1 Introduction

Digital phenoty**, some claim and hope, will revolutionize understanding of human wellbeing and experience (Goodday & Friend, 2019; Huckvale et al., 2019; Insel, 2017; Jain et al., 2015; Torous et al., 2016; Wisniewski et al., 2019). In a single day, a huge number of personal data points, far more data than in a neurological image or lab test, can be captured from our interactions with the Internet and ubiquitous portable digital devices like smartphones (Bhugra et al., 2017). The analyzed data, it is said, will reveal our external behaviors and internal states (Torous et al., 2016). Although data from our moment-to-moment activities may appear trivial and mundane (Martinez-Martin et al., 2018), some argue that it could yield valuable knowledge of hidden current and future ill-health.

What are we to make of the claim and hope that digital phenoty** could revolutionize our understanding of human health and experience? In this paper, we adopt a broad philosophical vantage point to investigate the epistemic nature of digital phenoty** in relation to its alleged promise. This epistemological map** and analysis extends a small but growing body of recent philosophical work on the subject (Birk & Samuel, 2020; Burr & Cristianini, 2019; Burr et al., 2020; Loi, 2019; Mulvenna et al., 2021; Sharon, 2017; Stanghellini & Leoni, 2020; Tekin, 2020). Unlike most of the literature to date on philosophy and digital phenoty**, which has focused on its ethical aspects, this paper focuses on its epistemic and methodological aspects.

Enthusiasm for digital phenoty** often stems from ostensibly game-changing advances in mental health (Fisher & Appelbaum, 2017; Wang et al., 2016). Some believe that digital tools that “seamlessly interact, learn, and grow with users” (Mohr et al., 2017, p. 41) could prove more clinically penetrating than neuroscience (Insel, 2017) and generate new categories of mental illness (Martinez-Martin et al., 2018). According to a Lancet commission report, digital phenoty** may enable the replacement of “phenomenologically derived descriptions” or subjective self-reports with “objective behavioral data” and more “reliable definitions” and thereby improve human health (Bhugra et al., 2017, p. 41).

It may be argued, however, that digital phenoty**’s promise goes beyond insights into health to encompass human experience more broadly. Expectations have been raised that digital phenoty** will produce very accurate images of us (Burr & Cristianini, 2019) and might even originate a “new science of behavior” (Huckvale et al., 2019, p. 9) with far-reaching insights into human psychology (Montag et al., 2020). It is also hoped that digital phenoty** will contribute to neurology and mental forensics (Pirelli et al., 2016) and generate insight into beliefs, emotions, values, intelligence (Kosinski et al., 2013), aptitudes, attitudes, and political or sexual orientations (Burr & Cristianini, 2019). Cognate neologisms such as personal informatics, personal sensing (Mohr et al., 2017), psycho-informatics (Yarkoni, 2012), and reality mining (Eagle & Pentland, 2006) hint at this promise of novel and deep knowledge and understanding.

These claims and hopes suggest two valuable possibilities for digital phenoty**. One possibility is a wellbeing value, resulting from more informed and effective interventions to improve human lives, including enhancing “P4 medicine”—medicine that is predictive, preventative, participatory, and personalized. The other possibility is a pure knowledge value, due to an enriched and deepened understanding of individuals, groups, or humanity itself.Footnote 1

Unsurprisingly, optimism for digital phenoty** has elicited some cautionary responses. These responses include ethical concerns about digital phenoty**, including de-personalizing medicine (Prainsack, 2017), pathologizing behavior (Birk & Samuel, 2020), risking improper consent (Montag et al., 2020), facilitating data insecurity and surveillance (Gooding, 2019; Martinez-Martin et al., 2018), and abusing trust (Kosinski et al., 2013). Other concerns are connected to digital phenoty**’s epistemic or knowledge potential and value. This value has been questioned. For example, some argue that digital phenoty** is overhyped (Tekin, 2020) and that much more research and empirical validation is required to gauge its epistemic worth (Carr, 2020). Indeed, some writers caution about the risk of digital phenoty** in reducing complex mental and social phenomena to numbers and associations (Stanghellini & Leoni, 2020) or to digital markers of superficial behavior which could engender an impoverished picture of human experience (Birk & Samuel, 2020).

In this paper, we do not aim to settle empirical questions about digital phenoty**’s value. Instead, the paper’s chief contribution lies in illuminating the methodology and epistemic nature of digital phenoty**. Below, we characterize digital phenoty** (Sect. 2) and present a knowledge taxonomy of digital phenoty** with four distinguishable components (Sect. 3). This tetra-taxonomy helps us to explore possible epistemic implications, advantages, and limitations of digital phenoty** (Sect. 4).

Salient issues identified and contributions made in these sections are (1) the distinction between two types of causal relations, correlation, and constitution in digital phenoty** and their relation to deductive, inductive, and abductive inference; (2) the distinction between diagnostic and prognostic digital phenoty** determinations; (3) the idea of digital phenoty** distortion effects such as observer effects; (4) the contrast between the practical predictive value of digital phenoty** and its ability to produce knowledge that illuminates human life and experience; (5) the potential importance of unsupervised machine learning for generating novel insight; and (6) the epistemic challenge of inferring “subjective” conditions or states and the role of first-person disavowals of those conditions or states.

In these ways, we shed critical light on the idea that digital phenoty** might provide a new or enriched understanding of human wellbeing, experience, and nature. Ultimately, the analysis can inform empirical studies and also be used by those interested in important social and ethical questions raised by this emerging technological approach.

2 Characterizing Digital Phenoty**

We can start by noting that pheno means manifesting; an organism’s phenotype is its biological characteristics, which partly arise from its genotype. A “disease phenotype” is a disease’s manifestation, whereas the “endotype” is the disease mechanisms. Such an endotype ordinarily cannot be discerned from the phenotype but is hidden and thus requires illuminating through investigation and analysis. Analogously, digital data derived from various digital devices (it is thought) are linked to human conditions and states. Determining exactly what certain digital data signals—what, one might say, the underlying “endotype(s)” might be—requires investigation and analysis; this is where digital phenoty** comes in. A few definitions will now help to set the scene.

Digital sensing is the activity of digital devices in collecting and storing data about individuals. Digital sensing allows “passive, continuous, quantitative, and ecological measurement-based care” (Martinez-Martin et al., 2018) and can often yield much more data, of a finer-grain, than methods such as periodic questionnaires, interviews, tests, and observations. Electronic activities and digital sensors (Saeb et al., 2015) include accelerometers, GPS, Bluetooth, phone calls, gyroscope, barometer, light sensors, microphone, voice and text capture (e.g., on social media), skin conductance, gestural sensing, email use, web browsing, and interaction with screens (e.g., swi**, ty**, locking, unlocking) (Birk & Samuel, 2020). Digital devices other than smartphones that can obtain data include wearables, portable EEG and ECGs, biochips, environmental sensors in IoT, PCs, and tablets. (Bhugra et al., 2017).

Authors distinguish, sometimes differently and conflictingly, between active and passive data. Active data, we shall say, are obtained by direct input from users in response to prompts for that data. Questions periodically posed by devices to individuals (e.g., “how are you feeling?”)—known as ecological momentary assessments (EMAs)—are one example. Another example is that of users responding to a prompt to produce speech which is then acoustically analyzed (Torous et al., 2016). Passive data includes unprompted data received from sensors. Some of these sensors are deliberately designed to passively collect data related to health (e.g., ECG monitors, blood sugar sensors); others are embedded in ubiquitous devices and used opportunistically (e.g., accelerometers, Bluetooth, GPS tracking).

We may, however, distinguish interactive data from active and passive data. Interactions could include swi**, tap**, talking, and web searching and may be content-free (e.g., metadata about interactions) or content-rich (e.g., semantic content in social media interactions) (Martinez-Martin et al., 2018). Interactions may be more effective than passive sensors at capturing information about factors like hand motor function and, especially when semantic content is present and analyzed using natural language processing, about state of mind. We introduce this distinction between active and interactive data partly because it may have further important implications. For example, explicit prompts for information (as opposed to merely interacting with a device) may affect a person’s state of mind in special ways, including in ways that distort the inferences we make about them.

The resulting aggregation of unstructured data from digital sensing is variously called the digital exhaust, fingerprint, trace, or footprint. “Tracking” metaphors suggest a means of insight, while “exhaust” metaphors suggest useless raw data. However, while much (or most) of the digital exhaust may be uninformative, it may also contain important information, perhaps involving complex arrangements of diverse data forms. To mirror the particular biological language of this domain (i.e., “phenoty**”, its link to “genotype”, and so on), we could refer to the aggregate of digital data collected about a person as their digitype.Footnote 2

Digital phenoty** is variously defined (Martinez-Martin et al., 2018). One definition is the process of analyzing and making useful sense of digital data, e.g., extracting meaningful patterns from it (Mohr et al., 2017). Analysis could occur with or without artificial intelligence (AI), such as using machine learning to classify and draw inferences about behaviors (e.g., sleep patterns) and psychology (e.g., mood disorders) (Ware et al., 2020). Such analysis might be done for, say, health, education, employment, insurance, and military purposes.

Which precise characterization we give of digital phenoty** depends on what is of primary interest or value to us. When Jain et al. introduced the term “digital phenotype”, they were focused on humanFootnote 3 health interventions (Jain et al., 2015). Others further narrow the focus to psychiatry and clinical psychology (Burr et al., 2020; Insel, 2017). Indeed, digital phenoty** is most associated with measuring or identifying human behaviors and psychological states rather than other characteristics. However, if our main interest is in human experience as such, the definition we give of digital phenoty** may be correspondingly widened.

Philosopher Michele Loi aligns the “digital phenotype” closely with Richard Dawkins’s extended phenotype. Just as a wider understanding of an animal’s phenotype exceeds biological characteristics to encompass environmental interactions (think Beaver dams), so too might the “digital phenotype” encompass other aspects of the relation between humans and digital sensing technologies, such as human culture and society (Loi, 2019). Dawkins’s extended phenotype comprises species-typical behaviors involved in (evolutionary) feedback loops with genetic characteristics of members of that species. This phenotype springs from causal interactions between DNA, behaviors, and environments. For Loi, the human digital phenotype analogously “consists of digital information produced by humans and affecting humans” (Loi, 2019, p. 157, italics original). Specifically, it concerns causal relationships between digital devices/digital information and cultural and social creation. Digital phenoty** might accordingly be seen as the process of determining a “digital phenotype” in this sense.

The notion that elements of digital sensing and its data could affect our behavior and states is, as we shall see, important. Nonetheless, since we want a characterization of digital phenoty** that allows for the possibility of producing greatest epistemic value, we should think of it as a process that potentially applies to the entire digitype to infer a range of potentially important information from it (including, but surpassing, information that might in turn affect individuals or cultures). It is, furthermore, difficult or impossible to predict in advance of exploring digital phenoty** just what elements of the digital “exhaust” (if any) will prove most illuminating of human experience.

Torous et al. define digital phenoty** as the “moment-by-moment quantification of the individual-level human phenotype in-situ using data from smartphones and other personal digital devices” (Torous et al., 2016). Although continuous sensing is a salient feature, digital phenoty** may also involve a digital biopsy (Fisher & Appelbaum, 2017, p. 6). Some authors confine the “digital phenotype” to data obtained from digital sensing, or, more narrowly still, from smartphones (Onnela Lab, 2017). A more expansive conception could perhaps also include digitized information from other sources, such as digitized records of X-rays, doctor visits, and birth certificates. Mohr et al. point to integration of personal sensing data with clinical and genomic databases “to deepen our understanding” of health and wellbeing (Mohr et al., 2017, p. 42). Thinking more widely still, integrating information from epigenetics, microbiomics, neurology, physiology, and psychological observation may well further increase digital phenoty**’s epistemic power. This inclusion, however, would expand the definition very significantly beyond how it is currently and typically understood.Footnote 4

Consolidating the above thoughts: the digitype is the aggregate of an individual’s digital data from various devices (and perhaps digital data from other sources such as medical records) upon which the process of digital phenoty** is made. Roughly, digital phenoty** is the process of attempting to draw epistemically valuable inferences about the states or conditions of individuals or groups from the digitype. In the next section, we explain how digital phenoty** can involve different kinds of logical inferences and several types of relation existing between data and information on the one hand and psychological (or physical) properties on the other. This analysis enables us to give a more complete characterization of digital phenoty** in the conclusion.

3 Tetra-taxonomy of Digital Phenoty**

Data signals provided by devices and sensors can be used to make predictions and determinations about individuals and groups. Such determinations can occur in different ways. Below, we outline a taxonomy of digital phenoty** possibilities that pertain to determining psychological properties, broadly construed. This approach provides a basis for understanding the potential or value of digital phenoty**. The taxonomy identifies the following epistemic scenarios and characteristics: (1) psychological property causes data/information features; (2) information feature(s) causes psychological property; (3) data/information features are correlated with psychological property; and (4) information features (co-)constitute psychological property.

Some preliminary explanations of this taxonomy are needed. Captured digital data are associated with and used to derive information features. For example, GPS data may generate information about the frequency and duration of someone’s visits to various locations. Digital data and information features may be used to infer psychological properties, and vice versa. Psychological propertiesFootnote 5 include human traits, moods, behaviors, states, attitudes, orientations, feelings, conditions, and illnesses.

Our taxonomy results from asking: In what ways can psychological properties be connected with information features and their associated digital data? Inferences to psychological properties occur through analysis, including by machine learning (ML) pattern analysis of data. Inferences as logical types may, as we will see, involve or approximate deduction, induction, and abduction. Deduction comprises inferences that follow logically necessarily from premises; induction involves inferences derived from particular (often numerous) phenomena; and abduction involves inferences based on best explanation of phenomena. In fact, inferences in digital phenoty** are typically predictive or probabilistic (even when deductive inference is involved—see below) rather than certain. We can now detail the four-fold taxonomy.

3.1 Psychological Property Causally Affects Data/Information Feature(s)

This possible scenario (and the next one) in the taxonomy involves causal relations. In this first possibility, the causal direction of influence runs from psychological property to information feature (Fig. 1). For example, psychological property [insomnia] might cause information feature [sudden midnight phone usage]. Similarly, property [depression] could cause feature [phone battery not being charged]. The digital phenoty** analyst infers the properties from the data or information features. There will, no doubt, generally be more than one possible cause for an information feature. Additional causes may include other psychological features or non-psychological events. The aim in making this type of inference is to collect as much relevant information as possible to support a stronger inference from the data/information feature(s) to the psychological property that caused them.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Psychological property that causally affects data/information feature(s)

A key logical inference type in this scenario is abduction (Psillos, 2011). Here, we have some information features for which we seek the best explanation from > 1 possible cause. Seeking the best causal explanation from among alternatives involves basing the (abductive) inference on additional knowledge, whether scientific or commonsense understanding. Aside from abduction, the analyst may sometimes “deductively” infer the absence of a property from the absence of a feature(s). This can occur when the psychological property necessarily or almost always causes certain features or combinations of features such that their absence logically excludes their “diagnosis”. Nonetheless, both abductive and “deductive” inferences here are generally probabilistic, since the strength of the inference depends on the presence and extent of the causal connection and the weight and accuracy of the data and the information features associated with the data—and these may not be known with certainty. Furthermore, not all psychological properties are necessarily or always connected with certain information features.

Some illustrations will help explain the probabilistic nature of these determinations. It might be the case that, say, depression often causes a person to charge their phone or socially interact less frequently. But this connection is not a certainty, since there are many other causes of this behavior (e.g., laziness, distraction). Furthermore, the digital device may not be in usage or a required sensor could be turned off. Also, some depressed people do not change their recharge patterns at all. Hence, the absence of phone charging does not guarantee depression’s presence, and the presence of phone charging does not guarantee depression’s absence.

Nonetheless, sometimes the causal connection running from property to feature may be strong or reliable enough to make inferences with practical certainty. For instance, if a certain psychomotor disorder (almost) always causes a certain pattern of smartphone screen interaction, then the absence of that pattern from the user’s screen interaction data would effectively imply (deductively) that the user lacks that disorder.Footnote 6 Similarly, the presence of highly distinctive information feature(s) may sometimes allow a practically certain (abductive) inference that a person has a certain corresponding psychological property that causes those distinctive features.

3.2 Information Feature(s) Causally Affect Psychological Property

In this second possibility, the causal direction is reversed (Fig. 2). Here, the information feature or what it represents causes the property. For example, the way someone uses a certain app might have a causal effect on their psychological state. The information feature extracted from the data in this example is the manner and extent of that phone usage, and it is this that causes (or causally affects) the psychological property. Another example is answering too many negative EMA questionnaire items (active data), which might cause negative psychological states. In these cases, the phone usage precedes the condition, rather than being an effect of the condition. Thus, data/information features can in theory not only be “manifestations of biologic disease” (Jain et al., 2015) but sometimes causes of them.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Information feature(s) that causally affect psychological property

The relevant type of inference involved here tends to be induction. For example, an inductive inference might be based on observing that there have been a significant number of cases where a certain type of individual (or group) who uses a certain app beyond a threshold subsequently exhibits some condition. Here, we might inductively infer that another individual (or group) who uses the app similarly will develop that condition. The above examples involve active and interactive data, but purely passive data too may enable induction. For example, when information extracted from passive data reveals that many phone users who engage in certain behaviors or combinations of behaviors acquire a psychological property, an inductive inference that the behaviors are causes of the property might be made.

3.3 Correlations Exist Between Information Features and Psychological Properties

In this third possibility, there is the presence of correlation but no direct causation between information feature and psychological property (Fig. 3). Nonetheless, features can still be used to infer properties under non-causal correlation, insofar as the features carry relevant information linked to causes or causal influences (Dretske, 1981). To illustrate: many people who live in a certain area might have a certain condition. Suppose this condition is actually caused by some other factor, say, lead poisoning from the water. Living in the area does not (directly) cause the condition, and having the condition does not cause living in the area. Nonetheless, geolocation data can be used to infer, abductively or inductively, that these individuals have the condition. Sometimes inferences (based on data-property correlations) to causes of properties can theoretically be made. For example, a drastic fall causing amnesia in an individual might be inferred (abductively in this case) from accelerometer data. The fall is the common cause of both accelerometer changes and amnesia. Although the amnesia does not cause the accelerometer data or vice versa, the accelerometer-based information correlates with the amnesia and the (abductive) inference to the cause is made.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Correlations between data/information and psychological property

3.4 Information Features Are Constitutive of Psychological Properties

In this fourth possibility, information features are or represent constituents of the behavior or state itself (Fig. 4). In fact, certain conditions might actually be defined by information features extracted from digital data. As an example, suppose some notion of problematic smartphone usage were conceptualized. This conceptualization might then be measured, and diagnostic determinations made, by quantifying smartphone usage and determining the presence of the condition once certain usage thresholds are exceeded. This might occur for, say, addictive phone-based behaviors (Fisher & Appelbaum, 2017).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Information features that are constitutive of psychological property

Another example involves cognitive or psychomotor tests. Here, certain forms of (active or interactive data) testing could be devised on smartphone devices, such that to have a certain condition is partly defined by the resultant data or the features they represent. In this sense, the captured features constitute or co-constitute the condition. One inference type involved here could be deduction: if a psychological property is exhaustively defined by certain digitally derived features—or else is defined by those digitally-derived features plus other features that are known—then, the data/features can be used to deductively infer the psychological property. In contrast, when certain data or features partly but not entirely constitute a psychological property (Fig. 4) and when other constitutive features are not known—such that we cannot deduce the property from the digital data or features—the mode of inference may be abduction.

4 Analysis of Digital Phenoty**’s Potential

The above taxonomy describes four distinctive scenarios and types of knowledge acquisition using digital phenoty**. These scenarios can bear on an approach’s epistemic power for enhancing wellbeing and pure knowledge. But could digital phenoty** take us much beyond what we already have? Since we already have many illuminating scientific theories, interventions, and tools, we may wonder how digital phenoty** might relate to existing scientific modes of inquiry into human experience and practical responses to it, in ways that are genuinely helpful, illuminating, or even revolutionary. We turn now to this question.

4.1 Non-intrusiveness, Convenience, Efficiency, and Practicality

Minimally, digital phenoty** could support and facilitate mental health monitoring by providing a ubiquitous and economical means of monitoring compared to traditional and resource-limited in-person assessments and psychometric testing (a staple of modern psychology). Given robust and reliable predictive models, where some input features based on digital footprint data predict with sufficient accuracy some psychometric score that an individual would receive, digital phenoty** data and models could serve as a proxy for traditional testing and psychometric scoring, a setup that would be both very convenient and of substantial practical benefit. What exactly the input signal represents or indicates philosophically speaking in such digital phenoty** models evokes questions concerning the philosophical foundations of psychometric testing, itself a rich topic (Maul et al., 2016).

Although it may be theoretically possible for massive and continuous data collection and processing to be carried out by humans, it is often not feasible. No human analyst could reliably match natural language processing’s (NLP) ability to continuously trawl through and process social media posts. Moreover, processing millions of records from sensors (such as screen touch movements) and discerning patterns from this data is humanly impossible. In addition, digital phenoty** is generally less obtrusive than traditional monitoring since it can be performed in a natural, in situ setting. Monitoring can be seamlessly integrated into an individual's life, in a sense becoming an extension of them.

Inferences to psychological properties can be “diagnostic” or “prognostic”. Digital phenoty** may improve the efficiency of both. “Diagnostic” refers to findings that, perhaps in combination with other information, may indicate (Saeb et al., 2015) the occurrence a of property with or without information about, for instance, its severity and intensity—for instance, minute changes in swi** patterns may indicate occurrent subtle, mild, or early stages of mental illness. “Prognostic” findings indicate potential future events. For example, certain data may be used to calculate risks of future behavior (e.g., criminal recidivism), while other data (e.g., concerning mild cognitive impairment) may allow forecasting of responses to treatment for illnesses (e.g., major depression) (Huckvale et al., 2019).Footnote 7 Prognostication and diagnosis might be improved in virtue of the input of readily obtainable passive and interactive data, and also active data which involves users’ efficiently entering information or self-reports (Mohr et al., 2017, p. 38). This may in theory allow much earlier intervention and better prevention of mental illness (Bhugra et al., 2017).

We can distinguish two levels of data collection and analysis: individual and general. Digital phenoty** could be highly personalized (Mohr et al., 2017, p. 35). For example, it could be adapted to learn about a person’s specific habits, idiosyncrasies, and activities, and to calibrate inferences to those variables, potentially enabling digital precision healthcare. Baselines for specific individuals could be established which would then be used to map deviations from the “norm” for specific individuals (D’Alfonso et al., 2018). Within-individual changes could be tracked, and, where relevant, tailored interventions for that individual could be made (Huckvale et al., 2019). Such tailored interventions, delivered via smartphone apps and informed by sensing data, have come to be known as ecological momentary interventions (Balaskas et al., 2021) or just-in-time adaptive interventions (Nahum-Shani et al., 2018), and they offer another advantage of digital phenoty** based on personal digital devices: the tool which is used to detect something about an individual can also be used to deliver, at opportune times, therapy modules/exercises to address detected health issues.

Digital phenoty** might also be non-personalized. Digital sensing data and other data from perhaps thousands or millions of individuals could be gathered for more basic scientific work. Such Big Data could, for example, be collected in a central repository or “large-scale phenoty** databank” (Huckvale et al., 2019, p. 8) and made accessible to researchers. Apart from examining humans in general, digital phenoty** might be employed on a specific collective. For example, it might help gauge a particular population’s mental health by probing social media and other online activity. In this way, digitally gleaned and massed individual information could potentially enable (e.g., via AI processing) new understandings about the general and the collective. In turn, these more general understandings might provide insight into specific individuals.Footnote 8 We discuss AI and machine learning (ML) below.

4.2 Accuracy and Unwanted Effects

Although the term “predictive” broadly applies to digital phenoty** evaluations (e.g. Martinez-Martin et al., 2018), predictions can, as we noted, be prognostic or diagnostic. Forecasting (say) future disease or likely progression (as opposed to indicating a current disease) may, as we also said, be more beneficial overall for human wellbeing, assuming that it is accurate and that effective preventative steps are available. Mohr et al. say that “GPS features appear to predict depression many weeks in advance” (Mohr et al., 2017, p. 30). However, because it relates to events which do not yet exist, prognostication may sometimes be less accurate than predicting existing events, since other events may intervene in the course of things to prevent those events from occurring. That said, the reliability of predictions will vary from case to case.

There is little doubt that significantly more empirical work is required to demonstrate digital phenoty**’s accuracy and reliability. To demonstrate it, several conditions should be met. First, it is important to ensure that, among the digital exhaust, sufficient representative and good quality data enter into analytic phenoty** systems. Second, AI and ML judgments must, where relevant, be linked to relevant “ground truths” (Merchant et al., 2019). Third, and relatedly, digital phenotypists must be cognizant of various social and scientific understandings of wellness and psychology (Dwyer et al., 2018), because certain conceptions of both pathological and non-pathological states may differ between cultures and/or be scientifically controversial. Fourth, digital phenoty** must accommodate the fact that there may be variation in the expression of various states between different individuals (Delude, 2015). Fifth, AI judgments must be subjected to valid, reproducible, and extensive controlled scientific studies. These can take many years in some cases.

We should also recognize possible forms of observer effect in cases of digital phenoty**, which could cause misleading predictions. A term most commonly associated with physics, the observer effect concerns the disturbance of a system by the act of observing or measuring that system. The “digital phenoty** observer effect” can be explained as follows. A thermometer measures human temperature, yet generally has no causal effect on the temperature itself. Similarly, footprints are the consequences and indicators of walking but have no effect on the act of walking itself. In contrast to these monodirectional indicators and epiphenomena, smartphones and other digital devices, which despite sometimes efficiently and non-intrusively capturing information, may nonetheless sometimes have subtle or even overt effects that interfere with accurate inference-making.

Potential observer effects might occur at different levels. One direct or explicit way in which smartphones could conceivably alter what they measure is in the use of ecological momentary assessments (EMA). For example, notifications requesting active data input from an individual might itself cause psychological changes, such as irritation about being tracked by clinicians or researchers, which influence that data. However, there appear to have been few studies that investigate how EMAs of mental health symptoms may influence the symptoms that they measure—a phenomenon that is also known as assessment reactivity (van Ballegooijen et al., 2016).

There is also the possibility of a Hawthorne effect, recognized in psychology, in which the belief of being watched alters behavior. People who feel observed may sometimes “spin” information about themselves or act more self-consciously (Penney, 2016). Torous et al. report that their digital phenoty** platform “gives only very minimal feedback to the subject in order to avoid behavior change that could result from this feedback” (Torous et al., 2016). Although information distortions caused by (say) EMAs versus self-consciousness (as just described) are different, they nonetheless roughly fall under the umbrella of “observer effects”.Footnote 9

Aside from any digital phenoty** observer effect distortions that interfere with diagnosis or prognostication, digital sensing of an individual could itself also partly cause conditions or states to emerge in that same individual (Mulvenna et al., 2021). This could occur in both good and bad ways. Some note that digital phenoty** might improve a person’s wellbeing by increasing emotional self-awareness and control over their psychological health (Chandrashekar, 2018; Simblett et al., 2019). In contrast, Burr et al. refer to “epidemiological inflation”, whereby a symptom tracker app, for example, may exacerbate the very symptoms it is designed to monitor and/or remediate (Burr et al., 2020). Consider how a sleep tracking app may worsen sleep-related anxiety in an insomniac.

Another example of an undesirable causal effect is internet or smartphone addiction resulting from over-engaging with devices (Harris et al., 2020). Moreover, erroneous information from digital phenoty** that is delivered to the subject might precipitate the very condition it “falsely” predicts/indicates. Consider the self-fulfilling prophecy of being told, and then believing, that you have or will develop depression or anxiety, which you might not otherwise have developed.Footnote 10 Conversely, digital prediction of a future or develo** state or condition could enable an individual to take remedial or preventative steps and hence falsify the forecast, to the individual’s advantage. There is thus a range of distortion effects and various deleterious and beneficial implications of digital phenoty** to be considered.

4.3 Causes vs. Correlations

Perhaps digital phenoty** may sometimes accurately (e.g., with high sensitivity and specificity) discern occurrent or future states, behaviors, conditions, and responses to interventions. This discernment need not only occur via inferences based on causes (Saeb et al., 2015) of such psychological properties. Rather, it may also occur by discerning correlations (type 3 in the tetra-taxonomy). In other words, captured information may simply represent non-causal proxies for actual causes of states and behaviors. Some authors claim that digital phenoty** only determines correlations, not causes (e.g. Stanghellini & Leoni, 2020). However, if digital phenoty** could also identify causes of important properties (see type 2 in the tetra-taxonomy), then in an important sense, it would have more epistemic power. This is for least two reasons.

First, identifying causes of properties (prima facie) promises more effective interventions to improve wellbeing. Although identifying reliable correlations can be diagnostically and prognostically powerful, intervening to influence proxies of negative conditions may have no or minimal positive impact.Footnote 11 By contrast, intervening at the level of direct causes may be more effective. Second, identifying causes of traits, behaviors, or conditions arguably often yields deeper insight into human experience. Causal understandings generally provide greater explanatory power than correlation-based understandings. Compare, for example, being able to accurately predict anxiety via subtle proxy indicators of feelings and beliefs, with the insight into causal feedback loops between belief and feeling/behavior that is provided by cognitive-behavioral science. The former provides (very) useful knowledge, but the latter deepens our knowledge and understanding of the nature of anxiety.

There are both individual and general types of explanation here. Causal understanding of an individual’s condition (e.g., knowing the causes of severe anxiety for X) is important for promoting individual wellbeing. However, generalizable causal knowledge gives not just insight into an individual’s situation, but also into important human problems and states and even, when the insight is profound, into human nature. Such general knowledge arises from data about individuals, but it relies upon amassing such data and making sense of it. In this regard, the technological possibilities in digital phenoty** may take on additional value. Huckvale et al. write that:

the causal and temporal relationships between cognitive dysfunction and affective symptoms is itself an open research question that is amenable to exploration using phenoty**. The potential feasibility of discreet, continuous digital phenoty** in young adults offers a route to address the specific call for longitudinal studies that can assess if and how cognitive symptoms precede the peak onset of depression in the mid-late twenties (Huckvale et al., 2019, p. 4).

The reference here to longitudinal studies reminds us that properly determining the causes of physical or psychological phenomena must follow a legitimate scientific method that involves, for example, control groups, randomization, and replicability. Thus, there are differences in how we should treat digital phenoty** as a means of determining causes when compared to its use in determining correlations that make accurate predictions. The scientific method for finding causes has different requirements to, say, a statistical or machine learning method of finding associations.

Yarkoni and Westfall claim that a psychological understanding of humans consists in both explaining (understanding causal relations) and predicting (forecasting) human behavior (Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017). Psychological science, they argue, has wrongly neglected prediction in favor of explanation. They point out that best explanation is not necessarily the best predictor of behavior. We could add to their point the idea that improving prediction may also advance scientific causal explanations.

We can agree with Yarkoni and Westfall that both prediction (in the sense of forecasting) and causal explanation are foundational to psychology (Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017). However, it is important to understand that whether explanation or prediction (forecasting) provides the deepest psychological insight is partly a value question. The answer can vary with what is being causally explained (e.g., why I’m scared of spiders vs. the basis of morality) or predicted (e.g., whether I can overcome my fear of spiders vs. whether humans will eradicate selfishness). Some kinds of knowledge are more valuable or more momentous than others. Pure science, we can remember, concerns itself with understanding the basic or ultimate causes of phenomena at different levels of organization (e.g., atomic vs. chemical vs. biological vs. psychological). Illuminating reality in this way, and not simply making predications without understanding of underlying causal relations, is foundational to science’s value.

To be sure, applied sciences, like medicine or conservation biology, are often interested in accurate prediction by any means for the purposes of intervention. And, as we indicated, prediction is a component of the verification of causal theories in the pure sciences. Furthermore, and conversely, causal explanation in the applied sciences is a means to achieve better prediction and successful interventions. Prediction is indeed a worthy scientific and practical goal. However, even the applied sciences aim at explanation or causal understanding for its own sake: such understanding is a key part of their epistemic value. Accordingly, digital phenoty** would fall short of generating a “new science of behavior” if it proved to have significant predictive but little explanatory power—or at least, it would then lack a key characteristic belonging to both pure and applied sciences. We return to the issue of epistemic value soon.

4.4 Constitutive Elements

We have acknowledged that digital phenoty** might produce significant improvements in both forecasting and diagnosing psychological properties. For example, digital sensing might detect very subtle behavioral changes or patterns predictive of dementia well before the onset of any of its intrinsically troubling features. These may be changes or patterns which are intrinsically trivial or that appear mundane when viewed independently of what they foreshadow. Such predictive power, we noted, does not necessarily give insight into the nature of, say, dementia. However, we also said that digital phenoty** might help identify some causes of human states and behaviors. Individual and especially general (e.g., Big Data-generated) knowledge of causes of the above types has explanatory power that could potentially provide insight into human nature. So too could knowledge and understanding of the constitutive elements of conditions/psychology (type 4 in the taxonomy). Both causal and constitutive elements are particularly important in understanding human behavior and psychology.

Causal and constitutive factors can denote the same or different items. Thus, SARS-CoV-2 is both constitutive and causative of COVID-19, whereas (apparently) an historical population of horseshoe bats is causative but not constitutive of that illness. In the psycho-ethical domain, subconscious contempt and fear may partly constitute a person’s attitude towards certain individuals or groups, as well as causing that person to act differently towards them. Although some causes of states can also be constituents of those states, not all causes are constitutive. Temporally remote causes are an example. Furthermore, some constituents of psychological properties need not be causes of those properties. For example, paranoia is constitutive of forms of schizophrenia but does not cause them.

To highlight the possible value of non-causal constitutive determinations, consider a seminal (non-digital) example from psychological science. Despite its widely accepted scientific shortcomings, many psychologists and philosophers recognize that Freud’s theory of the unconscious delivers profound insight into the human mind. This it does both by identifying potential causes of psychological states and behaviors and by identifying constituents of them. In fact, those constitutive elements are arguably more important for human knowledge than the causal elements in Freudian theory. That is partly because certain key causal aspects of that theory (e.g., Oedipal and psychoanalytic elements) are scientifically problematic. Nonetheless, constitutive Freudian elements can reconfigure the way we understand ourselves—not just as individuals, but as a psychologically distinctive class of animals (Stevenson et al., 2013).

So, the theory’s value is arguably found less in the (scientifically contested) proposition that below consciousness features of the mind can by some mechanism cause, for example, central kinds of mental disorder, and more in the claim that submerged psychological dimensions illuminate and explain vital aspects of human experience. Certainly, these elusive mind features may be considered important partly because they help explain certain causal effects, such as damaging behaviors. Yet knowledge of pervasive unconscious phenomena can be revelatory of human nature whether or not those phenomena imply causal mechanisms amenable to scientific investigation.

Could digital phenoty** provide insight into the constituents of psychological properties? Certainly, there are some conditions or states that are necessarily tied closely to elements of the digitype. Unusually prolonged time spent on smartphones, measured by those same devices, may be constitutive of smartphone addiction. However, we may once again ask whether digital sensing essentially records data connected to a range of properties the constituents of which are knowable independent of digital sensing. The possibility that close (if practically difficult) observation of people would yield the same information might temper the hope that digital phenoty** augurs an epistemic advance or revolution. Conceivably, however, the approach may identify very subtle patterns, correlations, causes, or constitutive factors that are otherwise very hard or impossible to detect. In this sense, digital phenoty** might provide a process that differs from current approaches not just in degree, but also in kind.

For example, some previously unknown, subtle, complex features might be discerned from, say, various patterns of interactions with smartphones, perhaps combined with other passive, active, or interactive data. Moreover, it is at least possible that machine learning, especially of the unsupervised kind, could generate new diagnostic or psychological categories. Supervised machine learning involves a labelled training set, where for each element of the set, a collection of input features (information points extracted from a digital footprint) is paired with some labelled outcome (Russell & Norvig, 2021). These labelled outcomes can be categorical (e.g., individual has depression or not) or continuous (e.g., individual received a score of X on a certain psychometric measure for depression). Based on this initial training data, a supervised machine learning model is then constructed that can predict further instances of this outcome (dependent variable) based on the input features (independent variables) alone. Thus, supervised ML-based digital phenoty** is premised on pre-established psychological categories or measures.

Unsupervised machine learning, by contrast, receives input features but no labelled outputs to associate them with. Rather, unsupervised techniques determine similarities between the input elements (which consist of features) and then separate these input elements into separate groups based on this similarity determination. For example, suppose that the input consisted of a set of pairs (x, y), with x and y being numbers between 1 and 100 quantifying two properties. An unsupervised algorithm such as K-means clustering (Mulvenna et al., 2021) might receive this set and determine that there are three clusters in the underlying structure of the data: pairs with low x and y values, pairs with low x and high y values, and pairs with high x and low y values. This is all done with numerically rigorous method.

Now, suppose that a set of (x, y) pairs were inputted into such an algorithm, with each pair providing certain quantitative information for an individual with depression. If three such salient clusters appeared, then in a sense this generates three different depression subgroups. These cluster outputs would need to be interpreted by mental health experts to determine their clinical utility or relevance, but suppose, for example, that it was found that among this group of depressed individuals, some benefited from medication A, some from medication B, and some from medication C. What is it about each individual that makes them benefit from a particular medication? Now suppose that those who benefited from medication A fell into the first cluster, those who benefited from medication B fell into the second cluster, and those who benefited from medication C fell into the third cluster. Given these results, we now have an informed method, based on clusters generated by unsupervised machine learning, to prescribe medication to new depressed individuals based on the clustering classification they fall under. More generally, such unsupervised methods could potentially lead to the establishment of subtypes of depression and, beyond this, of other psychological categories.

Another important point to make about the constitutive elements of states, behaviors, or conditions concerns first-person versus third-person perspectives. Imagine that digital phenoty** strongly indicates (predicts) that person P now has psychological property χ. This determination, let us imagine, is based on analysis of the combination of digital data from the individual and Big Data from many individuals. We are supposing here that this data constitutes a third-person perspective: it does not involve self-reports or assertions by the subject. What then should we say if P denies or repudiates χ as determined by that instance of digital phenoty**?

One possibility is that the digital phenoty** verdict is correct, and person P is mistaken (Fisher & Appelbaum, 2017). For example, P, though sincere in her repudiation, may be in denial. Further, it is well recognized that the accuracy of first-person perspectives can be tainted by a range of factors including forgetting, lying, misremembering, misinterpreting, providing incomplete information, withholding, feeling guilt or shame, and impression management (Fisher & Appelbaum, 2017). Some individuals may deliberately confound digital investigation to avoid a diagnosis or assessment.

Another possibility under this scenario, however, is that diagnosis χ as determined by digital phenoty** under the above conditions, even when based on extensive information, is false. Consider two ways in which this could occur. The first way is that χ is false independent of P’s perspective on the matter. Suppose digital phenoty**, perhaps based on drinking, eating, toileting, ambulating, and slee** patterns, determines that P has diabetes. P’s denial that they have diabetes has no weight in the assessment that the digital phenoty** falsely diagnosed diabetes. Instead, the digital phenoty** diagnosis is proved wrong by other “objective” data, such as blood tests. This can also be true in mental illness: a psychiatric patient’s self-report may be at odds with reality. As Thomas Insel emphasizes:

Many patients realize, just as we learned from thermometry, that they cannot trust their subjective experience. Just as people with diabetes learn that every moment of lethargy is not hypoglycemia and people with hypertension learn that every headache does not mean elevated blood pressure, people with mental disorders are asking for something more objective to help them to manage their emotional states, distinguishing joy from the emergence of mania and disappointment from a relapse of depression (Insel, 2019, p. vi).

However, the idea that we might bypass or downplay subjective experience and self-reporting, though important, must be significantly qualified. For the second of the two ways that digital phenoty** may get it wrong is that the determination χ is false wholly or partly in virtue of P’s own perspective—namely, in this case, their repudiation of χ. We might suggest that this second way applies to certain psychological states or conditions, such as despair, sadness, depression, happiness, and love, at least to some extent and in some cases. Like other third-person assessments, digital phenoty** (when it makes such assessments) may provide important information about a state or condition. But it does not follow that self-reports or avowals lack a constitutive role, sometimes a vital one, in such assessments. Consider the following argument from Birk and Samuel (see also Stanghellini & Leoni, 2020) that using digital phenoty** to infer mental qualities dangerously courts reductivism of essentially social phenomena and could generate faulty conclusions:

…loneliness is not an objectively measured quality but rather one’s self-interpreted social situation…Loneliness is rarely static, and may indeed fluctuate from situation to situation. Thus, we would argue, there are some states that cannot be inferred purely from passively sensed data (Birk & Samuel, 2020, p. 8, italics original).

This passage is illuminating, but it requires an amendment. Loneliness is not necessarily entirely reducible to “one’s self-interpreted social situation.” Loneliness may be constituted both by self-interpretation or avowals of loneliness and by other conditions and features. In addition, inductive or abductive inferences can be accurate even though their grounds are only proxies rather than constituents (such as those avowals) of the inferred property. Even if some featural grounds of the inference are weak or misleading grounds when considered individually—e.g. because they involve measuring smartphone location rather than the users’ location (Birk & Samuel, 2020, p. 8) in some assessment of, say, whether an individual is lonely—the collected mass of diverse data (e.g., websites visited, patterns of speech, location data) and their appropriate analysis (e.g., by powerful machine learning techniques) may ameliorate the tendency of individual features to result in misleading inferences.

Nonetheless, it is vital to understand that at least some states or conditions have the peculiar characteristic of being partly constituted by first-person avowals or disavowals. In this way, certain first-person (dis)avowals carry a peculiar epistemic weight for observers even though they are defeasible (as in the case of denial). Yet if a person is not in denial or in some other special state, and if other important conditions or features obtain, then what that person says about certain mental states of theirs can be authoritative as to the presence, absence, and nature of those states. A person’s values, attitudes, appetites, and sexual and political orientations are of this type, but so too may be psychological states like loneliness, depression, hopelessness, and despair.

Hence, it is essential that digital phenoty** sometimes takes into account first-person beliefs and assertions in order to accurately assess certain psychological properties. Of course, when a subject falsely asserts or self-reports due to denial and insincerity, a conflicting conclusion produced by digital phenoty** may enlighten observers and sometimes even the (highly attentive) subject herself (Metz, 2018). But in the absence of those special qualifying conditions, certain conflicting self-reports and assertions must be taken seriously, since they may legitimately unsettle even apparently solid digital determinations. Hence, the hopeful notion that “phenomenologically derived descriptions” and subjective self-reports may be replaced by “objective behavioral data” in digital phenoty** (Bhugra et al., 2017, p. 41) is an oversimplification.

Nevertheless, having marked those cautions related to constitutive features of psychological properties, we can now point out that digital phenoty** might incorporate those first-person features into its determinations. And, as we discussed, digital phenoty** based on sophisticated analytic techniques (especially machine learning on Big Data) may potentially deliver insights into the nature (causes and constituents) of known or new psychological properties. Whether it comes good on this potential remains to be seen.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we responded to growing claims and hopes that digital phenoty** will significantly advance or even revolutionize human wellbeing and knowledge of human life, especially regarding human behavior and psychology. In our response, we characterized digital phenoty** as the process of drawing inferences from the digitype, or the aggregate of an individual’s active, passive, and interactive digital data obtained from various devices. Our analysis enables a more complete definition of digital phenoty** to now be given: Digital phenoty** is the process of attempting to draw from the digitype(s) epistemically and practically valuable inferences about states or conditions, often psychological, of individuals or groups; it can involve deductive, inductive, and/or abductive inferences that occur under conditions variously involving correlative, constitutive, and (two kinds of) causal relations that exist between digital data and information on the one hand and psychological (or physical) properties on the other.

The paper’s aim was not to settle empirical questions about digital phenoty**’s value—for that involves empirical rather than philosophical methodologies—but rather to reveal the modes of epistemic insight into wellbeing and psychological and physical phenomena that digital phenoty** may or may not provide. Our tetra-taxonomy and the subsequent analysis it gave rise to found that digital phenoty** has at least the potential to deliver not only practical, efficient, convenient, and non-intrusive information acquisition, but possibly also valuable insights related to both diagnosis and prognostication and to the discernment of causes, correlations, and constituents of states and conditions.

At the same time, our analysis pointed to risks and qualifications that must be made regarding digital phenoty**, including the possibility of digital phenoty** distortion effects like the observer effect, the importance of empirical validation, the need to differentiate causes, constituents, and correlations, and the way in which conflicting first-person reports can affect (without undermining in every instance) the accuracy of some psychological determinations and predictions.

In the end, only empirical studies can show whether the high promise of significantly improved human wellbeing and of major advances in knowledge are realized by digital phenoty**. Even so, empirical studies and further analyses need to grasp the philosophical nature, potential, and problems of this method. Although it is beyond the scope of this paper to explore, the above understanding of digital phenoty** should be useful in addressing certain social and ethical questions. Ethical analyses, for example, should appreciate the epistemic potential of digital phenoty** to increase behavioral insight and even to generate new psychological categories. By the same token, moral investigation should recognize, among other things, the possibility of distorting digital phenoty** observer effects, overconfidence in digital phenoty** determinations, and confusion about the nature of associated inferences. We hope that this epistemic and methodological analysis of digital phenoty** helps stimulate and guide further empirical, philosophical, and socio-ethical study on this novel emerging use of technology.