
The sample (details described in Methods) we employ is a square shaped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure with edges parallel to the 〈110〉 and  crystal directions, henceforth referred to as the and directions, respectively. Substantial in-plane magnetic fields B may be added to the field  perpendicular to the 2DES plane by tilting the sample at low temperatures. For the present studies, B lies along the , or 〈110〉, direction. Figure 1 shows the longitudinal and Hall resistances at T≈15 mK with the magnetic field perpendicular to the 2DES plane (tilt angle θ=0). For the field range shown, the Fermi level lies in the lower spin branch of the N=1LL where the filling fraction runs from ν=2 to ν=3. Deep minima in the longitudinal resistances and associated plateaux in Rx y and Ry x clearly signal the presence of FQHE states at ν=7/3, 5/2 and 8/3. Whereas the ν=7/3=2+1/3 and 8/3=2+2/3states may be kin to the well-known ν=1/3and 2/3 FQHE states in the N=0 lowest LL (ref. 1; alternatives do exist; see ref. 9), the ν=5/2 state10 is thought to be an example of the non-abelian Moore–Read paired composite fermion state11. In addition to these and a few weaker FQHE states, the four known re-entrant integer quantized Hall states12, in varying stages of development, are also evident in Fig. 1. These insulating phases are poorly understood but may be related to the ‘bubble’ phases found in the flanks of the N≥2 LLs and which also exhibit re-entrant integer Hall quantization2,3,4,5,6. As the data in Fig. 1 make clear, the longitudinal and Hall resistances are very similar for current flow along 〈110〉 and . (The small differences between Rx x and Ry y for are probably due to extrinsic sample-dependent effects of no relevance here.) Unlike the situation in the N≥2 LLs, no anisotropic phases have been found in 2D electron systems in the N=1 LL, at least in the absence of an external symmetry breaking field such as an in-plane magnetic field B. (Anisotropy in the N=1 LL has been observed in 2D hole systems13,14.)

Figure 1: Hall and longitudinal resistances at T≈15 mKversus magnetic field in the N=1 Landau level.
figure 1

ν=7/3, 5/2, and 8/3 FQHE states are indicated by cross-hairs in a and arrows in b. Rx y and Rx x are the Hall and longitudinal resistances, respectively, for mean current flow along the 〈110〉 direction; for Ry x and Ry y mean current flow is along . Sample is perpendicular to the magnetic field (θ=0°). Green arrows in a indicate locations of re-entrant integer quantized Hall states.

Tilting the 2DES relative to the magnetic field direction has a profound influence on the various collective phases found in the N=1 LL. In agreement with prior studies12,15,16,17, we find that the ν=5/2 FQHE state and the re-entrant integer quantized Hall states are suppressed by an in-plane magnetic field component, B. In addition to the destruction of these quantized Hall states, the general trend of the longitudinal resistance throughout the N=1 LL is to become increasingly anisotropic as B is initially applied, with Rx x (for which the mean current direction lies along B) growing significantly larger than Ry y (refs 18, 19).

Figure 2 shows the temperature dependence of the longitudinal resistances Rx x and Ry y at ν=7/3 for various tilt angles θ. As expected, at θ=0 (Fig. 2a) we find Rx x and Ry y are very nearly equal at all temperatures. Below about T=100 mK the ν=7/3FQHE begins to develop, with Rx x and Ry y drop** rapidly towards zero in unison as the temperature falls. This temperature dependence is well-approximated by simple thermal activation, R∼exp(−Δ/2T), with Δ≈225 mK.

Figure 2: Rx x and Ry y versus temperature at ν=7/3 for θ=0°, 19°, 44° and 76°.
figure 2

Rx x is shown as red dots and Ry y as blue triangles.

Tilting the sample to just θ=19° (Fig. 2b), where B=0.97 T, creates a substantial anisotropy in the longitudinal resistance, with Rx x exceeding Ry y. The anisotropy is present at relatively high temperatures (T∼300 mK), well above where both resistances begin to fall sharply as the FQHE develops. Increasing the tilt angle to θ=44° (Fig. 2c), where B=2.72 T, enhances both the anisotropy and the temperature below which the resistances begin their FQHE-induced fall. This latter effect reflects the tilt-induced increase of the ν=7/3 FQHE energy gap noted previously in similar samples20, crystal directions, henceforth referred to as the and directions, respectively. InSn ohmic contacts are positioned at the corners and side midpoints of the sample. Longitudinal resistance (Rx x and Ry y) measurements are performed by driving an a.c. current (typically 2 nA at 13 Hz) between midpoint contacts on opposite sides of the sample and detecting the resulting voltage difference between corner contacts on one side of the mean current axis. For the Hall resistances (Rx y and Ry x), the voltage difference between the two midpoint contacts on opposite sides of the current axis is recorded. The sample is mounted on a rotating platform (allowing for the application of an in-plane magnetic field component) thermally linked to the mixing chamber of a dilution refrigerator.