Plain English summary

It is important to accurately measure patient’s health and quality of life to ensure that all areas of health of relevance to particular conditions are included. This means that health decision making is informed by valid patient responses. However, many questionnaires do not cover all constructs, and for some, such as the widely used EQ-5D questionnaire, additional questions can be developed. There is no published guidance available about how to develop those questions. The aim of this paper is to outline a set of guidance criteria for the development and selection of new questions for existing questionnaires.


The EQ-5D is the most widely used multi-attribute utility instrument (MAUI) of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) internationally [1]. The descriptive system includes five dimensions of health: mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression). However, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that, in some circumstances, the EQ-5D descriptive system may not be sensitive to the health impacts of certain conditions. For example, mixed-methods research has found limitations in the validity of the EQ-5D in severe mental health conditions [2, 3] and vision and hearing problems [4]. Therefore, changes in HRQoL that are considered important in these conditions may not be detected. This has implications for the sensitivity and validity of the EQ-5D in resource allocation decision making. Qualitative evidence also suggests that members of the public perceive the EQ-5D descriptive system to be missing important aspects of health, particularly with respect to sensory deprivation and mental health, and identify vision/sight and cognition/mental functioning when asked to list aspects of health that they consider important [5].

In response to concerns around the measurement limitations of the EQ-5D descriptive system, there has been interest in develo** ‘bolt-ons’ for the EQ-5D. Box 1 explains the terminology used to describe the different features of bolt-ons in this paper. Bolt-ons add dimensions of health to the EQ-5D in situations where they may improve its coverage, sensitivity and responsiveness to change over time [4, 6]. A recent review of methods used to develop bolt-ons is available [7]. The review paper identified 26 bolt-ons for EQ-5D and found that a wide variety of bolt-on identification methods, psychometric performance tests and health state valuation methods were used in the included studies. Many of the candidate bolt-ons developed to date relate to generic functional health constructs. This means they can be used across different health conditions where an impact on the construct being measured is expected. Examples of these include bolt-ons to measure sleep, hearing, vision, cognition, respiratory problems and energy [4, 8,9,10,11,12,13]. Nominally condition-specific bolt-ons have also been developed, for example to measure the impacts of psoriasis [14].

Methods—development of the criteria

The development of the criteria was based on an iterative approach. The initial criteria were informed by prior bolt-on work [7], best practice and experience, earlier criteria used for the development of the SF-6Dv2 classification system [15] and the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health status Measurement Instruments (COSMIN) checklist [16]. The relevance criteria for broader preference-based measure item development that were published during the development of the criteria reported in this paper [17] was also considered in the context of bolt-on dimensions. The development of the criteria was based on retaining the advantages of the EQ-5D, specifically the brevity and the minimal burden of completion. Also considered was the importance of consistency, incorporating qualitative information from people with lived experience, and incorporating quantitative data related to the psychometric properties of bolt-ons. Throughout the development of the criteria, we also considered valuation-related issues, with the aim to ensure that the criteria would lead to bolt-ons that were amenable to valuation using widely accepted methods (such as time trade-off and discrete choice experiments).

The criteria were divided into two main groups based on the bolt-on development and selection process developed by the author team (Fig. 1.). The first group consisted of development criteria that would be used to generate candidate bolt-ons. The second group consisted of selection criteria that would be used to compare and choose between different candidate bolt-ons.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Bolt-on development and selection process

Mixed methods were considered for the criteria: the combination of both qualitative and quantitative research is necessary for the selection of meaningful descriptors and to allow for a clear understanding of the implications of their use as bolt-ons. It is recommended that the development of health state descriptors for MAUIs should be informed by qualitative research [18, 19]. Quantitative analysis can then assess the measurement properties of the bolt-ons developed.

A draft set of criteria was developed by a subset of authors (BJM, PH, RA and KP), informed by a review of existing measures and criteria for their development and qualitative work conducted by the wider team for vision and cognition bolt-on development. These were then presented to the remainder of the project team and revised in accordance with their input. The draft criteria were also presented to a group of health economists at the Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation, University of Technology Sydney, and at meetings of the EuroQol Group (including an early career researcher conference and meetings of the Descriptive System Working Group).

The criteria have been developed as part of an ongoing project to develop bolt-on dimensions for vision and cognition using a structured qualitative and quantitative approach [20]. The draft criteria were also considered during the literature review and focus group stages of that larger project. This led to further refinement and development of additional criteria.


Overall, 23 criteria were developed. These were divided into two groups focused on development and selection of bolt-ons. The criteria in each group are described below.

Bolt-on development criteria

There were two subgroups to the bolt-on development criteria group. The first focused on dimension structure, and the second on dimension language and framing. These criteria emphasised consistency with the core EQ-5D descriptive system and relevance to the condition/HRQoL construct for which the bolt-on is being developed. Table 1 reports five criteria focused on dimension structure. For each criteria, the reasoning behind the criteria and potential issues are also explained. A key focus of these criteria is around consistency with the existing EQ-5D dimensions structure, including consistency with the dimension title format (Criteria 1–2), and response levels (Criteria 3–4). This promotes ease of completion, parsimony and amenability to valuation (by simplifying the health state descriptions required for valuation). For example, Criteria 2 focuses on the dimension title and supports consistency by specifying examples of a particular construct in parentheses. This is in line with usual activities in the EQ-5D, which specifies work, study, housework, family or leisure activities as examples. Possible issues these criteria raise are that the use of examples/descriptions could lack cross-cultural validity if not universal, and they limit the applicability of single bolt-on for both the EQ-5D-5L and EQ-5D-3L. Complex sentences may also be possible. For example, using longer descriptions of functioning problems, or framing as positive or negative constructs, can complicate the item structure.

Table 1 Bolt-on development criteria for EQ-5D dimension structure

Table 2 reports six criteria focused on dimension language and framing. These are focused on develo** brief and concise generic descriptors (Criteria 6 and 8) that are widely translatable in terms of language and culture (Criteria 7). Regarding framing, it is specified that dimension wording should be the same as the core EQ-5D dimensions (Criteria 9), and response levels should be framed as severity where possible (Criteria 10). Finally, Criteria 11 specifies that the language used should be informed by qualitative work with relevant patient groups and populations (Criteria 9). This set of criteria is important to increase international applicability of the bolt-on, promote consistency with the dimension descriptions used in the current EQ-5D, and improve relevance to patient groups to increase validity.

Table 2 Bolt-on development criteria for EQ-5D dimension language and framing

Bolt-on assessment and selection criteria

The criteria in this group focused on bolt-on selection criteria based on assessing the face and content validity and psychometric performance of the candidate bolt-ons. Table 3 presents four face and content validity criteria. These are specified to ensure that the dimension and response level wording is comprehensible and can be completed (Criteria 12 to 14), and the bolt-ons have content validity across patient/population groups with different but relevant health problems and severity of problems (Criteria 15). Potential issues with these criteria are that they may be difficult to assess in all populations for which the bolt-on is potentially relevant.

Table 3 Bolt-on selection criteria for face and content validity

Table 4 describes seven criteria linked to classical psychometric assessment methods. These criteria are important in quantitatively assessing the characteristics of the bolt-on, to support the final selection of bolt-ons to recommend for use. The classical psychometric criteria focus on a range of established tests including acceptability in terms of response patterns (Criteria 16 to 18), to ensure that all levels are endorsed, and relevant, and there is not strong evidence of a ceiling effect. Issues with these criteria may be linked to the existence of subgroup specific response patterns that may not reflect the overall population for which the bolt-on is relevant. Criteria 19 focuses on the psychometric property of reliability, namely test–retest reliability, which ensures that responses are stable over time, where change in response to the bolt-on is not expected.

Table 4 Bolt-on selection criteria for psychometrics

Criteria 20 to 22 focus on assessing elements of construct validity to demonstrate that what is being measured differs to the core dimensions (to different extents), but has a relationship with existing measures developed specifically for similar or overlap** health condition, and can detect known differences when expected. The criteria for examining the extent of the evidence for construct validity are based on established cut off points for correlations and effect sizes [21,22,23]. These analyses may be more challenging for single bolt-ons, and the level of the expected relationship is unknown, so it must be inferred. Criteria 23 focuses on guidance around assessing responsiveness to change to demonstrate that the bolt-on is sensitive to improvement and decreases in the HRQoL construct measured by the bolt-on over time. However, data to allow for assessment of bolt-on responsiveness may not be commonly available.


This paper outlines a set of criteria to provide guidance for the development of EQ-5D bolt-ons and assessment of their relative performance. These can be used to guide the development and selection of future bolt-ons, and the assessment of existing bolt-ons, increasing the transparency and validity of bolt-on work. The contribution of this paper is to make the criteria underlying bolt-on development and assessment processes and decisions transparent and thus aid further development and reproducibility. We also identify some of the consequences and trade-offs that may occur in the development of bolt-ons.

Our proposed criteria are not necessarily prescriptive, but rather make plain the decisions and trade-offs required in the development of bolt-ons. A noteworthy lesson from our work is that a trade-off must be made in ‘language and framing,’ between the terminology preferred by people with lived experience and consistency with existing EQ-5D descriptors. As such, the development of any bolt-on is constrained by existing parameters and measurement issues inherent in the base measure. This has both strengths and weaknesses. Consistency with existing EQ-5D descriptors avoids psychometric effects linked to response level wording and increases amenability to valuation. The same reasoning applies to the dimension structure and face validity testing of selected bolt-on items. However, gaining consistency and ease of valuation comes at the expense of arguably the most accurate reflection of the patient voice and a greater depth of understanding (due to limiting the number of items). Such trade-offs are inevitable in the development of any measure, particularly preference-based measures.

Our study suggests criteria in line with the original intent of bolt-ons: to complement existing EQ-5D instruments rather than develop new measures for a particular condition under consideration. Our work complements other published criteria supporting the development of preference–based instruments [17] and fulfils a recommendation for guidelines for bolt-on development by a recent assessment of the methods used to develop bolt-ons [7]

The specific requirements of bolt-ons meant that a number of areas of commonly used psychometric assessment methods were not included, or may be challenging to conduct. First, this included measures of reliability assessment beyond test–retest, such as internal consistency. This evaluates if the domains of an instrument are measuring the same construct, it is therefore not relevant for bolt-ons given the use of single item dimensions. Second, we did not include Item Response Theory methods [21] that are a set of generalised linear models that link observed item responses to respondents’ location on an unmeasured underlying latent trait and have gained prominence in the development and testing of patient-reported outcome measures. An issue with these criteria is the general requirement for unidimensionality of multiple item domains which would mean IRT would be conducted by comparing bolt-ons to items measuring similar or overlap** constructs from other instruments. Although this approach can be used to assess bolt-on performance, the interpretation of the results in comparison with domains from other instruments is too complex for inclusion in a set of general guidance criteria. Therefore we focused on criteria linked to classical psychometric tests. We also note that the psychometric criteria could be limited by the data available, and meeting the criteria may not always be possible. For example, construct validity requires valid comparator measures, and test–retest and responsiveness assessment require longitudinal data. However, we encourage developers of bolt-ons to design validation studies to allow for psychometric assessments to be conducted.

Although this paper focuses on criteria for the development of bolt-ons for EQ-5D, the three overall criteria categories, and individual criteria, could also provide guidance for the development of bolt-on dimensions for other MAUIs. For example, in the development of HRQL items, the structure of the items and the language and framing used are key considerations. Using face and content validity approaches to examine and select items is a key stage of instrument development, as is assessment of performance using psychometric methods. The individual criteria can be considered in reference to the instrument that additional items are being developed for, and adapted accordingly.

The use of these criteria in the development of future bolt-ons may help to facilitate their approval for use in practice, which in turn could enable better estimates of HRQoL gains to be captured in health technology assessments. However, before that is possible, further research must be conducted to better understand how bolt-ons should be valued. The prospect of valuation is a fundamental feature in the development of EQ-5D items. The development of bolt-on items must consider the needs of valuation exercises. We have not explicitly specified criteria relating to valuation, but have noted where this is a relevant consideration.

The criteria that we have presented were identified as part of research to develop two new bolt-ons for the EQ-5D for vision and cognition using mixed methods. We have sought to describe generic criteria that we believe will be relevant to all future bolt-on development studies. However, given the complexity of health experiences, it is possible that they will not be appropriate in certain circumstances. Our recommended criteria should be seen as guidance and not as absolute requirements and can be adapted for the context and health area. Nevertheless, we encourage those develo** bolt-ons to consider the criteria to guide their work.