
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) with hemodialysis treatment continues to be associated with dramatically increased morbidity and mortality. While cardiovascular mortality represents the prevalent cause of death in these patients, death due to other causes such as infection is also more frequent than in the general population1. Several risk factors of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality have been identified and risk scores have been successfully established based on these2,3,4,5,6,7. Beyond the quantification of a personal prognosis, the identification of novel risk factors can lead to hypothesis generation for further research, novel therapeutic interventions and finally lead to improvements in patient outcomes.

Machine learning approaches for survival analysis can allow efficient selection of the most relevant risk factors even when a large number of potential predictors for only a relatively small patient population is availableMethods” (“All-cause model”, black curve). Solid lines represent the addition of AST (ln-transformed, fitted by a spline) and/or IL-12p70 (high group) to the all-cause model. Dashed lines represent the all-cause model after removal of the indicated known predictors. Dots in (b) represent AUC values for individual imputed datasets for each model (see “Methods”). Lines in (a) and (b) represent smoothed conditional means. Bootstrap** was performed on the total cohort with non-missing values for (a) and on the total cohort (n = 475) with missing values imputes as described in “Methods” section for (b). Tr., transformation; spl., spline fit; Catheter, use of catheter for dialysis.