Abstract 15

Background/Aim: In Asphyxia membrane phospholipids (PL) are degraded and liberate Arachidonic Acid (AA). RO has been described to injure brain cells through cyclooxygenase activation and eicosanoid synthesis. We aimed to find differences in the brain LCPUFAs pattern in two groups of newborn rats subjected to MMH one reanimated with air and the other with O2.

Methods: Two groups of newborn Wistar rats (younger than 12 h.) were placed in a chamber with FiO2=0.1 (15′). RSA pups were recovered (3′) in air and the RSO with FiO2=0.9. Then the pups were put down and their brains removed and frozen. PL were extracted for measuring FA pattern by means of gas chromatography.Table

Table 1

Conclusions: 1) The AA and DHA content in newborn brains is considerably lower than in young rats. 2) AA did not decreased in RO animals.