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Search Results

Showing 1-20 of 478 results
  1. Contradictory Muslims in the Literature of Medieval Iberian Christians

    This book argues that literary and historiographical works written by Iberian Christians between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries promoted...
    Marcelo E. Fuentes in The New Middle Ages
    Book 2024
  2. 500 Years of Christianity and the Global Filipino/a Postcolonial Perspectives

    The year 2021 marked the five-hundredth anniversary of Christianity in the Philippines. With over 90% of the Filipin@s (Filipino/as) in the country...
    Cristina Lledo Gomez, Agnes M. Brazal, Ma. Marilou S. Ibita in Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue
    Book 2024
  3. A History of Pew Renting in the Church of England

    This book is a comprehensive study of the history of pew-renting in the church of England, from the first known rented sittings in the fifteenth...

    J.C. Bennett
    Book 2024
  4. Israel/Palestine in World Religions Whose Promised Land?

    The struggle over Israel/Palestine is not just another contest by competing nationalisms or an instance of geopolitical competition. It is also about...

    S. Ilan Troen
    Textbook 2024
  5. The Palgrave Handbook of Christianity in Africa from Apostolic Times to the Present

    This comprehensive Handbook provides chapter length surveys of the history of Christian missions and Christian churches on the African continent...

    Andrew Eugene Barnes, Toyin Falola
    Book 2024
  6. Crusading Against Christians in the Middle Ages

    This is the first book-length study into crusading against Christians, examining this complex phenomenon from the twelfth to fifteenth centuries and...

    Mike Carr, Nikolaos G. Chrissis, Gianluca Raccagni
    Book 2024
  7. Cotton Mather, Jonathan Edwards, and the Quest for Evangelical Enlightenment Scripture and Experimental Religion

    This book explores the early evangelical quest for enlightenment by the Spirit and the Word. While the pursuit originated in the Protestant...

    Book 2023
  8. Religion and the Science of Human Nature in the Scottish Enlightenment

    This book examines how enlightened Scottish social theorists c.1740 to c.1800 understood the origin and development of religion. Challenging...

    R.J.W. Mills
    Book 2023
  9. The Palgrave Handbook of Religion and State Volume I Theoretical Perspectives

    The Palgrave Handbook of Religion and State Volume I: Theoretical Perspectivedeals with the relationship between Religion and its long history that...
    Shannon Holzer
    Book 2023
  10. Mass Conversions to Christianity and Islam, 800–1100

    This book explores the widespread mass conversions to Christianity and Islam that took place in Europe and Asia in the ninth to eleventh centuries....
    Tsvetelin Stepanov, Osman Karatay
    Book 2023
  11. Women, Theology and Evangelical Children’s Literature, 1780-1900

    This book provides a wealth of fascinating information about many significant and lesser-known nineteenth-century Christian authors, mostly women,...

    Irene Euphemia Smale
    Book 2023
  12. Missionaries in the Golden Age of Hollywood Race, Gender, and Spirituality on the Big Screen

    This book examines major British and American missionary films during the Golden Age of Hollywood to explore the significance of race, gender, and...

    Book 2023
  13. Tracing the Shadow of Secrecy and Government Transparency in Eighteenth-Century France

    This book traces changing attitudes towards secrecy in eighteenth-century France, and explores the cultural origins of ideas surrounding government...
    Nicole Bauer
    Book 2023
  14. Redundancy, Community and Heritage in the Modern Church of England, 1945–2000 Closing the Church Door

    This book is a reappraisal of Anglican Church redundancy from a cultural perspective. It challenges long-held perceptions about the rationale for...
    Denise Bonnette
    Book 2023
  15. Islam in German East Africa, 1885–1918 A Genealogy of Colonial Religion

    In this rich and multi-layered deconstruction of German colonial engagement with Islam, Jörg Haustein shows how imperial agents in Germany’s largest...

    Book 2023
  16. Spiritualität kontrovers

    Das Buch versucht einen fairen Blick auf Spiritualität und Spirituelles aus Sicht der Physik und der modernen Geistesauffassung. So vieles soll...

    Walter Hehl
    Book 2023
  17. Geschichte des Rechts der Sharīʿa Eine Einführung

    Mit der Geschichte des Rechts der Sharī῾a von Fikret Karčić liegt eine erste innerislamische Gesamtdarstellung der islamischen Rechtsgeschichte...
    Fikret Karčić, Jörg Imran Schröter, ... Mathias Rohe
    Textbook 2023
  18. Translationshistoriographie Perspektiven und Methoden

    Die Translationswissenschaft hat bislang noch nicht zu einem systematischen Umgang mit der Geschichte des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens gefunden....
    Book 2023
  19. Österreichische Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer im Exil

    Über österreichische Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer im Exil ist wenig bekannt. Gleiches gilt für die Geschichten und Schicksale, die sich hinter...
    Stefanie Kremmel, Julia Richter, ... Tomasz Rozmysłowicz in Transkulturalität – Translation – Transfer
    Book 2023
  20. Logistik an den Grenzen des Weltreiches Die Versorgung der limitanei in der Provinz Raetia secunda

    Logistik ist das A und O. Das gilt insbesondere für ein Weltreich wie das der Römer. Die Versorgung des Heeres war bereits zur Blütezeit des...
    Florian Haas in Region im Umbruch
    Book 2023