFT) implemented in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP)21,22,23 together with the potential projector augmented-wave (PAW) method24,25,26. The core and valence electronic states are expanded with a plane-wave basis set, with an optimal energy cutoff of 500 eV. Standard PAW-PBE27 pseudopotentials were employed to describe the Ti(3s3p3d4s), Cr(4s3p3d) and O(2s2p) valence states, allowing spin polarization during all calculations.

The defect calculations were performed using a 2 × 2 × 4 (96 atoms) supercell for the neutral and negative charged Cr defects (CrTi0, CrTi1−) and also for the combined neutral defect 2CrTi0 + VO0. A 4 × 4 × 6 mesh for the k-point sampling centered at the Gamma point was found optimal for the calculations. Additionally, calculations using hybrid functional with a 25% portion of Hartree-Fock exchange using the standard HSE0628 screening parameter of 0.2 Å−1 were performed to analyze the 2CrTi0 + VO0 case using a 2 × 2 × 2 supercell and a 2 × 2 × 2 mesh for the k-point sampling. The structural optimization for point defects in the supercell were performed starting from a pre-converged unit cell and allowing ionic relaxation with energy convergence of 10−7 eV per atom and minimizing the forces on all atoms less than 10−2 eV·Å−1. The calculation of the effective charges were performed using the Henkelman’s grid-based algorithm for the Bader electron decomposition method29. The effective charge is defined as QX = ZX-qBader,X (X = Cr, Ti, O) similar to that calculated in Vasquez et al.30, where ZX is the number of valence electrons and qBader,X is the calculated Bader charge for the corresponding X atom. Graphical illustrations were drawn using the software VESTA31.

Results and Discussion

DFT study

Substitution of a single Ti atom by a Cr atom in the 2 × 2 × 4 rutile supercell corresponds to cationic concentration of ~3.1 cat.% Cr in good agreement with that measured by EDS in the studied Cr doped rutile microtubes19. The neutral CrTi in ideal TiO2 lattice leads to Cr4+ ion, whereas the negatively charged CrTi1− defect corresponds to Cr3+ ion. Both cases and the defect-impurity complex 2CrTi + VO are studied in this work and are compared to our experimental data obtained by XPS and XAS measurements.

The rutile structure is formed by an infinite chain of TiO6 octahedra with four basal (d0) and two apical (D0) Ti-O bond lengths. The basal bonds form an angle of 98.8° whereas the apical bonds form a right angle with respect to the basal plane32. Therefore, each octahedron is slightly tetragonal and trigonal distorted. In a previous work30 we have compared electronic properties of bulk rutile as calculated by PBE and hybrid functional (HSE06), as well as the effect of VO2+ on the TiO2 lattice and conduction band, so the complete list of rutile TiO2 parameters, as well as our experimental values and data from other authors, are summarized in the Table 2.

Table 2 List of lattice parameters, bond lengths, energy band gap and Bader effective charge calculated for the rutile phase.

Our results are in good agreement with those commonly reported by other authors. Small differences, below 1%, are found between the results obtained from the calculations obtained within PBE and HSE. Large differences are found in the calculated band gap (Eg), which is underestimated by the PBE method. Janotti et al.33 reported that this effect in rutile TiO2 can be attributed to a reduced self-interaction for the O(2p)-derived states at the upper part of the valence band. Bader charge analysis calculated by HSE06 indicates a slightly higher ionic character in the Ti-O bond as compared with the PBE calculations30. Taking into account that, apart from Eg underestimation by the PAW-PBE funtional, comparable values are obtained by both computational methods, in this work the PBE method has been employed in most of the analyzed simulations, as it allows to spread the type of defects to be simulated while kee** calculation time lower than HSE06.

After the ionic relaxation we have observed that the symmetry of the CrO6 octahedron incorporated in TiO2 is different as compared to the TiO6 octahedron, which shows both tetragonal and trigonal distortions. In Table 3 the PBE calculated data for apical (D) and basal (d) Cr–O and Ti–O bond lengths in CrO6 and TiO6 octahedra are indicated for both CrTi1− and CrTi0 defects in rutile TiO2.

Table 3 List of apical (D) and basal (d) bond length in CrO6 and TiO6 octahedra, |Dd|/D percentages, and Bader effective charge for Cr and Ti ions for CrTi1− and CrTi0 defects in rutile.

In addition, the corresponding (D-d)/D percentages and the calculated Bader effective charge values are also included in Table 3. In the case of the CrO6 octahedron, the tetragonal distortion is significantly reduced, where the relative difference between calculated apical (D) and basal (d) Cr–O bond length is less than 0.55% in comparison to the value obtained for Ti–O bonds of 2.4%. This observation indicates that the Cr ion symmetry in rutile TiO2 is nearly octahedral (O h ) rather than tetragonal distorted octahedral symmetry as the TiO6 octahedron in perfect rutile.

Bader charge analysis as a function of the distance from the CrTi defect, either for CrTi1− or CrTi0, shows very small dispersion in effective charge values for O and Ti atoms as observed in the Fig. 1, which means that in both cases the electronic charge around the defect is very localized in the Cr atom. Only the nearest O atoms (ca. 2 Å), which are directly bonded to Cr, present small variations in the effective charge. Dots above the dotted line (reference from bulk TiO2) in Fig. 1(b,d) indicate that the O atoms coordinated with the corresponding Cr defect gain less charge than those O atoms only coordinated with Ti atoms in bulk rutile. Thus, the number of valence electrons in the different Cr defects (CrTi1−, CrTi0) influences the Cr-O bonding, as expected. The Cr d-orbital is occupied by two electrons in the case of a Cr4+ ion (CrTi0 defect), and three in the case of a Cr3+ ion (CrTi1−). This implies that the additional electron in the CrTi1− defect belongs to the Cr valence electrons, expanding slightly the octahedron volume by increasing the Cr-O bond length (see Table 3).

Figure 1
figure 1

Bader effective charge as a function of the distance from the Cr defect for (a) Titanium atoms and (b) Oxygen atoms in CrTi1− defect, and (c) Titanium atoms and (d) Oxygen atoms in CrTi0. Dotted line represents the Bader charge for bulk rutile.

More differences can be appreciated by the observation of the electronic distribution by means of the electron localization function (ELF), corresponding to both types of Cr defects. In Fig. 2(a,b) the ELF basal cross-section planes for the rutile (110) and (\(1\bar{1}0\)) planes, respectively, are represented for the case of CrTi1−. The (\(1\bar{1}0\)) plane is perpendicular to (110) plane crossing along the dashed line marked in Fig. 2(a), where the CrTi1− defect is located at the center. Figure 2(c) corresponds to the apical plane crossing along the dotted line of the Fig. 2(a). The equivalent cross-section planes corresponding to the CrTi0 defect in rutile TiO2 are represented in Fig. 3.

Figure 2
figure 2

ELF cross section along the (a) (110) plane, (b) (\(1\bar{1}0\)) plane and (c) the apical plane perpendicular to (110) for the CrTi1− defect. Dotted line in (a) represents the intersection with (\(1\bar{1}0\)) plane and dashed line represents the intersection with the apical plane. (d) Isosurface for an ELF = 0.15 for the CrTi1− defect. Cr–O bonds are represented as white sticks.

Figure 3
figure 3

ELF cross section along the (a) (110) plane, (b) (\(1\bar{1}0\)) plane and (c) the apical plane perpendicular to (110) for the CrTi0 defect. Dotted line in (a) represents the intersection with (\(1\bar{1}0\)) plane and dashed line represents the intersection with the apical plane. (d) Isosurface for an ELF = 0.15 for the CrTi0 defect. Cr–O bonds are represented as white sticks.

In both cases the electron density around the basal Cr-O bonds [Figs 2(a) and 3(a)] is practically negligible in the (110) planes, and in a greater extent for the CrTi1- defect. However, the apical bonds are different depending on the Cr oxidation state. For the neutral CrTi0 defect (Cr4+) the ELF value is higher in the apical Cr–O bonds, contrary to CrTi1− (Cr3+) where the electron density is still minimum as can be observed in Figs 2(b) and 3(b), corresponding to the (\(1\bar{1}0\)) planes. The trigonal distortion in the (110) plane modifies the electron density, thus increasing the ELF value in the regions where O–Ti–O angle is >90°, unlike the apical plane represented in the Figs 2(c) and 3(c) where all the Cr–O bonds are nearly equivalent and the plane is unaffected by octahedral distortions. The isosurfaces for an ELF value of 0.15 corresponding to the CrTi1− and CrTi0 defects are shown in the Figs 2(d) and 3(d), respectively. The Cr–O bonds are represented as white sticks. All the features described for the ELF cross-sectional views can be appreciated in the volumetric space in Figs 2(d) and 3(d). In this way, the electron density around CrTi1− defect is distributed forming a cube-like volume, whereas the electron localization around the CrTi0 defect shows a more complex distribution with localized electrons in the regions around the apical bonds. The relatively small difference in the effective charges between the CrTi1− and CrTi0 defects (Table 3) combined with the ELF results suggest that the Cr–O bonding character is mostly ionic in the case of a CrTi1− defect, whereas the apical Cr–O bonds in the CrTi0 defect present a covalent character slightly higher than Ti4+ in TiO2. Thereby, the different number of valence electrons affects differently to the electron distribution in each Cr defect. The characteristic ELF of the CrTi1− defect could be explained as valence electrons that tend to occupy the \({d}_{{xy}}\), \({d}_{{yz}}\) and \({d}_{{zx}}\) orbitals, pointing to directions between Cr–O bonds, instead of the \({d}_{{z}^{2}}\) and \({d}_{{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}\) orbitals which are pointing towards the coordinated O atoms, This suggests that the electron configuration in the ground state of CrTi1− defect is 3t2g3e g 0 characteristic of an Cr3+ ion under octahedral (O h ) crystal field. In the case of the CrTi0, the higher electron localization along the apical bonds indicates that the electrons can partially occupy the \({d}_{{z}^{2}}\) orbitals.

In order to complete the DFT study, the density of electronic states (DOS) has also been analyzed. The total DOS and partial DOS (pDOS), including O(2p), Ti(3d) and Cr(3d), for the CrTi1− and CrTi0 defects in rutile TiO2 are shown in Fig. 4(a). For clarity, the VB maximum (VBM) is set to 0 eV, and s+ and s- indicate the spin-up and spin-down components of the DOS, respectively.

Figure 4
figure 4

(a) Spin polarized (s+, s) total DOS and pDOS corresponding to O(2p), Ti(3d) and Cr(3d) states for CrTi1− and CrTi0 defects, and (b) DOS contributions from CrO6 and TiO6 (dashed) octahedra.

The pDOS reveals that the Cr defect states within the TiO2 band gap are originated by orbitals of Cr 3d nature. With regard to the CrTi1− defect [top of the Fig. 4(a)], the occupied electronic states are localized as a spin-up level 0.2 eV below the EF and about 0.75 eV above the VBM. The neutral CrTi0 defect [down in the Fig. 4(a)] shows electronic states partially occupied within the Eg with a symmetric state below the EF and a more complex defect structure with spin-up and spin-down polarized states at the CB region. Figure 4(b) shows the partial contribution of O(2p) and Cr(3d) orbitals for CrO6 octahedron compared with a single TiO6 octahedron (dashed line) for both CrTi1− and CrTi0. In the case of CrTi1− [top of the Fig. 4(b)] the calculated VB contributions of the CrO6 octahedron are similar to the calculated contributions for the TiO6 octahedron. Within the band gap region, the O(2p) orbitals are slightly hybridized with Cr(3d) orbitals (t2g related states) in the CrTi1− defect. On the contrary, for the CrTi0 defect [down in Fig. 4(b)], the O(2p) and Cr(3d) orbitals show stronger hybridization states at about 5.2 eV below the EF partially overlapped with the O(2p)-σ bonds of TiO234. In the conduction band (CB) the Cr contributions are partially mixed with the empty t2g states of the TiO2 CB33, showing localized states at about 3 eV above the EF. Hereinafter our analysis will be focused on the VB region, thus results comparing the PAW-PBE and HSE06 functional are shown in Supplementary Fig. S1 confirming that the VB region are qualitatively similar using both functionals.

Other way to obtain Cr3+ defects in a neutral rutile lattice could be achieved by the electron transfer from neutral oxygen vacancies, VO0, or ionized VOn+ defects (n = 1, 2), to nearby Cr4+ defects. To perform and simulate this possibility, a single VO0 is created in the proximity of two CrTi0 defects resulting in the combined defect 2CrTi + VO studied in this work. Figure 5(a) shows the ELF cross section for the (110) plane calculated by PBE for the combined defect 2CrTi + VO. The dotted lines indicate broken Cr–O and Ti–O bonds due to the removed oxygen atom (VO).

Figure 5
figure 5

(a) ELF cross section along the (110) plane with a combined 2CrTi0 + VO0 defect. Dotted circles and lines represent the Cr atoms and dangling bonds, respectively. (b) ELF isosurfaces for an ELF value of 0.11 (yellow/light) and 0.21 (blue/dark) around the nearest Cr, Ti and O atoms from the VO defect. (c) Spin polarized (s+, s) total DOS and pDOS corresponding to O(2p), Ti(3d) and Cr(3d) states for the combined 2CrTi0 + VO0 defect.

After ionic relaxation, the trapped electrons from the removed O atom are localized in the region between the Cr and Ti dangling d orbitals. The presence of the VO defect generally results in displacements of the Ti and O atoms outward and inward, respectively, from the VO site30,33,35 In the combined defect, the Cr atoms [Cr(1) and Cr(2) in Fig. 5(a)] are displaced outward from the VO0, but only a small amount (1.04d0) as compared to the nearest Ti atoms from the VO2+ defect (1.16d0 from Janotti et al.33). However, the next nearest Ti atom [Ti(1) in Fig. 5(a)] is displaced an amount of about 1.15D0, equivalent to that calculated for VO2+ (1.15D0 from Janotti et al.33). Despite the fact that charge density in the bonded O atom [between Cr(1) and Cr(2) in the Fig. 5(a)] is repelled outward from the vacancy site, observed as a high electron localization in the opposite side from the VO, only small distortions can be observed around Cr atoms because of the ionic relaxation as compared to single VO2+. The isosurfaces represented in the Fig. 5(b) for ELF values of 0.11 (in yellow/light) and 0.21 (in blue/dark) show that electron localization geometry around Cr atoms is similar to that observed for the CrTi1− defect [Fig. 2(d)]. Therefore, the electron localization is also characteristic for Cr3+ ions. However, in this case the electrons from the VO state are bounded with Cr atoms indicating the presence of a mixed Cr(3d)–VO electronic state. The Total DOS and pDOS corresponding to O(2p), Ti(3d) and Cr(3d) states for the combined defect 2CrTi + VO are represented in Fig. 5(c). It can be noticed that DOS shape is similar to that calculated for the CrTi1− defect [top in Fig. 4(b)] characterized by spin-up polarized defect states of Cr(3d) nature at about 0.75 eV above the VBM. For the combined defect there are also partially occupied states close to the EF which increase the energy splitting between the VBM and the EF from 0.95 eV, for CrTi1−, to 1.2 eV, for the combined 2CrTi + VO. In this case the electronic states of the VO0 are mixed with the nearest Cr t2g orbitals resulting in a high spin polarized state, similar to that observed for the CrTi1−, which means that electrons from VO contribute to the formation of a pair of Cr3+ defects.

XPS and XAS study

XAS and XPS measurements have been performed at BACH beamline at the Elettra synchrotron facility in order to investigate the electronic structure and the effect of Cr in rutile TiO2. The combination of these experimental results with the theoretical study will extend the understanding of the Cr do** process in rutile TiO2. In this way, XAS spectra have been acquired on the Cr doped microtubes, as well as on undoped TiO2 and Cr2O3 reference samples. The Fig. 6(a–c) show the XAS spectra from Ti-L2,3, O-K and Cr-L2,3 absorption edges, respectively, from the doped Cr03 microtubes. Spectra from undoped TiO2 and Cr2O3 are also included for comparison. The Ti-L2,3 edge is splitted in two regions due to the spin-orbit coupling forming the L3 and L2 edges, as marked in Fig. 6(a).

Figure 6
figure 6

(a) XAS spectra from Ti-L2,3 edge, (b) O-K edge and (c) Cr-L2,3 edge. (d) CrO6 octahedron from α-Cr2O3 and (e) CrTi1− defect in rutile TiO2.

Both L3 and L2 bands are subdivided in two contributions as a result of the crystal field (CF), that originates the fivefold d-orbital splitting into two degenerated levels of t2g (three-fold degenerate states) and e g (two-fold degenerate states) symmetry by an energy amount of 10 Dq eV, also known as CF splitting36. According to the atomic coordinates calculated by DFT, TiO6 octahedron in the rutile phase presents both trigonal and tetragonal distortions. TiO2 tetragonal distortions, affecting directly to apical Ti–O bonds, are more sensitive in the L2,3-edge. Under tetragonal distortion the e g states are splitted in two states of b1g and a1g symmetry, whereas t2g states are splitted in three states of b2g and e g (two-fold degenerated) symmetry37. The high energy resolution achieved in the acquisition of the XAS spectra (<0.1 eV) enables the observation of the e g splitting at the L3 edge, resulting in the characteristic rutile TiO2 fingerprint with a maximum at 460 eV and a shoulder around 459 eV32,37, as observed in Fig. 6(a). Analogously, this association can be extended to the L2 edge, although the absorption bands in the latter region are broader because of Auger decay effects and vibrational dispersions38. It can be noticed that in Fig. 6(a) the e g band presents slight, but not negligible, modifications in Cr doped samples such as a less defined e g splitting at the L3 edge or variations in the e g relative intensity at the L2 edge.

On the other hand, the O-K edge [Fig. 6(b)], corresponding to electronic transition 1s → 2p, also shows features that are sensitive to the crystal environment. The hybridization of the Ti(3d)–O(2p) orbitals in TiO2 makes able the observation of the t2g and e g bands in the O-K edge32, observed at 530 and 533 eV, respectively. Complex contributions at higher energies with two maxima at 539 and 542 eV and a shoulder at around 545 eV, are also characteristic of the rutile phase of TiO239. In this case variations related to the e g relative intensity can be observed in Fig. 6(b), similar to that observed at the L2 edge in Fig. 6(a).

The Cr L2,3 edge [Fig. 6(c)] shows a more complex structure. The number of allowed transitions is significantly greater for the Cr atom due to the partially filled d orbitals in the case of Cr3+ or Cr4+ oxidation states, making difficult the analysis of the Cr-L edge. Thus, the Cr-L2,3 edge from an α–Cr2O3 sample has been used as a reference and compared to the Cr-L2,3 from Cr03 microtubes. The main features in the corresponding XAS spectra in Fig. 6(c), as the maxima at 576.6 and 577.5 eV, or the spin-orbit energy splitting (L3–L2 separation), indicate that the most probable oxidation state in the Cr doped TiO2 microtubes is Cr3+ under octahedral coordination, in agreement with previous CL results11,19. However, the characteristic spectral features could be associated with the different octahedral distortions or local environment, as can be observed from the ball and stick diagrams for a CrO6 unit from α–Cr2O3 [Fig. 6(d)] and the calculated CrO6 octahedron for a Cr3+ defect in rutile TiO2 [Fig. 6(e)].

XPS spectra at the VB region (VB-XPS) from microtubes with different amount of Cr (see Table 1 in Experimental Section) have been analyzed, in addition to an undoped TiO2 sample used as a reference. VB-XPS spectra acquired with energy of 450 eV are shown in Fig. 7(a).

Figure 7
figure 7

(a) VB-XPS spectra from undoped (TiO2-np(R)) and Cr doped TiO2 with different Cr concentration (Cr02, Cr03) using a photon energy E ν  = 450 eV. The dashed lines are indicative for the estimation of the VBM. (b) On and off-resonance BV spectra from undoped TiO2 and (c) Cr-doped TiO2 microtubes (Cr03). Arrows in (b) and (c) mark the resonant peaks according to the absorption maximum selected. (d) Gaussian deconvolution (straight line) of Ti resonant XPS spectra (dots) measured with a photon energy of 457.2 eV for TiO2-np sample, and (e) Cr doped TiO2 (Cr03). The insets in (d) and (e) correspond to enlargement of the EF region.

Changes in the VB region can be observed as a function of the Cr do**. The undoped sample used as reference [dotted line in Fig. 7(a)] shows a VB-XPS spectrum with a broad band centered at 6 eV composed by two contribution with maxima located at 7.4 and 5.3 eV.

These contributions, attributed to O(2p)–σ and O(2p)–π states that are partially hybridized with Ti(3d)34,40, can be also observed, although less defined, in the Cr doped samples Cr02 and Cr03 [marked with arrows in Fig. 7(a)]. In Cr doped TiO2, the VB is composed by a broad band, wider than that from undoped TiO2, centered at about 6 eV that extends approximately from 9 to 1 eV. Moreover, a shoulder close to the VBM, around 2.5–2.6 eV, is observed differently from the undoped TiO2. This band can be attributed to Cr(3d) states10, as it is higher as the amount of Cr increases. At the same time, the VBM shifts towards the EF as the amount of Cr increases in the microtubes, which should involve a less n-type behavior because of Cr do** at the surface of the probed microtubes.

Resonant XPS helps for the identification of valence states from Ti and Cr species. Figure 7(b) and (c) show the VB-XPS spectra acquired using photon energies corresponding to absorption maxima measured for Ti and Cr, according to their L2,3 absorption edge spectra [Fig. 6(a,c)]. Figure 7(b) shows the VB spectra for undoped TiO2 (TiO2-np) using a photon energy off-resonance (E ν  = 450 eV) and on-resonance (E ν  = 457.2 eV). The XPS signal from Ti states in the VB increases under on-resonance conditions, showing peaks at 7.3 eV and 0.7 eV below EF, marked with arrows in Fig. 7(b). The photoemission band at 7.3 eV is associated to hybridized O(2p)–Ti(3d) σ-bonding states34,40, whereas the band at 0.7 eV is associated to Ti(3d) states as the result of reduced Ti3+ ions due to presence of oxygen vacancies and structural defects33,35. The same experiment was carried out for Cr doped microtubes (Cr03), as shown in Fig. 7(c). In this case, a peak with a maximum at 7.0 eV is observed by using a photon energy on-resonance for Ti (E ν  = 457.2 eV) which can be also related to O(2p)–Ti(3d) hybridized states. However, selecting a photon energy on-resonance for Cr (E ν  = 577.5 eV) a peak at 2.7 eV clearly dominates the VB spectrum. This band at 2.7 eV was previously observed as a shoulder near the VBM in all the VB-XPS spectra measured for Cr doped samples [Fig. 7(a)], confirming that this contribution is related to Cr(3d) states10.

Figures 7(d,e) show the Gaussian deconvolution of the VB spectra in Fig. 7(b,c) acquired on-resonance for Ti atoms for undoped TiO2-np and Cr03 samples, respectively. The insets of the Fig. 7(d,e) show enlargement of the EF region. In the undoped sample the signal associated with Ti3+ defects at 0.7 eV below EF is clearly observed, indicating higher concentration of these defects in comparison to Cr doped TiO2, in which the signal is practically negligible as shown in the Fig. 7(e). However, analyzing in detail the VB spectra of Cr doped samples [inset if Fig. 7(e)], the presence of Ti3+ defects can be observed on-resonant conditions as a very weak band. This can explain the observed EF shift towards the VBM [Fig. 7(a)] as a result of Cr do**, which indicates that a less n-type character can be induced by controlling the Cr concentration41.

Analysis and comparison to DFT calculations

Theoretical DFT calculations and experimental VB-XPS results acquired on Cr doped TiO2 have been compared, as shown in Fig. 8(a–c), in which the calculated DOS have been compared to the experimental results from Cr03 sample, and the intensity of the resonant Ti and Cr contributions have been adjusted to fit with the off-resonant VB spectrum.

Figure 8
figure 8

Comparison of the calculated DOS for 2Cr + VO defect calculated by (a) HSE functional, (b) PBE and (c) the experimental VB spectrum (Cr03 sample). The intensity of the on-resonance spectra in (c) are reduced to obtain similar features. (d) Ti-L3 spectra from undoped and Cr doped TiO2 samples (Cr02 and Cr03). (e) Example of a Gauss-Lorentz (G-L) deconvolution of the Ti-L3 edge. (f) Estimation of 10Dq parameter as a function of the Cr concentration from band deconvolution of Ti-L3 edge. (g) Tetragonal distortion parameter |δ| as a function of the Cr concentration.

Among the considered defects, the best fit between experimental VB and calculated data is achieved for the 2Cr + VO defect using the PBE functional. In the calculated combined defect the difference between the pDOS maxima related to Ti(3d) and Cr(3d) states is about 5.5 eV for HSE [Fig. 8(a)], 4.6 eV for PBE [Fig. 8(b)], whereas the experimental difference between the Ti and Cr resonant peaks is about 4.3 eV [Fig. 8(c)]. Thus, the Cr defect states of 3d nature are located within the Eg of TiO2. The deviation between the Ti(3d)-Cr(3d) states separation calculated by DOS and experimental VB may be originated by the resultant structural relaxation of the Cr defects42, as well as the differences between the DFT model and the measurement conditions of the actual system.

Oxygen defects and other structural defects, such as Ti interstitial, can be found naturally in a real TiO2 system, and more frequently at the surface33,35,43. According to our DFT results, in order to achieve charge neutrality, Cr atoms could trap electrons from VO0 defects and hence be reduced to the most stable oxidation state (Cr3+). Therefore, two Cr defects could be compensated by the creation of a single VO0. The presence of Ti3+ defects are related to the presence of VO0, in which two electrons can occupy Ti(3d) states reducing two nearby Ti4+ ions33,44. Kim et al.45 stated that Cr3+ defects in rutile TiO2 are promoted when the samples are grown under oxygen poor conditions and determined that the formation energy of VO2+ and Cr3+ is smaller than the formation energy of Cr4+. Taking into account that the formation energy of VO2+ is also smaller than VO1+ and VO0 33,35, it is expected that the preferential oxidation state of Cr in TiO2 should be Cr3+. Thus, a single VO0 could be changed into VO2+ by the reduction of Cr4+ ions into Cr3+, leading to higher concentration of coordinated Cr3+–Vo2+–Cr3+ defects and hence reducing the presence of Vo0. This is consistent with the observed quenching of the Ti3+ related emissions in the luminescence spectra of Cr doped TiO2 favoring the Cr3+ luminescent emissions, reported in previous works11,19. However, experimental VB spectrum shows that the EF location is about 2.6 eV above the Cr resonant peak, which means that, considering that the Eg of crystalline rutile is about 3.1 eV, the EF localization is still close to the CB of rutile TiO2.

The effect of the crystal field (CF) is directly related to the coordination symmetry of Ti atoms, which implies that the hybridized metal-ligand bonds (O(2p) orbitals in TiO2) are very sensitive to local distortions in the rutile lattice32. A complementary study on the CF splitting and tetragonal distortions associated with the presence of Cr in rutile TiO2 has been also performed by a deeper analysis of the Ti-L3 absorption edge. The tetragonal distortion, which is due to the elongation of the apical Ti–O bonds, has a strong influence on the Ti-L2,3 edge features rather than trigonal distortions, which can be neglected in TiO236,38. This implies that a simplified D4h symmetry is enough to describe the Ti4+ ion in the rutile cell38. Figure 8(d) shows the Ti-L3 edge for undoped TiO2 and Cr-doped TiO2 microtubes (Cr02 and Cr03), where slight variations can be appreciated as the concentration of Cr increases. As aforementioned, Cr incorporation modifies slightly the L3 edge, and in a greater extent the e g related band. In this case, by Gauss-Lorentz (G-L) band deconvolution, the L3 edge can be decomposed into four bands labeled as A, B, C and D. It can be observed in Fig. 8(e) that A and B bands are nearly overlapped for t2g states. Thereby, t2g states are identified by the A + B maximum. C and D bands, located at higher energies and related to the e g states, show an absolute energy difference |E C  − E D | of about 1 eV. Information related to the crystal environment of Ti ions can be extracted from the G-L deconvolution of experimental Ti L3 edge, in which E D  − EA+B could be related to the variations of the CF splitting (10Dq) and the difference |E C E D | could be associated with variations of the tetragonal distortion parameter defined in absolute value as |E(b1g) − E(a1g)| = |δ|38.

Figures 8(f,g) show an estimation of the CF splitting (10Dq) and the |δ| parameter as a function of the amount of Cr, in cationic fraction, calculated from the Ti-L3 absorption edge corresponding to samples Cr02, Cr03 and samples with variable content of around 4 cat.% and 5 cat.% Cr, composed by sintered grains and precursor powder respectively. In both cases, the CF splitting decreases when Cr dopants are incorporated up to 3 cat.% Cr, and tends to increase when the amount of Cr is above this value. According to our previous results, the Cr solubility limit observed for rutile TiO2 microtubes grown by vapor-solid method is in the order of 3 cat.% Cr, which could indicate that the Cr defect site in the rutile lattice varies for concentrations either below or above this value. The |δ| parameter, associated with tetragonal distortion, also presents a slight reduction up to 3 cat.% Cr. Analyzing the calculated atomic coordinates of the Ti and O atoms surrounding the CrTi1− defect, a tetragonal distortion reduction has been observed in some of the TiO6 octahedra. The apical (D) and basal (d) Ti–O bonds of the in-plane TiO6 octahedra which are sharing corners with the CrO6 octahedron are D = 2.000 Å and d = 1.967 Å respectively, so the relative difference |D − d|/D is reduced from 2.4% (bulk rutile TiO2) to 1.6% using the calculated D and d, indicating a reduction of the tetragonal distortions. This is in agreement with the reduction of the |δ| parameter calculated by the G-L deconvolution of experimental Ti-L3 spectra.

As the local distortions induced by Cr affects directly to the crystal environment of TiO2, the physical behavior of the Cr defects should be also dependent on their local environment. The relatively small tetragonal distortion calculated for both CrTi0 and CrTi1− defects indicates that the CrO6 octahedra in TiO2 present O h symmetry independently of the Cr oxidation state. XAS, XPS and DFT results indicate a predominant Cr3+ ion in our system. Previous work19 reported a characteristic emission related to Cr3+, also called R-lines, using CL spectroscopy as an evidence of the presence of octahedral coordinated Cr3+ ions in our Cr-doped TiO2 microtubes. However, that emission was observed at low temperature (T = 110 K). Taking into account the energy of the Cr3+ characteristic emission (1.79 eV)19 and the corresponding Tanabe-Sugano diagram for d3 systems46, the minimum crystal field value (Dq) necessary to observe the R-lines is about 1.8 eV. On the other hand, Urusov and Taran47 reported the evolution of 10Dq as a function of the Cr–O distance (dCr-O) for a large number of compounds with octahedral coordinated Cr3+ ions obtaining the relation 10Dq ∝ (dCr-O)−5, revealing the high sensitivity of the CF to the local environment. In accordance to our calculated Cr–O distances (1.99–2.00 Å) and applying a correction factor of 0.99 to arrange the calculations to experimental TiO2 lattice parameters, the 10Dq parameter could vary from 2.05 to 2.12 eV. Therefore, according to the Tanabe-Sugano diagrams, it should be possible to observe the R-lines in Cr-doped TiO2. However, the energy separation between Ti3+ (0.9 eV below EF) and Cr3+ (2.6 eV below EF) defect states obtained from the VB spectrum [Fig. 7(e)] is about 1.7 eV. Therefore, the proximity of VO plays an important role on the recombination process of Cr3+ ions in rutile TiO2. As the Cr concentration increases the charge neutrality can be achieved by creating Cr4+ defects or by inducing VO that, according to our results, in the most stable structures tends to transfer electrons to the Cr atoms resulting in an increment of VO2+ defects.


In summary, single crystalline Cr doped TiO2 micro-tubes have been employed as model material to success-fully compare theoretical simulations and experimental results on the Cr do** of rutile TiO2. As a result, a deeper comprehension on the Cr incorporation in the rutile structure has been obtained. Aspects regarding the incorporation of chromium by forming a complex defect with two Cr atoms and one O vacancy (2CrTi + VO) have been elucidated. The electrons from the oxygen vacancy tend to be localized at the t2g states of the Cr ions in order to reach the stable oxidation state of Cr3+. These results, showing that oxygen defects play a crucial role in the stabilization of Cr3+ in the rutile lattice, have been confirmed both theoretically and experimentally, as the separation between the theoretical states due to Ti(3d) and Cr(3d), calculated by the pDOS, is in agreement with the one obtained experimentally by XPS resonant measurements. Moreover Cr effects on the crystal field and tetragonal distortion have been studied both from DFT simulations as well as by fitting experimental XAS measurements. The results indicate a decrease in the value of the 10Dq parameter and the tetragonal distortion |δ| in samples with Cr content lower than 3 cat.%, whereas these parameters increase for samples with higher Cr concentrations. Cr do** of rutile TiO2 leads to the generation of an energy level 0.55 eV over the VBM of the TiO2 as obtained by DFT simulations, which is in agreement to the Cr-resonant XPS measurements of the VB. These Cr related shallow levels behave competitively with the Ti3+ defect related level, as measured by luminescence and XPS.