
The land use and land cover (LULC) changes and their impacts on the land surface temperature (LST) have emerged as a global environmental concern. While, the terms ‘land use’ and ‘land cover’ are sometimes used interchangeably; however, each has a distinct meaning. Land use refers to the utilization of land for various purposes such as recreation, education, housing and agriculture. On the other hand, land cover refers to the type of cover on the ground such as forest, bare rock or water1. LULC changes are related to urbanization, involving replacement of the natural environment (pervious surfaces) with the warm concrete based urban structures. These structures are known for their high heat absorbing capacities, thus affecting the land surface temperature of the cities2. The conversion of water surfaces and green spaces into barren land or built up areas lead to an increase in the LST. However, appropriate land use planning that minimizes the urban sprawl and promotes the green cover (by transforming barren areas) produces a cooling effect3.

Like near surface air temperature, the LST has been proposed as an essential climatic variable in the 2016 Global Climate Observing System Implementation Plan. The LST and air temperature are interrelated, hotter the surface, the higher the temperature of the surrounding air and vice versa4. LST data proves advantageous in situations where there is paucity in air temperature data due to a lack of weather stations. Additionally, satellite based LST data is more readily available for larger land areas aiding in urban planning5,6.

In twentieth century, the third world countries experienced rapid urbanization worldwide and are currently facing the consequences of high urban temperatures today7. The global urban population is projected to grow by 2.5 million in 2050, with a 90% increase expected in Asia8. The consequences of urbanization are not solely related to high land surface temperatures,growth in residential, transport and industrial sectors result in higher consumption of energy primarily from fossil fuels. This leads to high CO2 emissions causing global warming and other environmental degradations7,9. The expansion of concrete structures in the cities, combined with rising global air temperatures, poses increasing risks to urban populations and infrastructures in the face of climate change. Therefore, it is imperative to investigate the causes and effects of LULC changes on the local temperature of the urban areas in order to develop recommendations for climate change mitigation and city planning.

Based on remote sensing data, numerous studies have examined the relationship between LULC and LST. Tan et al.10 reported a 3.5 °C increase in the winter temperature of the Dongting Lake, China, due to the expansion of built-up and dryland area during 1995 to 2013. The Rajshahi district in Bangladesh experienced a 13 °C rise in LST resulting from LULC changes caused by urbanization during 1997 to 201711. Traore et al.12 documented a 1 °C rise in the LST of Bangui city, Central Africa, as a result of a 130% expansion in built-up areas between 1986 and 2017. Ayanlade et al.13 estimated LST variations of 0.12 °C to 1 °C in four major cities in Nigeria due to vegetation loss, impervious cover increase and expansion of built-up space between 1984 and 2019. The LST of the Luis Potosí Basin, Mexico, increased by 11 °C during 2007 to 2020 due to LULC changes14. do Nascimento et al.5 reported higher surface temperatures (> 28 °C) in areas with high urban densities compared to land covers representing vegetation and water bodies (21 °C–25 °C) in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

This study focuses on LULC transformations and its effect on the LST of an industrialized city in Pakistan i.e. Sialkot. Pakistan exhibits the highest pace of urbanization among South Asian nations with an annual urbanization rate of 2.4%15. Currently, 36% of Pakistan’s total population resides in urban areas, and it is projected to reach approximately 60% by 2050. Most of the Pakistani cities are highly dense with a huge urban population16. Consequently, urban areas in Pakistan are expanding in an unplanned manner to accommodate the growing urban population and meet their basic living needs. This uncontrolled expansion results in the proliferation of concrete structures such as residential and commercial buildings and roads, encroaching upon green spaces and other land uses leading to elevated urban temperatures. In province Punjab only, reduction of 1.77% in the green space and growth by 1.26% in the artificial surfaces with rise of 0.17 °C in LST has been documented during past two decades17.

The LST of Pakistan is also increasing due to LULC changes. However, there have been very few studies predicting the future effect of LULC on LST in Pakistani cities. The Gujranwala city experienced 8 °C rise in temperature due to urbanization during 2003 to 201818. A 4 °C rise in the temperature of the Karachi city was reported due to growth of the built-up area during 1998 to 201819. Mumtaz et al.3 documented a decrease in the LST in Peshawar city due to expansion of vegetation, while an increase in the LST was observed in Lahore city due to growth of the built-up area over a period of 20 years. The built-up area of the Khanewal city has grown from 1.75% in 1980 to 5.27% in 2020, resulting in a 0.5 °C rise in the LST during the last four decades20. Similarly, an increase of 3.5% in the built up area in the Multan city has contributed to an increase in LST (from 27.6 °C to 28.5 °C) during 1990–202021.

Pakistan, in general, and Sialkot city in particular, lacks an appropriate city planning. Modeling based suitability analyses are generally not conducted during city expansion or development planning processes. The Sialkot city is undergoing rapid urbanization and is also becoming an industrial hub in the country attracting more people from surrounding under-privileged areas. The industries although adds to the economic development but also puts pressure on environment in terms of CO2 emissions thus contributing to the rise in temperature. The industrial developments and increased influx of migrants to seek opportunities is further leading to city expansion engulfing green spaces and agricultural land. The Sialkot city is economically significant in terms of its agriculture production with a total of 394,000 ha of cropped area contributing to the country’s food security which is declining due to uncontrolled expansions. Decrease in the cropped area and food production has been reported for Sialkot city over the course of time22. Therefore, analyzing the spatial patterns of this development (LULC), its role in changing LST and predicting the future trend in LULC and LST variation using machine learning techniques can help in reducing pressure on finite land resource of Sialkot city. Also most of the LULC assessments conducted yet are quantitative in nature, however novelty of this work lies in using machine learning techniques such as Cellular Automata and Markov Chain to better predict the spatial aspects of LULC and LST changes in future based on historical trends. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has been conducted to analyze the effects of LULC changes on the climate of Sialkot city (economically significant for its industries and agricultural production), which could provide valuable insights for city planning. Therefore, the current study was designed with the objectives to (1) comprehensively analyze the spatio-temporal changes in LULC spanning the period from 1989 to 2020, (2) analyze the relationship between LULC transformations and their impact on the land surface temperature (LST) of Sialkot city during summer and winter and (3) employ a predictive modeling approach to predict likely changes in LULC and their corresponding impact on LST in the near future (year 2030) to provide insights into the evolving urban landscape and associated climatic implications.


Study area

This study was conducted in one of the industrial cities of Pakistan i.e., Sialkot city located at 32.4945° N and 74.5229° E, at an elevation of 256 m above sea level (m.a.s.l). The temperature of the city varies between 5 °C to 40 °C. The city is represented by built-up area surrounded by agricultural land and industries in the periphery. Common drains like Aik, Palkhu and Daik represent the water body surfaces in the city (Fig. 1). The location of the city is in the fertile agricultural basin in Punjab Province of Pakistan. The total Population of the Sialkot region was 655,852 as per census of 201722. Industrial activities and migration from rural to the urban area are the reasons for the urban sprawl in the city. Most of the industries are in the outskirts of the city which attract migrants from nearby rural areas in search of better livelihood opportunities. The city has outgrown considerably since past due to rural–urban migration which is evident from expansion of housing societies in the periphery of the city engulfing fertile agriculture land.

Figure 1
figure 1

Map showing the location of the Sialkot city, Pakistan (Software: ArcMap v. 10.8).

Data collection and pre-processing

Satellite imagery was processed to analyze the impacts of LULC changes on LST of the Sialkot city. Details of the satellite data downloaded and processed for analysis is given in Table 1. Satellite imagery was downloaded for the summer (May) and winter (February) months of 1989, 2000, 2009 and 2020 to analyze the effects of LULC on seasonal temperature variation. The difference in the date of image acquisition is related to the availability of satellite data and cloud cover23. While downloading satellite data for a specific date, meteorological and environmental conditions were considered to rule out any impact of rainy weather, climatic, anthropogenic, and biochemical factors on image quality. Atmospheric, radiometric and sun elevation corrections were done to normalize satellite data taken at different locations and times. The scan line errors in Landsat 7 data were removed using Landsat toolbox. For this purpose, raster data with scan lines was imported and Fix Landsat 7 Scanline Error tool was applied and scan lines were removed before further processing. The satellite data was then processed in the IDRISI SELVA (v. 17.0) to prepare LULC maps. ArcMap (v. 10.8) was used for the retrieval of LST from thermal bands. Prediction of LULC and LST for the year 2030 was also done in the IDRISI SELVA.

Table 1 Summary of the Landsat data collected for processing (at < 10% cloud cover).

Land use land cover classification (LULC)

Time series LULC maps of the Sialkot city were prepared for years 1989, 2000, 2009 and 2020 through supervised maximum likelihood classification. To classify LULC, bands of satellite imagery were stacked and a composite was made. For Landsat 5 TM, bands 2, 3, and 4 were used, while for Landsat 7 ETM and 8 OLI/TRIS, bands 3, 4, and 5 were used. A specific LULC class was assigned to each pixel of the composite raster. For this purpose, a representative number of training sample areas (polygons) of each LULC class was taken randomly and supervised maximum likelihood classification was used to classify the pixels representing each LULC class. To accurately select those training sample areas, a field survey was done initially and locations (latitude and longitudes) of the dominant land use land covers of the city were taken. During the field survey, dominant LULC classes identified included built-up area, barren land, water body and vegetation (Table 2). Approximately 70 GPS points were taken for the built-up area, 120 points for vegetation and 30 points each for the water-body and the barren land. In the IDRISI SELVA, the composite image was further processed using MAKESIG (Signature Extraction) tool for assigning a specific group number to all pixels having the same color (corresponding to each LULC class). The maximum number of training sample areas was taken for each class to ensure the accuracy of the classification process. The last step followed for maximum likelihood classification was to give the signature samples of all classes to a tool called MAXLIKE (Maximum Likelihood Classification). This tool selected all the pixels from the raster having the same values of a signature category or class. This tool produced the final classified map for further analysis (Fig. 2). The accuracy of the classified LULC map of year 2020 was assessed based on the ground truth data using the Kappa Index, user’s accuracy and overall accuracy methods following Hussain et al.21.

Table 2 Description of the feature selection for classification.
Figure 2
figure 2

Methodological framework to develop LULC and LST maps.

Retrieval of land surface temperature (LST)

Table 1 presents the details of thermal bands processed to retrieve LST for year 1989, 2000, 2009 and 2020. For the limitation of seasonal influences, the satellite images of the February and May months were used. Digital numbers (DN) from the Landsat data were converted into spectral radiance. Then radiance, brightness-temperature, and emissivity were measured using the metadata header file to extract the land surface temperature from the map of interest3,23,24,25.

The spectral radiance was calculated following Eq. 1.


where L ƛ is the spectral radiance (Wm−2sr−1 µm−1), Lmaxƛ is the spectral radiance scaled to QCALmax (Wm−2sr−1 µm−1), Lminƛ is the spectral radiance that is scaled to QCALmin (Wm−2sr−1 µm−1), QCALmax is the maximum quantized calibrated pixel value corresponding to Lmaxƛ in DN = 255. The minimum quantized calibrated pixel value (DN = 0) corresponding to Lminƛ3,26.

The Top of atmospheric (TOA) spectral radiance was calculated following Eq. 2.

$${\text{TOA }}\left( {\text{L}} \right) \, = {\text{ ML}} \times {\text{QCAL}} + {\text{AL}}$$

where ML is multiplicative rescaling factor of specific-Band from the metadata. The QCAL corresponds to 10 bands and AL is the additive rescaling factor of specific-Band from the metadata26.

Equation 3 was used to calculate the brightness temperature (TB) as follows;

$$\mathrm{TB }= (\frac{{\text{K}}2}{(In\left(\frac{k1}{L}\right)+1)})-273.15$$

where K1 and K2 are the calibrations constant. For Landsat 5 TM sensor the K1 constant = 607.76 mW cm−2sr−1 µm−1 and K2 = 1260.56 K. T is the effective satellite temperature in Kelvin. And l is spectral radiance in Wm−2sr−1 µm−13.

NDVI (Normalized difference vegetation index) was determined using Eq. 4.

$${\text{NDVI }} = \, \left( {{\text{NIR }}{-}{\text{ RED}}} \right)/\left( {{\text{NIR }} + {\text{ RED}}} \right)$$

where NIR is near infrared band and RED is red band. The NDVI values vary between − 1 to + 1 corresponding to barren land and high vegetation. The NDVI was required to calculate the PV (proportion of vegetation) which is highly related to the emissivity (ε). The PV was calculated using Eq. 5 and ε using Eq. 627.

$${\text{PV }} = \, \left( {\left( {{\text{NDVI }}{-}{\text{ NDVI}}_{{{\text{min}}}} } \right)/\left( {{\text{NDVI}}_{{{\text{max}}}} {-}{\text{ NDVI}}_{{{\text{min}}}} } \right)} \right)^{{2}}$$
$$\varepsilon = {\text{mPv}} + {\text{n}}$$

where n = 0.004 and m = 0.98627. The LST was calculated using Eq. 7.

$${\text{LST }} = \, \left( {{\text{TB}}/\left( {{1 } + \, \left( {0.00{115 } \times {\text{ TB }}/{ 1}.{4388}} \right) \, \times {\text{ Ln}}\left( \varepsilon \right)} \right)} \right)$$

To validate LST, the results were compared with the meteorological data (1989 to 2020) taken from two weather stations operating in the Sialkot city. The LST was compared with the ambient air temperature (Ta) to check for the difference in the spatial and ground data. Later, to inspect the linkage between LULC changes and LST, four temperature classes were made for summer (16 °C–25 °C, 25 °C–35 °C, 35 °C–40 °C, 40 °C–54 °C) and winter months (7 °C–13 °C, 13 °C–16 °C, 16 °C–19 °C, 20 °C–28 °C). This method helped in detecting sprawl and squeezed each temperature (LST) class on the map for LULC changes to be analyzed for the study period. The classes for each LST map were made by selecting a manual range and then sprawl was assessed.

Prediction of LST and LULC for year 2030

The Cellular Automata Markov Chain Model was used for prediction of LULC and LST (year 2030) under Business As Usual Scenario (BAU). The Markov model was implemented on 2009 and 2020 maps to make transition areas and the transition probability matrix between initial and final states and temporal changes in LST and LULC were predicted (Eq. 8). Spatial simulations were performed using Cellular Automata (CA) model, which decided the data between different states in time for itself and its neighboring cells/pixels through the contiguity filter and decided change in cells by rules (Eq. 9). The model applied a weight factor based on proximity of nuclear and neighboring cells. This weight factor was then combined with transition probabilities to predict the state of neighboring cells, ensuring that the LULC and LST predictions were not random decisions3,28. In the IDRISI Selva, the CA iterations were set to 11 corresponding to time interval, 5 × 5 contiguity filter and transition probability matrix (2009–2020) to predict changes in LST and LULC. The combined CA–Markov model simulated spatio-temporal changes in LST and LULC using transition probability matrix as input to cellular automata to predict the expected cover (year 2030) of LST and LULC (Fig. 2). The model’s validation involved predicting the LST and LULC map for the year 2020, using data from 2000 and 2009 as inputs. Its accuracy was subsequently assessed against a real (actual) map of 2020 using Kappa index. The value of Kappa coefficient was found to be > 0.80 with overall accuracy > 90%.

$${P}_{ij}=\left[\begin{array}{c}{P}_{11} \dots {P}_{1n}\\ \vdots \vdots \vdots \\ {P}_{n1} \dots {P}_{nn}\end{array}\right]$$
$$(0 \le Pij < 1\mathrm{ \,and\,}{\sum }_{j=1}^{n}Pij=1, i,j=\mathrm{1,2},....n)$$
$$S\left( {t + { 1}} \right) \, = P_{ij} \times \, S\left( t \right)$$

where Pij is the transition probability matrix and S is the state of land use at time t and t + 1.

Zonal statistics

Zonal statistics tool was used to analyze the mean LST over each LULC class. LST changes due to increase or decrease in land cover area were measured. The tool extracted the area from LST map by comparing it with each LULC class. The mean, minimum and maximum values for land surface temperature over corresponding LULC class were calculated to analyze the impact of LULC on LST of the city during study period.

Data analysis

Correlation between the mean LST and the air temperature (Ta) was performed for both seasons. Previous air temperature data of two weather stations was acquired from the metrological office of the Sialkot city. Mean values of the LST and Ta variables were used to develop the correlation graph in MS Excel (v. 2010).


LULC changes

Table 3 presents the changes in the cover area of each class during the baseline (1989, 2000, 2010, 2020 years) and predicted year (2030). It was observed that only built-up area was increased (+ 4.14%) in the baseline period while vegetation (− 3.53%), water body (− 0.7%) and barren land (− 0.05%) covers decreased during 1989 to 2020. The LULC predictions for 2030 also showed an increase in the built-up class by + 1.31% while decrease in vegetation (− 1.1%), water body (− 0.2%) and barren land (− 0.07%) than 2020. The gains and losses in LULC classes on decadal basis (in Km2) are presented in Fig. 3. Spatio-temporal changes in LULC during 1989 to 2030 are presented in Fig. 4. A noticeable increase in the built up area and decrease in the green cover of the city can be observed in the LULC maps. The prediction of LULC under BAU scenario also shows further growth (expected) in the built up area in the city engulfing other land uses in the year 2030. This conversion is expected both in the city center and in the outskirts representing expected urban sprawl in near future. There is a 15 min time lag in the equatorial crossing time of Landsat 5 and 8. However in the current study, there is little to no effect of this factor for temporal analysis (of LULC) with a gap of 20 years between two datasets (Landsat 5 and 8). As LULC changes are relatively slow and subtle hence 15 min time lag is unlikely to affect the analysis. The results of the accuracy assessment are available in supplementary material (Table SI 1 and 2; Fig. SI 1 and 2).

Table 3 Area Covered by LULC Classes with the Predicted year 2030.
Figure 3
figure 3

Gain and losses of LULC (a) 1989–2000. (b) 1989–2009. (c) 1989–2020. (d) 1989–2030. (e) 2020–2030.

Figure 4
figure 4

Spatio-temporal changes (1989–2030) in LULC of the Sialkot city, Pakistan (Software: ArcMap v. 10.8 & IDRISI SELVA v. 17.0).

Figure 5 and Table 4 illustrates the inter-conversion or transition of LULC classes from 1989 to 2020. Approximately 41.05 Km2 of the vegetated area transformed into built up class, while 9 km2 of the vegetated areas converted into barren land. Additionally, 5 km2 of the area originally occupied by water bodies converted into barren land. Positive changes were also observed at certain locations, where vegetation replaced 11 km2 of water body and 13 km2 of the barren land, while 869 km2 area of the vegetation remained unchanged throughout the study period. Figure 6 depicts a detailed spatial representation (location) of gain and loss of each of the LULC class during historical (1989–2020) and prediction period (2020–2030).

Figure 5
figure 5

Transition of LULC between 1989 to 2020 (Software: ArcMap v. 10.8).

Table 4 Inter-conversion of LULC classes and associated changes in area (1989–2020).
Figure 6
figure 6

Location of the gain and loss in each of the LULC class during 1989–2020 and 2020–2030 (Software: ArcMap v. 10.8).

LST changes

Changes in the mean land surface temperature (LST) during 1989 to 2020 are presented in Table 5. The mean LST in summer increased from 32.75 °C to 37.27 °C (+ 4.52 °C) and in winter it increased from 14.30 °C to 20.06 °C (+ 5.76 °C) during 1989 to 2020. On a seasonal basis, comparatively higher temperature was perceived in the city center and lower on the outskirts during 1989 to 2020 (Fig. 7). Minimum to negligible chance of error might occur in this analysis due to difference in the crossing times of Landsat 5 and Landsat 8.

Table 5 Changes in LST (°C) during 1989 to 2020.
Figure 7
figure 7

Changes in LST during winter (top) and summer (bottom) seasons in the Sialkot city (1989 to 2020) (Software: ArcMap v. 10.8).

Figure 8 and Table 6 present the area of the city covered by each LST class. An immense transformation in the summer temperature has been observed during the last 3 decades. Notably, there has been a decrease in the area covered by the first three summer LST classes (i.e. 16–25 °C, 25–35 °C, 35–40 °C), accompanied by an increase in the area covered by the highest class (i.e. 40–54 °C) during 2020 and the prediction year (2030), as compared to 1989. A similar trend of change in LST with respect to area has been observed for winter temperature, with decrease in the area covered by the 7–13 °C and 13–16 °C class and an increase in the area of higher temperature classes. The analysis suggests that in near future (2030), Sialkot city is likely to experience higher temperatures across most of its area.

Figure 8
figure 8

Changes in LST of Sialkot city during the baseline and predicted year (Software: ArcMap v. 10.8 & IDRISI SELVA v. 17.0).

Table 6 Baseline (1989 to 2020) and predicted LST changes (2030) with respect to the area of the city.

Contribution of LULC to LST

Figure 9 presents the contribution of LULC transition to LST during summer and winter. Increase in the winter temperature was observed at all classes during study period (Fig. 9a). There was a gain of 6.9 °C in temperature in the built-up class when analysed for 1989–2020 transition indicating a decrease in winter season/days in the study area. Similarly, summer temperature has also increased in the study area. The built-up class was observed with a gain of 2.3 °C in temperature. The gain in temperature was also high for other LULC classes as well when analyzed for 1989–2020 transition (Fig. 9b).

Figure 9
figure 9

Temperature Gain and Losses of LULC Classes in both seasons. (a) Winter. (b) Summer.

Zonal statistics

Table 7 presents zonal LST change observed on each LULC class. Notable during 1989–2020, the increase in LST was more significant in the winter season as compared to the summer season, reflecting the influence of LULC changes on local climate of the city. LST of barren land was high in both seasons because of the high reflectance characteristics of barren and sand surfaces. These results indicate probability of incidence of heat waves in Sialkot due to LULC changes. It was observed that builtup area contributed 31.2%, vegetation 2%, water body 26.1% and barren land 546% to the rise of summer temperature during 2009–2020. More pronounced changes in winter temperature occurred during 1989–2000 and 2000–2009 with high rate of contribution of LULC classes to LST rise.

Table 7 Seasonal Zonal Statistics of Mean LST (values in parenthesis indicate percentage rate of contribution of LULC transitions to LST during 1989–2000, 2000–2009 and 2009–2020).

Correlation of LST with ambient air temperature (Ta)

To evaluate the Landsat derived LST trend, the values of land surface temperature (LST) and ambient air temperature (Ta) were compared for both seasons. Table 8 shows the average increase of LST, Ta, and the difference of LST from Ta during the baseline period (1989 to 2020) of both seasons. The mean difference between LST and Ta in winter and summer season was 2.64 °C and 2.91 °C respectively. The correlation coefficient comparison between LST and Ta for both seasons is shown in Fig. 10.

Table 8 Comparison of mean LST and mean Ta.
Figure 10
figure 10

The correlation coefficient between winter and summer LST and Ta during 1989 to 2020.


The present study investigated the impact of urban sprawl on the land surface temperature (LST) of the Sialkot city, Pakistan. The findings of the study unveiled a notable increase in the LST of the city, particularly within built-up area, during the baseline and predicted time period. The study underscores that LULC changes have substantially increased the temperature of Sialkot city over the past 3 decades. Expansion of built-up areas and the reduction in vegetation cover have contributed to an increase of + 5.28 °C in the winter and + 6.52 °C in the summer temperature of the city during 1989 to 2020. This shows that development of concrete and impervious structures (built-up area) had absorbed more heat and increased the LST of the city during baseline period. Future prediction of the study showed that built-up area will further increased (+ 1.31%) and vegetation might decrease (− 1.1%) further affecting LST in 2030. Consistent to the findings of the current study, Kafy et al.11 also reported 7.24 °C rise in LST of Dhaka, Bangladesh due to 14% increase in built up area and 5% decrease in the vegetation cover during 2000 to 2020. Kafy et al.11 also documented a significant relationship between urbanization and LST of Rajshahi district, Bangladesh reporting 13 °C rise in temperature due to urban sprawl reducing vegetation cover during 1997–2017. In San Luis Potosi Basin, Mexico, the urban sprawl caused 11 °C rise in the LST during 2007 to 202014. Differences in the LST estimates of current study and previous studies are related to the extent of land cover converted into built up area, study timeframe, local climate and month of satellite imagery processed for analysis.

In the current study, there was an increase of 2.32 °C in the LST within built-up area, 3.1 °C at bare land and 1 °C on vegetation during the baseline period. Traore et al.12 also reported an increase in LST of 1.38 °C for built up areas and 0.82 °C bare land during 1987–2017 in Bangui, Central Africa. Variations in LST among different LULC classes can be attributed to surface roughness and reflective and absorptive properties of solar radiations29.

The highest mean LST zone for Sialkot city was Barren land on each map because it includes the bare soil and sand. The surface of barren land is much hotter than any other class. Consequently, on every map the values of LST on barren land were high. In the summer, the maximum LST value of barren land is 8–10 °C higher than the built-up class. Zonal Statistics showed that the difference between the mean temperature of barren land and the built-up area was above 5 °C. Zonal statistics showed maximum LST values of the vegetation, water body, and barren land increased by 5.93 °C, 5.44 °C, and 5.65 °C respectively during study period. Ogunjobi et al.30 reported an increase of 2.9 °C and 4.9 °C temperature at built up and bare land in Sokoto Metropolis, Nigeria. The LST of built-up and bare soil area might be high as compared to surrounding area due to the thermal property of surface because bare surfaces absorb heat from sunlight and re-radiate it as thermal infrared radiation. Heat absorption also depends on the color of the soil and its moisture content as darker moist soils absorbs more radiant energy than the dry lighter colored soils.

The finding of this study showed that high-temperature classes covered most of the area of the city compared to 1989. Consistent to the findings of the current study, Sohail et al.31 also documented that most of the area of Lahore city in Pakistan was characterized by high temperature classes during 1980 to 2020. Similar trend was also reported by Tariq and Shu23 for the Faisalabad city in Pakistan during 1990 to 2018.

This urban sprawl is highly related to the climate of the Sialkot city. The findings of the spatial analysis for each year from 1989 to 2020 showed that the LST was slightly increased in both seasons due to the LULC changes in the last 3 decades. Similar trend has also been reported for other cities in Pakistan. Hassan et al.32 reported that Islamabad had faced the same changes in LST as observed during 1992–2012, the temperature trend was high with low precipitation and 1.52 °C LST increased due to LULC changes. Liaqut et al.18 reported that because of urban expansion and variations of rainfall patterns, the mean LST temperature of the Lahore city has increased by 3.1 °C during the past 20 years 1998–2018. Mumtaz et al.3 reported that the Gujranwala city has also faced an increase in LST (8 °C) due to urbanization during 2003 to 2018. This trend in LULC changes and LST can have significant impact on the local climate of an area. As urban cores are known for the urban heat island effect and further increase in the built-up area can increase heat in the city centers. This would warm surrounding air and might increase demand for energy to provide thermal comfort to the inhabitants in a subtropical region like Sialkot. Higher energy consumption is also related with increase in CO2 emissions which ultimately affects air temperature by making climate warm due to its heat trap** ability.

A strong correlation was also observed between Mean LST and Ta. The trend of the correlation was also positive for both seasons. Consistent to the findings of the current study, Mumtaz et al.3 also reported significant positive correlation between the LST of Lahore and Peshawar cities in Pakistan and their respective mean ambient temperature during 1980 to 2020.

The Sialkot city is an industrial and economic hub of Pakistan. The city faced a significant increase in industrial development during 1989 to 2019 that resulted in urban sprawl33. The main factor behind this urban sprawl in Sialkot was the unplanned development from provincial and local governments. There are around 56 new private housing schemes which are under development and most of those are illegal. These housing schemes were existing along the main roads of the city. That can be considered as a significant reason behind the land-use change in Sialkot city34.

LULC changes have occurred in the Sialkot city. It is the 12th most populated city in Pakistan with a total population of 3,894,000 in 2017 growing at a rate of 1.95%22,35. The consequences of this population surge, combined with pull factors of urbanization in the city has led to growth of factories, increased generation of solid waste and associated environmental concerns36. There were total 215 factories in the Sialkot city in year 2011, while the number escalated to 1082 in 2018. The number of registered vehicles increased from 268,186 in year 2008 to 696,825 in 202033,37. With this growth in industries and housing societies, Sialkot has witnessed decline in its cropped area from 424,000 ha in year 2002 to 340,000 ha in 2020. Area sown for wheat production has also decreased from 193,000 ha in 2000 to 171,000 ha in 202138,39.

A significant change has been observed from 1989 to 2020 in the pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon pattern of Sialkot. The city has faced reduction in the monsoon precipitation during 1989 to 2020. The trend of change in the mean temperature and precipitation has also been observed for the whole country. Overall, Pakistan is experiencing reduction in monsoon rainfall40,41,42. Pakistan has already suffered 0.6 °C rise in the mean temperature however, further 1.1 °C to 6.4 °C rise is expected by the end of this century43. This trend in climatic changes for Pakistan coupled with LULC changes might result in significant rise in LST across the country in the future. The CA–Markov model used in this study could not perform predictions of the minimum, maximum and mean LST. But, LST classification was performed to analyze the spread of heat waves in relation to the covered area of the city. Further studies, employing more advanced models, can be carried to predict the likely impacts of LULC changes on LST and rainfall pattern of other cities or at country level. Such studies can provide valuable insights to the policy makers in making informed decisions on urban expansions in order to mitigate the likely impacts of climate change.


This research provided a spatio-temporal analysis of land use land cover (LULC) changes and their subsequent impact on the LST of the Sialkot city from 1989 to 2020. The findings of this study reveal notable LULC changes in Sialkot during the specified period (1989–2020) influencing the local temperature of the city. The findings indicated 3.43% decrease in the vegetated land and 4.14% growth in the built-up area and barren land overtime and further expansion in the city’s buildup area is also expected in the near future (2030). The burgeoning urbanization and expansion of barren land has increased the land surface temperature of the city. The seasonal LST of Sialkot city has substantially increased in summer (4.5 °C) and winter (5.7 °C) in the last 3 decades. Projections indicate that anticipated growth in the built up and barren land in the future (year 2030) might lead to further increase in the LST of the city. Considering the imminent threat of urban sprawl on Sialkot’s local climate, this study can serve as a valuable resource for relevant authorities to make informed decisions. As a large area of the Sialkot is expected to face the pressure of urban sprawl in the future, so this study will help relevant authorities in identifying areas where policy interventions could be taken to reduce the impacts of urbanization on local climate variability such as through the creation of urban green spaces. The study will also help government in identifying areas with inappropriate land use planning. The city administration must make policies to curb urban sprawl, create green spaces in the city and make developments more climate-friendly.