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Search Results

Showing 1-20 of 65 results
  1. Von den Molukken zu Molekülen Wie Naturstoffe Geschichte schreiben

    Naturstoffe sind ein Wunderwerk der Evolution. Pflanzen sind chemische Fabriken und haben mit ihren außergewöhnlichen Eigenschaften eine riesige...
    Oliver Kayser
    Book 2024
  2. A Brief History of the Metric System From Revolutionary France to the Constant-Based SI

    This book succinctly traces the history of the metric system from early modern proposals of decimal measures, to the birth of the system in...

    Book 2023
  3. The Kjeldahl Method: 140 Years

    This book provides a comprehensive survey of the Kjeldahl method and its modifications. It covers all relevant topics, including sample digestion and...

    Jaime Aguirre
    Book 2023
  4. Early Nineteenth Century Chemistry and the Analysis of Urinary Stones

    This book tells the story of how chemists, physicians, and surgeons attempted to end the problem of urinary stones. From the late eighteenth to the...

    Book 2023
  5. The Medicinal Chemistry of Glucocorticoid Receptor Modulators

    This book covers the design and development of glucocorticoid receptor modulators (GRM) from cortisol to antibody-drug conjugate payloads over the...
    Book 2023
  6. Lavoisier System der antiphlogistischen Chemie

    Schon bald nach dem Erscheinen von Lavoisiers Hauptwerk Traité élémentaire de chimie im Jahre 1789 sprach man von einer Chemischen Revolution, und...
    Jan Frercks, Jürgen Jost, Friedrich Steinle in Klassische Texte der Wissenschaft
    Book 2023
  7. Emil Fischer’s ‘’From My Life’’ English Translation of ‘’Aus Meinem Leben’’

    This book is a translation of Emil Fischer’s autobiography published in 1922 by Verlag von Julius Springer, Berlin, Germany. It is the first...

    David M. Behrman, Edward J. Behrman in Springer Biographies
    Book 2022
  8. The Evolution of Chemical Knowledge A Formal Setting for its Analysis

    Chemistry shapes and creates the disposition of the world's resources and provides novel substances for the welfare and hazard of our civilisation at...

    Book 2022
  9. A Non-Traditional Guide to Physical Chemistry Insights using Hydrogen

    This book introduces in a non-traditional way the laws of physical chemistry and its history starting in the 16th century. It reveals to the reader...
    Robert Schiller
    Book 2022
  10. Lothar Meyer Modern Theories and Pathways to Periodicity

    This book provides an English translation of the early fundamental contributions of Lothar Meyer (1830-1895) regarding his independent discovery,...

    Gisela Boeck, Alan J. Rocke in Classic Texts in the Sciences
    Book 2022
  11. Lothar Meyer Moderne Theorien und Wege zum Periodensystem

    ​Dieser Band stellt die grundlegenden Beiträge von Lothar Meyer im Zusammenhang mit seiner Entdeckung des Periodensystems vor, die zwar fast...
    Gisela Boeck, Alan J. Rocke in Klassische Texte der Wissenschaft
    Book 2022
  12. Eine kleine Geschichte der Biotechnologie Von Bier und Wein zu Penicillin, Insulin und RNA-Impfstoffen

    Dieses Buch beschreibt die faszinierende Geschichte der Biotechnologie von der Fermentation von Bier und Wein, Brot und Käse, über die Produktion von...

    Klaus Buchholz, John Collins
    Book 2022
  13. The Avogadro Constant Origin of a Natural Constant

    In May 2019, the new SI definitions for amps, kilograms, kelvins and moles came into force. For the mole, the SI unit of the amount of substance, the...

    Torsten Schmiermund in essentials
    Book 2022
  14. Porcelain Analysis and Its Role in the Forensic Attribution of Ceramic Specimens

    The material for this book arose from the author’s research into porcelains over many years, as a collector in appreciation of their artistic beauty...
    Howell G. M. Edwards in Cultural Heritage Science
    Book 2022
  15. Pioneers of the London School of Medicine for Women (1874-1947) Their Contributions and Interwoven Lives

    This book presents the pioneering role of the women chemists at the London School of Medicine for Women (LSMW). The account is placed within the...
    Marelene Rayner-Canham, Geoff Rayner-Canham in Perspectives on the History of Chemistry
    Book 2022
  16. Chemical and Petroleum Industries at Newtown Creek History and Technology

    This book constructs a history of Newtown Creek’s industrial expansion during the period that began in the 1840s and continued through the early...

    Book 2022
  17. The discovery of the periodic table of the chemical elements A short journey from the beginnings until today

    150 years ago, in 1869, D. I. Mendeleev and L. Meyer independently published their ideas on the arrangement of the chemical elements in a periodic...

    Torsten Schmiermund in essentials
    Book 2022
  18. A Life and Career in Chemistry Autobiography from the 1960s to the 1990s

    This book is an enthusiastic account of Pierre Laszlo’s life and pioneering work on catalysis of organic reactions by modified clays, and his...

    Pierre Laszlo
    Book 2021
  19. 150 Years of the Periodic Table A Commemorative Symposium

    This book provides an overview of the origins and evolution of the periodic system from its prehistory to the latest synthetic elements and possible...

    Carmen J. Giunta, Vera V. Mainz, Gregory S. Girolami in Perspectives on the History of Chemistry
    Book 2021
  20. Justus von Liebig Die organische Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Agricultur und Physiologie

    Bereits mit 21 Jahren erhielt Justus Liebig (1803-1873) auf Vorschlag Alexander von Humboldts, den er in Paris durch Gay-Lussac kennengelernt hatte,...

    Book 2021