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Advances in Gerontology

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Advances in Gerontology

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  1. Article

    Open Access

    Erratum to: Transport and Possible Outcome of Lipofuscin in Mouse Myocardium

    An Erratum to this paper has been published:

    L. Wang, C.-Y. **ao, J.-H. Li, G.-C. Tang, S.-S. **ao in Advances in Gerontology (2022)

  2. Article

    Open Access

    Transport and Possible Outcome of Lipofuscin in Mouse Myocardium

    This study was performed to clarify the transfer and final end of lipofuscin substances that have been formed in cardiomyocytes. The hearts of BALB/c mice were obtained for resin embedding and ultra-thin secti...

    L. Wang, C.-Y. **ao, J.-H. Li, G.-C. Tang, S.-S. **ao in Advances in Gerontology (2022)