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    Conclusions and Future Research

    This thesis presents extensive theoretical results and applications of guiding vector fields for robot motion control.

    Weijia Yao in Guiding Vector Fields for Robot Motion Control (2023)

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    In this chapter, we first present the background of the thesis on the path-following (navigation) problem. Then we detail the research challenges this thesis deals with and our contributions addressing these c...

    Weijia Yao in Guiding Vector Fields for Robot Motion Control (2023)

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    Vanishing Level Value and Convergence To Zero-Level Set

    In the vector-field guided path-following problem, the desired path is described by the zero-level set of a sufficiently smooth real-valued function and to follow this path, a (guiding) vector field is designe...

    Weijia Yao in Guiding Vector Fields for Robot Motion Control (2023)

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    Topological Analysis of Vector-Field Guided Path Following on Manifolds

    A path-following control algorithm enables a system’s trajectories under its guidance to converge to and evolve along a given geometric desired path. There exist various such algorithms, but many of them can o...

    Weijia Yao in Guiding Vector Fields for Robot Motion Control (2023)

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    Refined Dichotomy Convergence in Vector-Field Guided Path-Following on \(\mathbb {R}^{n}\)

    Under some broad conditions, a dichotomy convergence property in the vector-field guided path-following problem has been proved in previous chapters: the integral curves of a guiding vector field converge to e...

    Weijia Yao in Guiding Vector Fields for Robot Motion Control (2023)

  7. No Access


    Guiding Vector Fields for Multi-robot Coordinated Navigation

    Tasks requiring repetitive execution, such as environmental monitoring and area patrolling, are more efficiently accomplished by a group of coordinated robots, which are equipped onboard with path-following na...

    Weijia Yao in Guiding Vector Fields for Robot Motion Control (2023)

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    A Singularity-Free Guiding Vector Field for Robot Navigation

    In robot navigation tasks, such as UAV highway traffic monitoring, it is important for a mobile robot to follow a specified desired path.

    Weijia Yao in Guiding Vector Fields for Robot Motion Control (2023)

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    This chapter provides preliminaries for subsequent theoretical derivation.

    Weijia Yao in Guiding Vector Fields for Robot Motion Control (2023)

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    Path Following Control in 3D Using a Vector Field

    Using a designed vector field to control a mobile robot to follow a given desired path has found a range of practical applications, and it is in great need to further build a rigorous theory to guide its imple...

    Weijia Yao in Guiding Vector Fields for Robot Motion Control (2023)

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    The Domain of Attraction of the Desired Path in Vector-Field Guided Path Following

    In the vector-field guided path-following problem, a sufficiently smooth vector field is designed such that its integral curves converge to and propagate along a one-dimensional geometric desired path.

    Weijia Yao in Guiding Vector Fields for Robot Motion Control (2023)

  12. No Access


    Guiding Vector Fields for Following Occluded Paths

    Accurately following a geometric desired path in a two-dimensional space is a fundamental task for many engineering systems, in particular mobile robots. When the desired path is occluded by obstacles, it is n...

    Weijia Yao in Guiding Vector Fields for Robot Motion Control (2023)