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  1. Article

    Open Access

    Ckip-1 3’UTR alleviates prolonged sleep deprivation induced cardiac dysfunction by activating CaMKK2/AMPK/cTNI pathway

    Sleep deprivation (SD) has emerged as a critical concern impacting human health, leading to significant damage to the cardiovascular system. However, the underlying mechanisms are still unclear, and the develo...

    Beilei Dong, Rui Xue, Jianwei Li, Shukuan Ling, Wenjuan **ng in Molecular Biomedicine (2024)

  2. Article

    Open Access

    RNA m6A methylation regulators in liver cancer

    Liver cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world and a primary cause of cancer-related death. In recent years, despite the great development of diagnostic methods and targeted therapies for liver ca...

    Qiao** Xu, Ning Ren, Lanqi Ren, Yibei Yang, Junjie Pan in Cancer Cell International (2024)

  3. Article

    Open Access

    Temporal-spatial Generation of Astrocytes in the Develo** Diencephalon

    Astrocytes are the largest glial population in the mammalian brain. However, we have a minimal understanding of astrocyte development, especially fate specification in different regions of the brain. Through l...

    Wentong Hong, Pifang Gong, **njie Pan, Zhonggan Ren, Yitong Liu in Neuroscience Bulletin (2024)

  4. No Access


    The diagnostic potential of a circRNA–miRNA network in non-small cell lung cancer

    Increasing studies demonstrate the significant contributions of circRNA-related competitive endogenous RNA (ceRNA) regulatory networks to tumorigenesis and cancer progression. Here, we aimed to construct a non...

    **nyi Ma, Chengtao Lou, Junjie Pan, Chengwei Zhou in Journal of Molecular Medicine (2023)

  5. No Access


    Emerging Regulatory Mechanisms of N6-Methyladenosine Modification in Cancer Metastasis

    Cancer metastasis is the major cause of cancer-related deaths and accounts for poor therapeutic outcomes. A metastatic cascade is a series of complicated biological processes. N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most...

    **g Zhao, Hao Xu, Yinghan Su, Junjie Pan, Sunzhe **e, Jianfeng Xu, Lunxiu Qin in Phenomics (2023)

  6. Article

    Open Access

    Characteristics of pre-metastatic niche: the landscape of molecular and cellular pathways

    Metastasis is a major contributor to cancer-associated deaths. It involves complex interactions between primary tumorigenic sites and future metastatic sites. Accumulation studies have revealed that tumour met...

    Hao Wang, Junjie Pan, Livnat Barsky, Jule Caroline Jacob in Molecular Biomedicine (2021)

  7. Article

    Open Access

    Conditional knockout of leptin receptor in neural stem cells leads to obesity in mice and affects neuronal differentiation in the hypothalamus early after birth

    Leptin, secreted by peripheral adipocytes, binds the leptin receptor (Lepr) in the hypothalamus, thereby contributing to the regulation of satiety and body weight. Lepr is expressed in the embryonic brain as e...

    Zhonggan Ren, Yitong Liu, Wentong Hong, **njie Pan, Pifang Gong in Molecular Brain (2020)

  8. No Access


    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Assay of Key Quality-Indicative Ingredients of Tongkang Tablets

    The objective of this paper is to develop an easy and fast near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) assay for the four key quality-indicative active ingredients of Tongkang tablets by comparing the true content of th...

    Wenjie Pan, **fang Ma, Xue **ao, Zhengwei Huang, Huanbin Zhou in AAPS PharmSciTech (2017)