1 Extended version

This paper is an extension of a paper published at the 30th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS’22) entitled A Coq Framework For More Trustworthy DRAM Controllers Lisboa Malaquias et al. (2022). The main additions are: a section where we discuss in greater detail and through examples how paper-and-pencil latency-analysis/proofs can lead to untrustworthiness (Sect. 2.1); a section where we present how the framework can be used to model controller semantics, such as memory consistency models (Sect. 6); and a section where we discuss how exactly our framework enhances trust w.r.t DRAM controllers design (Sect. 8). Furthermore, we extend and re-work several parts of the text of the original paper: textual descriptions are more detailed, code definitions previously omitted due to space constraints are shown, and new figures and tables are added with the goal of easing comprehension.

2 Introduction

Multi-core architectures pose a challenge for critical and mixed-criticality systems due to resource contention on the main memory. Memory Controllers (MCs) have to deal with a fundamental trade-off: ensuring predictable behaviour for critical (hard) requests, while providing good bandwidth (BW) for non-critical (soft) requests Guo and Pellizzoni (2017).

On one side of the spectrum, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) DRAM controllers employ a series of performance-driven optimisations that degrade predictability, such as reordering and bundling queued requests. As an example, take one of the most commonly used algorithms in high-performance controllers, First-Ready First-Come-First-Serve Rixner et al. (2000) (FR-FCFS), which prioritises row-hits over row-misses. Requests can be re-ordered, and hence, a critical request could suffer starvation due to the prioritisation of a non-critical request. As a consequence, this type of arbitration algorithm is poorly suited for memory controllers in real-time systems—as timing analysis gets more complex and memory accesses latencies can be difficult to bound.

On the other side of the spectrum, Real-Time DRAM controllers often adapt conservative techniques, offering predictability at the cost of decreased average-case performance. However, as the need for performance and computational demands in real-time system quickly grows Akesson et al. (2020), research has made significant progress in proposing predictable DRAM controllers at minimum performance cost in recent years (Mirosanlou et al. 2021, 2020; Valsan and Yun 2015; Guo and Pellizzoni 2017; Paolieri et al. 2009; Hassan et al. 2015; Li et al. 2014; Wu et al. 2013; Jalle et al. 2014; Ecco and Ernst 2015; Reineke et al. 2011; Schranzhofer et al. 2011; Yun et al. 2015).

Nonetheless, additionally to latency bounds, memory controller designers have to ensure that the DRAM commands generated by the MC and sent to the device respect the timing constraints established by the Joint Electron Devices Engineering Councils (JEDEC). Taking this into account, the mathematical proofs that ensure conformance to the JEDEC standard and bound memory access latency can be lengthy, complex, and lack readability. These issues are presented in greater detail in Sect. 2.1.

Formal methods come in handy when dealing with such problems. Increasing the trust in the designed system is delegated to specialised tools, which, depending on the approach, can do different things. The two most popular approaches are model checking and deductive verification. The former performs exhaustive exploration of a mathematical model. The latter can be used to generate mathematical proof obligations that are part of the formal specification of a system (a property also known as the Curry-Howard isomorphism Sørensen and Urzyczyn (2006)); therefore, every implementation of the specification must provide proofs that these obligations are met.

While model checking provides greater automation, deductive verification has better expressivity Shankar (2018). In the context of Real-Time Memory Controllers, the expressivity provided by the deductive approach brings benefits:

  1. 1.

    If one convinces oneself that the formal specification of a system and the stated properties really correspond to the addressed problem—here DRAM controllers—then one can become agnostic to the actual implementations and the inner mechanisms of the proofs, as long as they are accepted by the tool’s kernel;

  2. 2.

    Different than model checking, deductive verification allows modelling of more complex systems, since computation does not dependent on the number of possible states. In other words, more often than not, model checking approaches do not scale well for models with large/unbounded number of elements and have to apply abstractions to keep the state space manageable.

More specifically, we use Coq,Footnote 1 an interactive theorem prover. It allows its user to write specifications, implement them, and discharge proof obligations through the aid of proof scripts. We choose Coq over other prove assistants for a variety of reasons—largely based on the points made by Chlipala (2022) in the book Certified Programming with Dependent Types:

  1. 1.

    Coq’s specification language supports Higher-Order logic—which allows us to enjoy the benefits of conventional functional programming languages.

  2. 2.

    It is based on dependent types—which allows us to include references to programs inside of types.

  3. 3.

    Coq is based on an easy-to-check and small kernel to check the correctness of proofs (according to the “de Bruijn” criterion).

  4. 4.

    It supports coding new proof manipulations, and thanks to the third point, these new manipulations cannot be incorrect.

The trustworthiness that our model provides is two-fold: 1) paper-and-pencil proofs are replaced by Coq-written proofs, which are certified by Coq’s kernel, and 2) since proofs are presented as artefacts, reading and reviewing designs introduced within the framework is simpler: instead of performing a thorough check of the underlying mathematical formalism, one just needs to check if the specification accurately captures what is described in the standard. In Sect. 8, we discuss in detail how exactly our framework impacts trust.

Novel Contributions

  • We propose a framework written in Coq that offers a higher degree of trust w.r.t DRAM controllers design. It contains a generic and reusable model of memory controllers in the form of a formal specification that can be refined through actual implementations. The specification carries correctness criteria as proof obligations.

  • We refine the specification with two instances: one based on First-In First-Out (FIFO) arbitration and the other on Time-division multiplexing (TDM). For both, proof obligations are met and certified by Coq’s kernel. The proofs written for these two instances serve as a model for future implementations and uses of the framework.

  • The framework cleanly separates the specifications and proofs from the implementation, which allows us to extract executable code from Coq that can be used as a “root of trust” in a cycle-accurate DRAM simulator.

Paper Organisation

Section 2.1 reviews recently proposed Real-Time Memory Controllers in order to highlight the issues that motivate our work, Sect. 2.2 presents how the DRAM communication protocol, the related timing constraints, and the worst-case latency bounds have been modelled with the aid of formal methods, and Sect. 2.3 highlights how Coq-based solutions have recently gained ground in the design of trustworthy hardware. Section 3.1 presents a concise background on DRAM systems and Sect. 3.2 presents Coq’s Type Classes, a key feature used in the development of our framework. Sections 4 and 5 present our contributions: while the former introduces the formal specification and the proof obligations in it, the latter shows how we refine the specification, derive latency bounds and resolve proof obligations. Section 6 shows how the framework can be used to model controller semantics. Section 7 discusses how we extract Haskell code from our model and embedded it into an existing cycle-accurate DRAM system simulator. Finally, Sect. 8 discusses our framework’s implications on trust, and Sect. 9 concludes the paper by revisiting our contributions and presenting future research directions.

3 Related work

3.1 Real-time memory controllers & Trustworthiness

Latency-analysis (or timing analysis) has always been a key element of any work introducing new Real-Time hardware components. This is because the latency introduced by the hardware logic has to be upper-bounded for it to be accounted in a task’s Worst Case Execution Time (WCET). Two important components that introduce significant latency in a system are the memory and the memory controller. Historically, timing analyses w.r.t these components, along with proofs of conformance to the JEDEC standards, have been done on paper-and-pencil, which can be hard to deal with, in more than one aspect.

We analysed the most-often cited Real-Time memory controllers in literature regarding the length of latency analysis/proofs (Ecco and Ernst 2015; Guo and Pellizzoni 2017; Hassan et al. 2015; Jalle et al. 2014; Li et al. 2014; Mirosanlou et al. 2020, 2021; Paolieri et al. 2009; Reineke et al. 2011; Schranzhofer et al. 2011; Valsan and Yun 2015; Wu et al. 2013; Yun et al. 2015). In each work, latency analysis takes from 30% up to 50% of the total space of the paper. Although the content and decision procedures of proofs might be of interest for fields such as mathematics or physics, we advocate for the point of view that hardware design should present them merely as artefacts. Therefore, the space that these proofs take in the papers could be better used – to include details about implementations, experiments, results, and other engineering aspects, for example. Approaching the problem through computer-aided formal methods allows us to properly treat proofs as artefacts and hide the underlying mathematical formalism from the reader.

Moreover, these analyses are often presented for the simplest of cases, leaving out essential details. As an example, Mirosanlou et al. (2021) only derives static Worst Case Latency (WCL) for read requests, briefly arguing that the analysis for write requests is very similar, which is therefore omitted. Work by Ecco and Ernst (2015) proceeds in the same way, omitting the proof of a Lemma based on the similarity argument.

In other work, the timings analysis is based on assumptions that reduce the set of valid scenarios. For instance, work by Guo and Pellizzoni (2017) describes their timing analysis as being only valid for a subset of DDR3 devices.Footnote 2 Work by Wu et al. (2013) assumes that the task under analysis runs non-preemptively on its assigned core, arguing that the analysis could be easily extended if the maximum number of preemptions is known (although the claim is not supported and details are not given).

Furthermore, works may base themselves on different sets of assumptions. It is therefore hard for users of the design, readers, and reviewers to keep track of the assumptions within the paper, often scattered throughout and/or presented as side notes. It is even harder to compare the set of assumptions that validate different Real-Time memory controller designs. This issue is identified and addressed in a survey by Guo et al. (2018), in which the set of assumptions for a dozen Real-Time memory controllers is made explicit. As an example, in order to compare the WCL analysis performed by Ecco and Ernst (2015), the authors of the survey had to perform a new auxiliary analysis applying the common assumption on the arrival of requests used in related work.

Although we do not deem wrong nor contest the author’s choices in each mentioned work, we do see the points made in the paragraphs above as possible sources of untrustworthiness. These points are resumed below:

  • Proofs are not machine-checked, i.e., checking that the analysis is correct still depends on human labour by the authors themselves and through peer-review. The inherent difficulty, length, and incompleteness of the presented proofs makes peer-reviewing a challenging task requiring expert knowledge. Regular users and readers also have the deal with these complex proofs—which should rather be presented as artefacts.

  • Works often base themselves on different sets of assumptions. Since these assumptions are often not highlighted or made explicit, it is difficult to keep track of the assumptions within the work itself, and to compare assumptions between different approaches.

  • The fact that there is no formal link between system implementation and the mathematical abstractions used to perform timing analysis may also introduce untrustworthiness.

3.2 DRAM & formal methods

Jung et al. (2019) model the DRAM timing protocols with timed Petri Nets and generate executable code that can be used for simulation-based validation. However, as their approach only takes the device’s timing constraints into consideration, it cannot handle system properties, such as the worst-case latency or the protocol correctness.

Li et al. (2016) use timed automata (TA) models of a memory controller to derive the Worst-Case Bandwidth (WCBW) and Worst-Case Response Time (WCRT) through the Uppaal model checker Larsen et al. (1997). However, when performing worst-case analysis, in order to keep the state-space limited, they assume that each requestor has at most one outstanding request, i.e., they constrain how requests arrive in the system. Moreover, getting convinced that the TA models reflect the actual DRAM states is not straightforward, since the models are complex and written by hand. We come back to this point in Sect. 8, where we debate how exactly our framework provides more trust.

Hassan and Patel (2017) use Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas to specify the correctness of memory controller models. However, the specification is not used to prove the actual implementation correct. Instead, counterexamples are obtained from simplified models of an implementation by bounded model checking, which are then used to build a test bench for the validation of the implementation. The considered models might also slightly diverge from the actual implementation. The obtained test bench might thus be incomplete or contain false positives/negatives.

3.3 Uses of Coq in related problems

Coq, and other similar theorem provers, such as Isabelle/HOL Nipkow et al. (2002) and Fstar,Footnote 3 have been used successfully to model and prove the correctness of complex systems. PROSA Cerqueira et al. (2016), for instance, proposes a framework to model real-time task scheduling (including task properties, scheduling policies, etc.), which allows to prove scheduling policies correct under a given set of conditions using Coq. Guo et al. (2019) go even a step further by connecting PROSA’s formal model to an actual real-time operating system RT-CertiKOS—thus proving the scheduler implementation correct.

In 2020, Bozhko and Brandenburg (2020) built a Coq framework, leveraging previous results from PROSA, to formally reason about Response Time Analysis (RTA), and more specifically, the ubiquitous principle of busy-window. The authors motivate their work by identifying a lack for commonality and formality in literature, claiming that “the general idea [of the busy-window principle] has become part of the real-time folklore, spread across many papers, where it is frequently re-developed from scratch, using ad-hoc notation and problem-specific definitions”. Moreover, they advocate that “papers introducing novel RTA should not start from first principles, but rather build on a well understood and general foundation [...]”. This reasoning is on par with the arguments we present in this work, which aims at providing a formal foundation for memory controller design. In 2022, Maida et al. (2022) extended the results from Bozhko and Brandenburg (2020) by connecting the foundational RTA analysis to a larger formal system used to produce “strong and independently checkable evidence of temporal correctness”.

Several research groups and companies are promoting the use of Coq for the development of trustworthy hardware. Researchers at Google have developed a plug-in replacement of the cryptographic core of the OpenTitanFootnote 4silicon root of trust. The hardware is implemented in CavaFootnote 5—a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) based on Lava Bjesse et al. (1998) and embedded within Coq. Cava allows to leverage Coq’s proof-engine and to derive SystemVerilog code. Kami, a similar system, was first developed by Choi et al. (2017) and later adopted by SiFive. It has its roots in Bluespec,Footnote 6 which also serves as the target language derived from Kami. The verification procedure in Kami is based on proving that modules refine a given specification based on trace inclusion, i.e., the specification defines traces of observable events which have to be respected by its implementation—an approach similar to the one we adopt in this paper.

Following the same rule-based design approach, the more recently proposed DSLs Koîka Bourgeat et al. (2020) and Choi et al. (2022) extend the bases set by the Kami project. The former does so by introducing semantics that can be used to prove performance properties, e.g., that a pipelined system indeed behaves like a pipelined system. The latter proposes a method to prove the serializability property of cache-coherence protocol.

4 Background

4.1 DRAM systems

We centre the discussion around DDR4 devices, as they can be seen as super-sets of older technologies (although sometimes we refer to DDR3 devices as well). The topmost logical unit in a DRAM module is a rank, followed by bank-groups and banks. Each bank is composed of a grid of memory cells, a page-sized buffer—the row-buffer—and sense amplifiers. The overall structure of a DDR3 chip is depicted in Fig. 1 (for DDR4 the N banks in the figure would represent a single bank-group).

Fig. 1
figure 1

DRAM chip structure

DRAM controllers are typically organised in two parts: front-end and back-end. In the front-end, three things take place: (1) The Address Map**, which determines how a request’s address is mapped to the corresponding rank, bank-group, bank, row, and column. (2) The Scheduling Policy, responsible for establishing the order in which requests will be serviced. (3) The Command Generation, responsible for generating the needed commands for each request, based on the status of the targeted bank. In the back-end, the generated commands go through an arbitration policy and are sent to the device’s command bus—possibly in a different order.

There are several types of commands, but for conciseness, only the four related to servicing requests are explained: (1) Activate (ACT) commands are responsible for loading the content of a row into the row-buffer, that acts like a small cache for the bank. (2) Column Address Strobe (CAS) can be either reads (RD) or writes (WR). If it is a RD, then the command selects a column address and transfers the corresponding data from the row-buffer to the data bus. The WR commands do the opposite, choosing a column address from the data bus and writing it in the targeted bank’s row-buffer. Bear in mind that CAS commands can only be issued if there is a row currently present in the row-buffer, i.e., if an ACT commands has been previously issued. (3) If a request aims at a different row, the data present in the row-buffer needs to be written back to the DRAM’s cell matrix. This is because loading rows, i.e., reading the content of a DRAM cell is a destructive process. This re-write procedure is done by Precharge (PRE) commands. (4) The capacitors in the DRAM cells have to be recharged using Refresh (REF) commands, which have to be issued periodically. Similar to existing work (Li et al. 2014; Jalle et al. 2014; Yun et al. 2015; Ecco and Ernst 2015; Hassan et al. 2015; Li et al. 2016; Guo and Pellizzoni 2017), refresh-induced delays are not considered in this work at the moment—these delays are best taken into consideration as additional interference (Bhat and Mueller 2011; Wu et al. 2013).

Table 1 JEDEC timing constraints for a DDR3 and a DDR4 device

The JEDEC standards establish several constraints on how far apart in time different commands must be. These constraints are summarised in Table 1. Note that some constraints only apply to different banks, some only to the same bank, and some to all banks. For DDR4 devices, some constraints can have two values, with identifiers s (short) and l (long). The former applies to commands aiming at banks of different bank groups, the latter to banks in the same group. Note also that the constraint \(t_{RAS}\) is the only one to impose both upper and lower bounds.

Next, we discuss rows-hits/misses and row-buffer/page policy.Footnote 7 If a request, aiming at a given row, finds its data already in the row-buffer, it is said to be a row-hit. If, however, the targeted row is different than the one in the row-buffer, it is said to be a row-miss. One of the key aspects of (real-time) DRAM controllers is how to handle the row-buffer. One strategy is to keep rows loaded in the row-buffer for as long as possible. This way, row-hits will enjoy small latencies. This is known as the open-page policy. Since the controller leaves the bank in an unknown state, the timing analysis employed to bound the worst-case latency grows in complexity. Another strategy is to treat every request as a row-miss, issuing the same PRE-ACT-CAS sequence for every request. This is known as the closed-page policy. It offers the benefit of simplified timing analysis at the cost of average-case performance.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Example of timing constraints for a DDR3-800E device. Commands and data: Bank i (\(B_{i}\)), Bank j (\(B_{j}\)). Constraints: Exclusively intra-bank,  Inter- and intra-bank, Exclusively inter-bank

Figure 2 illustrates a command scheduling scheme on a DDR3-800E device. The clock signal depicted in the figure is the data bus clock. The second line from top to bottom corresponds to the command bus (NOP commands are not shown). The third line from top to bottom is the data bus. The two lines below that correspond to the commands issued to banks i and j, respectively.

Consider the two banks i and j (\(B_{i}\) and \(B_{j}\)) to be idle at the initial time instant (left-most clock cycle in the figure). Moreover, consider that the system is serving three distinct requests: \(R_{1}\) is a write to bank i, \(R_{2}\) a read to bank j, and \(R_{3}\) again writes in bank i. The controller issues commands for both \(R_{1}\) and \(R_{2}\) concurrently, always respecting the timing constraints between commands. Note that \(R_{1}\) and \(R_{2}\) could be either row-misses or hits, while \(R_{3}\) is a row-miss, since it has to issue a PRE. Except from Refresh related constraints, all timing constraints are depicted in the figure.Footnote 8

4.2 A brief introduction to Coq

In the rest of the work we will heavily rely on Type Classes. While presenting details about Coq’s proof engine is out of the scope of this work, we will try to give an intuitive explanation of these type classes and their use.

A type class in Coq is, in some regards, similar to abstract classes or interfaces from object-oriented programming languages—it allows us to specify a set of members. Listing 1 shows an example of a container—similar to the ContainerFootnote 9 and CollectionFootnote 10 concepts in C++ or Java, respectively.

figure f

The class container_t takes two type parameters, where T specifies the Type of the container’s elements and C the type of the data structure holding those elements. The identifier mkContainer is the class constructor—a function used to build instances. The member append is a function, taking an element of type T and a container of type C as parameters, while returning a new container. The member contains is a function with an element and a container as parameter that returns a boolean (bool), while size expects a container as input and returns a natural number (nat).

Intuitively it is clear what the append function is supposed to do. Still, in Java or C++ the meaning of the function is usually explained explicitly in comments or an additional document. Coq, however, allows to make the expected behaviour explicit—as illustrated by the members app_inc and app_in. These members are proof obligations (POs), i.e., properties that every instantiation of the container class has to respect. They indicate that the size of a container should increment by one when an element is appended and that a newly appended element always has to be present in the container. The usage of type classes is similar to classes in conventional programming languages—they can be used as parameters in functions and other type classes, where its members can be used.

Furthermore, the Coq command Context allows us to introduce variables in the local context—which behave like abstract instances, i.e., their members (functions and logical propositions/POs) can be used in the local context, even if concrete instances do not yet exist. As an example, as shown in Listing 1, we introduce the types Q and R in the local context, followed by X, which is an abstract instance of container_t using the previously defined types Q and R.

figure g

We can now use the member functions of X—the abstract instance of container_t—to write other functions, such as concatenate_list (Listing 2). It takes a list of type seq QFootnote 11 and recursively appends its elements into a variable of type R (previously defined in Listing 1). Note how the append function is used within the function.

figure h

Moreover, we can prove properties about concatenate_list, as shown by the Theorem size_concatenate in Listing 3—a theorem stating that the size of a container resulting from concatenating a list to a container is the sum of the sizes of each. The code between commands Proof and Qed is a proof script. A proof script relies on the use of tactics, which interactively allow the user to perform steps in proving a theorem. In this specific proof, we use the tactics induction, which performs mathematical induction on a specified variable; simpl, which simplifies terms by reduction; rewrite, which rewrites terms manually; and reflexivity, which is used to trivially prove goals in the equality form. Note how the proof applies the property app_inc, a member of the container_t type class.

figure i

It is important to keep in mind that having only introduced abstract instances, the proof size_append will hold for any concrete instance of container_t. This feature is widely used in our framework to build implementations and proofs that are agnostic to the arrival model of requests, for instance.

In addition, type classes can also be instantiated, i.e., associated with concrete implementations of the member functions. Listing 4 shows an example of a concrete instance of container_t where we define some functions using the seq type.

figure j

In Listing 6, we write proofs for the members app_inc and app_in using our defined functions and instantiate the container through its constructor—mkContainer. Notice that aside from types and functions, proofs are also passed as arguments to the constructor.

figure k

Furthermore, we occasionally use Coq Records instead of type classes. Records are simple structures with fields—similar to C structs and record types used in other programming languages. In fact, each type class definition gives rise to a corresponding record declaration (apart from type classes with a single method).

5 Specification & proof obligations

The framework we propose is organised in two parts: 1) A generic and reusable formal specification containing all correctness criteria; and 2) Concrete Real-Time memory controller implementations. The formal specification is composed by the following elements: a DRAM model, a memory controller (or memory interface) model, a request arrival model, and an implementation interface—each model being a PO-carrying type class. These elements are presented, respectively, in Sects. 4.1,  4.24.3, and 4.4. Implementations are discussed in Sect. 5. A high-level representation of the framework’s architecture can be seen in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Framework Architecture

In the figure, one can identify three main parts: the JEDEC standard at the top, the formal specification (the largest rectangle), and the implementations, at the bottom. The framework is designed in such a way that any new Real-Time memory controller can be introduced as an implementation. In practical terms, the design flow consists of using the implementation interface (bottom-most arrow in the figure) to implement the Memory Controller class, which consists of writing a transition system to produce DRAM command traces. Writing the formal specification itself and capturing properties described in the standard as proof obligations is a task only performed once (by the framework development team). Naturally, these properties can eventually be extended.Footnote 12

figure l

5.1 DRAM model

Similar to the JEDEC standard itself, we do not model the internal state of actual DRAM devices nor the content of the memory. Instead we only model the device’s main characteristics and its command bus. This is sufficient since the device’s responses and internal state, as well as the usage of the data bus is entirely determined by the commands.

The first building block is a type class called System_configuration—shown in Listing 7. It provides symbolic names for all device parameters, which can then be used in algorithms and proofs. The latter are thus valid for all possible valuations of these parameters, i.e. all devices. For instance, it defines the symbol T_RRD—which specifies the intra-bank ACT to ACT delay—and all the other constraints from Table 1. The class also carries proof obligations that bound these symbols to positive values.

Moreover, we define requests as a record with six fields, as shown in Listing 8. The listing also shows the definition of Request_kind_t, an enumeration of possible kinds of requests. The remaining definitions are not shown for brevity: Requestor_t describes the type of requestors, and the remaining definitions of Bank_group_t, Bank_t, and Row_t are numeric types derived from the parameters of the System_configuration class.

figure m
figure n

We define DRAM commands as a record with three fields, as shown in Listing 9. The first field, CDate, a nat type, is the date (time stamp) that the controller has issued the command; the second, CKind, of type Command_kind_t, represents the command type, and Request, of type Request_t, is the corresponding request that lead to the command being generated. With the Command_t type, the Commands_t type can also be defined, which is simply a list of commands.

Based on the types presented in Listings 8 and 9, we model the DRAM command bus. This is done through the record Trace_t, which models the commands sent to the DRAM device over time—with one command being issued per bus clock cycle—as shown in Listing 10.

figure o

A trace contains a command list (Commands), the last time stamp (Time), and a series of POs. Bear in mind that Listing 10 omits several POs and some function definitions for conciseness. The terms isACT, isCAS, isPRE, After, Same_Bank (implies same bank group), Same_Row (implies same bank), Before, and After are functions that evaluate to a bool type. Though not shown here, their definition can be taken literally by their name, e.g., Before a b evaluates to true if command a was issued before command b.

Table 2 Correspondence between proof obligations in our code and the DDR4 JEDEC Standard No. 79-4 JEDEC (2021)

The first PO appearing in Listing 10, Cmds_T_RRD_ok, is read as: for two given commands a and b, knowing that a and b are elements of the list Commands, that both are ACT commands targeting different banks, that a was issued before b, then a.(CDate) \(+ T_{RRD} \le\) b.(CDate) must hold. This ensures that every controller implementation has to respect the \(t_{RRD}\) constraint. It follows that any implementation when calling the constructor mkTrace must provide a proof that this obligation is met. We model all JEDEC timing constraints in a similar way as Cmds_T_RRD_ok. Table 2 establishes a correspondence between PO names and the underlying property described in the JEDEC DDR4 standard JEDEC (2021).

The second (Cmds_row_ok), third (Cmds_ACT_ok), and fourth (Cmds_initial) POs in Trace_t relate to what we call protocol correctness. These conditions—taken from the JEDEC standards (c.f Table 2)—ensure the correct functioning of controllers, i.e., the fact that only valid commands should be issued.

More specifically, the PO Cmds_row_ok ensures that there is always an ACT command to a given bank and row between a PRE to that bank and a CAS to that bank and row. In natural language, the PO is read as: for two given commands b and c, knowing that b and c are elements of the list Commands, b is a CAS command, c is an ACT or a PRE, b and c target the same bank, and c is issued before b, then command a must exist, where a is also in Commands, is an ACT command to the same bank and row as b, and is issued before b and after c. This situation is depicted in Fig. 4. In the figure (and in Fig. 5), the notation \(CAS_{(bg,bk,r,cl)}\) represents a CAS to bank-group bg, bank bk, row r and column cl; \(PRE_{(bg,bk)}\) represents a precharge to bank-group bg, bank bk; and \(ACT_{(bg,bk,r)}\) represents an activate to bank-group bg, bank bk, and row r. The symbol “\(\_\)” means that the corresponding field does not play a role in the PO, e.g., a \(CAS_{(0,0,0,\_)}\) represents a CAS to bank group 0, bank 0, row 0, and any column.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Illustration of the Cmds_row_ok PO

The PO Cmds_ACT_ok states that an ACT to a given bank and row is always preceded by a matching PRE to the same bank, without any ACT or CAS to the same bank in-between. The PO is depicted in Fig. 5, where the PO is met by the conjunction of scenarios \(S_{1}\) and \(S_{2}\).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Illustration of the Cmds_ACT_ok PO

Furthermore, we model the memory’s initial state through the Cmds_initial PO. It states that any CAS should be preceded by an ACT command, which implies that a CAS cannot be the first command sent to the device; only PRE and ACT commands are accepted. In other words, this is an assumption that at initialisation, every bank is closed, i.e., no row is loaded in any of the row-buffers, thus an ACT to a certain bank is needed before any CAS to that bank can be issued.

Together, these three POs guarantee that implemented controllers generate valid commands and respect the protocol described in the standard. The conditions established by the POs can also be visualised in Table 3. We use the notation \(\rightarrow\) to denote an immediate sequence between commands, e.g, \(PRE_{(bg,bg)} \rightarrow CAS_{(bg,bk,r,c)}\) represents a CAS issued directly after a PRE.

Each coloured cell in the table corresponds to a sequence and the fact if either it is allowed or not, e.g., the sequence \(PRE_{(bg,bk)}\) \(\rightarrow CAS_{(bg,bk,r_{0},\_)}\) is forbidden by Cmds_row_ok. Moreover, it can be seen from the table that consecutive ACT commands to the same bank, either to the same or different rows (\(ACT_{(bg,bk,r_{0})}\) or \(ACT_{(bg,bk,r_{1})}\)), are forbidden by Cmds_ACT_ok. Additionally, ACT commands following a CAS command are also forbidden by Cmds_ACT_ok. Finally, a CAS following an ACT to a different row (\(ACT_{(bg,bk,r_{1})}\) \(\rightarrow CAS_{(bg,bk,r_{0},\_)}\)) is forbidden as well. The latter condition is met by applying the three POs: Cmds_initial states that an ACT to row \(r_{0}\) must exist before \(CAS_{(bg,bk,r_{0},c)}\); then, Cmds_ACT_ok ensures that a \(PRE_{(bg,bk)}\) is between the two ACTs, and finally, Cmds_row_ok ensures that \(ACT_{(bg,bk,r_{0})}\) will be between the \(PRE_{(bg,bk)}\) and the \(CAS_{(bg,bk,r_{0},\_)}\).

Table 3 Protocol correctness for a given bank group and a given bank

5.2 The request arrival model

The previous definitions specify what a correct DRAM command trace is. We now specify an interface with cores/requestors. The arrival of requests over time is modelled through the type class Arrival_function_t and its member function Arrival_at (Listing 11). It yields the set of requests (Requests_t) that arrive in the system at a certain time t. It also imposes two POs: Arrival_date ensures that if \(r \in\) Arrival_at ta, \(r.(Date) \equiv t_{a}\), i.e., the arrival function needs to yield the arrival date of requests; Arrival_uniq guarantees that requests arriving at a given time t are unique.

figure p

When writing concrete controller implementations, we do not create any instance of the Arrival_function_t class, which means that proofs should hold for any instance of the arrival function. This is an important feature that allows us to build implementations and proofs that are not constrained by any assumption on cores/requestors.

5.3 Memory controller model

As it can be seen in Fig. 3, in order to establish the link between the arrival of requests and the DRAM device, i.e., the processing of requests, we specify a memory controller model (Listing 12). The Controller_t class is made of the Arbitrate function and a PO. The Arbitrate function takes a (nat) parameter representing the number of commands to be produced and generates a corresponding Trace_t, i.e., the list of DRAM commands that have been generated by the controller up to that point.

figure q

The PO Requests_handled ensures that each request that has arrived will eventually have a corresponding CAS command in the trace produced by the controller. It is read as: for a given time instant ta and a request req, knowing that req is an element of the set generated by Arrival_at ta, there must exist a timing instant tc such that a CAS command belonging to request req (CAS_of_req) and issued at tc is element of the trace generated by the Arbitrate function up to tc. Along with the Cmds_ACT_ok and Cmds_row_ok POs, this ensures that every request is eventually and properly handled.

In Sect. 5, we will furthermore show that for both our implementations, not only Request_handled holds, but also that the respective proofs yield closed formulas characterising the instant when a given request completes.

5.4 Implementation interface

Finally, in order to establish a systematic and reproducible way to design controllers, we provide what we call an implementation interface. It is made of a set of classes and functions used to describe transition systems that are capable of creating traces. The implementation interface is represented in Fig. 3 by the bottom-most arrow.

Designing an implementation pivots around providing an instance for the Implementation_t type class (Listing 13), which is made of the functions Init and Next. These functions operate on a set of currently-arriving requests (Requests_t) and implementation-specific controller states (State_t). Together, these functions form a state-machine that defines the controllers’s request scheduling policy.

figure r

More specifically, the Init function is responsible for creating the system’s initial state: it takes the first set of currently-arriving requests and generates the first controller state. The Next function is responsible for creating every subsequent state, taking a set of currently-arriving requests and a controller state as arguments and producing a triple as result. The triple is made of the new controller state, a Command_kind_t (ACT, PRE, ...), and a Request_t. This means that an implementation outputs a new state and a new command at every time stamp, and that a command may belong to a request—though some commands, such as No-Operations (NOP)s, do not belong to any request.

The controller state can be described in two abstraction layers. The first one, State_t, is operated by the Init and Next functions and can be used to hold anything needed for implementing the controller’s algorithm, such as counters, request queues, et cetera. If we were to think about Next as a Finite State Machine (FSM) implemented in hardware, the State_t would be the set of all signals that are fed back to the sequential circuit, i.e., the circuit’s internal state. Secondly, the Controller_state_t type serves as an overlay, containing a State_t, the current time instant Controller_Time, and Controller_Commands – a list with the history of all generated commands up to Controller_Time.

Note that Controller_Commands and Controller_Time have the same types as the members of Trace_t. This is because the members of Trace_t are constructed exactly from the members of an Controller_state_t; more specifically, the trace is built from the last state out of a sequence of generated states.

As a link between the DRAM model and its memory interface, we define the function Default_arbitrate (Listing 14). It allows us to reason about the behaviour of the DRAM model and implementation over time, and thus build our proofs—while cleanly separating the formal specification and proofs from the implementation. In practical terms, implemented instances call the Default_arbitrate function to generate the traces and to prove POs.

figure s

In more detail, the Default_arbitrate function produces t states by recursion, where t is provided as argument. If \(t = 0\), the function builds the first Controller_state_t with an empty command list, time stamp equal to 0, and internal state built by the function Init – which itself takes as argument the list of currently-arriving requests, R (Arrival_at cf. Listing 12). If, however, \(t > 0\), the Next function is used to build a new state, taking the old state—obtained through a recursive call to Default_arbitrate—as an argument. Following that, we build the new command, append it into the command list, and finally build a new Controller_state_t. In addition, bear in mind that since AF is kept as an implicit parameter of Default_arbitrate, it is never instantiated and our proofs hold for all possible arrival functions, as long as they respect their specification and the POs in it. A diagram illustrating the production of states is shown in Fig. 6. The situation depicted in the figure results from a call to Default_arbitrate t.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Production of states through Default_arbitrate

6 Implementations & proofs

We refine our specification with two implementations: one based on the First-In First-Out (FIFO) arbitration policy and the other on Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM). Both implementations differ in the way they schedule requests, i.e., they implement different front-end scheduling policies. As for the back-end and command generation, we implement both controllers with closed-page policies, i.e., for any request, we issue the same PRE-ACT-CAS sequence. The generated commands do not go through a new arbitration policy, they are sent to the command bus in the order that they are generated. Neither controller can preempt requests. Moreover, the two implementations are intended to serve as templates for future Real-Time memory controller implementations within the framework, which means that the high-level strategies used for discharging proof obligations are largely re-usable.

In the next subsection, we give implementation details about one of the two, TDM.Footnote 13 Then, in Sect. 5.2, as an example of how to solve proof obligations, we present step-by-step the high-level proof strategy used to prove the Request_handled PO and bound the worst-case latency for the TDM controller.

6.1 TDM implementation

We start by introducing our TDM controller main parameters, characteristics, and hypotheses, all represented in the TDM_configuration class, shown in Listing 15: SN is the number of slots within a period; we assume that each requestor occupies a slot, in conformance with the temporal isolation principle. As an example, if SN:= 3, the TDM controller periodically serves three requestors in a defined order. SL is the length of each individual slot, which has to be big enough to fit the necessary commands to service each request while respecting the timing constraints, i.e., it has to be sufficiently large to fit a PRE, an ACT and a CAS.

figure t

While it is easy to see from Listing 15 that the principle of temporal isolation is respected, the spatial isolation is imposed through the Axiom Private_Map**, show in Listing 16. The bank map** policy does not affect the performance of the FIFO arbitration, but it is important for TDM. We use it to prove the \(T_{RTP}\) constraint: since consecutive TDM slots always target different banks, a PRE command can be issued in the cycle following a CAS command—an optimisation w.r.t FIFO.

figure u

It is important to remember that, when writing implementations, we do not create instances of the TDM_configuration class. This allows us to build the implementations and proofs with arbitrary parameter values. The same is true for the Arrival_function_t class and a few others. In a later stage, if one wants to run a simulation, concrete instances have to be provided for all classes, and proof obligations have to be resolved.

Note also that the TDM_configuration class contains POs that ensure that the SL and SN values are consistent with the timing parameters of the DRAM device. Differently than paper-and-pencil proofs, note that this approach allows us to effectively manage assumptions that a given controller relies upon by concisely writing them all at the same place.

Concerning the controller’s functioning, at each time step it can find itself in one of two possible states: IDLE or RUNNING.

  1. 1.

    The controller is said to be IDLE during a TDM slot if no request is chosen to be serviced in that slot – which can only take place if the requestor that owns the slot does not have any pending request at the beginning of that slot.

  2. 2.

    The controller is in its RUNNING state whenever a request is serviced within a TDM slot.

Furthermore, at all times, the TDM controller carries within itself three state variables:

  1. 1.

    A counter of type Slot_t, keeps track of slots within a period—its maximum value being SN (Slot_t \(\in [0,SN[\)).

  2. 2.

    A counter of type Counter_t, keeps track of cycles elapsed within a slot—its maximum value being SL (Counter_t \(\in [0,SL[\)).

  3. 3.

    A list of pending requests.

If the controller is in the RUNNING state, it carries an additional variable used to identify the request currently being serviced.

Fig. 7
figure 7

TDM arbitration

Figure 7 illustrates a TDM arbitration between three requestors/cores: A, B, and C (SN:= 3). The run-time status of the state variables described above is shown in the figure as well. Four requests are present in the system: \(r_{0a}\), from requestor A; \(r_{0b}\), from requestor B; and \(r_{0c}\) and \(r_{1c}\), from requestor C. Bear in mind that requests from different requestors target different banks. The controller cannot initially serve \(r_{0a}\) because it has arrived too late into the slot to be taken into account. Then, on cycle 9, request \(r_{0b}\) is served, followed by request \(r_{0c}\). In the next TDM period (starting at cycle 25), \(r_{0a}\) is served. The request \(r_{1c}\) is finally served in the slot starting at cycle 41.

The controller issues the PRE command on the first cycle of a slot and then issues the ACT and CAS commands at offsets within slots designated by ACT_date and CAS_date respectively. Those are functions that derive the right offset from the DRAM devices timing parameters. Note that CAS and PRE commands of consecutive slots are issued back-to-back, since, assuming at least two requestors (cf. Listing 15, PO SN_one), neighbouring TDM slots always target different banks (private bank map**). Recall that \(t_{WR}\) and \(t_{RTP}\) are intra-bank constraints. Moreover, assume that, in the figure, the request queue is empty at the start. The annotations \(t_{a_{r1c}}\), \(t_{c_{r1c}}\), \(t_{x_{r1c}}\), and \(t_{k_{r1c}}\) will be introduced and used in Sect. 5.2.

6.2 Proving the requests_handled PO for TDM

The proof of the theorem that satisfies the PO Requests_handled is organised in steps, written in Coq as Lemmas. The key idea is to advance in time step-by-step, starting from the instant \(t_{a}\) when a request arrives in the system, through intermediate steps (\(t_{c}\), \(t_{x}\), and \(t_{k}\)), up until the point where a matching CAS is issued. Figure 7 provides a graphic illustration of these logical steps for request \(r_{1c}\).

Concerning the low-level proof strategy, i.e., the strategy for individual steps, we rely heavily on induction (over time or queues), often accompanied by tactics that perform case analysis on the state variables described in the previous section. Although going into details about the low-level proof strategies is out of the scope of this work; we describe, in the following text, most of the high-level proof strategy—thus providing the reader a logical sequence of steps, which can be reproduced in future implementations.

Definition 1

Let ra be an arbitrary request issued by requestor A at instant \(t_{a}\).

Step 1: Pending_on_arrival We prove that ra is instantly inserted into the request queue. (Proven by case analysis on state variables and function unfolding).

Definition 2

Let \(t_{c}\) be the next instant after \(t_{a}\) when the controller can again decide to service a request from requestor A.

Step 2: Pending_requestor_slot_start We prove that, once ra is in the pending queue, it stays there until at least \(t_{c}\). (Induction over time, case analysis on state variables)

Definition 3

Let P(tR) be a function that returns an ordered sub-set of the pending queue at time stamp t consisting only of elements issued by a given requestor R. Let i be the position of ra in \(P(t_{c},A)\). Let \(t_{x}\) be equal to \(t_{c} + i \cdot SN \cdot SL\).

Step 3: Request_index_zero We prove that if ra is in the pending queue at \(t_{c}\), then it will get to the head of \(P(t_{x},A)\) at \(t_{x}\), i.e., exactly \(i \cdot SN \cdot SL\) cycles after \(t_{c}\). (Induction over i)

Step 4: Request_processing_starts We use steps 1, 2, and 3 to prove that if ra arrived at \(t_{a}\), then it will get to the head of \(P(t_{x},A)\) at \(t_{x}\) (Listing 17). Note that the proof script consists of using the Coq tactic apply, which simply makes use of existing lemmas. (Follows directly from steps 1,2, and 3)

figure v

Step 5.1: Request_slot_start_aligned We prove that the internal counter (represented by TDM_counter of type Counter_t) is equal to 0 at \(t_{x}\), i.e., \(t_{x}\) marks the beginning of a slot. (Follows from modulo arithmetic on TDM_counter from Coq’s arithmetic libraries)

Step 5.2: Request_starts We prove that, for any given t, if ra is the head of P(tA) and TDM_counter equals 0, then the request starts to be processed the very next cycle. (Case analysis on state variables)

Step 6: Request_running_in_slot We prove that, for any given t, if a request is being serviced at t and TDM_counter is equal to 1 at t, then for all d such that \(d < SL -1\), the request will remain being served until at least \(t + d\). (Induction over d)

Step 7: Request_processing We use steps 4, 5.1, 5.2, and 6 to prove, for all d smaller than \(SL - 1\), that ra will be the request currently being processed (represented by TDM_request) at \(t_{x} + d\) (Listing 18). (Follows from previous steps)

figure w

Definition 4

Let \(t_{k}\) be \(t_{x} + CAS\_date\), where \(CAS\_date\) is the CAS command offset within a TDM slot (cf. Figure 7).

Step 8.1: Request_CAS We use step 7 with d equal to \(CAS\_date\) to prove that ra will have its CAS issued at \(t_{x} + CAS\_date\) (Listing 19). (Application of step 7, unfolding, and arithmetic simplification).

figure x

Step 8.2: Requests_handled We prove the theorem that satisfies the final PO (Follows from step 8.1).

Figure 8 shows an automatically-generated graphical representation of the proof. For the sake of conciseness, we only show the high-level lemmas relevant for the proof strategy discussed above. The steps discussed above are highlighted in the graph.

We would like to emphasise that, as it can be seen in Listing 19, \(t_{k}\) is the typical closed-form expression one would expect for TDM. The formula is made of three parts:

  1. 1.

    tc, which is bounded by \(t_{a} + SL - 1\);

  2. 2.

    \(i \cdot SN \cdot SL\), which is bounded by the number of pending requests of the respective requestor;

  3. 3.

    \(CAS\_date\), which is constant.

A timing analysis tool may now easily derive correct latency bounds for our TDM implementation by evaluating this formula. For this it would need to supply the correct TDM configuration (SL and SN) and establish bounds on i through an additional model of the requestor (i.e., by modelling the arrival function).

For example: considering a DDR4-2400U device (c.f Table 1), the minimum possible value of SL is 40, as it can be seen from Eq. 1 (as determined by PO SL_CASS in Listing 15).

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} ACT_{date}&:= T_{RP} + 1\\ CAS_{date}&:= ACT_{date} + (T_{RCD} + 1) = (T_{RP} + 1) + (T_{RCD} + 1) = 38 \\ SL&> CAS_{date} + 1\\ SL&> 39 \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
figure y

Consider now four cores (\(SN = 4\)) that can only issue two outstanding memory requests at a time (which implies that the maximum value of i is 1). The worst-case latency WCL is then given by Eq. 2:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} WCL&= (SL - 1) + i \cdot SL \cdot SN + CAS_{date} \\&= 39 + 1 \cdot 40 \cdot 4 + 38 = 237 \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Even more, analyses that are themselves formalised in Coq could simply reuse our proofs in order certify memory latency bounds.

6.3 Putting it all together

Finally, in Listing 20, we show the code that instantiates the trace through the constructor mkTrace, defines the proven arbitration function TDM_controller, and finally instantiates the controller (using mkController, cf. Listing 12). The command trace instance is only accepted by Coq if all proofs are provided as arguments to the constructor, which means that the implementation is correct. In the listing, we show that Cmds_T_RRD_ok t and Cmds_T_FAW_ok t are provided as arguments. These are the actual proofs that satisfy the \(t_{RRD}\) and \(t_{FAW}\) constraints, respectively. The command trace itself is obtained from the last state produced by the Default_arbitrate function. Similarly, the Controller_t instantiation is only accepted when a proof for the Requests_handled PO is provided. Even for someone not familiar with Coq, it is thus trivial to verify the correctness of the controller implementation.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Proof structure: Requests_handled

7 Modelling semantics

The expressivity provided by Coq allows us to model other interesting properties about DRAM controllers. Notably, we can write classes that define certain semantics, e.g., guarantees on the possible order in which requests are handled. To showcase this, we model two flavors of Lamport’s definition of Sequential Consistency Lamport (1979) (SC). According to Lamport, sequential consistency in a multiprocessor system is achieved when two requirements are met:

  • Requirement R1: Each processor issues memory requests in the order specified by its program.

  • Requirement R2: Memory requests from all processors issued to an individual memory module are serviced from a single FIFO queue. Issuing a memory request consists of entering the request into this queue.

Requirement R1, on the one hand, is an assumption on the behaviour of processors, and is therefore not modelled from the memory controller’s point of view. This makes sense, considering that a memory consistency model can be seen as a contract between software/programs and the hardware, and is conceptually implemented by both. Requirement R2, on the other hand, should be implemented by the memory controller.

Moreover, Lamport defines a relaxed version of R2 that still guarantees SC: “We need only require that all requests to the same memory cell be serviced in the order that they appear in the queue.” This relaxed version of R2 comes from the observation that actually only memory accesses to the same address can introduce incoherence w.r.t the order of execution between cores, and therefore, a FIFO order of execution should be guaranteed only between accesses to the same addresses. We emphasise that Lamport’s definitions are seen today as sufficient conditions, and a more formal definition of SC was introduced by Sezgin (2004).

In practical terms, we define two classes in our framework that model requirement R2 as proof obligation R2 and its relaxed version as proof obligation R2_relaxed, respectively, as shown in Listing 21.

figure z

Note that, in both R2 and R2_relaxed, two situations are possible: either ta = tb, which means that the two requests have arrived at the same time; or \({\texttt {ta}} < {\texttt {tb}}\), which means that reqa has arrived before reqb. This arrival order of requests assumes that the condition R1 has already been satisfied, i.e., if reqa and reqb are requests issued by the same requestor, then reqa was issued before reqb. In the case where ta = tb (which could happen in a multi-core system), the arrival order to be considered is given by the positions of both reqa and reqb in the ordered set Arrival_at ta, as a real implementation would indeed impose some order on requests that have arrived on the same cycle. In the listing, the position in the ordered set is given by the function index.

The PO R2_relaxed is a relaxed version of R2, in which the condition “requests targeting the same cell” is described through the logical proposition reqa.(Row) = reqb.(Row). It follows that only controllers respecting the conditions set by the POs in the classes can instantiate them. Considering the two controllers implemented in this work, while FIFO respects both constraints, TDM can only instantiate the weakened version, W_SequentialConsistent_Controller. This is because TDM (under private bank map**), has the ability to prioritise a request that has arrived later than another request issued by another processor.

Furthermore, other memory consistency models, such as TSO and linearizability, could be modelled likewise. This feature distinguishes our contributions, since state-of-the-art RT memory controllers have virtually ignored the semantics aspects. Other work that aim at using formal methods to model DRAM properties (c.f Sect. 2.2) focus mainly on timing properties. The fact that we can straightforwardly extend our framework to model (which does not necessarily imply that proofs will follow straightforwardly) this kind of property is a statement of how powerful this methodology can be.

8 Evaluation & simulation

In the following, Sect.  7.1 evaluates our approach regarding size and compilation time and gives an additional insight on using our framework. Then, Sect. 7.2 explains how we extracted code from our framework and used it to integrate our approach into an external DRAM software simulator.

8.1 Evaluation

Table 4 presents the code size and the compilation times for the specification files, both implementations, and the proof scripts. As it can be seen, the implementations themselves are small compared to the specification and the proofs. The proofs are in the order of 10 to 25 times longer than the implementations. Footnote 14 As proofs are checked by Coq’s kernel, compiling the files containing the proofs also takes more time than files containing simply code.

Table 4 Size of the code & Compilation time

Furthermore, the set of hypothesis used for the proofs form an exploitable mathematical model by itself. This set of hypothesis is made of formulas establishing linear inequalities between the controller parameters and the timing constraints, which can be fed to a Linear Programming (LP) solver in order to obtain optimal values for the controller parameters. Then, when used to concretely instantiate the controller, these optimal values are checked by Coq’s engine—serving as a validity check for parameters values.

8.2 Code generation & simulation

External environments/frameworks can interact with our model through calls to the Init and Next functions. Because these functions together define a transition system, which is essential to hardware design, they can be embedded into foreign code, such as software simulators and hardware. To showcase this feature, we choose MCsim Mirosanlou et al. (2020), a cycle-accurate DRAM simulator written in C++ to host our proved code. To establish an interface between both, we use Coq’s extraction feature, which can output code in different programming languages. We opt for Haskell, since it has a well-documented Foreign Function Interface (FFI)Footnote 15 library that allows Haskell programs to cooperate with C/C++ programsFootnote 16.

We use MCsim’s trace reading function to model request arrivals, which fetches a new request after completing the preceding one. Moreover, the simulator provides a class to implement controllers, which contains a method update, called each clock cycle to update the internal state of the controller. This method makes a call to the requestSchedule method followed by a call to commandSchedule. According to pre-defined arbitration policies, the former fetches requests from the pending queues, generates commands and puts them into a buffer. The latter chooses one of the commands in this buffer and sends it to the device. Since our model performs all of these steps, we replace the calls to requestSchedule and commandSchedule with calls to Init (for the first cycle) and Next. In addition, we encapsulate the generated code inside Haskell wrapper functions to properly handle data on both sides: states are passed back and forth between C++ and Haskell through opaque pointers, and other data structures, such as requests and commands, are converted with the aid of hsc2hs,Footnote 17 a preprocessor that helps with writing Haskell bindings to C.

In order to validate our framework, we run the two traces that come with MCsim: one made of requests accessing sequential addresses and the other made of random ones. Every requestor executes the same trace—but are nevertheless forced to be mapped to different banks. The value of the SL TDM parameter is chosen to be the minimum possible through the methodology described in the end of Sect. 7.1. For the DDR3-2133N device, for instance, this value is equal to \(t_{RP} + t_{RCD} = 28\). We choose the value of FIFO’s WAIT—a fixed delay to process requests, like TDM’s SL—similarly.

As a first observed result, the simulations follow through for both TDM and FIFO controllers. This validates our specification, since MCsim’s simulation stalls if timing constraints are not respected or incoming requests are not served at some point.

Table 5 Simulation results for sequential and random traces

Table 5 compares the simulation output with other known DRAM controllers (AMC Paolieri et al. (2009), ROC **n et al. (2019), and FR-FCFS Rixner et al. (2000))—our results are highlighted. Note that, for the described setup, our controllers provide competitive bandwidth compared to the real-time controller AMC. As expected, the bandwidth is smaller than that of high-performance controllers (ROC and FRFCFS). It can be seen that these high-performance controllers exhibit fluctuations on the maximum observed latency depending on the trace format (41 to 25 and 23 to 25 respectively), while the real-time controllers offer constant values, no matter the input. Moreover, the maximum observed latency values are consistent with the ones presented in related work (c.f Figure 14 on Ecco and Ernst (2015)). As a setback, since our integration with MCsim relies on a complex Haskell-C++ interaction, the simulation is considerably slower.

Bear in mind that only two things impact the simulation time and scalability: 1) The size of the input trace, i.e., how many requests arrive in the system. 2) The timing parameters of the device to be simulated. As faster devices (in terms of frequency) have larger timing constraints (in terms of clock cycles), more calls to MCsim’s simulation function are needed, thus resulting in longer simulations.

We emphasise that for this paper, our goal is not to propose high-performance and/or high-bandwidth implementations, as the closed-page strategy together with FIFO and TDM arbitration policies results in rather simple and relatively slow controllers. Our integration with MCsim serves as a proof of concept for our specification, and using our framework to model competitive real-time controllers is listed as a part of our future work plans.

9 Why is it more trustworthy?

The framework provides a trustworthy design path from end to end. The design flow proposed by the framework is presented through a diagram in Fig. 9. In other words, we claim that the trust in every link in that diagram is increased, compared to other real-time hardware design methodologies.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Design Flow with the Coq Framework

First, consider the link between the JEDEC standards and the Coq-written model (leftmost arrow). The language used to write our specification is very close to the language used in the standard itself, which is a mixture of graphical and natural language. Take, for instance, the listings shown throughout the paper: proof obligations are formulated through propositions written in a mixture of first and higher-order logic and do resemble natural language. It is relatively easy to be convinced that our proof obligations do capture the actual behaviour described in the JEDEC standards. Other state-of-the-art work that implement some formal approach w.r.t DRAM problem rely on complex mathematical representations to represent the same properties. As comparison, consider the UPPALL finite state-machines proposed by Li et al. (2016), used to model the very same properties. While we do not claim that the representation is inherently harder, we do state that there is a larger gap between the languages used in the model and the standard; and this gap can lead to poor modelling.

Second, consider the link between specification (model) and implementation/proofs. From the fact that proofs and programs are essentially the same, many benefits follow:

  1. 1.

    Proofs are machine-checked by Coq’s kernel and therefore more trustworthy.

  2. 2.

    Every single hypothesis used for proving obligations must be made explicit and grouped together in classes—which allows better management, since hypotheses are no longer scattered throughout the paper.

  3. 3.

    Proofs are complete, since hand-waving and oversimplifying will not work in Coq.

  4. 4.

    There is no trust gap coming from different representations of model and proofs. In other words, paper-and-pencil mathematical abstractions about models can introduce another language gap and lead to poor modelling.

  5. 5.

    Hardware designs can hide the underlying mathematical formalism of timing analyses from the reader. Differently put, if a new hardware component is introduced within such a framework, the designer can present it without giving details about timing analyses, by just saying that all the proof obligations have been successfully satisfied. Hence, the job of reviewers and readers then switches from checking if paper-and-pencil proofs are correct to merely checking if the properties captured by the specification are correct (which leads us back to the first point).

Lastly, concerning the last and right-most blue arrow in Fig. 9, Coq provides extraction to many target languages. This feature allows proved executable code to be produced as output and serve as sources of trust in external software/hardware.

10 Conclusion & future work

We propose a new way of designing Real-Time Memory Controllers. We write a formal specification that defines the properties of interest as proof obligations. We focus on properties related to the respect of timing constraints, correctness of the command protocol, and assertiveness that every request is handled in bounded time. We refine our specification with two implementations (in which we write proofs for each proof obligation in the specification). We validate our specification through execution on a simulator and compare simulation results with other known controllers.

The follow-up to this work consists in using Cava (c.f Sect. 2.3) to produce HDL code directly from the framework. The generated HDL code will then be used inside of a DDR4 hardware simulation environment. After this step is finished, many directions are actually possible, the most promising being: modelling the remaining properties described in the JEDEC standards (such as DRAM refresh operations, power-down modes, et. cetera) with the goal of achieving a more complete specification; implement state-of-the-art RT MCs within the framework; capturing other types of properties, e.g., imposing security-related counter-measures as proof obligations; and writing tactics to achieve higher proof automation.