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Search Results

Showing 1-20 of 66 results
  1. Buddhist Public Advocacy and Activism in Thailand A Rhetoric of Dignity and Duty

    This book studies Buddhist public advocacy and activism in Thailand—a movement often broadly called socially engaged Buddhism—from the perspective of...

    Craig M. Pinkerton
    Book 2024
  2. The Theory of the Four Stages of Liberation in Pāli Literature

    This book investigates the origins and development of the theory of four stages of liberation in Pāli literature. This theory is an important...

    Amrita Nanda
    Book 2024
  3. Führen mit Herz Mit dem edlen achtfachen Pfad achtsamer und nachhaltiger werden

    Dieses aufschlussreiche und inspirierende Buch zeigt sowohl erfahrenen als auch angehenden Führungskräften, wie sie sich buddhistische Philosophien...

    Joan Marques
    Book 2023
  4. A Brief History of the Relationship Between Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism

    Chinese traditions of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism have a profoundly philosophical dimension. The three traditions are frequently referred to...

    Zhongjian Mou, Mei Yang, Peng Tian
    Book 2023
  5. Buddhismus und Psychotherapie Impulse aus der frühen buddhistischen Lehre für die psychotherapeutische Behandlung

    Dieses Buch untersucht, wie man den Buddhismus in der Psychotherapie einsetzen kann und wie der Buddhismus selbst als eine Form der Psychotherapie...

    Hyunsoo Jeon
    Book 2023
  6. Granularity: An Ontological Inquiry Into Justice and Holistic Education

    This book presents an original exploration of philosophical questions pertaining to the ways we grasp the Absolute by bringing together the Buddhist...

    Şevket Benhür Oral
    Book 2023
  7. Dōgen’s texts Manifesting Religion and/as Philosophy?

    This book addresses the question of how to properly handle Dōgen’s texts, a core issue that became critical during the Meiji period in which the...
    Book 2023
  8. The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra A Philosophical Exposition

    The Lotus Sūtra is one of the most important sūtras in Mahāyāna Buddhism. Translated by Kumārajīva in the 5thcentury, its teachings have inspired...

    Tony See
    Book 2023
  9. An Introduction to Early Buddhist Soteriology Freedom of Mind and Freedom by Wisdom

    The book offers a comprehensive discussion on the Buddhist liberation and meditation concepts based on the original Pāli scriptures of Theravāda...

    G. A. Somaratne
    Book 2022
  10. Adaptionen des tibetischen Buddhismus Rekonstruktion der Erfahrungen von Diamantweg- und Rigpa-Praktizierenden

    Während hierzulande die Kirchen immer geringeren Zuspruch erhalten, steigt das Interesse am Buddhismus. Darin drückt sich ein fortbestehendes...

    Ulrike Selma Ofner
    Book 2022
  11. Buddhist Ethics for Laypeople From Early Buddhism to Mahayana Buddhism

    This book comprehensively discusses the topics in Buddhism that are crucial for promoting lay people’s welfare—from mundane bliss in this life, i.e.,...
    Tien-Feng Lee in The Humanities in Asia
    Book 2022
  12. A Buddhist Theory of Killing A Philosophical Exposition

    This book provides a philosophical account of the normative status of killing in Buddhism. Its argument theorises on relevant Buddhist philosophical...
    Martin Kovan
    Book 2022
  13. The Theory and Practice of Zen Buddhism A Festschrift in Honor of Steven Heine

    This book brings together an impressive group of scholars to critically engage with a wide-ranging and broad perspective on the historical and...
    Charles S. Prebish, On-cho Ng
    Book 2022
  14. Religion and China's Welfare Regimes Buddhist Philanthropy and the State

    This book presents the welfare regime of China as a liminal space where religious and state authorities struggle for legitimacy as new social forces...
    Book 2022
  15. Buddhist Psychotherapy Wisdom from Early Buddhist Teaching

    This book explores how to utilize Buddhism in psychotherapy and how Buddhism itself acts as a form of psychotherapy, using Buddhism practices as a...

    Hyunsoo Jeon
    Book 2021
  16. Gautama Buddha Education for Wisdom

    This book examines some of the key elements of Buddhist education theory, in particular about educating for wisdom, the ultimate goal of Buddhist...

    Zane M. Diamond
    Book 2021
  17. The Buddha’s Teaching A Buddhistic Analysis

    This book approaches the Dhamma, the Buddha’s teaching, from a Buddhistic perspective, viewing various individual teachings presented in hundreds of...

    G. A. Somaratne
    Book 2021
  18. Map** the Buddhist Path to Liberation Diversity and Consistency Based on the Pāli Nikāyas and the Chinese Āgamas

    Due to the diversity in Buddhism, its essence remains a puzzle. This book investigates the Buddhist path to liberation from a practical and critical...
    Jianxun Shi in The Humanities in Asia
    Book 2021
  19. Buddhism and Human Flourishing A Modern Western Perspective

    The Buddha and Aristotle offer competing visions of the best possible life to which human beings can aspire. In this volume, Seth Zuihō Segall...

    Seth Zuihō Segall
    Book 2020
  20. Buddhist-Christian Dialogue, U.S. Law, and Womanist Theology for Transgender Spiritual Care

    This book, written with hospital spiritual care providers in mind, investigates how to expand the field and scope of compassion within the hospital...
    Pamela Ayo Yetunde
    Book 2020