
Hyperuricemia (HUA), characterized by the excessive production or inadequate excretion of uric acid, is a significant global health concern closely associated with gout and a variety of other medical conditions, impacting individuals of all genders and ages [1, 2]. HUA can serve as an independent risk factor for numerous systemic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, gout, chronic kidney disease and hypertension [3]. As of 2016, the prevalence of HUA has reached 21% worldwide [4], ranging from 14.6 to 20% in the United States [5]. Notably, there is a trend affecting younger individuals, with mean age of 38.6 years old. HUA can impose substantial health burdens on public health infrastructure [43,44,45]. Decreased preglomerular resistance in diabetic patients helps to increase glomerular hyperfiltration, further promotes the excretion of UA, and leads to hypouricemia [46, 47]. Similarly, the islet function of diabetic patients was often damaged, which led to a decrease in insulin secretion in the body, downregulating the expression of renal urate transporters, reducing the reabsorption of UA, and reducing SUA levels [48]. Additionally, dietary irregularities and insufficient exercise in young individuals can lead to excessive fat accumulation, potentially influencing RC [49]. Therefore, HUA usually has a stronger correlation with RC in the younger or without diabetes population.

Several plausible mechanisms can be postulated to elucidate the correlation between RC and the development of HUA. First of all, the elevation of RC levels in body will lead to an induction of heightened production and utilization of free fatty acids, consequently accelerating the catabolism of adenosine triphosphate and resulting in an augmented production of serum uric acid [50]. Secondly, an elevated RC level has been found to be independently associated with a reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate and an increased risk of renal impairment, potentially leading to a diminished excretion of uric acid [41]. Lastly, RC can serve as a surrogate marker for IR [51], and IR is a factor closely related to the pathogenesis of HUA. IR has been shown that it can enhance renal urate reabsorption through the stimulation of URAT1 [52] and/or Nadependent anion co-transporter in brush border membranes of renal proximal tubule [52, 53]. This finding strengthened on previous studies showed a pathogenesis among hyperuricemia and dyslipidemia [54, 55].

Study strengths and limitations

Notably, the study benefits from a large sample size and the national representativeness of Americans. In addition, various indexes in the model were adjusted to enhance the reliability of the findings. Nonetheless, this study is subject to certain limitations. Firstly, the establishment of a causal correlation between RC and HUA was not feasible through cross-sectional studies. Secondly, the measurement of RC is not currently a standard component of clinical blood lipid testing through direct means, thus only RC levels can be calculated. Thirdly, American adults are restricted to the study, necessitating further prospective cohort research to validate and generalize the present results in a broader population.


In summary, elevated RC was independently associated with HUA in a sizable cohort of American adults. This correlation was particularly pronounced among females, those under 50 years old, and those without diabetes. The RC could serve as an effective biomarker for assessing the risk of HUA.