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Showing 1-20 of 66 results
  1. A Birman-Schwinger Principle in Galactic Dynamics

    This monograph develops an innovative approach that utilizes the Birman-Schwinger principle from quantum mechanics to investigate stability...
    Book 2021
  2. Helically symmetric equilibria for some ideal and resistive MHD plasmas with incompressible flows

    In this paper, the problem of finding exact solutions to the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in the presence of incompressible mass flows with...

    S. M. Moawad, O. H. El-Kalaawy, H. M. Shaker in Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities
    Article 23 June 2023
  3. Regular and Singular Behaviours and New Morphologies in the Rayleigh Taylor Instability

    The Rayleigh Taylor Instability is a fluid instability that develops when fluids of different densities are accelerated against their density...
    Kurt Williams, Desmond L. Hill, Snezhana I. Abarzhi in 2019-20 MATRIX Annals
    Chapter 2021
  4. Introduction

    The Birman-Schwinger principle is a widely used and well-established tool in mathematical quantum mechanics. It was introduced through the...
    Chapter 2021
  5. Closing in on the Cosmos: Cosmology’s Rebirth and the Rise of the Dark Matter Problem

    Influenced by the renaissance of general relativity that came to pass in the 1950s, the character of cosmology fundamentally changed in the 1960s as...
    Chapter 2020
  6. Clean numerical simulation: a new strategy to obtain reliable solutions of chaotic dynamic systems

    It is well-known that chaotic dynamic systems, e.g., three-body system and turbulent flow, have sensitive dependence on the initial conditions...

    **aoming Li, Shijun Liao in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
    Article 20 October 2018
  7. Controller Tuning by Metaheuristics Optimization

    Metaheuristics are suitable for optimizing a broad class of problems. Subsequently, metaheuristics have attracted the attention of researchers from...
    Chapter 2021
  8. Topological Phase Transitions

    This chapter aims to develop a systematic theory of topological phase transitions (TPTs) and explores a few typical examples, including (1) quantum...
    Tian Ma, Shouhong Wang in Phase Transition Dynamics
    Chapter 2019
  9. The Big-Bang Theory: Construction, Evolution and Status

    Over the past century, rooted in the theory of general relativity, cosmology has developed a very successful physical model of the universe: the...
    Jean-Philippe Uzan in The Universe
    Chapter 2021
  10. Gravitational-Wave Research as an Emerging Field in the Max Planck Society: The Long Roots of GEO600 and of the Albert Einstein Institute

    This chapter explores the interplay between the renaissance of general relativity and the advent of relativistic astrophysics following German...
    Luisa Bonolis, Juan-Andres Leon in The Renaissance of General Relativity in Context
    Chapter 2020
  11. The Socio-Epistemic Networks of General Relativity, 1925–1970

    We report the results of our analysis of the development of general relativity between 1925 and 1970 based on the conceptual and methodological...
    Roberto Lalli, Riaz Howey, Dirk Wintergrün in The Renaissance of General Relativity in Context
    Chapter 2020
  12. Preservation of Bifurcations of Hamiltonian Boundary Value Problems Under Discretisation

    We show that symplectic integrators preserve bifurcations of Hamiltonian boundary value problems and that non-symplectic integrators do not. We...

    Robert I McLachlan, Christian Offen in Foundations of Computational Mathematics
    Article 10 March 2020
  13. Mean Field Limits for Interacting Diffusions in a Two-Scale Potential

    In this paper, we study the combined mean field and homogenization limits for a system of weakly interacting diffusions moving in a two-scale,...

    S. N. Gomes, G. A. Pavliotis in Journal of Nonlinear Science
    Article Open access 19 December 2017
  14. Simulation of collisionless ultrarelativistic electron–proton plasma dynamics in a self-consistent electromagnetic field

    The evolution of a collisionless electron–proton plasma in the self-consistent approximation is investigated. The plasma is assumed to move initially...

    S. L. Ginzburg, V. F. Dyachenko, ... V. M. Chechetkin in Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
    Article 30 September 2016
  15. Inflation and the Origins of Structure

    Guth (Phys. Rev. D 23:347–56, 1981) provided a persuasive rationale for inflationary cosmology based on its ability to solve fine-tuning problems of...
    Chris Smeenk in Beyond Einstein
    Chapter 2018
  16. Cosmology

    In this chapter we will introduce the reader to the basic general relativistic cosmological models.
    Piotr T. Chruściel in Elements of General Relativity
    Chapter 2019
  17. Asymptotic solutions for linear and nonlinear MHD systems with a rapid jump near a surface. dynamics of the surface of the jump and evolution of the magnetic field

    We review our recent results concerning the asymptotic solutions for both linear and nonlinearMHD equations.We describe the asymptotic structure of...

    Anna I. Allilueva, Andrei I. Shafarevich in Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
    Article 01 November 2015
  18. Existence and Nonlinear Stability of Stationary States for the Magnetic Schrödinger–Poisson System

    We study stationary states of the magnetic Schrödinger–Poisson system in the repulsive (plasma physics) Coulomb case. We prove the existence and...

    J.-M. Barbaroux, V. Vougalter in Journal of Mathematical Sciences
    Article 08 November 2016
  19. Post-Newtonian Gravitation

    Einstein’s field equations relate space-time geometry to matter and energy distribution. These tensorial equations are so unwieldy that solutions are...
    Conference paper 2016
  20. Nonstationary contrasting structures in the vicinity of a critical point

    Evolution equations of the internal transition layer (ITL) have been derived for the reaction-diffusion equation and for a pseudo-parabolic...

    A. A. Bykov, A. S. Sharlo in Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations
    Article 25 March 2015