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Showing 1-20 of 1,387 results
  1. The Cosmology of Evidence: Suffering, Science, and Biological Witness After Three Mile Island

    The 1979 partial nuclear reactor meltdown at Three Mile Island was simultaneously hyper-visible and hidden from public view. It was the subject of...
    Chapter 2022
  2. The Cosmology of Evidence: Suffering, Science, and Biological Witness After Three Mile Island

    The 1979 partial nuclear reactor meltdown at Three Mile Island was simultaneously hyper-visible and hidden from public view. It was the subject of...

    Article 24 February 2021
  3. Vision on Vision: Defining Similarities Among Early Modern Illustrations on Cosmology

    In the present work we show how many scientific illustrations of the early modern period can be used to track the evolution of visual knowledge and...
    Matteo Valleriani, Florian Kräutli, ... Noga Shlomi in Scientific Visual Representations in History
    Chapter Open access 2023
  4. Crisis and Cosmology: The Subtle Interactions of Mind, Body and Belief

    This chapter will lay out the main argument of the book. It will assert that the response of some nineteenth-century astronomers to unusual and...
    Chapter 2022
  5. Cosmology and the Scientific Self in the Nineteenth Century Astronomic Emotions

    This book argues that while the historiography of the development of scientific ideas has for some time acknowledged the important influences of...

    Howard Carlton
    Book 2022
  6. Transmission of the “World”: Sumeru Cosmology as Seen in Central Asian Buddhist Paintings Around 500 AD

    This paper considers the process of how the image of Mount Sumeru, the axis mundi of the Indian Buddhist cosmology, was transmitted from the...

    Article 05 June 2020
  7. The Four Elements of Rural Settlement Form

    Cultural landscapes in Asia are influenced by and imbued with value systems and abstract frameworks, such as cosmology, geomancy and Feng Shui,...
    Chapter 2024
  8. Printers, Publishers, and Sellers: Actors in the Process of Consolidation of Epistemic Communities in the Early Modern Academic World

    This chapter proposes a global view of the set of dynamics of interplay that were generated in the early modern publishing sector around a single...
    Chapter Open access 2022
  9. John Pringle Nichol, the Nebular Hypothesis and Progressive Cosmogony

    There were two forms of the nebular hypothesis in circulation during the nineteenth century. Both had implications for cosmological development which...
    Chapter 2022
  10. Islam and the Traditional Gender Hierarchy: 1983–1992

    The ethnographic study of the relationship between gender and Islam in Turkey has a recent history dating to the early 1980s. This chapter analyses...
    Chapter 2024
  11. Publishing Sacrobosco’s De sphaera in Early Modern Europe Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange

    This open access volume focuses on the cultural background of the pivotal transformations

    of scientific knowledge in the early modern period.


    Matteo Valleriani, Andrea Ottone
    Book Open access 2022
  12. Fashioning Cosmology: Franco Burgersdijk as the Author of the Dutch Tractatus de sphaera

    In 1625, the highest authorities in the province of Holland prescribed the use of De sphaera in all the regional Latin schools. For the occasion,...
    Chapter Open access 2020
  13. The Outlook on the Universe of the Chinese in Ancient Period

    In this chapter, an analysis of researches and achievements made on the creation, the overall structure of cosmology from mythological, religious,...
    Reference work entry 2021
  14. “What Is Man if Thou Art Mindful of Him?”: William Whewell and the Unique Revelation

    As a young man, William Whewell read Chalmers’ Astronomical Discourses, which informed his early interest in pluralism. Over time, however, he became...
    Chapter 2022
  15. Introduction

    The lack of an appropriate mythological perspective in exploring the origins of Chinese civilization remains a significant obstacle when attempting...
    Chapter 2022
  16. From Stardust to First Cells The Origin and Evolution of Early Life

    This book presents a groundbreaking hypothesis to answer one of the greatest scientific mysteries: How did life begin? Like a detective piecing...

    Sankar Chatterjee
    Book 2023
  17. Practical Mathematics

    The chapter shows that the characteristic pattern of interrelations between learned and practical knowledge in the field of practical mathematics can...
    Chapter 2021
  18. Rise of Classical Thought

    We are going to talk about what is usually called the classical period of Chinese thought, during which the fundamental patterns of Chinese thought...
    Chapter 2023
  19. “Great as Immensity, Deep as Eternity”: What Could the Grandeur of Life Say About God’s Existence, According to Darwin?

    To what extent Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection is compatible with a religious view remains an open question for many, despite being...
    Chapter 2023