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  1. No Access


    La posizione occupata dalla fosforilcolina, citidindifosfatocolina, α-glicerilfosforilcolina e da altri corpi analoghi nel ciclo metabolico di alcuni fosfatidi encefalici

    The rate of turnover of individual P-compounds, related to the metabolic cycle of some phosphatides, was followedin vivo in the brain of rats a few days old after32P administration. The phosphorylcholine is the p...

    N. Miani, G. Bucciante in Experientia (1958)

  2. Article

    Primi rilievi sulla presenza di corpi di Heinz durante la crisi emolitica da favismo

    Die Verfasser haben Spontaninnenkörper bei 14 von 17 daraufhin untersuchten, an Fabismus leidenden Kindern während des Anfalles gefunden, und zwar innerhalb der ersten 36 hpost ingestionem der Bohnen in 70–20% de...

    F. Panizon, G. Pujatti in Experientia (1958)

  3. No Access


    Identificazione cromatografica della fosforilcolina,-etanolamina, -serina, dellaα-glicerilfosforil-colina,-etanolamina e della citidindifosfatocolina nell'encefalo di ratti in accrescimento

    A method is described whereby the phosphoryl-choline,-ethanolamine, -serine, thel-α-glycerylphosphoryl-choline,-ethanolamine, the phosphatidyl-choline,-ethanolamine, -serine and also the cytidinediphosphatecholin...

    N. Miani in Experientia (1958)

  4. No Access


    Nuovo tampone volatile da impiegarsi in cromatografia ed elettroforesi

    A volatile ethilendiamine-acetate buffer is described which is capable of kee** the pH unaltered during volatilization. The advantages of this buffer in electrophoretic and chromatographic procedures, in com...

    P. Fasella, C. Baglioni, C. Turano in Experientia (1957)

  5. No Access


    Il sistema enzimatico ossidasico degli acidi grassi nel fegato di ratti diabetici per allossana

    Les auteurs ont étudié dans le foie du rat diabétique par alloxane, l'activité du système enzymateux qui a la propriété d'oxyder les acides gras. Les résultats expérimentaux obtenus ont démontré qu'il n'y a au...

    F. Rossi, C. R. Rossi, C. S. Rossi in Experientia (1957)

  6. Article

    Il ricambio respiratorio ed il metabolismo dell'acido acetacetico nel fegato di ratti diabetici per allossana

    Dans le foie du rat diabétique par alloxane mais sans cétose, il y a une diminution de Q.R. sans aucune variation de la consommation d'O2 et de la production d'acide acétacétique, tandis que dans le foie du rat d...

    F. Rossi, C. R. Rossi, C. S. Rossi in Experientia (1957)

  7. No Access


    Le transaminasi negli stati di deficienza di cocarbossilasi

    Pyruvic and α-ketoglutaric acid transaminase is increased in α-ketoacidosis caused in guinea pigs and rats by cocarboxylase deficiency (avitaminosis C, alloxan diabetes). Fructose administration not only norma...

    E. Barbieri in Experientia (1957)

  8. No Access


    Ricerche fisiologiche sulla distribuzione periferica del nervo depressore aortico destro nel cane

    The periferal distribution of the right aortic nerve has been studied in physiological experiments on the dog. It has been found that after section of both Hering's nerves and left vago-depressor trunk and aft...

    O. Pinotti, F. Bruno in Experientia (1957)

  9. No Access


    Su un criterio di valutazione dell'attività di un farmaco antitubercolare nella cavia infettata con carica massiva

    It is reported that the data of index of tuberculous process obtained after 70 days of massive infection (with 1 mg bacilli) and immediately treated with antitubercular drug, are similar to the data observed i...

    C. Bazzicalupo, A. Portella in Experientia (1957)

  10. No Access


    Diabete da allossana

    Liver tissue of rats made diabetic by alloxan treatment show no variation in the production rate of acyl-CoA. The authors suggest that, in animals poisoned with alloxan, increased fatty acid oxidation occurs b...

    C. R. Rossi, C. S. Rossi, F. Rossi in Experientia (1956)

  11. No Access


    Sullo sviluppo delle uova diPhallusia mamillata in condizioni di anaerobiosi

    The development ofPhallusia mamillata in anaerobic conditions has been the subject of these studies. The anomalies of the larvae are caused by the muscular system of the tail. The results are explained on the gro...

    M. de Vincentiis in Experientia (1956)

  12. No Access


    Diabete da allossana

    Insulin deficiency induced by alloxan treatment reduces cocarboxylase activity in the liver of rat. Such enzymatic activity, however, is brought back to the normal speed by fructose injection. It is suggested ...

    C. R. Rossi, F. Rossi, C. S. Rossi in Experientia (1956)

  13. No Access


    Il tenore di acido desossiribonucleico negli eritrociti diAnas Platyrhynchos, Cairina moschata e dei loro ibridi diretti e reciproci

    The desoxyribonucleic acid content in nuclei of erytrocytes inAnas platyrhynchos, Cairina moschata and their direct and reciprocal hybrids is studied by the quantitative method. A significant difference was found...

    G. Gerzeli in Experientia (1956)

  14. No Access


    L'azione protettiva dell'acido tioctico nell'intossicazione da cianuro di potassio

    The protective action of thioctic acid and of its reduced form in acute potassium cyanide poisoning has been studied in comparison with the antitoxic action of other compounds with mercapto or disulfide groups.

    E. Cutolo, F. Reduzzi in Experientia (1956)

  15. No Access


    Proliferazioni iperplastiche e neoplastiche delle vie bilifere intraepatiche da tioacetamide

    Prolonged thioacetamide administration to albino rats causes in the liver marked proliferative phenomena, which begin in the portal tracts as relatively undifferentiated plasmodial cells. These later arrange t...

    Prof. M. Lopez in Experientia (1956)

  16. No Access


    Induzione di arti soprannumerari negli Anfibi (particolarmente negli Anuri) mediante sostanze citolitiche

    T. Perri in Experientia (1956)

  17. No Access


    Identificazione della 5-OH-Triptamina nei trombociti degli uccelli

    From extracts of purified bird thrombocytes, obtained by differential centrifugation of chicken and goose blood, it has been possible to separate a material which corresponds perfectly in chemical, spectrophot...

    M. Bracco, P. C. Curti, V. Giuliano in Experientia (1956)

  18. No Access


    Aminoacidi della Perilinfa

    The following aminoacids have been detected in the perilymph from horses by filter paper chromatography: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, phosphocolamine, glycine, serine, taurine, threonine, alanine, glutamine, ...

    E. Antonini, V. Casorati, S. Crifò in Experientia (1955)

  19. No Access


    Sintesi dell'acido clorogenico

    Quinic acid methyl ester, having the 1.4 and 5 hydroxy-groups suitably blocked, was condensed with the carbonilcaffeic acid chloride.

    L. Panizzi, Maria Luisa Scarpati, Giovanna Oriente in Experientia (1955)

  20. No Access


    Sulla struttura microscopica dei cromosomi

    Numerosissime osservazioni sulla struttura dei cromosomi in materiali diversissimi dimostrano concordemente che i cromatidi sono avvolti secondo un'elicoide.

    G. Colombo in Experientia (1955)

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