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Showing 1-20 of 245 results
  1. Reactor Types and Safety

    Nuclear reactors used for electric energy production are usually huge constructions. Research reactors are still big machines, but much smaller than...
    Dirk Eidemüller in Nuclear Power Explained
    Chapter 2021
  2. How to Operate a Nuclear Reactor

    The energy present in atomic nuclei can be harnessed either in an uncontrolled way in atomic bombs or in a controlled way in nuclear reactors. In...
    Dirk Eidemüller in Nuclear Power Explained
    Chapter 2021
  3. Cusp Systems

    A magnetic cusp forms when two like poles face one another. Since the 1950s, people have explored if there were ways to hold plasma inside such a...
    Matthew Moynihan, Alfred B. Bortz in Fusion's Promise
    Chapter 2023
  4. How to Drive a Nuclear Reactor

    Have you ever wondered how a nuclear power station works? This lively book will answer that question. It’ll take you on a journey from the science...
    Colin Tucker in Springer Praxis Books
    Book 2019
  5. Gas-Cooled Fast Reactors

    There are other options for cooling a fast reactor. Just as you can cool a thermal reactor with gas, it would also be conceivable to cool a fast...
    Chapter 2022
  6. Tokamaks and Spherical Tokamaks

    Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the quest for fusion power will know that for many years, the leading candidate has been a magnetic...
    Matthew Moynihan, Alfred B. Bortz in Fusion's Promise
    Chapter 2023
  7. Lead-Cooled Fast Reactors

    The two most serious problems of the sodium-cooled fast reactor can be solved simply by using a different coolant. Liquid lead is a good choice here....
    Chapter 2022
  8. Plasma Jets

    This chapter lays out the history of plasma-jet-driven magneto-inertial fusion (PJMIF), a unique concept in fusion that merits its own categorization...
    Matthew Moynihan, Alfred B. Bortz in Fusion's Promise
    Chapter 2023
  9. The Nuclear Fuel Cycle

    The generation four reactor designs we have discussed so far have a thermal neutron spectrum. They are hotter at the core exit than third-generation...
    Chapter 2022
  10. Molten Salt Reactors

    The sixth reactor type in the Generation IV programme is something completely different. The fuel uranium or plutonium is not present here as a solid...
    Chapter 2022
  11. Inertial Electrostatic Confinement

    Inertial electrostatic confinement (IECInertial electrostatic confinement (IEC)) uses electric fields to heat plasmaPlasmas to fusion...
    Matthew Moynihan, Alfred B. Bortz in Fusion's Promise
    Chapter 2023
  12. The Thing You Put Your Reactor in…

    It’s time for some engineering… for a Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) that ‘thing you put your reactor in’ is called the ‘Primary Circuit’. It’s...
    Chapter 2019
  13. Your Reactor Is Stable (Part One)

    This chapter is about ‘Reactor Stability’. This is the second of the three key concepts that I mentioned at the beginning of the book.
    Chapter 2019
  14. Your Reactor Is Stable (Part Two)

    In this chapter, I’m going to explain the third key concept—how the design of the steam generators re-enforces the stability of the plant, and how it...
    Chapter 2019
  15. Fusion Technology

    This chapter is an overview of the current state of the art of fusion technology. Because of the imperative of dealing with climate change, most...
    Matthew Moynihan, Alfred B. Bortz in Fusion's Promise
    Chapter 2023
  16. Magnetic Mirrors

    Following the pinchPinches in the historical development of fusion devices were magnetic mirrorsMagnetic mirrors, which confined plasmasPlasmas by...
    Matthew Moynihan, Alfred B. Bortz in Fusion's Promise
    Chapter 2023
  17. Inertial Confinement Fusion

    So far, we have focused on fusion in plasmas that are confined by magnetic fields. Those approaches aim to maximize the time interval in which fusion...
    Matthew Moynihan, Alfred B. Bortz in Fusion's Promise
    Chapter 2023
  18. Plasmoids

    Electromagnetic effects in plasmas can create various structures, such as smoke rings, sheets, and strands, often referred to generically as...
    Matthew Moynihan, Alfred B. Bortz in Fusion's Promise
    Chapter 2023
  19. The Path Forward

    Climate changeClimate change is one the greatest threats to civilization that humans have ever faced. Figure 11.1 shows an example of the kinds of...
    Matthew Moynihan, Alfred B. Bortz in Fusion's Promise
    Chapter 2023
  20. Radioactive Incidents and Disasters

    In the afternoon of September 29, 1957, a giant explosion roared through a secret city in the Urals, throwing radioactive material high up in the...
    Dirk Eidemüller in Nuclear Power Explained
    Chapter 2021