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  1. Article

    Open Access

    A newly developed deep learning-based system for automatic detection and classification of small bowel lesions during double-balloon enteroscopy examination

    Double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) is a standard method for diagnosing and treating small bowel disease. However, DBE may yield false-negative results due to oversight or inexperience. We aim to develop a comput...

    Yijie Zhu, **aoguang Lyu, **ao Tao, Lianlian Wu, Anning Yin in BMC Gastroenterology (2024)

  2. Article

    Open Access

    Factors influencing risk perception and nosocomial infection prevention practices of frontline nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic

    During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, exploring factors influencing nosocomial infection among frontline nurses may provide evidence to optimize prevention strategies in hospitals.

    **aoguang Lyu, Jiming Hu, **n Xu, Yunyan **anyu, Weiguo Dong in BMC Nursing (2021)