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Chemistry Africa

A Journal of the Tunisian Chemical Society

Publishing model:

Chemistry Africa - Special Issue

Lighting the Way: Photons for Sustainable Chemistry in Solar Fuel and Water Treatment

The interaction between matter and light is crucial for energy systems and sustainable chemistry, unlocking possibilities for advancing renewable energy technologies and eco-friendly chemical processes. Exploring how matter and light interact leads to more efficient solar cells that convert sunlight into electricity with higher yields. This knowledge also enables the design of catalysts that drive chemical reactions using light energy, minimizing energy input and environmental impact. The synergy between matter and light holds the key to a brighter, sustainable future with clean energy and green chemistry at the forefront of scientific progress. This special issue highlights the practical applications of different materials in solar fuels including solar water splitting, photocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction, artificial photosynthesis, photoelectrochemical cells, solar fuel production systems, and catalysts. It also explores light-triggered chemical processes in photochemistry, showcasing potential applications in medicine, biology, and materials technology. The issue also explores photocatalysis and its role in pollutant degradation, organic compound synthesis, and clean energy production.

Opening Date: 25 March 2024

Closing Date:  31 December 2024

Guest Editors:

Latifa Bergaoui, EcoChimie Laboratory, National Institute of Applied Science and Technology, Carthage University, Tunisia

Andreas Ruediger, National Institute of Scientific Research, University of Quebec, Canada

Julien Bachmann, Chemistry of Thin Film Materials, IZNF, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Erlangen, Germany

Dongfeng Xue, Shenzhen Institute for Advanced Study, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Shenzhen, China
