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Search Results

Showing 1-20 of 10,000 results
  1. Introduction to Model United Nations

    This chapter serves as an introductory chapter to Model United Nations conferences. It is explained to the reader what Model United Nations...
    Anna-Theresia Krein in Model United Nations
    Chapter 2023
  2. Model United Nations A Practical Guide

    This textbook presents a detailed insight into the structures and processes of preparing students for Model United Nations (MUN) conferences and for...
    Anna-Theresia Krein, Josephin Paula Rönker in Springer Texts in Political Science and International Relations
    Textbook 2023
  3. Model United Nations: (Didactic) Module Content

    This chapter serves as a sample and blueprint chapter for suggestions of which factual content, didactic elements and interactive elements and...
    Anna-Theresia Krein in Model United Nations
    Chapter 2023
  4. Vision Zero in the United Nations

    This chapter examines the development and use of Vision Zero policy and its related strategy, safe system approach, in the road safety programs of...
    Meleckidzedeck Khayesi in The Vision Zero Handbook
    Reference work entry Open access 2023
  5. Model United Nations Conferences: Organisational Peculiarities

    This chapter seeks to explain more about the organisation, general setting and happenings of Model United Nations conferences, namely the setting of...
    Anna-Theresia Krein in Model United Nations
    Chapter 2023
  6. Compartmentalised diplomacy in the United Nations Security Council: breaking the impasse

    This article explores how compartmentalised diplomacy, defined as the compartmentalisation of a comprehensive set of previously linked issues into...

    Article 15 September 2023
  7. On Comfort Women’s Way to the United Nations

    The issue of comfort women is not a mere historical occurrence; it persists to this day. Navi Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human...
    Chapter 2023
  8. Salient discourses in international society: When and how have United Nations global conferences acted as catalysts?

    Salient discourses shape the way actors perceive and engage in global politics. How and to what extent terminology becomes salient in international...

    Catherine Hecht, Jens Steffek in Journal of International Relations and Development
    Article 27 April 2024
  9. The United Nations and Its System

    This chapter provides some background information on the UN system as a whole. To speak simply of the United Nations (UN) can be misleading, because...
    J. Samuel Barkin in International Organization
    Chapter 2023
  10. The United Nations and New Multilateralism

    The United Nations is the heart of the international system. The path to a better, more peaceful, and more sustainable future is paved with...
    Hans d’Orville in Pluralism and World Order
    Chapter 2023
  11. Model United Nations: Beneficial/Positive Impact on Students

    This chapter seeks to outline the beneficial and positive impact the implementation of a Model United Nations program has on students.
    Anna-Theresia Krein in Model United Nations
    Chapter 2023
  12. Model United Nations Conferences: Roles and Responsibilities of Actors

    This chapter serves as an overview of explaining the roles and responsibilities of involved actors in Model United Nations conferences. In...
    Anna-Theresia Krein in Model United Nations
    Chapter 2023
  13. Implementing a Model United Nations Program at Your Institution

    This chapter serves as a guiding chapter for implementing a Model United Nations program at your institution. As every Model United Nations...
    Anna-Theresia Krein in Model United Nations
    Chapter 2023
  14. The United Nations and the Pacific Islands

    This book critically examines the relationship between the United Nations Organization and the small states of the Pacific islands. It provides an...
    Book 2023
  15. Vision Zero in the United Nations

    This chapter examines the development and use of Vision Zero policy and its related strategy, safe system approach, in the road safety programs of...
    Meleckidzedeck Khayesi in The Vision Zero Handbook
    Living reference work entry Open access 2022
  16. United Nations Peacekee**: Enabling Conflict Resolution and the Role of Mediation

    As things stand, the international community has failed miserably in its efforts to avert conflicts, and the United Nations has reaffirmed its...
    Elham Malik, Shail Shankar, Puneet K. Bindlish in Globalization, Human Rights and Populism
    Chapter 2023
  17. The United Nations and Peacemaking

    The United Nations was established to ‘save succeeding generations from the scourge of war’. Limited by great powerPower politics and influenced by...
    Alex J. Bellamy in Contemporary Peacemaking
    Chapter 2022
  18. Introduction: The Pacific Islands Region and the United Nations

    This chapter provides an overview of the relationship between the Pacific Islands region and the United Nations Organization, together with a survey...
    Chapter 2023
  19. Represented but not always heard: an analysis of the progress of gender equality at the United Nations through the lens of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

    Gender inequality has always been a structural problem at the United Nations. The voices of women as well as those of non-binary people and...

    Maritza Chan, Eloisa Romani in Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung
    Article 03 April 2023
  20. Maritime Waters of Ambazonia and the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention

    Ambazonia is a coastal state and after Liberation would have to accede to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to protect and...
    Chapter 2024