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Showing 1-20 of 10,000 results
  1. Numerical Modelling of Long-Range Pollution Transport

    A quantitative understanding of long-range transport of air pollution involves several aspects from different science areas: emissions of ozone...
    Martin G. Schultz, Isabelle Bey in Air Pollution
  2. Long Range Transport of Air Pollution to the Arctic

    Transport of air pollution to the Arctic is reviewed with emphasis on what has been measured. General atmospheric circulation patterns especially...
    Jan W. Bottenheim, Ashu Dastoor, ... Yi-Fan Li in Air Pollution
  3. Biomass Smoke and Health Risks – The Situation in Develo** Countries

    About half of the world’s population relies on traditional fuels such as biomass (wood, agricultural residues, animal dung and charcoal) as the...
    Kalpana Balakrishnan, Padmavathi Ramaswamy, Sambandam Sankar in Air Pollution
  4. Indoor Air Pollution by Microorganisms and Their Metabolites

    Microbial damage in indoor areas is caused most frequently by molds and bacteria. These microorganisms have a very important role in the...
    Hans Schleibinger, Reinhard Keller, Henning Rüden in Air Pollution
  5. Intercontinental Transport of Air Pollution: An Introduction

    This chapter introduces the reader to the topic of intercontinental air pollution transport. It starts by describing how air pollution problems...
    Andreas Stohl, Sabine Eckhardt in Air Pollution
  6. Sources and Impacts of Pesticides in Indoor Environments

    Indoor contamination is one source of exposure to toxic pollutants and has been classified as a high environmental risk. Epidemiological research...
    Werner Butte in Air Pollution
  7. Prospects for International Management of Intercontinental Air Pollution Transport

    The recognition of the intercontinental transport of air pollution continues a historic trend towards greater awareness and management of air...
    Terry J. Keating, J. Jason West, Alexander E. Farrell in Air Pollution
  8. Air Pollution Export from and Import to North America: Experimental Evidence

    North America (Canada and the USA) contains only 5% of the world’s population but accounts for 15–23% of the world’s emissions in terms of trace...
    Owen R. Cooper, David D. Parrish in Air Pollution
  9. Intercontinental Transport of Ozone from Tropical Biomass Burning

    Photochemically reactive gases released by fires (e.g., NO, CO, hydrocarbons) interact as they do in an urban environment to form ozone. There has...
    Anne M. Thompson in Air Pollution
  10. Export of Air Pollution from Southern Asia and its Large-Scale Effects

    Southern Asia is one of the most heavily populated regions of the world. In contrast to much of the rest of the world, biofuel and biomass burning...
    Mark G. Lawrence in Air Pollution
  11. Sensory Evaluation of Indoor Air Pollution Sources

    The basic biological principles of the perception mechanisms for odour and irritants are fairly well understood. Much more uncertain is how these...
    Philomena M. Bluyssen in Air Pollution
  12. Indoor Particles, Combustion Products and Fibres

    Pollutants in an indoor environment are a complex mixture of gases, vapours and particles in either the liquid or the solid phase, suspended in the...
    Lidia Morawska in Air Pollution
  13. Air Pollution Export from and Import to Europe: Experimental Evidence

    The intercontinental transport of air pollutants from and to Europe is described in detail. The major focus is on the import of air pollution from...
    Heidi Huntrieser, Hans Schlager in Air Pollution
  14. Intercontinental Transport of Trace Substances from Boreal Forest Fires

    Forest fire emissions have strong impact on the composition of trace gases and aerosols in the atmosphere. They are not only a local disturbance...
    Nicole Spichtinger-Rakowsky, Caroline Forster in Air Pollution
  15. Intercontinental Transport of Dust: Historical and Recent Observational Evidence

    The scientific examination of the intercontinental dust transport has a long history, a vigorous present, and a promising future. Unlike the study of...
    Rudolf B. Husar in Air Pollution
  16. Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Environments

    This chapter provides an overview of the types, sources and current techniques for characterising volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in nonindustrial...
    Godwin A. Ayoko in Air Pollution
  17. Adsorption and Desorption of Pollutants to and from Indoor Surfaces

    Adsorption and desorption of indoor air pollutants to and from indoor surfaces are important phenomena. Often called sink effects, these processes...
    Bruce A. Tichenor in Air Pollution
  18. Strategies for Healthy Indoor Environments – a Chinese View

    The characteristics of indoor air pollution are reviewed. Three sources of indoor air pollution are of great importance for the health of people...
    Jiming M. Hao, Tianle L. Zhu in Air Pollution
  19. Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Products and Materials in Indoor Environments

    Building products, furnishings and other indoor materials often emit volatile and semivolatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs). With respect to a...
    Tunga Salthammer in Air Pollution
  20. Air Pollution Import to and Export from East Asia

    Continued rapid industrialization is expected to make East Asia the largest source region for air pollution in the coming decades. This chapter...
    Pakpong Pochanart, Oliver Wild, Hajime Akimoto in Air Pollution
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