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Showing 1-20 of 1,518 results
  1. Nuclear Power Explained

    From World War II to the present day, nuclear power has remained a controversial topic in the public eye. In the wake of ongoing debates about energy...

    Dirk Eidemüller in Springer Praxis Books
    Book 2021
  2. The fourth generation of nuclear reactors Fundamentals, Types, and Benefits Explained

    This book is intended for readers who want to learn more about fourth-generation nuclear reactors without having to delve deeply into nuclear...

    Thomas Schulenberg
    Book 2022
  3. The Nuclear Fuel Cycle

    The generation four reactor designs we have discussed so far have a thermal neutron spectrum. They are hotter at the core exit than third-generation...
    Chapter 2022
  4. Fundamentals of Nuclear Technology

    We begin with an excursion into nuclear physics. An atomic nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. The protons are electrically positively charged,...
    Chapter 2022
  5. Nuclear Physics and Its Applications

    The power of nuclear reactions is what makes stars shine for billions of years and what can make them shatter in supernovae explosions. Usually, we...
    Dirk Eidemüller in Nuclear Power Explained
    Chapter 2021
  6. Economic, Ecological and Political Aspects of Nuclear Energy

    Nuclear power plants belong to the largest and technically most complex class of industrial buildings. The development of a new type can take years...
    Dirk Eidemüller in Nuclear Power Explained
    Chapter 2021
  7. How to Operate a Nuclear Reactor

    The energy present in atomic nuclei can be harnessed either in an uncontrolled way in atomic bombs or in a controlled way in nuclear reactors. In...
    Dirk Eidemüller in Nuclear Power Explained
    Chapter 2021
  8. Reactors, Bombs and Visions: A Brief History of the Nuclear Age

    When radiochemist Otto Hahn and his assistant Fritz Strassmann conducted their experiments at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin in 1938, they...
    Dirk Eidemüller in Nuclear Power Explained
    Chapter 2021
  9. What Is Nuclear Fusion?

    During the five years I spent at ITER I discovered that people visiting ITER, despite very different origins and backgrounds, have one thing in...
    Michel Claessens in ITER: The Giant Fusion Reactor
    Chapter 2020
  10. Introduction

    In nuclear technology, the fourth generation is a collective term for concepts that are exciting, but which the market does not even need today. Nor...
    Chapter 2022
  11. What Makes Nuclear Special?

    There are two things to operating a nuclear power station (especially driving a nuclear reactor) that could be considered to be unique to the nuclear...
    Chapter 2019
  12. Plasma Science

    This chapter covers the basic theory and modeling of the state of matter known as plasma, in which nuclear fusion can take place. It begins with an...
    Matthew Moynihan, Alfred B. Bortz in Fusion's Promise
    Chapter 2023
  13. The German Nuclear Program: The Third Reich and Atomic Energy

    The success of the Manhattan Project makes it easy to overlook the fact that there was a German nuclear program during World War II, and that for...
    Bruce Cameron Reed in Manhattan Project
    Chapter 2020
  14. Reactor Types and Safety

    Nuclear reactors used for electric energy production are usually huge constructions. Research reactors are still big machines, but much smaller than...
    Dirk Eidemüller in Nuclear Power Explained
    Chapter 2021
  15. Proliferation

    Proliferation is the spread of weapons of mass destruction and their carrier systems. In a narrow sense, this refers to the weapons themselves or the...
    Dirk Eidemüller in Nuclear Power Explained
    Chapter 2021
  16. The Path Forward

    Climate changeClimate change is one the greatest threats to civilization that humans have ever faced. Figure 11.1 shows an example of the kinds of...
    Matthew Moynihan, Alfred B. Bortz in Fusion's Promise
    Chapter 2023
  17. How to Drive a Nuclear Reactor

    Have you ever wondered how a nuclear power station works? This lively book will answer that question. It’ll take you on a journey from the science...
    Colin Tucker in Springer Praxis Books
    Book 2019
  18. Significance for the Economy and Society

    So what is the fourth generation? Just technologies that had already been developed in the past but that never prevailed economically? From a...
    Chapter 2022
  19. Fusion Technology

    This chapter is an overview of the current state of the art of fusion technology. Because of the imperative of dealing with climate change, most...
    Matthew Moynihan, Alfred B. Bortz in Fusion's Promise
    Chapter 2023
  20. Watt Power?

    Knowing your reactor’s power level is going to be essential; much as you need to know the speed of any car that you drive. In a car, the speedometer...
    Chapter 2019