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    Glicolisi anaerobia del pancreas di cavia

    The enzymes of anaerobic glycolysis are present in the granules of secretion and in the mitochondria of pancreas of guinea pig. On the otherhand, it has not been possible to demonstrate their presence in the s...

    U. M. Marinari, G. Nanni in Experientia (1960)

  2. No Access


    Aspetti del nucleolo di cellule normali e patologiche

    On the basis of research carried out on various animal and plant tissues, both normal and pathologic, the author reaches the conclusion that two chief functions can be attributed to the nucleolus. One of them ...

    A. Bolognari in Experientia (1960)

  3. No Access


    Precisazioni sul Nucleolonema

    On donne certaines précisions en ce qui concerne le nucléolonema, qui en fait n'existe pas sous forme d'un peloton et qui ne correspond pas au réticule endonucléolaire décelé au microscope électronique. Dans l...

    A. Bolognari in Experientia (1960)

  4. No Access


    Qualche ricerca intorno a Pichia fermentans Lodder

    Es werden die technologischen Eigenschaften einiger Stämme vonPichia fermentans, isoliert aus Traubenmost, untersucht.

    J. A. Rosemberg in Archiv für Mikrobiologie (1959)

  5. No Access


    Studio farmacologico di un nuovo coleretico derivato dall'acidoα-cicloesil butirrico

    α-(1-Hydroxy-4-phenyl-cyclohexyl)butyric acid (M. G. 4833) andα-(1-hydroxy-3-phenyl-cyclohexyl) butyric acid (M. G. 4834) have been synthesized; both substances were endowed with choleretic activity.

    M. Carissimi, F. Ravenna, E. Milla, E. Grumelli in Experientia (1959)

  6. No Access


    Attività enolasica del plasma e del fegato nell'epatite sperimentale de virus MHV-3 Craig

    In experimental hepatitis from MHV-3 Craig strain, the enolase activity of plasma increases significatively from 48th h of the infection, reaching the highest values at 72–96th h.

    F. de Ritis, M. Coltorti, G. Giusti in Experientia (1959)

  7. No Access


    Sulla biochimica della fermentazione citrica da parte dell'Aspergillus niger

    In a strain ofAspergillus niger grown in Bernhauer medium, oxalacetic decarboxylase activity increased, while citric acid accumulated in the medium. The mechanism of citric acid accumulation is discussed.

    M. Lorini, V. Moret in Experientia (1959)

  8. No Access


    Meccanismo dell'azione attivatrice esplicata dal Guanosintrifosfato (G.T.P.) sui sistemi enzimatici ossidasici dei grassi. Nota IV

    Dans le foie de cobaye l'arseniate ne modifie pas l'activation provoquée par le G. T. P. sur le système enzymatique des acides gras. De ces résultats on peut conclure que le G. T. P. donne directement l'énergi...

    C. R. Rossi, M. Sacchetto in Experientia (1959)

  9. Article

    Influenza del Mg++ sulla «eptoformazione non ossidativa» nel muscolo scheletrico

    Mg++ influence on ‘non-oxydative heptoformation’ from hexose-phosphate has been studied in enzymatic preparations of rat skeletal muscle. The results give further evidence that F-1, 6-P, added to F-6-P, increases...

    V. Moret, S. Sperti in Experientia (1959)

  10. No Access


    Il succinato ed il fumarato quali regolatori dei sistemi enzimatici ossidasici dei grassi. Nota V

    Dans le foie de cobaye, l'activité du système enzymatique oxydasique des acides gras est renforcée par une faible oxydation des acides succiniques et fumariques, tandis qu'elle est inhibée par une oxydation él...

    M. Sacchetto, C. R. Rossi in Experientia (1959)

  11. No Access


    Il guanosintrifosfato quale attivatore dei sistemi enzimatici ossidasici dei grassi Nota III

    In guinea-pig liver, G.T.P. and α-ketoglutarate both activate enzyme systems of fatty acid oxidation in the same way, and both act independently of A.T.P.

    M. Sacchetto, C. R. Rossi in Experientia (1959)

  12. No Access


    Studio comparativo degli aminoacidi presenti negli estratti e negli idrolizzati di retina e di epitelio corneale di bue

    Mittels Papierchromatographie wurde das Bild der freien Aminosäuren der Netzhaut und des Cornea-Epithels des Rindes untersucht und mit den Aminosäuren des Hydrolysats des gesamten Gewebes in Beziehung gebracht...

    E. de Berardinis in Experientia (1958)

  13. No Access


    Sul meccanismo della eptoformazione non ossidativa nel muscolo scheletrico

    F-1,6-P has been shown to increase the rate of ‘non-oxydative heptoformation’ from glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate in enzymatic preparations of rat skeletal muscle. The mechanism of this increase ...

    S. Sperti, V. Moret in Experientia (1958)

  14. No Access


    Sulla biochimica della fermentazione citrica da parte dell'Aspergillus niger

    In a strain ofAsp. niger grown inBernhauer medium, succinic-dehydrogenase activity decreased and asparticglutamic transaminase activity remained practically constant, while citric acid accumulated in the medium.

    V. Moret, M. Lorini in Experientia (1958)

  15. No Access


    Eptoformazione non ossidativa nel muscolo scheletrico

    The so-called ‘non-oxydative heptoformation’ has been shown in enzymatic preparations of rat skeletal muscle, using as substrates glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate.

    V. Moret, S. Sperti in Experientia (1958)

  16. No Access


    Sintesi e attività biologica del 5-ammino-triptofano

    5-amino-tryptophan has been prepared by catalytic hydrogenation of 5-nitro-tryptophan.

    F. Ravenna in Experientia (1958)

  17. Article

    Influenza dell'arseniato sui processi di attivazione dei sistemi enzimatici ossidasici dei grassi. II

    Dans le foie de cobaye l'arseniate inhibe l'action activatrice provoquée par l'acide α-cétoglutarique sur le système enzymatique oxydasique des acides gras, tandis qu'il ne modifie pas l'action activatrice due...

    C. R. Rossi, M. Sacchetto in Experientia (1958)

  18. Article

    I processi di attivazione dei sistemi enzimatici ossidasici dei grassi. I

    Dans le foie de cobaye, l'activité du système enzymatique oxydasique des acides gras est en rapport avec la quantité d'A.T.P. qui y est directement introduit ou qui se forme par l'oxydation de l'acide fumariqu...

    M. Sacchetto, C. R. Rossi in Experientia (1958)

  19. No Access


    Metionina, etionina, colina nel metabolismo intermedio dei fibroblasti coltivatiin vitro

    The administration of ethionin to tissue cultures of fibroblastsin vitro causes a rapid and total inhibition of the growth of the transplanted tissues.

    A. Cestari, C. Rizzoli, M. A. Gliozzi in Experientia (1958)

  20. No Access


    Reisolamento di una rara specie di Lievito: Trigonopsis variabilis Schachner

    Trigonopsis variabilis, bisher erst einmal isoliert (1929), wurde in einem Traubenmost aus dem Weinbaugebiet des Staates S. Paulo, Brasilien, wieder aufgefunden. Es wird sein morphologisches und physiologisches ...

    Onorato Verona, Odette Zardetto de Toledo in Archiv für Mikrobiologie (1958)

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