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Search Results

Showing 1-20 of 685 results
  1. Continuous Parameter Markov Processes and Stochastic Differential Equations

    This graduate text presents the elegant and profound theory of continuous parameter Markov processes and many of its applications.  The authors focus...

    Rabi Bhattacharya, Edward C. Waymire
    Textbook 2023
  2. Ökonomische Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft Von der Main Street zur Wall Street

    Dieses Buch vermittelt dem Leser die wesentlichen Konzepte der Finanzwirtschaft für eine integrierte Betrachtung des Finanzsystems und der...

    Thorsten Hens, Sabine Elmiger
    Textbook 2023
  3. Marktrisiken Portfoliotheorie und Risikomaße

    In diesem Buch werden Konzepte zur Quantifizierung von Marktrisiken dargestellt. Im Rahmen der im ersten Kapitel vorgestellten Portfoliotheorie...

    Jürgen Kremer
    Textbook 2023
  4. Preise in Finanzmärkten Replikation und verallgemeinerte Diskontierung

    Im Buch wird die Replikationsstrategie zur Bewertung zustandsabhängiger Zahlungsströme dargestellt, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf zeitdiskrete Modelle...

    Jürgen Kremer
    Textbook 2023
  5. Analytical Corporate Finance

    This book draws readers’ attention to the financial aspects of daily life at a corporation by combining a robust mathematical setting and the...

    Textbook 2023
  6. Schadenversicherungsmathematik

    Das vorliegende Buch gibt einen Überblick über die Grundlagen der Schadenversicherungsmathematik. Es behandelt in vier Teilen die Gebiete...

    Heinz-Willi Goelden, Klaus Th. Hess, ... Klaus J. Schröter
    Textbook 2023
  7. Quantitative Corporate Finance

    This textbook presents a comprehensive treatment of the legal arrangement of the corporation, the instruments and institutions through which capital...
    John B. Guerard Jr., Anureet Saxena, Mustafa N. Gültekin
    Textbook 2022
  8. Valuation and Volatility Stakeholder's Perspective

    This textbook provides a first-hand account of impact of volatility on valuations. It focuses on valuation of the investment with fair, practical and...
    Dinabandhu Bag
    Textbook 2022
  9. Computation of Greeks Using the Discrete Malliavin Calculus and Binomial Tree

    This book presents new computation schemes for the sensitivity of options using the binomial tree and introduces readers to the discrete Malliavin...

    Yoshifumi Muroi in SpringerBriefs in Statistics
    Book 2022
  10. Quantitative Corporate Finance

    This textbook presents a comprehensive treatment of the legal arrangement of the corporation, the instruments and institutions through which capital...
    John B. Guerard, Anureet Saxena, Mustafa Gultekin
    Textbook 2021
  11. Mining Taxation Reconciling the Interests of Government and Industry

    This book examines existing mineral fiscal policies covering income taxation, royalties, free carried and participative (community and government)...
    Eric Lilford, Pietro Guj in Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences
    Book 2021
  12. Analyzing Financial Data and Implementing Financial Models Using R

    This advanced undergraduate/graduate textbook teaches students in finance and economics how to use R to analyse financial data and implement...

    Textbook 2021
  13. Recent Econometric Techniques for Macroeconomic and Financial Data

    The book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest econometric methods for studying the dynamics of macroeconomic and financial time series. It...

    Gilles Dufrénot, Takashi Matsuki in Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance
    Book 2021
  14. From Shortest Paths to Reinforcement Learning A MATLAB-Based Tutorial on Dynamic Programming

    Dynamic programming (DP) has a relevant history as a powerful and flexible optimization principle, but has a bad reputation as a computationally...
    Textbook 2021
  15. Risk Management for Pension Funds A Continuous Time Approach with Applications in R

    This book presents a consistent and complete framework for studying the risk management of a pension fund. It gives the reader the opportunity to...

    Textbook 2021
  16. Quantitative Portfolio Management with Applications in Python

    This self-contained book presents the main techniques of quantitative portfolio management and associated statistical methods in a very didactic and...

    Book 2020
  17. Quantitative Investing From Theory to Industry

    This book provides readers with a systematic approach to quantitative investments and bridges the gap between theory and practice, equip** students...

    Lingjie Ma
    Textbook 2020
  18. Time Series in Economics and Finance

    This book presents the principles and methods for the practical analysis and prediction of economic and financial time series. It covers...

    Tomas Cipra
    Textbook 2020
  19. Fixed Income Analytics Bonds in High and Low Interest Rate Environments

    This book analyses and discusses bonds and bond portfolios. Different yields and duration measures are investigated for negative and positive...

    Wolfgang Marty
    Textbook 2020
  20. Bank Management and Control Strategy, Pricing, Capital and Risk Management

    This book discusses risk management, product pricing, capital management and Return on Equity comprehensively and seamlessly. Strategic planning,...
    Johannes Wernz in Management for Professionals
    Book 2020