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    Multimodality Imaging

    For Intravascular Application

    Prof. Qifa Zhou, Dr. Zhong** Chen (2020)

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    Book and Conference Proceedings

    Megacities 2050: Environmental Consequences of Urbanization

    Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Landscape Architecture to Support City Sustainable Development

    Dr. Viacheslav I. Vasenev in Springer Geography (2018)

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    Living Reference Work Entry In depth

    Machining Process Monitoring

    In the modern manufacturing industry, monitoring the machining process and tool condition is becoming increasingly important in order to achieve better product quality, higher productivity, higher process auto...

    Dr. Huaizhong Li, Dr. Yun Chen in Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology

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    Reference Work Entry In depth

    Energy and Water Interdependence, and Their Implications for Urban Areas

    Dr. Liz Minne, Dr. Arka Pandit in Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and… (2012)

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    Neuregulin 1, Brain Region Specificity and PI3K/Akt in Schizophrenia

    Prof. Xu-Feng Huang MD, PhD in European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinic… (2009)

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    Chapter and Conference Paper

    Frühzeitige szintigraphische Erfassung der Abstoßung transplantierter Herzen mittels 111-Indium-markierter Thrombocyten

    Langzeiterfolge bei Herztransplantationen sind bislang nur bei engmaschiger invasiver Überwachung der Patienten mittels wiederholter Myokardbiopsien, cyto-immunologischen Monitorings und regelmäßiger Funktions...

    Dr. Zhonghua Chen, J. H. Fischer, W. Waters in 105. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft fü… (1988)