After publication of this manuscript [1], we noted that one of the monounsaturated fatty acid isomers had beenmislabelled in the results, and in Figure 2A and Table 2.

In the Results and discussion, the sentence, “Concerning plasma MUFA levels,long-chain MUFA C20:1 (n-9 and n-7) and C22:1 (n-11 and n-9) peaked at 2 hrpost-ingestion (Figure 2a and b)” should read, “Concerning plasma MUFAlevels, long-chain MUFA C20:1 (n-11, n-9 and n-7) and C22:1 (n-11 and n-9) peaked at2 hr post-ingestion (Figure 2a and b)”.

The figure and table have also been corrected (Figure  1,Table  1).

Figure 1
figure 1

Changes in plasma levels of MUFA with aliphatic tails >18C atoms.Plasma levels (% of total plasma fatty acids) of C20:1 (n-11, n-9 and n-7)(A), C22:1 C20:1 n-9 (B), and total long-chain MUFA (C20:1and C22:1 isomers combined) (C) are shown. The data were collectedbefore and after the ingestion of a single saury meal. Values represent themean ± SE, n = 5. *P < 0.05;**P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001as compared to pre-ingestion values (time 0).

Table 1 Major fatty acid composition of saury used in the study, correction shownin red

We apologise for this error, which was due to a misreading of the gas chromatographyreading.