
The COVID-19 epidemic has spread throughout the world since December 2019. Globally, more than 120 million people had been infected and over 2.6 million deaths were reported by the end of Feb 2020 [1], resulting in public panic and mental health stress [2,3,4]. In a national survey at the initial outbreak of COVID-19 in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, over one-third of respondents experienced psychological distress [


Procedures and respondents

We employed random sampling using a sampling frame of the registered service users of one of Hong Kong’s largest social service organization, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) Youth Crime Prevention Center, that provides family and youth services. The Center which is composed of various units is established to serve youths with delinquent behaviors or substance abuse and their families. The sampling frame consisted of 1685 families and a systematic random sampling strategy was adopted. Every family that was receiving social services from HKFYG had a case number. Staff of the Center selected every 3rd person from the case list (e.g., 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 etc.), and contacted the selected families by telephone and obtained oral consent prior to data collection. Family members of the youths, mainly their caregivers, partners or siblings aged 18 or above, were interviewed in late-May to mid-June 2020. The Human Research Ethics Committee of The University of Hong Kong (Application No: EA2005003) approved the study. All respondents were required to be: (1) Chinese adult family members aged 18 or above; (2) able to understand Cantonese or Mandarin; and (3) permanent residents of Hong Kong. Five hundred and thirty-five subjects were contacted successfully, of whom 117 declined to take part and eleven did not meet the eligibility criteria. The final sample comprised 407 respondents.


A battery of standardized scales was selected to create the questionnaire.

The three items on the Utilizing Social Resources (USR) subscale of the Chinese Family Resilience Assessment Scale (C-FRAS) [41] were used to evaluate the social resources that a family might solicit. Each item, such as “We ask neighbors for help and assistance”, is rated on a 4-point scale (1 = strongly disagree to 4 = strongly agree). The Cronbach’s α of the subscale was 0.56, indicating acceptable reliability given only three items [42].

A Family Leisure Activity checklist was developed based on the Family Leisure Activity Profile [43]. Examples of items include: “How often do you have meals with your family?” and “How often do you pursue indoor leisure activities together with your family?” Respondents were asked to rate the weekly frequency or duration on a 7-point Likert scale. In addition, respondents were also asked to compare their current leisure activity involvement with that preceding the pandemic. The Cronbach’s α of the scale was 0.72, suggesting satisfactory reliability.

The 10-item Support Provision Scale (SPS) [43] was adopted and modified to evaluate family support and resources. The scale covers five dimensions: reliable alliance (practical help), guidance (informational support), attachment (emotional support), social integration (belonging to a group of similar peers), and reassurance of worth (esteem support). Items are rated on a 4-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree to 4 = strongly agree). A Cronbach’s α of 0.75 has been reported for this scale [44], indicting adequate reliability. The Chinese version of the SPS has been used in Chinese communities by Li et al. [45]. The Cronbach’s α of the SPS in this study was 0.88, indicating satisfactory reliability.

The Cantonese–Chinese version of the Kessler-6 [46] was adopted to measure respondents’ mental health. The K6 comprises six questions that ask respondents to rate how often over the past month they felt: (1) nervous, (2) hopeless, (3) restless or fidgety, (4) so depressed that nothing could cheer you up, (5) that everything was an effort, and (6) worthless. The response options are: the whole 30 days, most of the time, some of the time, a little of the time, and none of the time and are, respectively, coded from 4 to 0; thus, the unweighted summary scale has a range of 0–24. Lee et al. [46] reported Cronbach’s α of 0.84 for the K6. In our study, the α was 0.88.

A self-constructed mental and social health questionnaire was developed to collect information concerning family stressors aggravated by COVID-19 faced by the vulnerable families, such as mental/emotional problems health problems, financial burden, family violence and behavioral problems such as substance use. Sample items included “Do your family members have mental health concerns?”, and “Do your family members have financial problems?” Respondents were also asked to indicate if such problems had become better, worse, or remained the same compared to pre-COVID-19 period. A score of 1 will be given if the respondents rated ‘becoming worse’.

Data analysis

Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 26. First, frequencies and descriptive statistical analysis were conducted for demographic information and the major study variables. Means and standardized deviations were calculated. Second, bivariate correlation analysis was performed primarily to examine the associations between the study variables. Third, we operationalized mental health conditions using Kessler-6 to examine the percentages of respondents reporting either moderate (i.e., score \(\ge\) 8) or severe (i.e., score \(\ge\) 13) psychological distress (Lee et al.) [47]. Fourth, hierarchical regression analysis was utilized to examine the relative impacts of individual COVID-19-related stressors and protective factors on psychological distress. At last, a structural equation model was fitted to examine the mediating paths of the protective factors on psychological distress. The SEM was conducted using Mplus 7, and maximum likelihood estimation was adopted to estimate the model fit. Bootstrap** analysis with 5000 resamples was performed to determine the indirect effects and associated bias-corrected (BC) Confidence Intervals of each mediational path between life stressors and psychological distress. In addition, as suggested by Leth-Steensen and Gallitto [48], the test of joint significance (TJS) was also adopted in determining the mediational effects. TJS concludes that mediational effects are proved if the individual paths making up the compound path representing the indirect effect are all significant. It is because the TJS is believed to produce more statistical power than bias-corrected bootstrap** and also yielded more reasonable Type I errors in SEM analysis.


Respondents’ demographic information is presented in Table 1. The age range of the 407 respondents was 18–83 years, with a mean age of 44.53 years. Most respondents were female (73%), over half (54%) had a full-time job; most had completed secondary education (71%) and had an annual family income below 30,000 HK dollars (66.1%). Most respondents lived with their child(ren) (76.7%), the rest lived with a spouse, parent(s), grandparent(s), grandchild(ren) or sibling(s).

Table 1 Respondents’ demographic information

The percentages of respondents with moderate or severe levels of psychological distress are presented in Table 2. Respondents reported a moderate (30.6%) or severe (11.5%) level of psychological distress under the influence of COVID-19. The social and health impact of COVID-19 is presented in Table 3. First, 36.6% indicated they had financial problems and almost 40% indicated more aggravated financial conditions since the start of the pandemic. Second, 24.4% of respondents reported family members had mental/emotional problems, and 21.5% reported more aggravated mental/emotional problems among their family members, during the COVID-19 outbreak. Lastly, around 21.5% reported that a family member had addiction problems during COVID-19 and 15.4% reflected a deterioration since the start of the pandemic. Though we only identified around 4% of families reporting domestic violence, more than half (53%) of these families reported aggravating conditions of domestic violence.

Table 2 Proportions of people with normal, moderate and severe levels of psychological distress
Table 3 Proportions of people suffering from COVID-19-related stressors

Means and standardized deviations of the major variables are presented in Table 4. Correlational analysis yielded preliminary results on the relationships between the stressors, protective factors and the outcome variables. As expected, three of the four more aggravated life stressors experienced due to COVID-19, namely more aggravated mental/emotional problems (r = 0.163, p < 0.01), family violence (r = 0.150, p < 0.01) and financial burden (r = 0.237, p < 0.01), were correlated with higher psychological distress. In contrast, protective factors, such as family support (r = − 0.332, p < 0.01) and community resources and networks (r = − 0.223, p < 0.01), were significantly related to lower psychological distress.

Table 4 Means, standardized deviations (SDs) and correlations of variables

The results of the hierarchical regression analysis are presented in Table 5. With regard to COVID-19 stressors, more aggravated financial burden was the strongest predictor of psychological distress (β = 0.172, p < 0.001), whereas family members’ more aggravated mental health problems (β = 0.093, p = 0.083) and family violence (β = 0.095, p = 0.067) were marginally predictive of psychological distress in the second step. When protective factors were entered, they became insignificant, indicating possible mediating effects of the protective factors. Concerning protective factors, respondents who reported higher family support (β = − 0.284, p < 0.001) and more community resources and support (β = − 0.147, p < 0.01) were more likely to report lower psychological distress. Furthermore, respondents who engaged in more outdoor activities were marginally more likely to have lower psychological distress (β = − 0.080, p = 0.088). The four COVID-19-related life stressors accounted for 7.1% of variances of psychological distress, while protective factors from family level and community level accounted for additional 9.5% and 2%, respectively. And the total model has explained 21% of the variances in COVID-19-related psychological distress.

Table 5 Hierarchical regression analysis of risk and protective factors on psychological distress under the influence of COVID-19

The path diagram of the SEM is presented in Fig. 1. Demographic variables of age, gender, education attainment and family income were controlled in the model. Results indicated three mediational paths of protective factors. First, family support significantly mediated the negative effect of COVID-19 stressors on psychological distress (β = 0.063, p = 0.004, 95% CI [0.022, 0.115]). Second, indoor activities and family support jointly (β = 0.028, p = 0.062, 95% CI [− 0.002, 0.058]) mediated the negative effect of COVID-19 stressors on psychological distress. Moreover, community resources significantly mediated the negative effect of COVID-19 stressors on psychological distress (β = 0.020, p = 0.058, 95% CI [− 0.001, 0.040]). Although the latter two indirect effects were marginally statistically significant in the bootstrap** analysis, the mediational effects can be supported based on the TJS approach as every individual path making up the indirect effects were significant [48]. The model fit was satisfactory (Chi-square = 346.35, df = 169, RMSEA = 0.052, 90% CI [0.045, 0.060], CFI = 0.926, TLI = 0.913, SRMR = 0.056).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Structural equation model of the pathway of ecological resilience model


This study is the first to adopt a social ecological perspective in examining protective factors that predict resilience among Chinese families with youths with delinquency/mental health issues. This group of vulnerable families may be dually affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the results highlight aggravated mental and social risk factors since the COVID-19 outbreak. On the other hand, family support, outdoor-based and indoor-based family leisure activities and soliciting community resources are significant protective factors that contribute to better mental health among this vulnerable group.

Hypothesis 1 concerning aggravated social and health conditions was partially supported. Using the Kessler-6 as measurement, our study demonstrated an elevated trend of mental health problems during the pandemic among these families, in which about one-third (30.6%) and more than one-tenth (11.5%) of respondents reported moderate or severe levels of psychological distress, respectively. These percentages are almost doubling those reported in Lee et al.’s [47] study (i.e., 19.7% and 6.1%, respectively). In addition, more respondents (11.5%) in our study reported possible severe mental illness than among Caucasians (8.2%), Hispanics (9.3%), African Americans (10.3%) and Asian Americans (6.0%), as reported by Prochaska et al. [49, 44]. Furthermore, when compared to Lau [7] and Choi [6]’s studies, a significant higher percentage of people living in vulnerable families reported psychological distress during the COVID-19 epidemic. Moreover, the study explicitly highlighted financial burden as a major stressor during this period since around 37% of respondents indicated they had financial problems and about 40% of respondents reported worsening financial difficulties since the start of the pandemic. These worsening social and mental health problems may reflect that vulnerable families indeed are doubly influenced by COVID-19-related stressors. In the mid of the pandemic, there are continuing uncertainties about the viability of many businesses, for example, those in catering, tourism and retail businesses. Vulnerable families with low socio-economic statuses are particularly hard-hit because they are usually more commonly employed in those businesses. Indeed, in the past year, there has been increases in the closure of many businesses leading to massive unemployment, overseas and locally. Such devastating financial and psychological circumstances may have jointly posed additional significant stresses and strains on family functioning of this group of vulnerable families. In addition, there have been reports on the increases in family conflicts and domestic violence, both in Hong Kong and elsewhere [50, 51]. Such worsening family circumstances invariably affect the mental health of individual family members.

Hypothesis 2 concerning the influence of COVID-19-related stressors was partially supported. As expected, financial burden was the strongest negative influence on family members’ psychological distress. Family violence and mental/emotional problems were marginally negatively impacting on psychological distress. Other studies echo the fact that people from vulnerable families who experience worsened financial difficulties and addictive problems are more likely to suffer from psychological distress [52, 53]. Therefore, combined the findings we have generated from the testing of Hypothesis 1 and 2, Hong Kong Chinese people from vulnerable families may have suffered from more from the COVID-19-related stressors than general families. What is worse, these stressors are making devastated influences on psychological distress of family members. Thus, there is a strong need to identify protective factors that can either directly or indirectly compensate the negative effects of these stressors.

Hypothesis 3a about microsystem factors, namely family support and family leisure activities as protective factors of psychological distress among people from vulnerable families, was supported. First, family support positively contributed to family members’ mental health. This finding is consistent with previous studies indicating that family cohesion, integration, closeness and relationship (i.e. family functioning) are important protective resources for individual mental health during stressful situations, such as earthquakes [54] and health-related epidemics (i.e., SARS and COVID-19) [55]. Second, outdoor family leisure activities, such as sports and going to theme parks, were found to contribute to individuals’ mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges for families and society as social-distancing rules have restricted the number of people who may gather together in public areas. During this period, families may need to explore possible ways of engaging in appropriate outdoor activities under such regulations. The process by which family members negotiate, process and adapt to new experiences can contribute to family adaptability to challenges, family cohesion and family relationship as a whole. Moreover, the simple fact that family can enjoy outdoor activities together would enhance the family relationships, and consequently, leading to better individual mental health among family members. In this study, Hypothesis 3b that people who solicited more community resources and support reported less psychological distress, is also supported. Our results echo previous studies which found that community social capital protects against disaster-related distress [59, 60]. Indeed, as asserted by Walsh [56], mutual support and collective resources can promote family resilience. Formal and informal services in a community can facilitate family functioning in terms of (1) resource pooling, (2) family sociability, (3) service augmentation, (4) normative accord, and (5) kin monitoring [57]. A recent study on community resources for families suggests that parents who received social support during the COVID-19 hardship had been protected against decrements in family functioning [58].

As tested in a SEM model, Hypothesis 4a regarding microsystem protective factors mediating the negative impact of the COVID-19-related stressors is partially supported. Family support was found to be the strongest mediator of the negative influences of COVID-19-related stressors on psychological distress. The results imply that even though the families are negatively influenced by life stressors, support, such as alliance, feelings of belongingness, guidance and reassurance of personal worthiness provided by family members, is important family factor that can facilitate family members’ positive adaptation in the face of stressful situations [29]. It is suggested that family members with the common belief of “being in it together”, can collectively share difficult feelings, maintain connectedness despite heightened family stress. Regarding family leisure activities, our findings suggest that it exerted an indirect protective effect through improving family support, which then led to better family functioning. Essentially, everyday low-cost leisure activities can provide a safe and positive context in which family relationships can be enhanced and feelings of family connectedness and integration to be increased. In turn, this may contribute to better psychological health [59]. In the case of vulnerable families with double jeopardies (i.e. pre-existing social and health difficulties and COVID-19 issues), these two positive family-level factors may assume more important functions because families with delinquent youths have poorer parent–child attachment and bonding [60], and may suffer from relationship conflicts, parenting disparities, and child neglect [61]. Strategies that can promote family leisure activities and enhance family integration may help these families to build up individual and family resilience.

Hypothesis 4b that “exosystem protective factor that encompassed community resources and network would significantly mediate negative effects of COVID-19-related stressors on psychological distress” was supported. According to Putnam and Feldstein [62], social capital is defined as “social networks, norms of reciprocity, mutual assistance, and trustworthiness” (p. 2). Community networks, resources and support are important elements of social capital that are conducive to human resilience, especially in stressful and challenging situations, such as natural disasters or traumatic incidence [55]. During the SARS epidemic, in a Chinese community in Canada, community activities and utilization of community resources, such as a hotline, health promotional materials and dissemination of SARS-related information, had made a positive psychological impact on individual functioning [61]. Ungar [63] argues that social support, shared values, and instrumental support for daily tasks like childcare, public safety and food distribution, are social capital that predicts successful recovery following devastating life events.

Chui [64] mentions that Hong Kong has experienced diminished community cohesion characterized by profound loosening neighborliness and alienation due to economic, political and cultural changes. Such diminished sense of cohesion and increased sense of alienation have been more prominent during the pandemic because of social-distancing and social withdrawal [65]. Therefore, the results of this study point to a stronger need to advocate for mutual help and integration, strengthen social capital, and establish community-level social network support, especially in stressful contexts and for vulnerable families in need of social service support. What is at stake is the issue, on the one hand, of enhancing community integration and mutual support, and on the other hand, maintaining a necessary level of social distancing to successfully avoid spreading the disease. Community mutual help and support initiatives are found everywhere (e.g. foodbanks, and tele-support for isolated and vulnerable individuals) and governments should encourage expansion of such community spirit to enable more people to benefit from them. Indeed, such actions would be psychologically enhancing to individuals by encouraging a positive contributory spirit and thus fostering better mental health of individuals in the community.


This study has several important practical implications for enhancing resilience among people from vulnerable families facing this public health crisis in Hong Kong.

First, the role of a family system in supporting individuals in adapting to crisis has been established. To facilitate family integration (i.e. sense of belonging and connectedness and outdoor leisure activities) and to uphold social distancing, programs and strategies may need to be creatively designed and accessed through the internet or telephone. For example, a strength-based online program, Families Tackling Tough Times Together, has been developed and implemented in the US to promote sharing among family members of a positive and hopeful outlook on stressful events, to make meaning of adversity, to enhance connectedness, and to openly express emotions [66]. In Hong Kong, Integrated Family Service Centres (IFSCs) provide community-based family services, including family counseling, parent–child activities, and outreaching services for vulnerable families [67]. In addition, the Hong Kong Jockey Club has funded several large-scale projects to enhance the resilience of families in Hong Kong through training family social workers with advanced clinical skills in delivering emotional resilience for families and to develop innovative family resilience programs.

Second, the findings of this study also highlight the need to reinforce the development and use of social capitals, including encouraging mutual help within neighborhoods and building social networks within the community. Community organizations may develop coordinated services and programs to promote social capital [63]. For example, in the United Kingdom, voluntary community aid groups was initiated to support neighbors who are self-isolating [68]. In Germany, a community-based mental health support program, Co** with Corona: Extended Psychosomatic care in Essen (CoPE), was established as part of the community emergency action plan [69]. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the main coordinating body of social services in Hong Kong, has been actively facilitating and coordinating over 300 NGOs to provide services and support to the needy individuals and families in their neighborhoods at during the pandemic [70]. For example, targeting the elderlies in the community, one social service organization named Fu Shin Community Asset Networks for Aging in Place has encouraged volunteers to form a network in the neighborhood and attend to the needs of the local elderlies [71]. These initiatives can hopefully induce a sense of mutual support, trust and reciprocity among community members and facilitate access to social services that will be conducive to the mental health and resilience of families in Hong Kong and elsewhere.

Limitations and suggestions for future studies

The study is not without limitations. First, the study is cross-sectional, thus unable to establish causal relationships. We found in the current study that family social and health stressors induced by COVID-19 negatively impacted on community and family support, which in turn led to psychological distress. It is also possible that individual psychological conditions influenced the interpersonal relationship with families and friends, which induced the family conflicts and individual addictive behaviors [72]. Longitudinal studies in the future are advocated to provide more evidence in understanding the mental health of vulnerable families under the pandemic and identify causal protective factors that can help vulnerable families to withstand stressful situations. Second, the sample only consists of family members of youth with delinquency/mental health issues, thus the results may not be generated to other groups of vulnerable families. Furthermore, the data were only collected in Hong Kong, thus may not be generated to Chinese people in other parts of the world. Further studies may be needed to explore other vulnerable groups of families among different Chinese communities to acquire more information concerning Chinese vulnerable families. Last but not least, as the main objective of the current study was to explore how families of youths with delinquency/mental health issues functions during the pandemic, we did not explicitly explore the characteristics of the youth-at-risk in the family. Future studies may further look at how the youth-at-risk adapt to the current stressful situation, which will help picture the psychological and behavioral impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable youths in Hong Kong.