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    Di alcuni fenomeni corticali che accompagnano la fecondazione e le prime divisioni dell'uovo di riccio di mare

    It is shown that the positive cortical double refraction of the unfertilized sea-urchin egg demonstrated in polarized light disappears on fertilization and reappears with the beginning of the anaphase. During ...

    A. Monroy in Experientia (1945)

  2. No Access


    Il Potenziale di Ossido-Riduzione e le sue applicazioni in Batteriologia ed in Igiene

    After a short reference to the fundamental principles of the oxidation-reduction potential and the meaning of the symbolr H introduced byClark, the author proceeds to set out, among the numerous applications whic...

    Antonio Di Tizzano in Experientia (1946)

  3. No Access


    Cancro e denaturazione delle proteine

    On met en évidence quelques caractères qui font ressembler la cancérisation de la cellule à ce remaniement moléculaire des protéines qui est connu sous le nom de dénaturation. En effet la réaction cancérogène,...

    P. Rondoni in Experientia (1946)

  4. No Access


    Intorno alle attività biochimiche deiFlavobacterium

    A fewFlavobacterium, among themFlav. dehydrogenans, present oxidative activities upon sterins from the serie of sexual hormons, acting in a selective manner. These microorganisms have a scarce fermentative capaci...

    Carlo Arnaudi in Experientia (1946)

  5. No Access


    Sul meccanismo di azione delle sostanze che modificano lo sviluppo embrionale

    The lithium chloride and the substances, which are capable of producing a similar effect on the embryo development, increase the viscosity of proteins from the Amphibian embryo. The sodium thiocyanate, the sod...

    S. Ranzi, R. Arosio, P. Citterio, P. Menotti, F. Semenza in Experientia (1946)

  6. No Access


    Presenza di enteramina o di una sostanza enteraminosimile negli estratti gastrointestinali e splenici dei pesci e negli estratti gastroenterici delle Ascidie

    It was possible to demonstrate, by means of chemical and biological reactions, the presence of enteramine or of an enteramine-like substance in gastro-intestinal extracts of twoAscidiœ, Tethium plicatum andCiona ...

    V. Erspamer in Experientia (1946)

  7. No Access


    Istamina « condizionatore positivo » dell'azione purgativa di alcuni drastici

    By the aid of a synthetic antihistaminic drug (dimethylamino-ethyl-benzylaniline) the Authors succeeded in demonstrating that the purgative action of various drastic agents(Oleum Ricini, Elaterium, Colocynthis, G...

    V. Erspamer, A. Paolini in Experientia (1946)

  8. No Access


    Antibiotico attivo sui bacilli del tifo

    Les cultures d'unPenicillium, probablement identique àP. expansum, fournissent des filtrats dont l'action antibiotique sur le Bacille d'Eberth a été étudiée. La substance active, concentrée par extractions succes...

    A. di Marco in Experientia (1946)

  9. No Access


    Isolamento e differenziazione in popolazioni planctiche d'acqua dolce

    Edgardo Baldi in Experientia (1946)

  10. No Access


    Sulla struttura dei cromosomi diAscaris megalocephala Cl. con particolare riguardo all'attacco al fuso

    Die Untersuchung des Chromosomenzyklus während der Spermatogenese vonAscaris megalocephala bivalens Cl. ergab ein monozentrisches Verhalten der Chromosomen. Ein gut differenziertes Zentromer wird jedoch am Spinde...

    Claudio Barigozzi in Experientia (1947)

  11. No Access


    Comportamento del CO2 totale del tessuto muscolare in rapporto al CO2 totale del sangue

    Der CO2-Gehalt des gesamten Muskelgewebes ist (beim Kaninchen) dem CO2-Gehalt des Blutes proportional. Die Werte im Muskel und im Blut verhalten sich etwa wie 1:2. Der Fehler des respiratorischen Quotienten durch...

    V. Capraro, M. Pasargiklian in Experientia (1947)

  12. Article

    Il Centro Ricerche Geominerarie dell'I.R.I. (Napoli)

    Felice Ippolito in Experientia (1947)

  13. Article

    Istamina condizionatore positivo di alcuni drastici

    V. Erspamer, A. Paolini in Experientia (1947)

  14. No Access


    Sul meccanismo di azione della vaccinoterapia nella infezione tifoidea

    Having observed before that the blood serum of typhoid patients acquires under the stimulus of the vaccine an evident bacteriolytic action on the typhoid bacillus, we have studied variations brought about by t...

    F. Mulè in Experientia (1947)

  15. No Access


    Notizie preliminari sull'azione fitodinamica dell'acido difenililacetico sulla pianta del tabacco

    The application of diphenylilacetic acid has shown favorable effects on the growth of tobacco plants. Solutions containing 10 p.p.m. and 20 p.p.m. produce, in weight, an almost double growth in treated plants ...

    F. Bertossi, R. Ciferri in Experientia (1948)

  16. No Access


    Azione riducente dei raggi X su soluzioni di bleu di metilene

    Die Verfasser beweisen, daß Röntgenstrahlen eine wässerige, nicht aber eine alkoholische Methylenblaulösung reduzieren. Das spricht für die Theorie der indirekten Wirkung der ionisierenden Strahlung. Als ionis...

    E. Gallico, B. Camerino in Experientia (1948)

  17. No Access


    Sul meccanismo di azione della streptomicina

    A study was undertaken on the variations of the redox potential level produced by streptomycinin vitro andin vivo. We have been able to show that, owing to an oxidative effect, streptomycin produces an increase o...

    F. Mulè in Experientia (1948)

  18. No Access


    Lo sviluppo dei tumori da benzopirene nel ratto, studiato nella struttura dei nuclei cellulari

    Die Verfasser studieren an Quetschpräparaten die Kernstruktur in Benzopyrensarkomen der Ratte. Mit der Feulgenreaktion werden die Entwicklungsvorgänge der Geschwulstzellen analysiert und die Hauptphasen beschr...

    C. Barigozzi, U. Casabona in Experientia (1948)

  19. Article

    Microburetta di precisione senza rubinetti

    Es wird eine neue Präzisionsmikrobürette beschrieben, die es gestattet, Lösungen, die gegenüber Quecksilber indifferent sind, bis auf ungefähr 1/10 mm3 zu messen. Im Gegensatz zu den bisher üblichen Mikrobüretten...

    E. Sartori in Experientia (1948)

  20. No Access


    Osservazioni preliminari, chimiche e farmacologiche, sulla murexina

    (1) Murexine, a new choline derivative found in the hypobranchial body ofMurex trunculus, Murex brandaris, andTritonalia erinacea, was isolated as picrate, picrolonate, styphnate, flavianate, and reineckate. Some...

    V. Erspamer in Experientia (1948)

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