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  1. Chapter and Conference Paper

    An SMT Encoding of LLVM’s Memory Model for Bounded Translation Validation

    Several automatic verification tools have been recently developed to verify subsets of LLVM’s optimizations. However, none of these tools has robust support to verify memory optimizations.

    Juneyoung Lee, Dongjoo Kim, Chung-Kil Hur, Nuno P. Lopes in Computer Aided Verification (2021)

  2. Chapter and Conference Paper

    AliveInLean: A Verified LLVM Peephole Optimization Verifier

    Ensuring that compiler optimizations are correct...

    Juneyoung Lee, Chung-Kil Hur, Nuno P. Lopes in Computer Aided Verification (2019)

  3. No Access

    Chapter and Conference Paper

    Weakest Precondition Synthesis for Compiler Optimizations

    Compiler optimizations play an increasingly important role in code generation. This is especially true with the advent of resourcelimited mobile devices. We rely on compiler optimizations to improve performanc...

    Nuno P. Lopes, José Monteiro in Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (2014)

  4. No Access

    Chapter and Conference Paper

    Distributed and Predictable Software Model Checking

    We present a predicate abstraction and refinement-based algorithm for software verification that is designed for the distributed execution on compute nodes that communicate via message passing, as found in tod...

    Nuno P. Lopes, Andrey Rybalchenko in Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract… (2011)