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Search Results

Showing 1-20 of 773 results
  1. Vision and Art with Two Eyes

    This book celebrates binocular vision by presenting illustrations that require two eyes to see the effects of cooperation and competition between...

    Book 2023
  2. Math for Scientists Refreshing the Essentials

    This book reviews math topics relevant to non-mathematics students and scientists, but which they may not have seen or studied for a while. These...

    Natasha Maurits, Branislava Ćurčić-Blake
    Book 2023
  3. Imagine Math 8 Dreaming Venice

    This eighth volume of Imagine Mathis different from all the previous ones. The reason is very clear: in the last two years, the world changed, and...

    Michele Emmer, Marco Abate
    Book 2022
  4. Expansionsgeschichte des Universums Vom heißen Urknall zum kalten Kosmos

    Dieses Buch erzählt die Entwicklung des Universums aus physikalischer Sicht: es nimmt Leserinnen und Leser mit auf eine Reise vom Beginn des...

    Helmut Hetznecker in Astrophysik aktuell
    Book 2022
  5. Staying on Top in Academia A Primer for (Self-)Mentoring Young Researchers in Natural and Life Sciences

    The pace of change in academia is ever increasing, which makes it difficult for anyone to stay up to date with what may be the right long-term...
    Arne Pommerening
    Book 2021
  6. Finding Your Research Voice Story Telling and Theatre Skills for Bringing Your Presentation to Life

    Learning to tell a compelling research story can have a significant impact on your career. It can make you stand out at professional conferences, on...

    Itai Cohen, Melanie Dreyer-Lude
    Book 2019
  7. Biodiesel: Feedstocks, Technologies, Economics and Barriers Assessment of Environmental Impact in Producing and Using Chains

    Air pollution policy is closely connected with climate change, public health, energy, transport, trade, and agriculture, and generally speaking, the...

    Armen B. Avagyan, Bhaskar Singh
    Book 2019
  8. Optimiertes Babymanagement Den Elternalltag mit betriebswirtschaftlichen Methoden perfektionieren

    Eines Tages ist es so weit: Der Nachwuchs steht ins Haus und damit eine Reihe von Planungsproblemen. Ein sozialverträglicher Name und ein Kinderwagen...

    Marko Sarstedt
    Book 2018
  9. The Craft of Scientific Writing

    The Craft of Scientific Writingis designed to help scientists and engineers - both professionals already active in the disciplines as well as...

    Michael Alley
    Book 2018
  10. The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science

    A concise yet wide-ranging account of all aspects of the Scientific Revolution from astronomy to zoology. The fourth edition has been thoroughly...
    Book 2017
  11. Math for Scientists Refreshing the Essentials

    This book reviews math topics relevant to non-mathematics students and scientists, but which they may not have seen or studied for a while. These...

    Natasha Maurits, Branislava Ćurčić-Blake
    Book 2017
  12. Bridging the Communication Gap in Science and Technology Lessons from India

    This first-of-a-kind volume provides a snapshot of existing science communication policy and practice in India across different S&T sectors, and...

    Pallava Bagla, V. V. Binoy
    Book 2017
  13. Engineering Women: Re-visioning Women's Scientific Achievements and Impacts

    Packed with fascinating biographical sketches of female engineers, this chronological history of engineering brightens previously shadowy corners of...
    Book 2017
  14. The Space Shuttle Program Technologies and Accomplishments

    This book tells the story of the Space Shuttle in its many different roles as orbital launch platform, orbital workshop, and science and technology...
    Davide Sivolella in Springer Praxis Books
    Book 2017
  15. The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science

    A concise yet wide-ranging account of all aspects of the Scientific Revolution from astronomy to zoology. The fourth edition has been thoroughly...
    Book 2017
  16. Antisemitism and Islamophobia in Europe A Shared Story?

    This is the first book to examine the relationship between European antisemitism and Islamophobia from the Crusades until the twenty-first century...
    James Renton, Ben Gidley
    Book 2017
  17. The Realization of Star Trek Technologies The Science, Not Fiction, Behind Brain Implants, Plasma Shields, Quantum Computing, and More

    As Star Trek celebrates its 50th anniversary, the futuristic tools of Kirk, Spock, Scott, and McCoy continue to come to life. This book merges Star...

    Mark E. Lasbury
    Book 2017
  18. Behind the Wireless A History of Early Women at the BBC

    Behind the Wirelesstells the story of women at the BBC in the 1920s and 30s. Broadcasting was brand new in Britain and the BBC developed without...

    Kate Murphy
    Book 2016
  19. Big Science Transformed Science, Politics and Organization in Europe and the United States

    This book analyses the emergence of a transformed Big Science in Europe and the United States, using both historical and sociological perspectives....
    Olof Hallonsten
    Book 2016