
Solid/liquid-water interface is of fundamental importance in various natural phenomena ranging from surface wetting1, electrolysis2, to protein folding3, wherein the first few water molecular layers govern interface-mediated properties and energy transfer. A variety of techniques, including scanning probe microscopy4,5, surface forces apparatus6, diffraction techniques7,8, nonlinear optical spectroscopy1,9 and infrared and THz spectroscopy10 have been employed to investigate the physical properties of interfacial water. Numerous studies have been devoted to the investigation of the interaction of water with substrate under different conditions, such as the influence of the length of the charge dipoles on a solid surface11,12, the humidity

where η is the dynamic viscosity and ηb is the bulk viscosity. In this region, the high viscosity therefore means that water molecules have a longer relaxation time than bulk water. Indeed, the high density means that the molecules are more closely packed and therefore that their degrees of freedom are restrained. It suggests that the structural relaxation of water molecules takes longer time.

It is important to note that different from numerous reports, we do not observe some clear layering in the density30,31. However a layering effect is suggested from the dam** term profile of Fig. 3(f). Close to the surface, we have a solid like layer with a low viscosity and then the viscosity becomes higher than water similar to a viscous liquid. The observation of this solid-like viscosity behavior closer to the surface is in good agreement with literature32. The absence of layering effect in the density or bulk modulus can be explained by the relatively high roughness of the Al2O3 surface, σ = 5 Å, which is larger than the distance between the expected layers, thus smoothing out the layering information. Even though we calibrate the surface roughness effect by dividing the Al2O3/water interface spectrum by the Al2O3/air interface spectrum, this normalization procedure improve the resolution but is not able to recover the layering effect information. For further discussion on the effect of surface roughness, please refer to supplementary information. One should also note that the density profiles obtained by molecular dynamics simulation usually exhibits an area of few angstrom thicknesses, in which no water molecules can be found33. This area corresponds to the length of the bond between the substrate and water. In our case, we describe water as a succession of thin continuous media. Acoustic waves do not propagate in vacuum but propagate through bonds. A vacuum area without water molecule would mean that acoustic waves cannot propagate and this is against our ultrasonic observation. In ultrasound, the boundary between the solid and water is located in the middle of the bond between water and Al2O3. In order to follow the tradition of molecular dynamics simulation for easier comparison, in Fig. 3(d–f), we have shifted the observed ultrasonic profiles, so that the origin is located at the center of the atomic plane terminating the solid. A more detailed discussion to compare our acoustic results with the conventional view provided by molecular dynamics simulation is given in the supplementary information.