
Biopsy for pharmacodynamic (PD) and biomarker analysis is increasingly common in early-phase cancer trials (Twelves, 2006; Goulart et al, 2007). In principle, PD end points can provide evidence of target effects for a drug, and support decision making for subsequent trials (Workman, 2003; Sarker et al, 2007; Sarker and Workman, 2007; Tan et al, 2009). However, many PD studies require invasive procedures like tumour biopsy.

Studies find that many patients are willing to undergo research biopsy (Seah et al, 2013) and that ethics review committees and oncologists may overestimate patient anxiety associated with biopsies (Agulnik et al, 2006). In one study, overall and major complication rates for tumour biopsies were 5.2% and 0.8%, respectively (Overman et al, 2012). However, the majority of patients describe their biopsies as being painful (Agulnik et al, 2006) and other studies indicate that 10% of patients receiving one common procedure – breast tumour biopsy – report moderate-to-severe pain (a more extended discussion of tumour biopsy risk and burden is available at Brown et al (2008); Hemmer et al (2008); Kimmelman et al (2012)). As biopsies often have no value for subjects in terms of clinical management, their ethical justification rests on an expectation that their performance will be redeemed by the value of the knowledge accrued (Olson et al, 2011).

Given that the burdens of such procedures are well understood, debates concerning their application revolve around conflicting views about the scientific utility of PD evidence. Some commentators question whether research biopsies return sufficient knowledge to justify their risks (Dowlati et al, 2001; Parulekar and Eisenhauer, 2004;

Change history


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This work was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (EOG 102824).

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Correspondence to J Kimmelman.

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Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Inventory of studies included in sample

Adjei AA, RB Cohen, WFranklin, CMorris, DWilson, JRMolina, LJHanson, L Gore, L Chow, S Leong, L Maloney, G Gordon, H Simmons, A Marlow, K Litwiler, S Brown, G Poch, K Kane, J Haney, SG Eckhardt (2008) Phase I pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of the oral, small-molecule mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1/2 inhibitor Azd6244 (Arry-142886) in patients with advanced cancers. J Clin Oncol 26(13): 2139–2146.

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Badros A, AM Burger, S Philip, R Niesvizky, SS Kolla, O Goloubeva, C Harris, J Zwiebel, JJ Wright, I Espinoza-Delgado, MR Baer, JL Holleran, MJ Egorin, S Grant (2009) Phase I study of vorinostat in combination with bortezomib for relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma. Clin Cancer Res 15(16): 5250–5257.

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Borghaei H, K Alpaugh, G Hedlund, G Forsberg, C Langer, A Rogatko, R Hawkins, S Dueland, U Lassen, RB Cohen (2009) Phase I dose escalation, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of naptumomab estafenatox alone in patients with advanced cancer and with docetaxel in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 27(25): 4116–4123.

Boss DS, GK Schwartz, MR Middleton, DD Amakye, H Swaisland, RS Midgley, M Ranson, S Danson, H Calvert, R Plummer, C Morris, RD Carvajal, LR Chirieac, JH Schellens, GI Shapiro (2010) Safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the oral cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor azd5438 when administered at intermittent and continuous dosing schedules in patients with advanced solid tumours. Ann Oncol 21(4): 884–894.

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Byrd JC, G Marcucci, MR Parthun, JJ **ao, RB Klisovic, M Moran, TS Lin, S Liu, AR Sklenar, ME Davis, DM Lucas, B Fischer, R Shank, SL Tejaswi, P Binkley, J Wright, KK Chan, MR Grever (2005) A phase 1 and pharmacodynamic study of depsipeptide (Fk228) in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia. Blood 105(3): 959–967.

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Dy GK, JP Thomas, G Wilding, L Bruzek, S Mandrekar, C Erlichman, D Alberti, K Binger, HC Pitot, SR Alberts, LJ Hanson, R Marnocha, K Tutsch, SH Kaufmann, AA Adjei (2005) A phase I and pharmacologic trial of two schedules of the proteasome inhibitor, Ps-341 (Bortezomib, Velcade), in patients with advanced cancer. Clin Cancer Res 11(9): 3410–3416.

Eder JP, GI Shapiro, LJ Appleman, AX Zhu, D Miles, H Keer, B Cancilla, F Chu, S Hitchcock-Bryan, L Sherman, S McCallum, EI Heath, SA Boerner, PM LoRusso (2010) A phase I study of foretinib, a multi-targeted inhibitor of C-Met and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2. Clin Cancer Res 16(13): 3507–3516.

Fakih MG, L Pendyala, G Fetterly, K Toth, JA Zwiebel, I Espinoza-Delgado, A Litwin, YM Rustum, ME Ross, JL Holleran, MJ Egorin (2009) A phase I, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study on vorinostat in combination with 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin in patients with refractory colorectal cancer. Clin Cancer Res 15(9): 3189–3195.

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Freeman, G., Kimmelman, J., Dancey, J. et al. Reporting practices of pharmacodynamic studies involving invasive research procedures in cancer trials. Br J Cancer 109, 897–908 (2013).

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