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  1. No Access


    Masked image: Visually protected image dataset privacy-preserving scheme for convolutional neural networks

    With the widespread use of the internet and advancements in computing and data storage technologies, large amounts of data can be collected and analyzed to explore hidden knowledge and patterns in various area...

    **aoyu Kou, Fengwei Wang, Hui Zhu in Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (2024)

  2. No Access


    Understanding the demand predictability of bike share systems: A station-level analysis

    Predicting demand for bike share systems (BSSs) is critical for both the management of an existing BSS and the planning for a new BSS. While researchers have mainly focused on improving prediction accuracy and...

    Zhuoli Yin, Kendrick Hardaway, Yu Feng, Zhaoyu Kou in Frontiers of Engineering Management (2023)