
As an important renewable resource, wood provides a large number of ecological services and biomass products. Wood formation depends on the growth of secondary xylem, which involves several processes, including cell division and expansion, secondary wall deposition, lignification, and programmed cell death (Mellerowicz et al 2001; Zhang et al 2020). Cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose and several proteins are the main components of cell walls (Rennie and Scheller 2014).

With regards to the bent or curved portions of woody dicotyledonous plant stems or branches, xylem tissue formed on the outside due to tensile force is called tension wood (TW), making the upper side of the stems or branches of trees thicker and eccentric to a certain extent (Timell 1969). Opposite wood (OW) refers to wood on the inner side of the bent wood (Pilate et al 2004a). Wood without any irregularities is termed normal wood (NW). Due to external forces, many plants produce a gelatinous fiber layer (G layer) inside tension wood cell walls, and its main component is crystalline cellulose (Pilate et al 2004b). Compared with normal wood, its appearance replaces the S3 layer of secondary cell walls (Andersson-Gunnerås et al 2006). Its most remarkable feature is that the cellulose content increases, making the cell wall thicker, and the lignin and xylan contents less. Anatomically, it has been found that the amount and size of vessels in tension wood are fewer, and fibers and vessels are longer. Certain chemical attributes have the potential to enhance the effectiveness of wood conversion for biofuel and material manufacturing (Yu et al 2021), but their physical properties are affected due to the presence of gelatinous fibers, making them unfavorable for fiber board (Vilkovská et al 2018). Improving the understanding of the molecular and genetic regulatory mechanisms involved in tension wood formation can facilitate strategic improvements in wood fiber and energy utilization and play a key role in promoting wood engineering to produce materials and energy more effectively.

Populus is a genus of fast-growing species and identifying the molecular mechanism of wood formation is of considerable significance for the improvement of timber resources. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) has been used to explore the differentially expressed genes during tension wood development in various poplar species such as P. trichocarpa Torr. & A. Gray ex Hook. (Yu et al 2021), P. × euramericana ‘Zhonglin46’ (Liu et al 2023), P. davidiana × bolleana ‘Shanxin’ (Zhao et al 1999). It has rapidly become the most widely used variety of Populus in China because of its tolerance to cold and drought. Therefore, the identification of high-quality genes related to wood formation in P. alba ‘Berolinensis’ is of considerable significance for poplar wood improvement in semi-arid northeast China. In this study, the gene expression pathways regulating the development of tension wood were analyzed using transcriptome sequencing technology; the genes involved in the development of cell walls were screened. Eight EXP genes (PalEXPs) were screened in RNA-seq data, four were differentially expressed between TW, OW and NW. The bHLH, WRKY transcription factors were identified as upstream factors of PalEXP genes by transcriptional regulatory network construction, which revealed the molecular regulation mechanism in the formation of tension wood and provided information and gene resources for the improvement of wood properties using molecular biological methods.

Materials and methods

Plant materials and experimental treatment

Four-year-old clonal P. alba ‘Berolinensis’ saplings were obtained from the breeding base of Improved Variety Bases in Fulaerji District, Qiqihar, Heilongjiang province. The materials were cultivated outdoors (average temperature range 17–27 °C). The stems of the treatment group were bent in a lean angle of 45° in June (the period of active cambium cells and the develo** xylem). Straight stems were used as the control (Fig. S1). Five saplings were pooled into one sample with three replicates. A total 15 saplings were used for bending and another 15 were the control. After two weeks, stems of similar heights above the ground were removed from both groups. The bark was peeled and the xylem gently scraped away with a scalpel and collected. The upper side of the bent stems was removed and labelled as TW (tension wood), the lower side as OW (opposite wood), and the develo** xylem from the straight stems was collected as NW (normal wood). All samples were pre-cooled in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80 °C for subsequent transcriptome sequencing and quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) experiments. Stem samples of 5 cm were used for anatomical analysis.

Anatomical analysis

A microscope slide was prepared of 3 cm of stem and fixed in FAA fixative (10% formalin, 5% acetic acid, 50% ethanol). To observe the develo** xylem, the fixed samples were sectioned with a sliding microtome (Leica 1007, Wetzlar, Germany). Paraffin sections were prepared with sequential steps of dehydration, transparency, wax dip**, embedding, block trimming, slicing, sticking and dewaxing. The samples were stained with safranin O-fast green or by the Wiesner (phloroglucinol-HCl) reaction (Pradhan Mitra et al. 2014; Chi et al 2023) and photographed under a stereo light microscope (Olympus SZX7, Tokyo, Japan) and an optical microscope (Olympus BX43, Tokyo, Japan).

RNA sequencing, de novo transcriptome assembly and assessment

The total RNA of nine samples (NW1, NW2, NW3, TW1, TW2, TW3, OW1, OW2, and OW3) was extracted by the CTAB method (Zhao et al 2012) and assessed using 1.0% agarose gel electrophoresis. The A260/280 ratio was measured by a NanoDrop 2000 UV–visible spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). A library of standard-compliant RNA was constructed using the NEBNext® Ultra RNA Library Prep Kit, and the constructed library was sequenced on an Illumina® platform (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA, USA). Based on the filtered clean data, a full-length transcript sequence was assembled with Trinity (Trinity Release v2.4.0) (Grabherr et al 2011). The longest transcript sequence in each gene was taken as the unigene. All transcripts assembled by Trinity and unigene were evaluated by BUSCO to determine their integrity (Simão et al 2015). Based on the unigene sequence assembled by Trinity and the ORF sequence predicted by TransDecoder, the annotation information of the assembly result in the corresponding database was obtained by Tools including Blast (, HmmScan (Finn et al 2011), SignalP (Petersen et al 2011), and TmHMMP (Krogh et al 2001), and the comprehensive functional annotation results were then obtained through Trinotate (Trinotate Release V3.0.2). The RNA-seq data were upload to the NCBI Short Read Archive (SRA) with the accession number PRJNA954564.

Expression level analysis and DEGs identification

FPKM was used for the quantitative estimation of unigene expression values (Trapnell 2010). Differential genes with |log2-fold change|≥ 1 and q < 0.05 were selected by DEG-seq (Wang 2010) as differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The data were normalized using the negative binomial distribution statistical method, and the resulting P value was subjected to multiple test correction to control false positives according to the Benjamini‒Hochberg procedure.

Gene function annotation, GO, KEGG analysis and identification of DEGs related to cell wall formation

The genes were compared in NR (NCBI nonredundant protein sequences), NT (nucleotide sequence database), and UniProt (universal protein resource) databases, and the function and characteristics of known nucleotide sequences were recorded. All DEGs were mapped to specific terms within the gene ontology (GO) database ( Subsequently, the number of genes associated with each was determined. GO enrichment analysis was performed by the topGO R package to identify significantly enriched terms. KOBAS 3.0 software ( tested the statistical enrichment of DEGs in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG, pathways (** or mature parts of the xylem; the black arrow points to G-layer; the red arrow points to annual ring of the previous year