1 Introduction

Regional frequency analysis is an important topic in hydrology and water resources. However, uncertainties existing in regional frequency analysis make this problem complicated. Statistical flood or rainfall estimates are affected by increasing uncertainty with decreasing frequency of occurrence because the quantiles of the probability distribution of the extreme flood flows or rainfall amounts are inferred from a data sample of relatively short length (Michele and Rosso, 2001). Regionalization procedures attempt to overcome the shortage of limited measurement data through increasing the sample size by substituting ‘space’ to augment ‘time’. However, besides the data sources, a lot of other uncertainties exist in regional frequency analysis. There is uncertainty from different grou** methods to define the hydrological homogeneous regions. The choice of frequency distribution is also an uncertainty source for regional frequency analysis. Thus, evaluating the uncertainty in regional frequency analysis is important, particularly for robust engineering infrastructure design and management.

Mainstream methods, such as generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) (** et al., 2010; Li et al., 2010; Delsman et al., 2013), Monte Caro simulation (Jeremiah et al., 2011; Houska et al., 2013), and the Bayesian approach (Parent and Bernier, 2003; Reis and Stedinger, 2005; Bouda et al., 2012), are often used for uncertainty analysis. Key dimensions of uncertainty in regional frequency analysis that need to be addressed are technical, methodological, and epistemological. Quantitative methods mentioned above address the technical dimension only (van der Sluijs et al., 2005). Qualitative uncertainties, such as those originating from methods, are far less well studied. Therefore, how to quantify qualitative uncertainty remains a difficult task in hydrological analysis. Apart from that, how to assess the qualitative and quantitative uncertainties integrally is also a great challenge.

In this paper, to account for the qualitative uncertainty, the numeral unite spread assessment pedigree (NUSAP) method proposed by Funtowicz and Ravetz (1990) is introduced for the first time to evaluate both quantitative and qualitative uncertainties in regional rainfall frequency analysis (RFA). The NUSAP method is able to address aspects of data, methods, or model quality resulting from uncertainties that are hard to quantify, such as methodological and epistemological uncertainties, and that are not systematically taken into account in scientific studies. A pedigree matrix is particularly designed for regional rainfall frequency analysis, by which the qualitative uncertainty can be effectively quantified.

2 Methodology

The framework of this study is presented in Fig. 1. Uncertainty sources in regional frequency analysis are first defined. Among these, three sources, i.e., precipitation measurement error, different methods to identify homogeneous regions, and different frequency distributions, are selected to assess their impact on the quantitative and qualitative uncertainties on design rainfall with the NUSAP method. The pedigree matrix, particularly designed for regional frequency analysis, is used to quantify the qualitative uncertainties. The impact of measurement errors in precipitations (quantitative uncertainty) is analyzed by the Latin Hypercube simulation. These two kinds of uncertainties are then assessed integrally by a diagnostic diagram.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Framework used in this study

2.1 Regional rainfall frequency analysis and its uncertainties

Frequency analysis of extreme rainfall usually implies extrapolations well beyond the range of the available at-site data (Norbiato et al., 2007). Therefore, regional frequency analysis is used to provide an alternative for statistical analysis of these extremes. Regional frequency analysis has been a well-established method in hydrology for many years; an example is the index variable procedure of Dalrymple (1960). The index variable procedure is a convenient way of pooling summary statistics from different data sites, which is also employed in this study. Among five assumptions (Hosking and Wallis, 2005) of index variable procedure, the main one is that the sites in a homogeneous region have an identical frequency distribution apart from a site-specific scaling factor, which is the index variable. According to Hosking and Wallis (2005), the index is usually the mean or median of the site-specific data. In this study, the index variable is the mean of the annual maximum daily precipitation. The regional frequency analysis based on an index variable procedure involves four steps, which are screening of the data, identification of the homogenous regions, choice of a frequency distribution, and estimation of the frequency distribution parameters.

The first step in the procedure is screening of the data, which is to test for incorrect data values, outliers, shifts, and trends. A discordancy measure (Hosking and Wallis, 2005) is used to identify those sites from a group of given sites that are grossly discordant with the group as a whole. The discordancy measure is a single statistic based on the difference between the L-moment ratios of a site and the average L-moment ratios of a group of similar sites (Norbiato et al., 2007).

The second step is identifying homogeneous regions, which is to form groups of stations with identical frequency distributions apart from a scale factor. A variety of methods have been proposed for forming groups of similar sites for use in regional frequency analysis. The geographical grou** method is used to define geographical regions which contain contiguous sites based on administrative areas or major physical grou** of sites (Hosking and Wallis, 2005). Cluster analysis is a standard method of statistical multivariate analysis, which has been successfully and widely used to identify homogeneous regions (Baeriswyl and Rebetez, 1997; Castellarin et al., 2001; Lin and Chen, 2006; Ramachandra Rao and Srinivas, 2006). Recently, the self-organization feature map (SOM), a modern hydroinformatic tool, has been applied for clustering watersheds (Lin and Chen, 2006; Farsadnia et al., 2014). In this study, a geographical grou** method and a direct cluster analysis method are chosen to analyze the uncertainty from different methods to identify homogeneous regions.

There are two methods commonly used to test homogeneity of the grouped regions. According to Ilorme and Griffis (2013), compared with the product-moment coefficient of variation (Wiltshire, 1986), L-moment ratios, such as L-CV and L-skewness, the first and third moment, respectively (Hosking and Wallis, 2005), are most commonly used in practice, and will be employed herein. The latter heterogeneity measure is called the H-statistic, which contains three measures. The first, H(1), is the standard deviation of the at-site L-CVs, which is used in this study and is used as H hereafter. The second, H(2), and the third, H(3), can also be used, but many studies (Castellarin et al., 2001; Hosking and Wallis, 2005; Ilorme and Griffis, 2013) show that H-statistic based solely on the L-CV is the most effective at discriminating between homogeneous and heterogeneous regions. A region is considered ‘acceptably homogeneous’ if H<1, ‘possibly heterogeneous’ if 1≤H≤2, and ‘definitely heterogeneous’ if H>2 (Hosking and Wallis, 2005). The heterogeneity measure is calculated by

$$H = {{V - {\mu _V}} \over {{\sigma _V}}},$$

where V represents the at-site weighted standard deviation of the proposed region, which is defined as

$$V = {\left\{ {{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^N {{n_i}{{(L - {\rm{C}}{{\rm{V}}^i} - \overline {L - {\rm{CV}}})}^2}} } \over {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^N {{n_i}} }}} \right\}^{1/2}},$$

where n i and L-CVi are the record length and L-CV of site i, respectively; N is the number of sites in the proposed region; and μ V and σ V are the mean and standard deviation values of V, respectively, computed for the simulated regions. A four-parameter kappa distribution is used to simulate a large number of homogeneous regions by a Monte Carlo method.

The third step is choosing a frequency distribution. The aim of this step is to find a distribution that will yield accurate quantile estimates for each region. Many goodness-of-fit techniques are available for this purpose. In this study, the L-moment ratio diagram (Hosking and Wallis, 2005) showing the relationship of L-kurtosis (the fourth moment) versus L-skewness is used to compare the five selected distributions obtained from at-site data and the corresponding regional data.

The fourth step is estimating the parameters of the frequency distributions. Compared with other estimation methods, such as the maximum likelihood method and the conventional product moments method, the L-moment method is less influenced by the effects of sampling variability and can yield more efficient parameter estimates (Norbiato et al., 2007). Therefore, a regional L-moment algorithm is employed to estimate the parameters of the regional frequency distributions. Five models are considered: a generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution, a generalized Pareto (GPA) distribution, a generalized logistic (GLO) distribution, a three-parameter lognormal (LN3) distribution, and a Pearson type III (PE3) distribution. The five models are all three-parameter distributions, and their parameters are obtained by the three sample L-moments (Hosking and Wallis, 2005). The formulas for the parameter estimations can be referred to Hosking and Wallis (2005).

As mentioned above, uncertainty exists widely in regional frequency analysis. In this study, uncertainty sources in regional RFA are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 Uncertainty sources of regional rainfall frequency analysis

Three main sources are used to assess the impact of quantitative and qualitative uncertainties on regional frequency analysis by employing the NUSAP method. The three sources are measurement errors from precipitation data, different methods to identify homogeneous regions, and different frequency distributions.

2.2 NUSAP and the diagnostic diagram

The NUSAP method is a notional system originally proposed by Funtowicz and Ravet (1990), which aims to provide an analysis and diagnosis of uncertainty for complex policy problems. It captures both quantitative and qualitative dimensions of uncertainty and enables one to communicate those dimensions in a standardized and self-explanatory way.

NUSAP is a system designed to evaluate quality uncertainty. van der Sluijs et al. (2005) presented the details of the five qualifiers. The first three are the normal quantitative aspects of the analysis, and the last two are the qualitative part of the method. The first is numeral, which is usually an ordinary number. The second is unit, which will be a millimeter to describe the amount of precipitation in this study. The third is spread, which generalizes from the random error of experiments or the variance of statistics. Although spread is usually conveyed by a number (either ±, %, or ‘factor of’), it is not an ordinary quantity, for its own inexactness is not the same sort as that of measurements. Assessment expresses qualitative judgments about the information, which is usually related with the pedigree matrix. The pedigree matrix makes a distinction among empirical, methodological, and statistical assessment criteria. To minimize arbitrariness and subjectivity in measuring strength, a pedigree matrix is used to code qualitative expert judgments for criterion into a discrete numeral scale for 0 (weak) to 4 (strong) with modes of each level on the scale. In this study, a pedigree matrix for regional frequency analysis is proposed in Table 2. In the matrix, the columns represent the statistical, empirical, and methodological assessment criteria, and within each column there are linguistic descriptions, normatively ranked in descending order.

Table 2 Pedigree matrix for regional frequency analysis

NUSAP addresses two independent properties related to uncertainty in numbers, namely spread and strength. The two metrics can be combined in a diagnostic diagram map** strength and criticality to spread. The diagnostic diagram is based on the notion that neither spread alone nor strength alone is a sufficient measure for uncertainty. Spread expresses inexactness whereas strength expresses the methodological and epistemological limitations of the underling knowledge base. Spread and strength also refer to the quantitative and qualitative uncertainty, respectively. Map** those two metrics in a diagnostic diagram reveals the best spot and helps in the setting of priorities for improvement.

3 Case study

3.1 Study area

The Qiantang River Basin is located in the Zhejiang Province that lies in eastern China between 117.62°E and 121.87°E, and 28.17°N and 30.48°N (Fig. 2). The drainage area is about 55 600 km2, and the total length is about 589 km. The Qiantang River Basin is the largest and longest river system in Zhejiang Province, which passes through the provincial capital Hangzhou, before flowing into the East China Sea through the Hangzhou Bay. Because it is close to the sea, the area is subject to a subtropical monsoon climate. The mean annual precipitation is about 1200–2200 mm in various locations.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Location of precipitation stations and homogeneous regions of the geographic grou** method

Daily precipitation data of 20 stations in the Qiantang River Basin are used in this study (Fig. 2). All the stations have more than 40 years of record length, and 17 stations among them have more than 50 years. Table 3 lists the information of the precipitation stations.

Table 3 Information of precipitation stations used in this study

3.2 Uncertainty from precipitation data

The measurement errors and randomness of the precipitation result in uncertainties from the precipitation data. Measurement errors have a great effect on the results of regional frequency analysis, and uncertainty from the randomness of the precipitation data can be referred to Xu et al. (2011). Here only measurement errors from precipitation are of concern. There are three main sources of measurement errors in precipitation, which are measurement errors of wind, moisture, and evaporation (SL21-90, 1991). Measurement errors from these three sources are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4 Measurement errors of precipitation

To analyze the impacts of the measurement errors from precipitation on regional frequency analysis, the most unfavorable circumstance, which is 14%, is chosen. The Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) method is used to propagate the measurement error into design rainfalls. The results in Tianmushan of the downstream sub-region are taken as an example, which are presented in Table 5. The GEV is chosen to calculate the design rainfalls, for it is the most appropriate frequency distribution for the downstream sub-region, which will be discussed in Section 3.4. The results show that measurement errors cannot be ignored in regional frequency analysis. For the 200-year return period, the errors propagated into the design rainfall reaches 13%.

Table 5 Design rainfalls of Tianmushan station

3.3 Uncertainty from different methods to identify homogeneous regions

The Qiantang River Basin has two important sources which are ** method: the north sub-region which is the ** methods. Meanwhile, all the sub-regions pass the discordancy test. The results show that the grou** of four sub-regions is reasonable. Here, Chun’an station, Jiande station, and **zhuling station are taken as examples to analyze the impact on design rainfalls caused by different grou** methods. The results in Fig. 4 show that design rainfalls calculated based on cluster analysis are smaller than those calculated based on the geographical grou** method in small return periods, but larger in large return periods.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Homogeneous regions of cluster analysis

Fig. 4
figure 4

Design rainfalls of different grou** methods

Table 6 Heterogeneity measure H for the sub-regions of the two grou** methods

To quantify the differences of design rainfalls based on the geographic grou** method and cluster analysis method, four ungauged hydrological sites are employed. The methodology used to calculate design rainfalls in those four stations is based on the deviation mean in the ‘Atlas of storms in short duration for Zhejiang Province’ (BOHZJ, 2003). The average relative error of design rainfalls calculated by the grou** method and by the deviation mean is considered the uncertainty from different methods to delineate homogenous regions. Calculated results show that the errors from the geographic grou** method and cluster analysis method are 19.05% and 21.23%, respectively.

3.4 Uncertainty from different frequency distributions

The downstream sub-region is presented herein to analyze the uncertainty from different frequency distributions. Fig. 5 illustrates the L-moment ratio diagram for downstream sub-region, where OLB is the overall lower bound of L-kurtosis as a function of L-skewness. It shows that GEV and GLO fit better than the other distributions. The design rainfalls calculated with these two frequency distributions are shown in Table 7. The results reveal that design rainfalls obtained by GLO are larger than those obtained by GEV, which shows that frequency distributions do cause uncertainties in design rainfalls particularly for large return periods.

Fig. 5
figure 5

L -moment ratio diagram for downstream area

Table 7 Design rainfalls of the Tianmushan station calculated by GEV and GLO

To test the goodness of fit of these two distributions, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is used. The goodness of fit statistics between GEV and GLO is quantified. Table 8 presents the results. The errors are the relative differences between L-kurtosis based on observed data and L-kurtosis based on these two distributions. The results show that the GEV is the most appropriate distribution for the downstream sub-region. The errors are used as quantified uncertainty from different frequency distributions.

Table 8 Goodness of fit statistics between GEV and GLO

3.5 Integrated assessment of uncertainties

This section presents the assessment of uncertainties from precipitation, different grou** methods, and different frequency distributions. Here the diagnostic diagram is employed to combine quantitative and qualitative uncertainties from those three sources in the regional frequency analysis.

Measurement errors from precipitation are evaluated based on the geographic grou** method, thus the score of the statistical quality of measurement errors is identical to that of the geographic grou** method, which is 3.8 (it will be discussed later). Precipitation stations in the Qiantang River Basin distribute reasonably. Measurement and calculations are well controlled. As mentioned above, all the stations have more than 40 years of record length, and 17 stations have more than 50 years of record length. But compared to other international studies on regional frequency analysis (Fowler and Kilsby, 2003; Saf, 2010; Zaman et al., 2012), stations in the Qiantang River Basin distribute slightly dispersedly. Therefore, according to the pedigree matrix, the score of the empirical quality is set to 3.5. Among the methods employed to evaluate the impacts of measurement errors of precipitation on regional frequency analysis, LHS and index variable procedures are standard methods in well-established disciplines, and the geographic grou** method is considered reliable and common within established disciplines, which results in a score of methodological quality of 3.6.

As calculated previously, the errors from the geographic grou** method and cluster analysis are 19.05% and 21.23%, respectively. The qualitative uncertainty of the grou** methods is assessed according to the pedigree matrix. The selected frequency distributions fit well to the observations, so the score of the statistical quality of the two grou** methods is 3.8. The score of the empirical quality of grou** methods is identical to that of the measurement errors, which is 3.5. The geographic grou** method is commonly used, but slightly subjective; therefore, the score of the methodological quality is set to 2.8. The cluster analysis method is reliable and widely used, but the number of cluster factors is rather limited, so the score of the methodological quality is set to 3.0.

Every sub-region has its own fitted distributions. Sub-regions grouped by the geographic grou** method are taken as examples to analyze the uncertainty from different distributions. According to the ratio diagram of L-kurtosis versus L-skewness of frequency distributions, each two best fitted distributions are selected for each sub-region, which are then used to derive the differences caused by the distributions. The quantitative uncertainty is assessed by the fitted errors based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and the qualitative uncertainty is scored according to the pedigree matrix.

The results mentioned above are summarized in Table 9 for design rainfalls with a 200-year return period. The strength value is equal to the summation of the statistical quality score, empirical quality score, and methodological quality score, which are presented in the ‘Pedigree score’ in Table 9, respectively, divided by 12.

Table 9 Integrated uncertainty assessment

Then, the diagnostic diagram (Fig. 6) can be used to illustrate the results intuitively. The horizontal axis is the spread. The smaller spread means less quantitative uncertainty. The vertical axis is the strength value. The smaller value means more qualitative uncertainty. Thus, the dot which is the closest to (0, 1) has both the least quantitative and qualitative uncertainties. Therefore, the conclusions can be drawn from Fig. 6 that among the three main uncertainty sources for regional frequency analysis in this case study, the uncertainty caused by the precipitation data is the smallest, but the uncertainty from the different grou** methods is the largest. For the downstream sub-region, GEV is better than GLO; for the south sub-region, PE3 is the better choice; for the north sub-region, GEV is more appropriate.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Integrated diagnostic diagram of uncertainty

4 Conclusions

This study summarized uncertainty sources in regional RFA and designed a pedigree matrix particularly for regional frequency analysis. Based on the pedigree matrix, the qualitative uncertainty in regional frequency analysis was evaluated. Finally, the qualitative and quantitative uncertainties were combined in an integrated diagnostic diagram. In this study, the proposed NUSAP method proved to be effective in evaluating both the qualitative and quantitative uncertainties of the regional frequency analysis.

The diagnostic diagram is a helpful tool for decision-makers to have an overview of the quality and quantity of the data sources, methods, or models employed within the regional frequency analysis. To minimize the arbitrariness and subjectivity in measuring strength, the pedigree matrix is used to code the qualitative expert judgments. However, there are a few points which should be noted. Experts may have different judgments on which mode of each column of a pedigree matrix best represents the state of knowledge. Besides, they may have different judgments on the score set to the quality of the method or models used. Therefore, formal questionnaires on how to describe and define each column of a pedigree matrix and how to score the statistical, empirical, and methodological quality are proposed in the further study within worldwide experts in the field of uncertainty analysis, hydrology, and water resources.

Meanwhile, only limited data, methods, and models were used in this case study for illustration of the NUSAP method, which resulted in an underestimation of uncertainty in regional frequency analysis. It is highly recommended to make a systematic analysis of both qualitative and quantitative uncertainties in regional frequency analysis.