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  1. Article

    Correction to: Inverse spectral theory for semiclassical Jaynes–Cummings systems

    We explain why Theorem B in the original article does not follow from the main result of this paper (Theorem A). While we conjecture that Theorem B should nevertheless be true, in this erratum we prove a sligh...

    Yohann Le Floch, Álvaro Pelayo, San Vũ Ngọc in Mathematische Annalen (2019)

  2. No Access


    Symplectic Geometry and Spectral Properties of Classical and Quantum Coupled Angular Momenta

    We give a detailed study of the symplectic geometry of a family of integrable systems obtained by coupling two angular momenta in a non-trivial way. These systems depend on a parameter

    Yohann Le Floch, Álvaro Pelayo in Journal of Nonlinear Science (2019)

  3. No Access


  4. No Access


    Schwartz Kernels

    In this section we give a quick review of the notion of section distributions and Schwartz kernels of operators acting on spaces of sections of vector bundles. A good reference for this material is the classic...

    Yohann Le Floch in A Brief Introduction to Berezin–Toeplitz O… (2018)

  5. No Access



    Berezin–Toeplitz operators appear in the study of the semiclassical limit of the quantisation of compact symplectic manifolds. They were introduced by Berezin [5], their microlocal analysis was initiated by Bo...

    Yohann Le Floch in A Brief Introduction to Berezin–Toeplitz O… (2018)

  6. No Access


    Berezin–Toeplitz Operators

    As before, let \((M, \omega )\) ( M , ω ) be a prequantizable, compact, connected , let \(L \rightarrow M\) L → M be a prequantum line , and let \(\mathcal {H}_k\) H k be the as...

    Yohann Le Floch in A Brief Introduction to Berezin–Toeplitz O… (2018)

  7. No Access


    A Short Introduction to Kähler Manifolds

    In this chapter, we recall some general facts about complex and Kähler manifolds. It is not an exhaustive list of such facts, but rather an introduction of objects and properties that we will need in the rest ...

    Yohann Le Floch in A Brief Introduction to Berezin–Toeplitz O… (2018)

  8. No Access


    Geometric Quantisation of Compact Kähler Manifolds

    Let \((M, \omega )\) ( M , ω ) be a compact, connected, . The aim of this chapter is to construct a Hilbert space (or rather a family of Hilbert spaces) which will serve as the state space of quantum ...

    Yohann Le Floch in A Brief Introduction to Berezin–Toeplitz O… (2018)

  9. No Access


    Proof of Product and Commutator Estimates

    The aim of this chapter is to prove Theorems 5.2.2 and 5.2.3.

    Yohann Le Floch in A Brief Introduction to Berezin–Toeplitz O… (2018)

  10. No Access


    Complex Line Bundles with Connections

    Let us now recall some facts about complex line bundles. A certain number of definitions and properties could be stated for general vector bundles, but we prefer to focus on the one-dimensional case, since thi...

    Yohann Le Floch in A Brief Introduction to Berezin–Toeplitz O… (2018)

  11. No Access


    Asymptotics of the Projector \(\varPi _k\)

    The goal of this chapter is to describe the asymptotic properties of the Schwartz kernel of the Szegő projector $$\varPi _k:L^2(M, L^k) \right...

    Yohann Le Floch in A Brief Introduction to Berezin–Toeplitz O… (2018)

  12. No Access


    Coherent States and Norm Correspondence

    Finally, we prove the lower bound for the operator norm of a Berezin–Toeplitz . In order to do so, we use the so-called coherent states.

    Yohann Le Floch in A Brief Introduction to Berezin–Toeplitz O… (2018)

  13. No Access


    Inverse spectral theory for semiclassical Jaynes–Cummings systems

    Quantum semitoric systems form a large class of quantum Hamiltonian integrable systems with circular symmetry which has received great attention in the past decade. They include systems of high interest to phy...

    Yohann Le Floch, Álvaro Pelayo, San Vũ Ngọc in Mathematische Annalen (2016)