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Showing 1-20 of 76 results
  1. Toxikologie für Einsteiger

    In diesem kurzen Lehrbuch werden grundlegende wissenschaftliche und klinische Aspekte der Toxikologie dargestellt und ihre wichtigsten Inhalte, Ziele...

    Holger Barth, Katharina Ernst, Panagiotis Papatheodorou
    Textbook 2022
  2. The Role of Toll-Like Receptor 4 in Infectious and Non Infectious Inflammation

    TLR4 is one of the most important innate immunity receptors, its function mainly consisting in the activation of inflammatory pathways in response to...

    Carlo Rossetti, Francesco Peri in Progress in Inflammation Research
    Book 2021
  3. Opioid Receptors Methods and Protocols

    This second edition presents an up-to-date chapters describing the most relevant and novel techniques employed to study the opioid receptors....

    Santi M. Spampinato in Methods in Molecular Biology
    Book 2021
  4. Arabidopsis BUPS-ANX Receptor Complex Coordinates with RALF Peptides to Regulate Pollen Tube Integrity and Sperm Release

    This book summarizes the latest studies on plant reproduction and multiple aspects of signaling in reproductive development. It also presents the...

    Zengxiang Ge in Springer Theses
    Book 2020
  5. Microbial Cyclic Di-Nucleotide Signaling

    This book explores the broad and diverse biological and physiological impacts of established and newly discovered cyclic di-nucleotide second...

    Shan-Ho Chou, Nicolas Guiliani, ... Ute Römling
    Book 2020
  6. Glioma Signaling

    Gliomas, develo** in the brain from the transformed glial cells, are a very special kind of tumor, extremely refractory to conventional treatments....

    Book 2020
  7. Bone Regulators and Osteoporosis Therapy

    This volume is designed to provide an understanding of current and potential therapies for osteoporosis. The opening chapter introduces the  cells of...

    Book 2020
  8. C-Type Lectins in Immune Homeostasis

    This book focuses on C-type lectin receptors, a newly emerging family of pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) and a crucial part of the human innate...

    Book 2020
  9. Calcium Signaling

    This volume contains a unique selection of chapters covering a wealth of contemporary topics in this ubiquitous and diverse system of cell signaling....
    Book 2020
  10. Beta-Arrestins Methods and Protocols

    This volume looks at various approaches to study the pleiotropic roles of b-arrestins (b-arrs) in the control of signal transduction, and the...

    Mark G. H. Scott, Stéphane A. Laporte in Methods in Molecular Biology
    Book 2019
  11. Prostate Cancer Cellular and Genetic Mechanisms of Disease Development and Progression

    The purpose of this book is to provide a contemporary overview of the causes and consequences of prostate cancer from a cellular and genetic...

    Scott M. Dehm, Donald J. Tindall in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
    Book 2019
  12. Structural Immunology

    This book presents a comprehensive overview of important immune molecules and their structure-function relationships. The immune system is highly...

    Book 2019
  13. Lipid-Activated Nuclear Receptors Methods and Protocols

    This book covers a wide range of state-of-the-art methodologies and detailed protocols currently used to study the actions that lipid-activated...
    Matthew C. Gage, Inés Pineda-Torra in Methods in Molecular Biology
    Book 2019
  14. Phytochemistry: An in-silico and in-vitro Update Advances in Phytochemical Research

    Phytochemistry is the branch of science that deals with the study of plant-derived chemicals or compounds, which are also known as phytochemicals or...

    Shashank Kumar, Chukwuebuka Egbuna
    Book 2019
  15. Role of Tyrosine Kinases in Gastrointestinal Malignancies

    The aim of this book is to provide comprehensive overview of the role of different tyrosine kinases in the progression and metastasis of various...

    Ganji Purnachandra Nagaraju
    Book 2018
  16. Metabotropic GPCRs: TGR5 and P2Y Receptors in Health and Diseases

    This book will provide current understandings about two ubiquitously expressed metabotropic GPCRs, G-coupled purinoreceptor type 2 (P2Y) and Takeda...

    Senthilkumar Rajagopal, Murugavel Ponnusamy
    Book 2018
  17. Molecular Mechanisms of Notch Signaling

    This book describes the Notch signaling pathway with a focus on molecular mechanisms. The Notch signaling pathway is a seemingly simple pathway that...

    Tilman Borggrefe, Benedetto Daniele Giaimo in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
    Book 2018
  18. Textbook of Membrane Biology

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the basic principles, concepts, techniques and latest advances in the field of biomembranes and...
    Rashmi Wardhan, Padmshree Mudgal
    Textbook 2017
  19. Biochemical Basis and Therapeutic Implications of Angiogenesis

    This book covers the latest developments in the therapeutic implications of angiogenesis, ranging from angiogenesis in the brain, angiogenesis in...

    Jawahar L. Mehta, Pankaj Mathur, Naranjan S. Dhalla in Advances in Biochemistry in Health and Disease
    Book 2017
  20. Alzheimer’s Disease II

    Medicinal chemistry is both science and art. The science of medicinal chemistry offers mankind one of its best hopes for improving the quality of...

    Michael S. Wolfe in Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
    Book 2017
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