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Discover Applied Sciences - Outstanding Editors and Peer Reviewers

Our Editorial Board Members (EBMs), Associate Editors (AEs), Guest Editors (GEs), and external peer reviewers are at the heart of Discover Applied Sciences (formerly SN Applied Sciences). These researchers make valuable contributions to the peer-review process, hel** us to make informed decisions on research submissions.

On this page, our in-house Managing Editors will select a researcher on a regular basis who has made an outstanding contribution in one or more of the following criteria. Our recognition will be for those who have:

  • made a significant and positive contribution to the peer-review process, regardless of whether the paper was eventually accepted by the journal;
  • demonstrated professionalism and compassion in their reviews;
  • provided comments that help the authors to improve their work;
  • handled manuscripts professionally, in a timely manner, and facilitated rigorous peer review

In our opinion, those listed below deserve to be recognized for their ongoing dedication towards high quality, professional peer review and manuscript handling. We are grateful to the many EBMs, editors and other external reviewers that also meet the above criteria and help to make expert contributions to the scientific process, but we wish to highlight some of our most outstanding EBMs that truly foster the core ethos of Discover Applied Sciences (formerly SN Applied Sciences).

August 2023

New Content Item**tai Wang, Ph.D., P.E. Department of Civil Engineering, Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA.

Dr. **tai Wang is an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at Oregon Institute of Technology. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in civil engineering from Tongji University and his Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering at Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Wang's research interests encompass soil dynamics, geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring, solid waste engineering, and non-textbook soils. Currently, he serves on various ASCE technical committees. As a registered professional engineer, Dr. Wang brings years of industry experience in geotechnical design, construction, instrumentation, and data management. Dr. Wang serves as a peer reviewer for Discover Applied Sciences (formerly SN Applied Sciences) since 2020, offering valuable insights and contributions to the peer-review process.

New Content ItemTomáš Bodnár, Department of Technical Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic.

Tomáš Bodnár (Doc. Dr. Mgr. Ing., Ph.D.) is a Professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague, and a researcher at the Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences. His major research interests are numerical analysis, computational fluid mechanics, environmental and biological flows. He is coordinator of the Czech Pilot Centre of ERCOFTAC, responsible of the Special Interest Group SIG14 on Stably Stratified and Rotating Turbulence and organizer of the annual conference Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics and bi-annual series of summer schools Prague-Sum, focused on mathematical fluid mechanics. He is one of our Associate Editors and lead Guest Editor for a Discover Applied Sciences (formerly SN Applied Sciences) Topical Collection.

July 2023

New Content Item

Helder I. Chaminé, School of Engineering (ISEP), Polytechnic of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Prof. Chaminé is a skilled geologist (BSc, PhD, DSc) and professor of engineering geosciences at the School of Engineering (ISEP) of the Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal, with over 33 years of experience in multidisciplinary geosciences research and practice. His major research interests are GIS map** techniques for applied geology, geotechnics and natural hazards, engineering geosciences and hydrogeomechanics, hard rock hydrogeology, urban groundwater, water resources and thermal waters management. He is one of our Associate Editors, has been lead Guest Editor for three Discover Applied Sciences (formerly SN Applied Sciences) Topical Collections, and co-authored several associated Editorials.
