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Showing 1-20 of 10,000 results
  1. Machine Shop I

    The queuing system in this chapter is shown in Fig. 11.1. This application was adopted from a problem in ([1], p.594). We continue this problem in...
    James J. Buckley in Simulating Fuzzy Systems
  2. From Genetic Variation to Probabilistic Modeling

    Genetic algorithms ⦓GAs) [53, 83] are stochastic optimization methods inspired by natural evolution and genetics. Over the last few decades, GAs have...
  3. Inventory Control II

    This chapter continues the inventory control problem studied in the previous chapter. The new system is shown in Fig. 17.1. We have added two things...
    James J. Buckley in Simulating Fuzzy Systems
  4. Project Network Model

    The project network diagram is in Fig. 26.1. This problem is modelled after an example in [2]. The project consists of various jobs that must be...
    James J. Buckley in Simulating Fuzzy Systems
  5. Queuing II: No One-Step Calculations

    In this chapter we will study the fuzzy system shown in Fig. 5.1 now reproduced as Fig. 9.1. This example was adapted from an example in [1]. The...
    James J. Buckley in Simulating Fuzzy Systems
  6. Modular Neural Networks

    We describe in this chapter the basic concepts, theory and algorithms of modular and ensemble neural networks. We will also give particular attention...
  7. Type-1 Fuzzy Logic

    This chapter introduces the basic concepts, notation, and basic operations for the type-1 fuzzy sets that will be needed in the following chapters....
  8. Human Recognition using Face, Fingerprint and Voice

    We describe in this chapter a new approach for human recognition using as information the face, fingerprint, and voice of a person. We have described...
  9. Priority Queues

    This chapter will use the queuing system in Chaps. 5 and 9, but with priority orders. The system is shown in Fig. 19.1. Everything is the same as in...
    James J. Buckley in Simulating Fuzzy Systems
  10. Hierarchical Bayesian Optimization Algorithm

    The previous chapter has discussed how hierarchy can be used to reduce problem complexity in black-box optimization. Additionally, the chapter has...
  11. Fuzzy Probability Theory

    In this chapter we look more closely at the fuzzy binomial distribution, the fuzzy Poisson, and at the fuzzy normal,exponential and uniform...
    James J. Buckley in Simulating Fuzzy Systems
  12. Simulation

    Now we come to the point were we need to select simulation software to do all the crisp simulations staring in Chap. 7. The author is not an expert...
    James J. Buckley in Simulating Fuzzy Systems
  13. Fuzzy Estimation

    sThe first thing to do is explain how we will get fuzzy numbers, and fuzzy probabilities, from a set of confidence intervals which will be...
    James J. Buckley in Simulating Fuzzy Systems
  14. Fingerprint Recognition with Modular Neural Networks and Fuzzy Measures

    We describe in this chapter a new approach for fingerprint recognition using modular neural networks with a fuzzy logic method for response...
  15. Simulation Optimization

    In this chapter we discuss how we plan to solve the optimization problems attached to the simulation as expressed in (5-4)-(5-5) in Chap. 5, or...
    James J. Buckley in Simulating Fuzzy Systems
  16. Voice Recognition with Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms

    We describe in this chapter the use of neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms for voice recognition. In particular, we consider the case...
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