
The main reasons for increasing environmental pollution levels are the expanding population and industrialization1,2. Researchers are primarily concerned about water contamination resulting from industrial waste emissions containing significant amounts of organic and inorganic contaminants from industries like textile, food, dye, and paint3,4,5. Hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) is now regarded amongst the significant environmental pollutants due to its increasing use in the majority of industrial processes (leather processing, electroplating, printing, dyeing, and metallurgy), which causes disease in life forms6,7,8. Several industry unit operations produce chromium-containing chemical species, of which trivalent chromium Cr(III) and Cr(VI) are the most common. These chromium species are accumulating in natural waters due to improper disposal of these industries’ effluent water, which is deadly for plants and animals because chromium is carcinogenic and mutagenic to a certain extent9. This addresses the uproaring demand for sustainable, easy, and economical methods for properly disposing Cr(VI) bearing wastewater. A study on inhabitants of Kanpur, India (an area with a lot of tanneries and chromium salts manufacturing industries), has revealed that impaired hemoglobin function and gastrointestinal and dermatological symptoms are linked to elevated concentrations of Cr(VI) in groundwater10.

To safeguard the environment from Cr(VI) hazards, it is necessary to lessen the amount of Cr(VI) in the effluent water by treating it through certain processes before it is released into natural waters. The general physiochemical methods include adsorption11,12,13,14, ion exchange, and filtration15,16,17. These processes only remove the metal ions and do not convert them into a stable or non-toxic form, limiting their sustainable application18. The filtration process’s scalability is difficult, limiting its application in handling higher flow rates. Other methods include the application of principles of electrokinetics19, electrocoagulation20, electrochemical reduction21, electrodialysis20, and electrodeionization22. Cr(VI) in wastewater can also be removed by treating the water with chemicals like H2S23, sodium dithionite24, sodium metabisulfite25 sodium dichloroisocyanate and sodium hypochlorite26, calcium metabisulfite27, ferrous sulphate28. Biotransformation29, biosorption30, biomineralization31, and extracellular precipitation32 are a few techniques which utilizes biological organisms (plants or microbial biomass) as remedial agent for heavy metal contaminated water.

The Cr(VI) remediation processes discussed above have limitations that affect their field application potential33. Although simple and economical, physical techniques do not degrade or reduce Cr(VI). Similarly, chemical techniques change the oxidation state of Cr(VI). Still, in doing so, a lot of energy and consumable compounds are utilized, which adds to the generation of excessive amounts of toxic sludge, disposal of which is a question. The modern application of nanomaterial for adsorption allows high adsorption capacities, but dispersal of bare nanoparticles in environmental matrix is a limitation.

Immobilized nanomaterials answer these limitations and allow higher utilization of available area on nonmaterial surfaces34,35. Composites of nanomaterial like zero valent iron nanoparticle (nZVI, with high adsorption capacities and reducing capacities) with a biofilm of Cr(VI) reducing microbes (or iron-reducing bacteria) were tested in earlier reported studies yielding very high removal capacity but having the limitation of integrity and sustainability of the surface biofilm on sorbent in large scale field applications which in turn affects the technology transferability to the industry36. In a recent study, nZVI has been utilized to assist fenton reaction based degradation of organic dye (reactive red 198) with an efficiency of around 97%37. Other hybrid nanoparticles are also utilized for removal of contaminants38. Azari et al. have investigated removal of azithromycin with novel magnetic nanoparticles which exhibited high removal capacities39. Nitrobenzene was degraded with a composite of nZVI with high removal efficiencies which further strengthen the potential of nZVI in WW treatment strategies40,41.

In the current work, four different novel nano-bioadsorbents (NBA) have been developed by immobilizing nZVI and Cr(VI) tolerant bacteria in a combinatorial design. The different combinations of NBA were assessed for their %Cr(VI) removal capacity by varying initial pH of the solution, initial Cr(VI) concentration, adsorbent amount used in experiment, and time (one factor at a time) under synthetic wastewater. Equations and kinetic studies further evaluated the NBA with the highest %Cr(VI) capacity.

Results and discussion

The above experiments’ results, including the isolated organism’s characteristics, effects of the operating parameters over %Cr(VI) removal, isotherm modeling, and kinetic modeling are presented below.

Characterization of isolated Cr(VI) tolerant bacteria

The morphological investigation suggested that this organism is a rod-shaped bacterium. The purple-coloured colonies confirm that it is gram-positive (Fig. 1). As it is able to grow under Cr(VI) supplemented NA, it can tolerate Cr(VI). MIC is estimated to further confirm the Cr(VI) toxicity, and the results are presented below.

Figure 1
figure 1

Brightfield microscopic images of isolated bacteria from tannery effluent. (Magnification × 100, all 3 are same organism).

Determination of MIC of Cr(VI) for the bacteria

MIC is an important property that can be preliminarily helpful in predicting the utility of the bacteria for wastewater treatment purposes. A higher MIC suggests that the organism can survive well at that concentration of the toxic molecule. In the experiment performed, the turbidity was observed in test tubes that had Cr(VI) up to 400 ppm, while the test tubes with concentrations beyond that were clear. This happened because the strain was not able to sustain beyond 400 ppm of Cr(VI) (Fig. 2). Thus the MIC of Cr(VI) for the isolate was found to be 400 ppm. Verma et al.42 isolated a group of microbes from tannery effluents that were able to tolerate Cr(VI) upto 200 ppm. In another study at Central Leather Research Institute (Chennai), the organisms isolated were shown to tolerate Cr(VI) upto 80 ppm41. The isolated organism exhibits a higher tolerance as compared to these organisms which may give a better removal percentage for Cr(VI). Gram positive rods have shown to be Cr(VI) tolerant by other studies as well. Bharagava et al. have isolated gram positive rods from tannery wastewater which were able to tolerate Cr(VI) upto 100 ppm (mg/L)43. In that regard our bacteria was able to tolerate Cr(VI) to a higher concentration.

Figure 2
figure 2

Growth of the isolate in increasing concentration of Cr(VI) supplemented nutrient broth for MIC determination. Growth can be observed upto 400 ppm.

Preparation and characterization of nanobioadsorbent

The prepared NBAs are shown in Fig. 3. The beads displayed a homogenous, spherical geometry with an approximate diameter of 2 mm. The beads with cells and bacteria were found to be of a different color as compared to blank beads. The strength of beads was found to be enough to withstand the shear stress during the shaking of the flask.

Figure 3
figure 3

Beads of calcium alginate used as immobilization matrix (A) blank CA beads, (B) CA beads with cells, (C) size visualization of CA beads, (D) CA beads with nZVI, (E) CA beads with cells and nZVI.

Effect of pH, initial Cr(VI) concentration, time of incubation, and amount of adsorbent on %Cr(VI) removal

The effect of change of pH over the % Cr(VI) removal and qe is exhibited in Fig. 4A,B respectively. It can be seen that for all four types of adsorbents, the optimum pH is 7 at which the removal percentage is highest. This value of pH is used for further experiments. The removal at this pH is highest for BNCA (89%) followed by NCA (79%), BCA (62%) and is found to be lowest (14.5%) for blank beads. A some Cr(VI) was adsorbed by blank beads as well. In a similar experiment, Yu et al.44 reported the removal percentage is highest at a solution pH of 5. This may be attributed towards the usage of only bacterial cells for the preparation of calcium alginate beads. Li et al.

Figure 6
figure 6

Percentage Cr(VI) removal (A) and qe (B) as a function of adsorbent dosage for different types of adsorbents (pH 7, time = 90 min, initial Cr(VI) concentration = 10 ppm).

The relationship of time with the %Cr(VI) removal and qe is depicted in Fig. 7A,B. It is observed that the adsorption process reaches a plateau after around 90 min of incubation for all the types of adsorbents and is even faster for blank beads. The analysis also suggests that the adsorbent gets saturated before 100% removal. It can also be observed that the initial rate of adsorption is faster, and there is retardation in the adsorption rate with the time, which is a feature of most similar adsorption processes47.

Figure 7
figure 7

Percentage Cr(VI) removal (A) and qe (B) as a with time of incubation for different types of adsorbents (adsorbent dosage = 2 g/L, pH 7, initial Cr(VI) concentration = 10 ppm).

Adsorption isotherm and modeling

Three different isotherm models (Langmuir, Freundlich, Sips) were utilized in this study to comprehend the nature of adsorption of Cr(VI) to BNCA. The non-linear form of experimental isotherm and its linear fitted models are depicted in Fig. 8a–c. The values of equilibrium constant and R2 are tabulated in Table 1. The data suggests that the isotherm is most likely to be modeled as per Sips isotherm or Frendlich isotherm. Sips isotherm is well suitable for the current adsorption systems as this model assumes that adsorption occur in a non-ideal, reversible manner that is not limited to monolayer adsorption. Sips isotherm is a sound model used to study heterogeneous systems. The operating parameters of the isotherm are a relative measure of the heterogeneity of the adsorbent48. Here, the slope value of around 0.2397 suggests that the surface of adsorbent is more of the homogenous kind, which is attributed towards the homogeneity of size and shape of nZVI. The comparison of values of obtained parameters is not recommended as these are highly annexed to process variables.

Figure 8
figure 8

Plot of isotherm and model fitting; (A) non-linear fit to Langmuir isotherm. (B) Non-linear fit to Freundlich isotherm. (C) Non-linear fit to Sips isotherm.

Table 1 Modeled equations of isotherms with their parameters and coefficient of determination.

Kinetics of the adsorption process and its modeling

Kinetics of adsorption is defined as time-dependent behavior of the amount of adsorption. This is a crucial parameter to analyze the behavior of the adsorption process. Kinetic parameters are useful in evaluating, designing and scaling up the systems that utilize adsorption. The intrinsic theoretical complexity of the adsorption process limits the understanding of kinetics as adsorption process is mostly an orchestra of several physiochemical processes. The model equations along with coefficients obtained after performing regression, are given in Table 2. Figure 9A depicts the linear fit of kinetic data to PFO model and Fig. 9B exhibits the fitting of the kinetic data to linear form of PSO model equation. The linear fit of the Vermeulen model is shown in Fig. 9C. Comparison of the R2 values of the model equations obtained after linear fitting suggests that the Vermeulen model is the better fitting model for fitting the kinetic data with a R2 value of 0.995 followed by PSO model (R2 = 0.993). The low value of the Y-intercept (0.011) in the Vermeulen model fit reveals that IPD shall be the major rate-limiting step in the entire adsorption process. Recently, Kulkarni et al.49 have used a modified form of Vermeulen diffusion model to study the kinetics of adsorption of Cu(II) ions onto calcium alginate beads. They argued that the mesoporous nature of their beads requires an intermediate model that will combine the features of fractal-like structure and pore diffusion effects. Yao and Chen50 have also suggested in their study that the Vermeulen kinetic model is better suitable to describe the cases when IPD is the rate-controlling step.

Table 2 Modeled equations of adsorption kinetics with its parameters and coefficient of determination.
Figure 9
figure 9

Graphs of kinetic data of the adsorption process; (A) non-linear fit to the PFO kinetic model, (B) non-linear fit to the PSO kinetic model, and (C) non-linear fit to the Vermeulen model.