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Search Results

Showing 1-20 of 3,560 results
  1. Common Sense and the Natural Light in George Berkeley’s Philosophy

    It is argued that George Berkeley’s term ‘common sense’ does not indicate shared conviction, but the shared capacity of reasonable judgement, and is...

    Petr Glombíček, James Hill in Philosophia
    Article 07 August 2020
  2. Berkeley and Toland: Irish Philosophy, Past and Future

    I can indicate the main aims of this chapter by explaining its title. By ‘Irish Philosophy, Past’, I understand that period when Ireland was at the...
    Chapter 2021
  3. Ayer and Berkeley on the Meaning of Ethical and Religious Language

    In the 6th chapter of Language, Truth and Logic (LTL), Ayer sketched a simple ethical theory that was later called emotivism. Emotivism faced serious...
    Chapter 2021
  4. George Psathas and His Contributions to a “Phenomenological Sociology” Movement

    George Psathas was one of the most important “central figures” or “intellectual promoters” in a “phenomenological sociology” movement not only in the...

    Hisashi Nasu in Human Studies
    Article 20 April 2020
  5. Idealismus und Materialismus

    Im 9. Kapitel werden die zwei bekanntesten idealistischen Positionen behandelt. Gottfried W. Leibniz entwickelte einen objektiven Idealismus, der die...
    Gerhard Schurz in Erkenntnistheorie
    Chapter 2021
  6. Vulgar Talk and Learned Reasoning in Berkeley’s Moral and Religious Thought

    Berkeley “argues with the learned and speaks with the vulgar.” I use his double maxim to interpret his ethics. My approach is new. The Sermons and Guar...

    Timo Airaksinen in Philosophia
    Article Open access 31 December 2021
  7. Newton on the Relativity of Motion and the Method of Mathematical Physics

    The work of George Smith has illuminated how Newton’s scientific method, and its use in constructing the theory of universal gravitation, introduced...
    Chapter 2023
  8. George A. Reisch, The Politics of Paradigms. Thomas S. Kuhn, James B. Conant, and the Cold War “Struggle for Men’s Minds”. Albany: State University of New York Press 2019, 456 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4384-7367-3

    This review-article is about George Reisch’s second big and impressive volume about the fate of philosophy of science after World War II. This one...
    Chapter 2022
  9. Views of Revelation

    In this chapter three types of views of revelation are examined. Tradition-grounded views concentrate on forms of traditional revelation, classifying...
    James Kellenberger in Religious Revelation
    Chapter 2021
  10. Matthew’s (1915) climate and evolution, the “New York School of Biogeography”, and the rise and fall of “Holarcticism”

    Climate and evolution (Matthew, 1915 ) represents an important contribution to evolutionary biogeography, that influenced several authors, notably...

    Article 20 April 2022
  11. Disciplinary Transformations in the Age of Newton: The Case of Metaphysics

    The chapter emphasizes the complexity of the relations between philosophy and science in the eighteenth century, as they must be seen against the...
    Chapter 2023
  12. The Problem is Not Monsters: The FRANKENCON Panel on Science and Ethics

    In November of 2019, the University of California Santa Cruz hosted a 3-day interdisciplinary conference to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the...

    Michael M. Chemers in Science and Engineering Ethics
    Article 21 September 2021
  13. Armut in der Philosophie der Neuzeit II (Empirismus)

    Ob es eine ›empirische‹ philosophische Tradition gibt, ist eine Frage, die seit langem im Zentrum der Geschichtsschreibung der Philosophie der...
    Eraldo Souza dos Santos in Handbuch Philosophie und Armut
    Chapter 2021
  14. How American colleges and universities got the hook

    George A. Reisch in Metascience
    Article 23 January 2023
  15. To what extent can institutional control explain the dominance of analytic philosophy?

    Katzav and Vaesen have argued that control by analytic philosophers of key journals, philosophy departments and at least one funding body plays a...

    Article Open access 12 August 2023
  16. Berkeley’s Theory of Perception: Searle Versus Pappas

    In Seeing Things as They Are (Searle 2015), Searle developed a direct realist’s theory of perception. According to direct realism, physical objects...

    Article 11 May 2024
  17. Problems of Mensuration and Experimentation

    Measures assign numbers to data according to scaling theory requirements. If measured numbers are not correctly assigned, no unambiguous knowledge...
    Chapter 2023
  18. Egalitarian Spiritual and Legal Traditions

    Ideas tend to drift toward consensus led by those with the strongest influence and highest status in their fields. The racist ideas about race...
    Naomi Zack in Philosophy of Race
    Chapter 2023