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  1. No Access


    Molecular identification and validation of four stable QTL for adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew in Chinese wheat cultivar Bainong 64

    Four stable QTL for adult-plant resistance (APR) to powdery mildew were identified on chromosome arms 1DL, 2BS, 2DL, and 6BL in the widely grown Chinese wheat cultivar Bainong 64. These QTL had no effect on re...

    **aowan Xu, Daojie Sun, Zhongqiu Ni, **nyu Zou in Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2023)

  2. No Access


    Molecular characterization and validation of adult-plant stripe rust resistance gene Yr86 in Chinese wheat cultivar Zhongmai 895

    Adult-plant stripe rust resistance gene Yr86 in Chinese wheat cultivar Zhongmai 895 was mapped to the physical interval 710.2–713.2 Mb on the long arm of chromosome 2A.

    Zhanwang Zhu, Qiang Cao, Dejun Han, Jianhui Wu, Ling Wu in Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2023)

  3. No Access


    Fine map** of reduced height locus RHT26 in common wheat

    We fine mapped RHT26 for plant height in wheat, confirmed its genetic effects in a panel of wheat cultivars and predicted candidate genes.

    Jie Song, Lei Li, Bingyan Liu, Yachao Dong, Yan Dong in Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2023)

  4. No Access


    Molecular map** and characterization of QBp.caas-3BL for black point resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

    We fine-mapped QBp.caas-3BL for black point resistance in an interval of 1.7 Mb containing five high-confidence annotated genes and developed a KASP marker suitable for selection of QBp.caas-3BL.

    Cuihe Liu, Jie Song, Siyang Liu, **gdong Liu in Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2021)